288 research outputs found

    Una evaluación cuantitativa de la influencia diaria sobre la comunidad de peces criptobentónicos en la zona infralitoral mediterránea

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    Cryptobenthic fishes are an underestimated and probably important component of coastal marine ecosystems that are usually overlooked by standard methods for collecting and studying benthic fishes. Studies focusing on cryptobenthic fishes have been rare and all have been based on samples taken during daytime. The present study tested the difference in epibenthic and cryptobenthic fish composition, diel differences in cryptobenthic fish assemblage and diel shifts of infralittoral fish species between hidden and open bottom spaces. It also looked for the significant habitat variables structuring the cryptobenthic fish assemblage. The daylight, sunset and night samples of epibenthic and cryptobenthic fish assemblages were collected from 78 squares of 1 m2 shallow water plots (0.5 to 3 m) on Brač island in the eastern Adriatic. The study recorded 27 species, among which the family Gobiidae dominated fish diversity with 14 species. Cryptobenthic specimens highly outnumbered epibenthic specimens, with a ratio of 7.5 to 1. Species composition of cryptobenthic and epibenthic fish assemblages differed significantly. No diel variation in composition, species richness or abundance of the cryptobenthic fish assemblage was detected. Occurrence frequencies in hidden and open bottom spaces of ambivalent species did not change significantly between times of day, so no dial switches between open and hidden places were apparent. In combination, these results suggest that the cryptobenthic fish assemblage has diel stability and is mostly composed of permanent inhabitants of hidden spaces with domination of miniature gobies. Significant habitat variables for species occurrence were the presence of multiple layers, bottom inclination and the presence of cobbles, while depth also had a large but not significant effect.Los peces criptobentónicos están subestimados y probablemente forman un componente importante de los ecosistemas costeros debido a errores en los métodos de muestreo habituales en peces bentónicos. Los estudios sobre peces criptobentónicos son escasos y generalmente realizados durante el día. El presente trabajo analiza la diferencia en la composición de peces epibentónicos y criptobentónicos, diferencias día-noche entre especies criptobentónicas y cambios diarios de peces infralitorales entre áreas abiertas y ocultas. Asimismo, se analizan las variables del hábitat que estructuran las comunidades criptobentónicas. Se realizaron muestreos durante el día, anochecer y noche de las comunidades epibentónicas y criptobentónicas a partir de 78 cuadrados de 1 m2, entre 0.5 y 3 m en la isla Brač (Adriático oriental). El estudio registró 27 especies, siendo dominante la familia Gobiidae con 14 especies. Los ejemplares criptobentónicos sobrepasan claramente a los epibentónicos (7.5 a 1). La composición de especies de ambas comunidades son muy diferentes. En la comunidad criptobentónica no se observaron ni variaciones diarias en su composición, ni en la riqueza o abundancia de especies. La frecuencia de especies entre zonas abiertas u ocultas no cambia según la hora del día. En conjunto, estos resultados sugieren que la comunidad criptobentónica tiene una estabilidad diaria y que está formada sobre todo por especies que viven en zonas ocultas y por pequeños góbidos. Las variables del hábitat más significativas son la inclinación del fondo y la presencia de bloques, mientras la profundidad influye, pero sin ser significativa

    The root of the East African cichlid radiations

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>For decades cichlid fishes (Perciformes: Cichlidae) of the East African cichlid radiations (Teleostei: Cichlidae) have served as natural experimental subjects for the study of speciation processes and the search for potential speciation key factors. Despite numerous phylogenetic studies dealing with their intragroup relationships, surprisingly little is known about the phylogenetic placement and time of origin of this enigmatic group. We used multilocus DNA-sequence data from five nuclear and four mitochondrial genes and refined divergence time estimates to fill this knowledge gap.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In concordance with previous studies, the root of the East African cichlid radiations is nested within the so called "Tilapias", which is a paraphyletic assemblage. For the first time, we clarified tilapiine intragroup relationships and established three new monophyletic groups:"Oreochromini", "Boreotilapiini" and a group with a distribution center in East/Central Africa, the "Austrotilapiini". The latter is the founder lineage of the East African radiations and emerged at the Miocene/Oligocene boundary at about 14 to 26 mya.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results provide the first resolved hypothesis for the phylogenetic placement of the megadiverse East African cichlid radiations as well as for the world's second most important aquaculture species, the Nile Tilapia, <it>Oreochromis niloticus</it>. Our analyses constitute not only a robust basis for African cichlid phylogenetics and systematics, but provide a valid and necessary framework for upcoming comparative phylogenomic studies in evolutionary biology and aquaculture.</p

    New fossil cichlid from the middle Miocene of East Africa revealed as oldest known member of the Oreochromini

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    A new genus and species of fossil cichlid fishes of middle Miocene age (12.5 Ma) is described from the Ngorora fish Lagerstatte (Tugen Hills, Kenya) in the East African Rift Valley. Parsimony analysis of morphological characters using published phylogenetic frameworks for extant cichlids combined with the application of a comprehensive best-fit approach based on morphology was employed to place the new fossil taxon in the phylogenetic context of the African cichlids. The data reveal that the fossil specimens can be assigned to the tribe Oreochromini within the haplotilapiines. +Oreochromimos kabchorensis gen. et sp. nov. shows a mosaic set of characters bearing many similarities to the almost pan-African Oreochromis and the East African lake-endemic Alcolapia. As the striking diversity of present-day African cichlids, with 1100 recognised species, has remained largely invisible in the fossil record, the material described here adds significantly to our knowledge of the Miocene diversity of the group. It effectively doubles the age of a fossil calibration point, which has hitherto been used to calibrate divergence times of the East African cichlids in molecular phylogenetic investigations. Furthermore, the comparative dataset derived from extant cichlids presented here will greatly facilitate the classification of fossil cichlids in future studies

    Cryptic persistence and loss of local endemism in Lake Constance charr subject to anthropogenic disturbance

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    In the welcome circumstance that species believed extinct are rediscovered, it is often the case that biological knowledge acquired before the presumed extinction is limited. Efforts to address these knowledge gaps, in particular to assess the taxonomic integrity and conservation status of such species, can be hampered by a lack of genetic data and scarcity of samples in museum collections. Here, we present a proof-of-concept case study based on a multidisciplinary data evaluation approach to tackle such problems. The approach was developed after the rediscovery, 40 years after its presumed extinction, of the enigmatic Lake Constance deep-water charr Salvelinus profundus. Targeted surveys led to the capture of further species and additional sympatric normal charr, Salvelinus cf. umbla. Since the lake had been subject to massive stocking in the past, an evaluation of the genetic integrity of both extant forms was called for in order to assess possible introgression. A two-step genomic approach was developed based on restriction site associated DNA (RAD). Diagnostic population genomic (single nucleotide polymorphism [SNP]) data were harvested from contemporary samples and used for RNA bait design to perform target capture in DNA libraries of archival scale material, enabling a comparison between extant and historic samples. Furthermore, life history traits and morphological data for both extant forms were gathered and compared with historical data from the past 60–120 years. While extant deep-water charr matched historical deep-water specimens in body shape, gill raker count, and growth rates, significant differences were discovered between historical and extant normal charr. These resulted were supported by genomic analyses of contemporary samples, revealing the two extant forms to be highly divergent. The results of population assignment tests suggest that the endemic deep-water charr persisted in Lake Constance during the eutrophic phase, but not one of the historical genomic samples could be assigned to the extant normal charr taxon. Stocking with non-endemic charr seems to be the most likely reason for these changes. This proof-of-concept study presents a multidisciplinary data evaluation approach that simultaneously tests population genomic integrity and addresses some of the conservation issues arising from rediscovery of a species characterized by limited data availability.publishedVersio

    Successive Invasion-Mediated Interspecific Hybridizations and Population Structure in the Endangered Cichlid Oreochromis mossambicus

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    Hybridization between invasive and native species accounts among the major and pernicious threats to biodiversity. The Mozambique tilapia Oreochromis mossambicus, a widely used freshwater aquaculture species, is especially imperiled by this phenomenon since it is recognized by the IUCN as an endangered taxon due to genetic admixture with O. niloticus an invasive congeneric species. The Lower Limpopo and the intermittent Changane River (Mozambique) drain large wetlands of potentially great importance for conservation of O. mossambicus, but their populations have remained unstudied until today. Therefore we aimed (1) to estimate the autochthonous diversity and population structure among genetically pure O. mossambicus populations to provide a baseline for the conservation genetics of this endangered species, (2) to quantify and describe genetic variation of the invasive populations and investigate the most likely factors influencing their spread, (3) to identify O. mossambicus populations unaffected by hybridization. Bayesian assignment tests based on 423 AFLP loci and the distribution of 36 species-specific mitochondrial haplotypes both indicate a low frequency of invasive and hybrid genotypes throughout the system, but nevertheless reveal evidence for limited expansion of two alien species (O. niloticus and O. andersonii) and their hybrids in the Lower Limpopo. O. mossambicus populations with no traces of hybridization are identified. They exhibit a significant genetic structure. This contrasts with previously published estimates and provides rather promising auspices for the conservation of O. mossambicus. Especially, parts of the Upper Changane drainage and surrounding wetlands are identified as refugial zones for O. mossambicus populations. They should therefore receive high conservation priority and could represent valuable candidates for the development of aquaculture strains based on local genetic resources.© 2013 Firmat et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited

    Monte carlo simulations of parapatric speciation

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    Parapatric speciation is studied using an individual--based model with sexual reproduction. We combine the theory of mutation accumulation for biological ageing with an environmental selection pressure that varies according to the individuals geographical positions and phenotypic traits. Fluctuations and genetic diversity of large populations are crucial ingredients to model the features of evolutionary branching and are intrinsic properties of the model. Its implementation on a spatial lattice gives interesting insights into the population dynamics of speciation on a geographical landscape and the disruptive selection that leads to the divergence of phenotypes. Our results suggest that assortative mating is not an obligatory ingredient to obtain speciation in large populations at low gene flow.Comment: submitted to Phys.Rev.

    Speciation Along Environmental Gradients

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    Traditional discussions of speciation are based on geographical patterns of species ranges. In allopatric speciation, long-term geographical isolation generates reproductively isolated and spatially segregated descendant species. In the absence of geographical barriers, diversification is hindered by gene flow. Yet a growing body of phylogenetic and experimental data suggests that closely related species often occur in sympatry or have adjacent ranges in regions over which environmental changes are gradual and do not prevent gene flow. Theory has identified a variety of evolutionary processes that can result in speciation under sympatric conditions, with some recent advances concentrating on the phenomenon of evolutionary branching. Here we establish a link between geographical patterns and ecological processes of speciation by studying evolutionary branching in spatially structured populations. We show that along an environmental gradient, evolutionary branching can occur much more easily than in non-spatial models. This facilitation is most pronounced for gradients of intermediate slope. Moreover, spatial evolutionary branching readily generates patterns of spatial segregation and abutment between the emerging species. Our results highlight the importance of local processes of adaptive divergence for geographical patterns of speciation, and caution against pitfalls of inferring past speciation processes from present biogeographical patterns

    Molecular phylogeny of Oreochromis (Cichlidae: Oreochromini) reveals mito-nuclear discordance and multiple colonisation of adverse aquatic environments

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    Although the majority of cichlid diversity occurs in the African Great Lakes, these fish have also diversified across the African continent. Such continental radiations, occurring in both rivers and lakes have received far less attention than lacustrine radiations despite some members, such as the oreochromine cichlids (commonly referred to as ‘tilapia’), having significant scientific and socioeconomic importance both within and beyond their native range. Unique among cichlids, several species of the genus Oreochromis exhibit adaptation to soda conditions (including tolerance of elevated temperatures and salinity), which are of interest from evolutionary biology research and aquaculture perspectives. Questions remain regarding the factors facilitating the diversification of this group, which to date have not been addressed within a phylogenetic framework. Here we present the first comprehensive (32/37 described species) multi-marker molecular phylogeny of Oreochromis and closely related Alcolapia, based on mitochondrial (1583 bp) and nuclear (3092 bp) sequence data. We show widespread discordance between nuclear DNA and mitochondrial DNA trees. This could be the result of incomplete lineage sorting and/or introgression in mitochondrial loci, although we didn’t find a strong signal for the latter. Based on our nuclear phylogeny we demonstrate that adaptation to adverse conditions (elevated salinity, temperature, or alkalinity) has occurred multiple times within Oreochromis, but that adaptation to extreme (soda) conditions (high salinity, temperature, and alkalinity) has likely arisen once in the lineage leading to O. amphimelas and Alcolapia. We also show Alcolapia is nested within Oreochromis, which is in agreement with previous studies, and here revise the taxonomy to synonymise the genus in Oreochromis, retaining the designation as subgenus Oreochromis (Alcolapia)

    Time and Origin of Cichlid Colonization of the Lower Congo Rapids

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    Most freshwater diversity is arguably located in networks of rivers and streams, but, in contrast to lacustrine systems riverine radiations, are largely understudied. The extensive rapids of the lower Congo River is one of the few river stretches inhabited by a locally endemic cichlid species flock as well as several species pairs, for which we provide evidence that they have radiated in situ. We use more that 2,000 AFLP markers as well as multilocus sequence datasets to reconstruct their origin, phylogenetic history, as well as the timing of colonization and speciation of two Lower Congo cichlid genera, Steatocranus and Nanochromis. Based on a representative taxon sampling and well resolved phylogenetic hypotheses we demonstrate that a high level of riverine diversity originated in the lower Congo within about 5 mya, which is concordant with age estimates for the hydrological origin of the modern lower Congo River. A spatial genetic structure is present in all widely distributed lineages corresponding to a trisection of the lower Congo River into major biogeographic areas, each with locally endemic species assemblages. With the present study, we provide a phylogenetic framework for a complex system that may serve as a link between African riverine cichlid diversity and the megadiverse cichlid radiations of the East African lakes. Beyond this we give for the first time a biologically estimated age for the origin of the lower Congo River rapids, one of the most extreme freshwater habitats on earth