1,676 research outputs found

    Descartes on fermentation in digestion: iatromechanism, analogy and teleology

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    Fermentation is a cornerstone phenomenon in Cartesian physiology, accounting for processes such as digestion or blood formation. I argue that the previously unrecognized conceptual tension between the terms ‘fermentation’ and ‘concoction’ reflects Descartes's efforts towards a novel, more thoroughly mechanistic theory of physiology, set up against both Galenism and chymistry. Similarities with chymistry as regards fermentation turn out either epistemologically superficial, or based on shared earlier sources. Descartes tentatively employs ‘fermentation’ as a less teleological alternative to ‘concoction’, later renouncing the explicit use of the term, possibly to avoid chymical overtones. However, his continued use of analogies with fermentative processes in the natural world and in winemaking, coupled with a strong ontological commitment (the stance that the physiological processes are actual fermentations), leads to a reintroduction of natural teleology in his medical system, which I argue may be understood in an Aristotelian sense of ‘simple necessity’. The paper reveals a more nuanced account of Cartesian fermentative medicine, delineating some of its tensions with regard to chymistry as they play out in the dynamics of fermentation and concoction, and linking the analogies to fermentation processes to the difficulties in erasing teleology altogether

    An Environmental and Hydrogeological Investigation in the South Hebgen Basin, Montana

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    This study was conducted to develop a hydrogeologic framework, and address water quality concerns in the South Hebgen Basin, near the town of West Yellowstone, Montana. The main goals of this research were to: (1) Develop a conceptual model of groundwater flow within the confined aquifer. (2) Use naturally occurring chemical tracers to investigate the confined aquifer’s extent and the connectivity. (3) Identify the influence of geothermal features on water chemistry. (4) Identify water quality issues related to arsenic (As) and fluoride (F-). Long-term static water elevation plots and surface water flow, combined with water ion chemistry were used to investigate the hydraulic gradients and the transport of chemical tracers. Statistical spatial analysis was used to generate water chemistry and temperature gradients within the confined aquifer. An observed qualitative trend between geothermal influenced areas and certain elevated chemical constituents was corroborated using multiple water chemistry analysis techniques. Water quality concerns were identified by comparing As and F- concentration gradient models to Environmental Protection Agency human health limits. Analysis of hydrogeological data suggests a link between surface water runoff events and groundwater head levels. Generated tracer concentration gradient models provide evidence of a large, interconnected confined aquifer, with multiple recharge sources. Groundwater chemistry and temperature analysis indicate the subsurface geothermals significantly impact water chemistry, and quality within the confined aquifer. Arsenic and F- concentrations were found to exceed the human health limits at numerous locations within the project site, and should be considered a human health concern in the area

    Reduced Coulomb interaction in organic solar cells by the introduction of inorganic high-k nanostructured materials

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    In this article a concept is introduced, which allows for reduced Coulomb interaction in organic solar cells and as such for enhanced power conversion efficiencies. The concept is based on the introduction of electrically insulating, nanostructured high-k materials into the organic matrix, which do not contribute to the charge transport, however, effectively enhance the permittivity of the organic active layer and thereby reduce the Coulomb interaction. Using an analytical model it is demonstrated that even at a distance of 20 nm to the organic / inorganic interface of the nanostructure, the Coulomb interaction can be reduced by more than 15 %. The concept is implemented using P3HT:PCBM solar cells with integrated high-k nanoparticles (strontium titanate). It could be demonstrated that in comparison to a reference cell without integrated nanoparticles, the power conversion efficiencies could be improved by ~20 %.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Kontrolle außer Kontrolle: genealogische Betrachtungen zum Konzept der Essstörungen

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    "Der Beitrag betrachtet Anrufungen zur 'richtigen' Ernährung als Element einer 'Körperführungsethik', welche mit Fokus auf die darin enthaltenen Problematisierungsweisen genealogisch verortet werden. Konkret widme ich mich den Problematisierungsweisen von Ernährungspraktiken, welche heute als 'Magersucht' gefasst werden. Neben unzähligen Au orderungen, den 'inneren Schweinehund' und mit ihm die vielfältigen sogenannten 'Problemzonen' zu bekämpfen, gibt es viele Warnungen vor der wachsenden Zahl von 'Essstörungen' bei denen der Kampf gegen die Problemzone Körper außer Kontrolle geraten ist. Stützend auf einer Analyse populärer Medienerzeugnisse über problematisierte Körperpraktiken wird gezeigt, was die konkreten Modi der Problematisierung über die dahinterliegenden Subjektnormen aussagen und welche genderbezogenen Implikationen hierin enthalten sind." (Autorenreferat

    Uma análise no ramo hoteleiro de São Lourenço do Sul a respeito das possíveis relações entre a satisfação interna e externa

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    Em uma sociedade em que o setor de serviços está em constante crescimento, diversas razões apoiam o investimento na satisfação dos colaboradores, uma vez que funcionários da linha de frente são os que fazem o primeiro contato com os clientes. Dessa forma, o presente artigo, a partir de um estudo de caso em uma empresa do ramo hoteleiro na cidade de São Lourenço do Sul, busca analisar quais as possíveis relações entre a satisfação interna e externa. Assim, observou-se que a relação entre elas existe, porém, outros fatores extrínsecos podem impactar, tanto na satisfação dos colaboradores, como na satisfação dos funcionários. Pode-se concluir que para o bom desempenho de uma organização, é imprescindível promover um ambiente de trabalho agradável e a satisfação de seus colaboradores, pois o modo de realizar o trabalho impacta diretamente nos resultados da empresa. 

    Bericht zum „8th Meeting of Transnational Scholars for the Study of Gender and Sport“

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    Vom 26.-28.11.2015 fand am Institut für Bildungswissenschaften der Universität Basel und der Pädagogischen Hochschule Nordwestschweiz das 8. Treffen transnationaler Forscher_Innen zum Thema Sport und Gender statt. Ziel des Treffens war ein vielseitiger Austausch über Methoden und Theorien zur Untersuchung aktueller Situationen und Entwicklungen im Feld sportiver Praxen und Sportpolitiken. So groß das Thema “Sport und Gender“ so vielfältig die Fragestellungen und Untersuchungsfelder: Gezeigt haben sich die Fruchtbarkeit einer transnationalen und transgenerationalen Zusammensetzung sowie die Bedeutung von intersektionalen Forschungsprojekten mit dem Fokus auf Männlichkeiten und Männlichkeitsproduktionen im Sport und Praxen des schulischen Sportunterrichts.The 8th Meeting of Transnational Scholars for the Study of Gender and Sport took place at the School for Teacher Education of Northwestern Switzerland and at the University of Basel in November 26th until 28th 2015. The aim of the meeting was to create a multiple exchange on topics of research methods and theories in the field of practices and politics of sport based on an intersectional approach. As open as the meetings topics “sport and gender“ as divers were the research questions and fields. The meeting definitely showed the productivity of a transnational and transgenerational setting for the work on intersectional perspectives. Moreover, the importance of research on masculinities and the production of masculinity as also on crossings of gender boundaries in sports were highlighted

    Verrückte Zeiten? Der öffentliche Diskurs um mentale Gesundheit im Kontext globaler Krisen als Entstigmatisierung?

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    Schon länger ist eine gewisse Relevanzsetzung und Normalisierung psychischer Krisenerfahrungen und psychopathologisierter Phänomene in der Popkultur, in Berichterstattungen zu Stars, in Popsongs und Serien zu vermerken, deren normalisierendes und entstigmatisierendes Potential strittig, aber diskutabel ist (Nowotny 2021a). Auch das Genre der autobiografischen Berichterstattung über eigene psychische Krisen- und Krankheitserfahrungen von mehr oder weniger berühmten Personen wächst (z.B. Krömer 2022; Raether 2021; Niessl 2021). Selten jedoch wird dabei direkt auf soziale und politische Umstände als mögliche Ursachen eingegangen (Nowotny 2022; vgl. David 2022), geschweige denn das Konzept psychischer Erkrankung als solches infrage gestellt. Im Kontext der Corona-Pandemie sowie des Krieges in der Ukraine zeigt sich eine weitere Verschiebung mindestens im deutschsprachigen Diskurs: Nun gelten grundsätzlich alle als psychisch belastet und gefährdet. Ein Anstieg von Depressionen und anderen Psychopathologien wird attestiert (Starzmann 2020; BMBF 2020). Ist das als allgemeine Normalisierung, Enttabuisierung und Entstigmatisierung zu begreifen? Deutet sich ein Wandel in der Thematisierung mentaler Gesundheit im öffentlichen und populärwissenschaftlichen Diskurs an? Bietet die kollektive psychische Krisenerfahrung neue Möglichkeiten über die gesellschaftliche Bedingtheit psychischer Krisen zu sprechen, also auch an die Gesellschaftskritik der Antipsychiatrie und Psychiatriekritik anzuknüpfen? Dem soll anhand exemplarischer populärer Medienbeiträge nachgegangen werden, um erste heuristische Antworten auf diese Fragen zu finden