768 research outputs found

    The sustainability assessment of Indigenous and local knowledge-based climate adaptation responses in agricultural and aquatic food systems

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    Unidad de excelencia María de Maeztu CEX2019-000940-MWe examine common Indigenous and local knowledge-based adaptive responses to climate change from the sustainability perspective among Indigenous and local communities globally. We draw upon an assessment of 98 peer-reviewed articles to access how local-level responses interact with the broader sustainability dimensions of social, economic, and environmental. We focus on five adaptive responses: 1) community-based adaptation, 2) diversification, 3) local governance and conflict resolution schemes, 4) land, soil, and water management, and 5) traditional weather forecast. Using sustainability framing, we illustrate how these adaptive responses can be both resilient and vulnerable. We argue that long-term successful adaptation to climate change should aim to avoid any increase in, and instead should decrease, vulnerability related to the social (e.g., loss of social bonds and mutual support), economic (e.g., insecure income), and environmental (e.g., soil contamination) dimensions. There is an urgent need to discuss successful adaptation to climate change from a holistic approach that includes long-term social, economic, and environmental sustainability aspects

    Hyperprolaktinämie bei jungen Frauen mit fraglichem MRT-Befund: Indikation zur Operation?

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit basiert auf einer retrospektiven Analyse von 40 Patienten. Sie hat das Ziel, Ursachen, Symptome, Therapiemöglichkeiten sowie deren Auswirkungen bei Patienten mit Hyperprolaktinämie einer umfassenden Auswertung zu unterziehen. Diese Datenanalyse kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass bei 33 Frauen mit Hyperprolaktinämie 33,3 % der Fälle asymptomatisch verlaufen, gefolgt von Zyklusstörungen (26,7 %), Galaktorrhoe (15,6 %), unerfülltem Kinderwunsch (11,1 %), Kopfschmerzen (8,9 %) und Gynäkomastie (2,2 %). Die häufigsten Ursachen sind zu 27 % ein positiver Sellabefund in Form eines Tumors, 22 % Arzneimittel (Neuroleptika), 19 % idiopathische Verlaufsformen und 19 % Mikro- und Makroprolaktinome. Frauen mit einer Hyperprolaktinämie und fraglichem Sellabefund sollte keine Operation angeraten werden, da diese in der Regel sehr gut auf Dopamin-Agonisten ansprechen oder sich die Werte der Hyperprolaktinämie im Verlauf alleine reduzieren

    Ringsynthesen mit Bis(alkylamino)disilanen : Beiträge zur Chemie der Silicium-Stickstoff-Verbindungen, 127. Mitteilung

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    Eine Reihe fünfgliedriger anorganischer Ringsysteme des Typs Si2 N2 El [mit El = B, Si, Ge, P(III), As, Sb und S(IV)] sowie zwei Spirane der Ringeinheiten Si2 N2 SiN2 Si2 und Si2 N2 SiN2 Si2N konnten über Bis(alkylamino)disilane als zentrale Bausteine erstmalig dargestellt werden. Die Wege zu ihrer Synthese sind aus den Schemata 1-3 ersichtlich. Die einzelnen Verbindungen werden in ihren Eigenschaften beschrieben. Die Bestätigung ihrer Struktur erfolgte über Elementaranalyse, Molgewichtsbestimmung, Molrefraktion, kernmagnetische Resonanz-, Massen-, IR- und Ramanspektren.The fivemembered inorganic ring systems Si2 N2 El [El = B, Si, Ge, P(III), As, Sb und S(IV)] as well as two spiranes of the ring units Si2 N2 SiN2 Si2 and Si2 N2 SiN2 Si2N could be prepared for the first time via bis(alkylamino)disilanes as central building blocks. Their synthesis may be taken from schemes 1 to 3. The properties of the novel compounds are described. Confirmation of their structure was achieved by elemental analysis, determination of the molecular weight, molar refractions, nuclear magnetic resonance, mass, infrared and raman spectra

    TRPM6 and TRPM7—Gatekeepers of human magnesium metabolism

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    AbstractHuman magnesium homeostasis primarily depends on the balance between intestinal absorption and renal excretion. Magnesium transport processes in both organ systems – next to passive paracellular magnesium flux – involve active transcellular magnesium transport consisting of an apical uptake into the epithelial cell and a basolateral extrusion into the interstitium. Whereas the mechanism of basolateral magnesium extrusion remains unknown, recent molecular genetic studies in patients with hereditary hypomagnesemia helped gain insight into the molecular nature of apical magnesium entry into intestinal brush border and renal tubular epithelial cells. Patients with Hypomagnesemia with Secondary Hypocalcemia (HSH), a primary defect in intestinal magnesium absorption, were found to carry mutations in TRPM6, a member of the melastatin-related subfamily of transient receptor potential (TRP) ion channels. Before, a close homologue of TRPM6, TRPM7, had been characterized as a magnesium and calcium permeable ion channel vital for cellular magnesium homeostasis. Both proteins share the unique feature of an ion channel fused to a kinase domain with homology to the family of atypical alpha kinases. The aim of this review is to summarize the data emerging from clinical and molecular genetic studies as well as from electrophysiologic and biochemical studies on these fascinating two new proteins and their role in human magnesium metabolism

    Action potentials in primary osteoblasts and in the MG-63 osteoblast-like cell line

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    Whole-cell patch-clamp analysis revealed a resting membrane potential of −60 mV in primary osteoblasts and in the MG-63 osteoblast-like cells. Depolarization-induced action potentials were characterized by duration of 60 ms, a minimal peak-to-peak distance of 180 ms, a threshold value of −20 mV and a repolarization between the spikes to −45 mV. Expressed channels were characterized by application of voltage pulses between −150 mV and 90 mV in 10 mV steps, from a holding potential of −40 mV. Voltages below −60 mV induced an inward current. Depolarizing voltages above −30 mV evoked two currents: (a) a fast activated and inactivated inward current at voltages between −30 and 30 mV, and (b) a delayed-activated outward current that was induced by voltages above −30 mV. Electrophysiological and pharmacological parameters indicated that hyperpolarization activated strongly rectifying K+ (Kir) channels, whereas depolarization activated tetrodotoxin sensitive voltage gated Na+ (Nav) channels as well as delayed, slowly activated, non-inactivating, and tetraethylammonium sensitive voltage gated K+ (Kv) channels. In addition, RT-PCR showed expression of Nav1.3, Nav1.4, Nav1.5, Nav1.6, Nav1.7, and Kir2.1, Kir2.3, and Kir2.4 as well as Kv2.1. We conclude that osteoblasts express channels that allow firing of action potentials. The final publication is available at Springer via https://doi.org/10.1007/s10863-011-9354-7.BMBF/NANOTOMEDFG/Transregio37Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbHBMBF/NANOTOMEDFG/Transregio/37Boehringer Ingelheim International Gmb

    High land-use intensity diminishes stability of forage provision of mountain pastures under future climate variability

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    Semi-natural, agriculturally used grasslands provide important ecologic and economic services, such as feed supply. In mountain regions, pastures are the dominant agricultural system and face more severe climate change impacts than lowlands. Climate change threatens ecosystem functions, such as aboveground net primary production [ANPP] and its nutrient content. It is necessary to understand the impacts of climate change and land-management on such ecosystems to develop management practices to sustainably maintain provision of ecosystem services under future climatic conditions. We studied the effect of climate change and different land-use intensities on plant-soil communities by the downslope translocation of plant-soil mesocosms along an elevation gradient in 2016, and the subsequent application of two management types (extensive vs. intensive). Communities’ response to ANPP and leaf carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P) content was quantified over the subsequent two years after translocation. ANPP increased with warming in 2017 under both management intensities, but this effect was amplified by intensive land-use management. In 2018, ANPP of intensively managed communities decreased, in comparison to 2017, from 35% to 42%, while extensively managed communities maintained their production levels. The changes in ANPP are coupled with an exceptionally dry year in 2018, with up to 100 more days of drought conditions. The C:N of extensively managed communities was higher than those of intensively managed ones, and further increased in 2018, potentially indicating shifts in resource allocation strategies that may explain production stability. Our results revealed a low resistance of intensively managed communities’ ANPP under especially dry conditions. The ability to alter resource allocation likely enables a constant level of production under extensive management, but this ability is lost under intensive management. Thus, future drought events may leave intensive management as a non-sustainable farming practice, and ultimately threaten ecosystem services of montane pastures

    Li/MgO with spin sensors as catalyst for the oxidative coupling of methane

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    Co-doping of Li/MgO, a well-known catalyst for the oxidative coupling of methane, was investigated. It is demonstrated that Gd3+ and Fe3+ can be used as spin sensors in these solids to investigate the structure via EPR spectroscopy. These aliovalent ions occupy Mg2+ sites in the lattice; the expected coupling with charge-compensating neighboring Li+ was detected. A strong increase of the activity was observed. However, all samples suffered from deactivation. The solubility of Gd3+ in MgO turned out to be inhibited. No such restriction was observed for Fe3+

    Lack of Disease Specificity Limits the Usefulness of In Vitro Costimulation in HIV- and HCV-Infected Patients

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    Measurements of antigen-specific T cell responses in chronic diseases are limited by low frequencies of antigen-specific cells in the peripheral blood. Therefore, attempts have been made to add costimulatory molecules such as anti-CD28 or IL-7/IL-15 to ELISPOT assays to increase sensitivity. While this approach has been successful under certain circumstances, results are often inconsistent. To date, there are no comprehensive studies directly comparing the in vitro effects of multiple costimulatory molecules in different disease settings. Therefore, in the present study we tested the effects of IL-7/IL-15, IFN-α, anti-ICOS, and anti-CD28 on antigen-specific T cell responses in patients infected with HCV or HIV versus healthy individuals. Our data show that none of the aforementioned molecules could significantly increase ELISPOT sensitivity, neither in HCV nor in HIV. Moreover, all of them caused false-positive responses to HCV and HIV antigens in healthy individuals. Our results question the broad use of in vitro costimulation