269 research outputs found

    Balancing and integrating basic values in the development of organic regulations and standards: proposal for a procedure using case studies of conflicting areas

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    The basic aim of the report is to develop a procedure for the integration of the ethical value base of organic farming into standards and regulations. For this it is necessary to identify the core ethical value of organic production, consider their coherence and relate them to existing practice of organic food and farming. Ethical values are per se in need of interpretation. It is therefore also necessary to consider the process of decision-making, when aiming to achieve a coherent integration of such values in the structure of a standard or regulation. In line with the European Action Plan for organic food and farming from 2004 the Project EEC 2092/91 (Organic) Revision supports the idea that delegating a larger role to values and basic principles will help to harmonise the rules, provide room for flexibility in implementation and to simplify the European Regulation for organic production. It is important to include basic values in standards and regulations, because organic farming is value based and all actors/stakeholders have value expectations, including consumers who the regulation wants to protect. Standards and regulations form the basis of a virtual contract between the consumer and the producers. By following the practices set out in the standards, producers give a promise to the consumer to deliver on additional ethical values, beyond the legal minimum standards for conventional agriculture and food. The growing and globalised organic market and the involvement of large companies have resulted in renewed interest in the values and principles of organic farming. There has been concern that the organic food and farming sector is becoming more conventionalised, and has lost touch with its basic values. Thus it will no longer function effectively as a real alternative to general agriculture for consumers, producers and also for policy makers. The report analyses what core ethical value are associated with organic agriculture and should therefore be considered for inclusion in a regulation. This value base is contrasted with the existing Regulation (EEC) 2092/91 and with examples of current practice of organic agriculture in Europe. The implications of including ethical values in the structure of a regulation for decisionmaking are considered. Following on from the European Action Plan a process of total revision of the EU regulation on organic production is underway. A new European Regulation for organic production was adopted by the European Council of Ministers in June 2006 and will come into force in Jan 2009. The text of the near final proposal from December 2006 has been considered in several sections of the report. The report finishes with some conclusions and recommendations for the EU Commission and other standard setting bodies regarding the choice and roles of values in organic standard, the rules for decision-making processes in relation to integrating values, and regarding the ongoing revision of the organic regulation in Europe

    Closing a chapter? A protocol for a longitudinal mixed methods study on retirement from elite sport.

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    Retirement from elite sport represents a major life transition for athletes and requires them to redefine their central life projects, identities, and perhaps even sources of meaning in life. Although an extensive body of literature has identified risk and protective factors in career termination, little is known about the more subjective processes and individual pathways of athletes as they establish their new relationship with work-life and sport. The planned longitudinal mixed methods study follows Swiss elite athletes' transition with a focus on understanding (1) the relationship between psychological resources, life situations at the end of the sports career, and the retirement process; (2) how athletes' post-retirement vocational careers interact with their subjective careers and sense of meaningful work; (3) how athletes reconstruct their identities and relationship with sport over time; and (4) how gender shapes athletes' pathways and reorientation of their life design.Using a person-oriented approach combined with narrative inquiry, we expect to identify specific types and stories which demonstrate individual differences in career and personal development throughout the transitional period, an understanding of which can be targeted towards support programmes for retiring elite athletes. As the study centralises dimensions of positive psychological functioning (meaning and purpose in life/sport/work, resilience, life satisfaction), it complements previous studies focused on psychological distress and provides much needed knowledge that can be used to foster well-being in athletic retirement. Collaborating with the Swiss Olympic Association helps to ensure that the research findings will be disseminated to relevant end-users and used towards developing socially sustainable elite sport for the future generations

    The teaching of portuguese as an additional language in a plurilingualism context : perspectives of a cooperative teaching in East Timor

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    Orientador: Terezinha de Jesus Machado MaherDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Estudos da LinguagemResumo: O objetivo desta dissertação é descrever e analisar minha experiência docente como professora na missão de cooperação internacional do Programa de Qualificação Docente e Ensino de Língua Portuguesa no Timor-Leste (PQLP-CAPES), no ano de 2013. Trata-se de um estudo de caráter qualitativo interpretativista, que utiliza a autoetnografia (ELLIS; ADAMS; BOCHNER, 2011) como ferramenta para a geração dos dados. Considerando a ausência de uma formação específica sobre o ensino de Português como Língua Adicional (PLA) para contextos sociolinguisticamente complexos, pretendo por meio da análise de um corpus diversificado ¿ registros escritos em meu diário de pesquisadora pos facto, relatórios de trabalho, documentos oficiais, fotografias, cartografias e materiais didáticos ¿, discutir questões que perpassam a problemática do ensino de língua portuguesa como língua não materna, da educação plurilíngue e das políticas linguísticas no país em questão. Tendo por base esse contexto de atuação específico ¿ um dos mais jovens estado-nação do século XXI ¿, a expectativa é produzir conhecimento, apoiada em referenciais teóricos pós-coloniais, que possa ser útil para suscitar reflexões e orientar as práticas pedagógicas de futuros professores cujo propósito seja lecionar língua portuguesa em programas de cooperação internacional, bem como em outros cenários plurilíngues de ensino do idioma brasileiro. As análises empreendidas evidenciaram a necessidade de nos adequarmos à complexidade desses contextos, o que pode implicar (i) conhecer os aspectos sócio-históricos e reconhecer a influência da colonialidade na produção dos saberes linguísticos que emergem na contemporaneidade; (ii) termos que rever nossa própria concepção de língua, de proficiência linguística; de ensino-aprendizagem e rever a relação escrita-oralidade; (iii) fazer investimentos na aprendizagem da(s) língua(s) local (locais) e (iv) considerar as relações de poder assimétricas que atribuem valores diferentes às diversas línguas envolvidas e o impacto dessas valorações nas dinâmicas das práticas linguísticas entre seus falantes. Com este estudo espero contribuir para aumentar a nossa compreensão acerca dos aspectos que envolvem a formação específica do profissional de Letras para atuar profissionalmente tendo em vista as diversas problemáticas que circundam os contextos plurilíngues de um modo geralAbstract: The aim of this work is describe and analyze my teaching experience as a professor in the international cooperation mission of the Qualification Program of Teachers and Portuguese Language Teaching in East Timor (Programa de Qualificação Docente e Ensino de Língua Portuguesa no Timor-Leste in Portuguese - PQLP-CAPES) in 2013. It is an interpretive qualitative study that uses autoethnography (ELLIS; ADAMS; Bochner, 2011) as a tool for generating the data. Considering the lack of specific training on teaching Portuguese as an Additional Language (PLA) to sociolinguistically complex contexts, I intend through the analysis of a diverse corpus ¿ written records in my researcher post facto diary, work reports, official documents, photographs, cartography and materials ¿ discuss issues that underlie the problem of Portuguese language teaching as a second language, the plurilingual education and language policies in the country concerned. Based on this context of specific performance ¿ one of the youngest nation-state of the 21st century ¿ it is expected to produce knowledge, supported by postcolonial theoretical frameworks that can be useful to raise reflections and guide pedagogical practices for future teachers whose purpose is teaching Portuguese language in international cooperation programs and other educational multilingual scenarios of the Brazilian Portuguese language. The analysis undertaken showed the necessity to adapt ourselves to this complexity of these contexts, which may result in (i) understand socio-historical aspects and recognize the influence of coloniality in the production of linguistic knowledge that emerge in contemporary times; (Ii) the need to review our own conception of language, language proficiency; teaching-learning and review the relationship writing-orality; (Iii) make investments in learning local language(s) and (iv) consider the asymmetrical relations of power that assign different values to different languages involved and the impact of these valuations in the dynamics of linguistic practices among its speakers . With this study, I expect to contribute in the increase of our comprehension about issues involving specific skill acquisition for Languages professionals in order to act properly in view of the several issues surrounding plurilingual contexts in generalMestradoLinguagem e SociedadeMestra em Linguística AplicadaCAPE

    Max Schottelius : Pioneer in Pheochromocytoma

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    First descriptions of diseases attract tremendous interest because they reveal scientific insight even in retrospect. Max Schottelius, the pathologist contributing the first histological description of pheochromocytoma, remains anonymous. We reviewed the description by Schottelius and weighed the report in modern context. Schottelius described the classical diagnostic elements of pheochromocytoma, including the brown appearance after exposure to chromate-containing Mueller's fixative. This color change, known as chromaffin reaction, results fromoxidation of catecholamines and is reflected in the name pheochromocytoma, meaning dusky-colored chromate-positive tumor. Thus Schottelius performed the first known histochemical contribution to diagnosis, which is today standard with immunohistochemistry for chromogranin. Copyright (c) 2017 Endocrine Society This article has been published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial, No-Derivatives License (CC BY-NC-ND).Peer reviewe

    Analyse von Experimentierhausaufgaben in der klassischen Mechanik

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    Im einführenden Mechanik-Kurs haben Studierende des 1. Fachsemesters Lehramt Physik eigenständig Experimentierhausaufgaben mit ihren Smartphones als digitales Messinstrument bearbeitet. Die von den Studierenden als Lösungen eingereichten Protokolle zu zwei Aufgaben aus der Lehrthematik Dynamik des Massenpunktes wurden einer systematischen Analyse bezüglich wiederkehrender Fehlermuster unterzo-gen. Es zeigte sich einerseits, dass die Studierenden den zielgerichteten Einsatz digitaler Messwerterfassung und Auswertung sehr schnell und sicher beherrschen. Andererseits fallen der Transfer und die Anwendung neuer physikalischer und mathematischer Lehrinhalte auf reale Problemstellungen ca. 2/3 der Studierenden schwer

    The nocturnal visual environment: energy efficiency, comfort and visual acuity in urban illumination

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    The urban environment differs from natural ecosystems in a notable way by the criterion of density of energy consumption. A strong expression of this artificial environment is lighting during nightime. In order to allow the identification and evaluation of some involved values, a case study is presented on socalleddecorative external lighting in the city of Curitiba, more specifically in its pedestrian zone along the XV de Novembro street. An assessment of energy efficient shows a poor performance. Impairment of comfort and functionality are not evident, but can be suggested. The need for an intervention to be analyzed according to multiple criteria, as observed in several issues in the urban environment, is shown to apply to the lighting problem as well. As a result, recently observed trends of an historicism in street lighting design in Curitiba and in several other Brazilian cities is critically commented.Aspecto notável de diferenciação do ambiente urbano em relação aos ecossistemas naturais é a densidade das transformações energéticas, que tem na iluminação no período noturno uma forte expressão. Para permitir a identificação e avaliação de alguns dos valores envolvidos, apresenta-se um estudo de caso da iluminação externa decorativa na cidade de Curitiba, especificamente na zona exclusiva de pedestres da Rua XV de Novembro. Levantamentos mostram prejuízo visível da eficiência energética e indícios decomprometimento da comodidade visual e da funcionalidade. Diante da necessidade de se considerarem múltiplos critérios de escolha quando de uma intervenção ambiental urbana, são feitos comentários críticos ao conceito de iluminação externa decorativa em voga desde o ano de 2000 na cidade, representando uma tendência disseminada em diversos municípios brasileiros