1,154 research outputs found

    The benthos zonation of the Disko Fjord, West Greenland

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    Whereas faunistic knowledge of the Greenland benthos is quite complete on the larger scale, more detailed community studies of the bottom fauna in the numerous Greenlandic fjords are relatively scarce. The benthos of the Disko Fjord on the west coast of Disko Island (West Greenland) was sampled using a van-Veen grab. Benthos communities were distinguished by cluster analysis and multidimensional scaling. The zonation pattern mainly reflects a bathymetrical gradient, but the spatial distribution of the fauna is also influenced by the strong aestival river runoff at the origin of the fjord. The resemblances between zones in terms of diversity, abundance, biomass, and faunistic composition were related to possible causes in terms of hydrography, sediment heterogeneity, and temporal patterns of ice cover and primary production. Aspects of zoogeography, trophic structure, and reproduction ecology were also considered in the discussion of community distribution and composition

    Deutsch-russische Zusammenarbeit in der Arktis

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    Seit 1993 wird im Rahmen zweier vom BMBF geförderter Projekte die Laptevsee in der russischen Arktis (nicht nur) biologisch untersucht. Von 1993 - 1997 wurde das am Institut für Polarökologie angesiedelte Projekt. Deutsch - Russische Untersuchungen zur Ökologie der Randmeere der Eurasischen Arktis" mit insgesamt 1,5 Mio. DM gefördert. In einer zweiten Phase, die 199 8 begann, wurde die biologische Forschung in der Laptevsee mit veränderten Forschungsschwerpunkten als Teilprojekt in das Verbundvorhaben "System Laptevsee 2000" eingebettet. Im folgenden soll ein kurzer Uberblick über die biologischen Forschungsaktivitäten im Rahmen dieser Projekte gegeben werden

    Analytical Rebridging Monte Carlo: Application to cis/trans Isomerization in Proline-Containing, Cyclic Peptides

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    We present a new method, the analytical rebridging scheme, for Monte Carlo simulation of proline-containing, cyclic peptides. The cis/trans isomerization is accommodated by allowing for two states of the amide bond. We apply our method to five peptides that have been previously characterized by NMR methods. Our simulations achieve effective equilibration and agree well with experimental data in all cases. We discuss the importance of effective equilibration and the role of bond flexibility and solvent effects on the predicted equilibrium properties.Comment: 29 pages, 8 PostScript figures, LaTeX source. to appear in J. Chem. Phys., 199

    A comprehensive analysis of interleukin-4 receptor polymorphisms and their association with atopy and IgE regulation in childhood

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    Background: The interleukin (IL) 4/IL13 pathway is involved in the regulation of IgE production associated with atopic diseases. Numerous polymorphisms have been identified in the coding region of the IL4 receptor alpha chain (IL4Ra) and previous association studies have shown conflicting results. Based on their putative functional role, polymorphisms A148G, T1432C and A1652G, located in the coding region of IL4Ra, were selected for association and haplotype studies in a large German population sample (n = 1,120). Methods: Genotyping was performed using allele-specific PCR and restriction-enzyme-based assays. Haplotypes were estimated, and population-derived IgE percentiles (50% IgE >60 IU/ml, 66% IgE >115 IU/ml and 90% IgE >457 IU/ml) were calculated as outcome variables in a haplotype trend regression analysis. Results: In our population, only polymorphism T1432C showed a trend for a protective effect against atopic rhinitis ( odds ratio, OR: 0.52, 95% confidence interval, CI: 0.26 - 1.02, p = 0.05). When haplotypes were calculated, one haplotype was significantly associated with elevated serum IgE levels at the 50th percentile ( OR 1.60, 95% CI 1.08 - 2.37, p = 0.02). Conclusions: These data indicate that IL4Ra polymorphisms, although suggested to be functionally relevant by in vitro studies, have only a minor influence on IgE regulation in our large population sample. Copyright (C) 2004 S. Karger AG, Basel

    When Coordinating Finger Tapping to a Variable Beat the Variability Scaling Structure of the Movement and the Cortical BOLD Signal are Both Entrained to the Auditory Stimuli

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    Rhythmic actions are characterizable as a repeating invariant pattern of movement together with variability taking the form of cycle-to-cycle fluctuations. Variability in behavioral measures is atypically random, and often exhibits serial temporal dependencies and statistical self-similarity in the scaling of variability magnitudes across timescales. Self-similar (i.e. fractal) variability scaling is evident in measures of both brain and behavior. Variability scaling structure can be quantified via the scaling exponent (α) from detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA). Here we study the task of coordinating thumb-finger tapping to the beats of constructed auditory stimuli. We test the hypothesis that variability scaling evident in tap-to-tap intervals as well as in the fluctuations of cortical hemodynamics will become entrained to (i.e. drawn toward) manipulated changes in the variability scaling of a stimulus’s beat-to-beat intervals. Consistent with this hypothesis, manipulated changes of the exponent α of the experimental stimuli produced corresponding changes in the exponent α of both tap-to-tap intervals and cortical hemodynamics. The changes in hemodynamics were observed in both motor and sensorimotor cortical areas in the contralateral hemisphere. These results were observed only for the longer timescales of the detrended fluctuation analysis used to measure the exponent α. These findings suggest that complex auditory stimuli engage both brain and behavior at the level of variability scaling structures

    Capturing Nucleation at 4D Atomic Resolution

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    Nucleation plays a critical role in many physical and biological phenomena ranging from crystallization, melting and evaporation to the formation of clouds and the initiation of neurodegenerative diseases. However, nucleation is a challenging process to study in experiments especially in the early stage when several atoms/molecules start to form a new phase from its parent phase. Here, we advance atomic electron tomography to study early stage nucleation at 4D atomic resolution. Using FePt nanoparticles as a model system, we reveal that early stage nuclei are irregularly shaped, each has a core of one to few atoms with the maximum order parameter, and the order parameter gradient points from the core to the boundary of the nucleus. We capture the structure and dynamics of the same nuclei undergoing growth, fluctuation, dissolution, merging and/or division, which are regulated by the order parameter distribution and its gradient. These experimental observations differ from classical nucleation theory (CNT) and to explain them we propose the order parameter gradient (OPG) model. We show the OPG model generalizes CNT and energetically favours diffuse interfaces for small nuclei and sharp interfaces for large nuclei. We further corroborate this model using molecular dynamics simulations of heterogeneous and homogeneous nucleation in liquid-solid phase transitions of Pt. We anticipate that the OPG model is applicable to different nucleation processes and our experimental method opens the door to study the structure and dynamics of materials with 4D atomic resolution.Comment: 42 pages, 5 figures, 12 supplementary figures and one supplementary tabl

    Automictic Reproduction in Interspecific Hybrids of Poeciliid Fish

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    SummaryAutomixis, the process whereby the fusion of meiotic products restores the diploid state of the egg, is a common mode of reproduction in plants but has also been described in invertebrate animals [1, 2]. In vertebrates, however, automixis has so far only been discussed as one of several explanations for isolated cases of facultative parthenogenesis [3, 4]. Analyzing oocyte formation in F1 hybrids derived from Poecilia mexicana limantouri and P. latipinna crosses (the cross that led to the formation of the gynogenetic Poecilia formosa[5, 6]), we found molecular evidence for automictic oocyte production [7]. The mechanism involves the random fusion of meiotic products after the second meiotic division. The fertilization of diploid oocytes gives rise to fully viable triploid offspring. Although the automictic production of diploid oocytes as seen in these F1 hybrids clearly represents a preadaptation to parthenogenetic reproduction [8], it is also a powerful intrinsic postzygotic isolation mechanism because the resulting next generation triploids were always sterile. The mechanism described here can explain facultative parthenogenesis [9], as well as varying ploidy levels reported in different animal groups [10]. Most importantly, at least some of the reported cases of triploidy in humans [11] can now be traced back to automixis

    Real-space imaging of the Verwey transition at the (100) surface of magnetite

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    5 pags, 4 figsEffects of the Verwey transition on the (100) surface of magnetite were studied using scanning tunneling microscopy and spin polarized low-energy electron microscopy. On cooling through the transition temperature T V, the initially flat surface undergoes a rooflike distortion with a periodicity of ∼0.5 μm due to ferroelastic twinning within monoclinic domains of the low-temperature monoclinic structure. The monoclinic c axis orients in the surface plane, along the [001]c directions. At the atomic scale, the charge-ordered (√2×√2)R45 â̂̃ reconstruction of the (100) surface is unperturbed by the bulk transition, and is continuous over the twin boundaries. Time resolved low-energy electron microscopy movies reveal the structural transition to be first order at the surface, indicating that the bulk transition is not an extension of the Verwey-like (√2×√2)R45 â̂̃ reconstruction. Although conceptually similar, the charge-ordered phases of the (100) surface and sub-TV bulk of magnetite are unrelated phenomena. © 2013 American Physical Society.This research was supported by the Spanish Government through Projects No. MAT2009-14578-C03-01 and No. MAT2012-38045-C04-01, by the Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Division of Materials and Engineering Sciences, US Department of Energy under Contract No. AC0205CH11231, and by the Centre for Atomic-Leve lCatalyst Design, an Energy Frontier Research Centre funded by the US Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences under Award No. DE-SC0001058. The work at Tulane is supported by the NSF under Grant No. DMR-1205469. G.S.P. acknowledges support from the Austrian Science Fund Project No. P24925-N20
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