105 research outputs found

    Frömmigkeitspraxis und Selbstreflexion. Lebensläufe von Frauen der Herrnhuter Brüdergemeinde aus dem 18. Jahrhundert

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    Eingangs befasst sich die Autorin mit dem ausführlichen Lebenslauf von Anna Maria Andresen, geb. Stauber, die sich mit 18 Jahren der Herrnhuter Brüdergemeinde anschloss. Ausgewählt hat die Verfasserin diesen Text wegen der Ausführlichkeit, mit der Vertrautes wie auch Fremdes dargestellt werden. Im Weiteren geht sie kurz auf den Kontext ein, in dem dieser Lebenslauf entstand, die Herrnhuter Brüdergemeinde (1.) , und stellt dar, welche Bedeutung Lebensläufen in der Brüdergemeinde zukam (2.), um dann entlang ihrer eigenen Leseerfahrungen eine Interpretation dieser Egodokumente zu versuchen; leitend war dabei die Frage nach dem Vertrauten und dem Fremden (3.). Der Beitrag schließt mit Überlegungen zur Spezifik der Herrnhuter Lebensläufe (4.). (DIPF/Orig. /Ba.

    Lucia Amberg: Wissenswerte Kindheit. Zur Konstruktion von Kindheit in deutschsprachigen Enzyklopädien des 18. Jahrhunderts. (Explorationen – Studien zur Erziehungswissenschaft, Bd. 42.) Bern/Frankfurt a.M.: Lang 2004. 380 S., EUR 51,70 [Rezension]

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    Rezension zu: Lucia Amberg: Wissenswerte Kindheit. Zur Konstruktion von Kindheit in deutschsprachigen Enzyklopädien des 18. Jahrhunderts. (Explorationen – Studien zur Erziehungswissenschaft, Bd. 42.) Bern/Frankfurt a.M.: Lang 2004. 380 S., EUR 51,7

    Carol Strauss-Sotiropoulos: Early Feminists and the Education Debate, England, France, Germany 1760-1810, Madison, Teaneck: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press 2007 [Rezension]

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    Rezension von: Carol Strauss-Sotiropoulos: Early Feminists and the Education Debate, England, France, Germany 1760-1810, Madison, Teaneck: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press 2007, 319 S

    Literaturbesprechung: Arianne Baggerman and Rudolf Dekker: Child of the Enlightenment. Revolutionary Europe Reflected in a Boyhood Diary

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    Political implications of the PIAAC results

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    Der vorliegende Beitrag beschreibt und kommentiert ausgewählte Daten aus dem Survey of Adult Skills im Rahmen der PIAAC-Studie. Die AutorInnen, VertreterInnen der Arbeiterkammer Wien und des Verbandes Österreichischer Gewerkschaftlicher Bildung, fordern politische Antworten auf die aus den Daten abgeleiteten Bildungsbedarfe. Verlangt werden etwa ein zweites Gratiskindergartenjahr sowie eine Aufwertung von Betrieben als Lernorte. Aussehen, Möglichkeiten und Herausforderung gewerkschaftlicher Bildung werden dabei ebenso thematisiert wie Möglichkeiten der Bildungsfreistellung für InteressenvertreterInnen. (DIPF/Orig.)This article describes and comments on selected data from the Survey of Adult Skills that was part of the PIAAC study. Representatives of the Chamber of Labour Vienna and the Association of Austrian Trade Union Education (VÖGB), the authors demand a political response to the educational needs revealed by the data. They demand a second free kindergarten year and a valorization of companies as places for learning. Also discussed are the appearance, opportunities and challenge of trade union education as well as possibilities for representatives to apply for educational leave. (DIPF/Orig.

    Genetic and developmental analysis of the sex-determining gene ‘double sex' (dsx) of Drosophila melanogaster

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    Sex determination in Drosophila depends on the ratio of X chromosomes to sets of autosomes (X:A). This chromosomal signal is used to regulate a few control genes whose state of activity selects either the male or the female sexual pathway. We have studied the structure and function of dsx (double sex) which appears to be the last regulatory gene on whose function the sexual pathway eventually depends. We have mutagenized the locus, varied the doses of dominant dsx-mutations and wildtype alleles, and combined different dsx-alleles with recessive mutations in other sex-determining genes, such as ix, tra-2 and tra. The locus dsx harbours two genetic functions, dsxm to implement the male program, dsxf to implement the female program. We found that dsxm and dsxf can mutate independently although most mutations abolish both functions. We conclude that dsxm and dsxf each have their specific domain, but also share a large region of DNA that is essential for both functions. We present evidence that the dominant mutations correspond to a constitutive expression of the male-determining function dsxm, with the simultaneous abolishment of the female-determining function dsxf. This effect can be counteracted by two doses of expressed dsxf so that a female phenotype results. The products of one dose of expressed dsxm and one dose of expressed dsxf in the same cell appear to neutralize each other which leads to a null phenotype. The mutant combinations suggest that the product of dsxf requires the products of ix+, tra-2+ and tra+ to become functiona

    The Right Spin: Learning Object Motion from Rotation-Compensated Flow Fields

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    Both a good understanding of geometrical concepts and a broad familiarity with objects lead to our excellent perception of moving objects. The human ability to detect and segment moving objects works in the presence of multiple objects, complex background geometry, motion of the observer and even camouflage. How humans perceive moving objects so reliably is a longstanding research question in computer vision and borrows findings from related areas such as psychology, cognitive science and physics. One approach to the problem is to teach a deep network to model all of these effects. This contrasts with the strategy used by human vision, where cognitive processes and body design are tightly coupled and each is responsible for certain aspects of correctly identifying moving objects. Similarly from the computer vision perspective, there is evidence that classical, geometry-based techniques are better suited to the "motion-based" parts of the problem, while deep networks are more suitable for modeling appearance. In this work, we argue that the coupling of camera rotation and camera translation can create complex motion fields that are difficult for a deep network to untangle directly. We present a novel probabilistic model to estimate the camera's rotation given the motion field. We then rectify the flow field to obtain a rotation-compensated motion field for subsequent segmentation. This strategy of first estimating camera motion, and then allowing a network to learn the remaining parts of the problem, yields improved results on the widely used DAVIS benchmark as well as the recently published motion segmentation data set MoCA (Moving Camouflaged Animals)

    Health-Related Physical Fitness and Arterial Stiffness in Childhood Cancer Survivors

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    Introduction: Despite decreasing mortality in pediatric oncology as a result of standardized treatment protocols, the high number of functional and cardiovascular late sequelae due to anticarcinogenic therapy remains unchanged. The aim of this study was to further assess functional limitations in Health-related Physical Fitness (HRPF) and cardiovascular risk by means of markers of arterial stiffness in Childhood Cancer Survivors (CCS).Materials and Methods: Between March 2016 and August 2017 a total of 92 CCS (Age 12.5 ± 4.2 years, 43 girls) were recruited from their routine follow-up outpatient visit. HRPF was assessed using five Fitnessgram® tasks. Pulse Wave Velocity (PWV) along with peripheral and central blood pressure were assessed using oscillometric measurements performed by Mobil-O-Graph. Z-scores were used to compare the test results either to German reference values or to a recent healthy reference cohort.Results: In CCS, the HRPF was significantly reduced (z-score: −0.28 ± 1.01, p = 0.011) as compared to healthy peers. The peripheral Systolic Blood Pressure (pSBP) was significantly increased (z-score: 0.31 ± 1.11, p = 0.017) and the peripheral Diastolic Blood Pressure (pDBP) was decreased (z-score: −0.30 ± 1.25, p = 0.040), resulting in an increased pulse pressure. The PWV (p = 0.649) and cSBP (p = 0.408), were neither increased nor showed any association to HRPF.Discussion: CCS showed functional limitations in HRPF and an increased pulse pressure, which acts as an early onset parameter of arterial stiffness. Both a low HRPF and impaired hemodynamics are independent cardiovascular risk factors and needs to be taken into consideration in tertiary prevention of CCS

    Studium als sozialer Raum. Ein Schreibgespräch zwischen Studierenden und Lehrenden

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    Das Studium unter den Bedingungen der Corona-Pandemie ist durch zahlreiche, vorwiegend quantitative Studien untersucht worden. Der Beitrag wirft einen qualitativen Blick auf die Erfahrung der Studierenden und Lehrenden der Studiengänge Pädagogik und Ingenieurpädagogik des Karlsruher Instituts für Technologie (KIT). Aspekte eines (teil-)digitalisierten Studiums werden in einem Schreibgespräch erörtert und durch Aussagen aus Interviews belegt. So zeigt sich, dass frontale Lehrangebote von digital-asynchronen Formaten wie Vorlesungsaufzeichnung oder Blended-Learning profitieren können, wohingegen diskursives Lernen im digitalen Raum nur teilweise abgebildet werden kann. Die sozialen Aspekte des Studien-alltags und die zwischenmenschliche Kommunikation sind im Digitalen eingeschränkt. Die Auswirkungen des überwiegend virtuellen Studienbetriebs auf fachlich-inhaltliche und sozial-kommunikative Aspekte am Standort werden im Beitrag beleuchtet. Dabei wird der Frage nachgegangen, wie das Studium in der Zeit nach der Corona-Pandemie aufgestellt werden sollte, um sozialen Austausch zu ermöglichen und weiter der erhöhten Flexibilität und den durch die Digitalisierung vergrößerten didaktischen Möglichkeiten Rechnung zu tragen