7 research outputs found

    Communicative competence as a basis for the creative interaction of the professional (vocational-technical) education institution's subjects: the special course for the audience members of the advanced training classes of professional education administra

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    Матеріали спецкурсу присвячено проблемі комунікативної компетентності керівників, новопризначених керівників та педагогічних працівників обласних навчально-(науково)-методичних центрів (кабінетів), закладів професійної (професійно-технічної) освіти для удосконалення власного досвіду та педагогічної майстерності. Зміст спецкурсу спрямовано на розвиток комунікативної взаємодії суб’єктів освітнього процесу, професійно-особистісного розвитку педагогічних кадрів. Спецкурс підготовлений для слухачів курсів підвищення кваліфікації керівних та педагогічних кадрів професійної (професійно-технічної) освіти у Центральному інституті післядипломної освіти ДВНЗ «Університет менеджменту освіти».The materials of special course are devoted to the problem of communicative competence of managers, newly appointed managers and pedagogical workers of regional educational (scientific) -methodic centers (offices), institutions of professional (vocational-technical) education for improving their own experience and pedagogical skills. The content of the special course aims to develop the communicative interaction between the subjects of the educational process, professional and personal development of teaching staff. The special course has been developed for management and pedagogical staff of vocational (vocational-technical) education refresher training at the Central Institute of Postgraduate Education "University of Education Management"

    Obesity and outcomes after left ventricular assist device implantation: insights from the EUROMACS Registry

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    OBJECTIVES: The objective was to analyse associations between obesity and outcomes after left ventricular assist device (LVAD) implantation.METHODS: A retrospective analysis of the EUROMACS Registry was performed. Adult patients undergoing primary implantation of a continuous-flow LVAD between 2006 and 2019 were included (Medtronic HeartWare((R)) HVAD((R)), Abbott HeartMate II (R), Abbott HeartMate 3 (TM)). Patients were classified into 4 different groups according to body mass index at the time of surgery (body mass index = 30 kg/m(2): n = 691).RESULTS: The study cohort was comprised of 3464 patients. Multivariable Cox proportional cause-specific hazards regression analysis demonstrated that obesity (body mass index >= 30 kg/m(2)) was independently associated with significantly increased risk of mortality (body mass index >= 30 vs 20-24.9 kg/m(2): hazard ratio 1.36, 95% confidence interval 1.18-1.57, overall P = 30 vs 20-24.9 kg/m(2): hazard ratio 0.59, 95% confidence interval 0.48-0.74, overall P < 0.001).CONCLUSIONS: Obesity at the time of LVAD implantation is associated with significantly higher mortality and increased risk of infection as well as driveline infection. The probability to undergo heart transplantation is significantly decreased. These aspects should be considered when devising a treatment strategy before surgery

    Global best practices consensus: Long-term management of patients with hybrid centrifugal flow left ventricular assist device support

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    Objectives: Six months after withdrawal of the HeartWare HVAD System (HVAD; Medtronic) from sale, approximately 4000 patients continue ongoing support with this device. In light of the diminishing experience, this global consensus document summarizes key management recommendations.Methods: International experts with experience in the management of patients with ongoing HVAD support were invited to summarize key aspects of patient and pump management and highlight differences in the current HeartMate 3 (Abbott Laboratories) ventricular assist device. Clinicians from high-implanting HVAD sites reviewed current literature and reported experience to generate a consensus statement.Results: Specific guidelines to assist in the management of ongoing HVAD patients are developed. Key management protocols and helpful techniques developed from experienced clinicians are combined into a short guideline document. As experience with HeartMate 3 increases, key differences in approach to management are highlighted, where appropriate.Conclusions: With decreasing worldwide experience in the ongoing management of HVAD-supported patients, this consensus guideline provides a summary of best practice techniques from international centers. Differences in HeartMate 3 management are highlighted