182 research outputs found

    Fatigue in long-duration travel diaries

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    This paper introduces a new long-duration travel diary survey undertaken in a small town and rural environment, which complements the existing urban Mobidrive survey of 1999. Policy-making is dominated by the 1-day view of the world provided by the usual diaries. Long-duration surveys can balance this by highlighting the strong intrapersonal variance in choices, modes used and other aspects of travel behaviour. They also allow us to gain an understanding of the activity space of the travellers. The new 2003 Thurgau data followed the protocol of the earlier study, but developed the set of questions further. These new questions concerned the social context of respondents as well as trip-related items, such as planning horizon of the activity, previous frequency of visits or the groups involved in the trip or activity. The descriptive and model-based analysis of the data showed that respondent fatigue is not an issue in either survey. Where significant deviations from a steady number of reported trips were found, they showed positive tendencies, i.e. learning. The skill accrued in the intensive round of contacts between respondent and interviewer is significant. Papers on travel diaries tend not to report interviewer effects, although their impacts are clearly discernable. The analysis shows that the four interviewers employed in this survey had a substantial effect on the number of reported trip

    Verbleib und ÖkotoxizitĂ€t von SiO2 und CeO2-Nanomaterialien im System Boden - Pflanze

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    Aufgrund des breiten Anwendungsspektrums von nSiO2 und nCeO2 sind EintrĂ€ge dieser Nanomaterialien (NM) in den Boden ĂŒber verschiedene Expositionspfade umweltrelevant hinsichtlich Verbleib und ÖkotoxizitĂ€t im System Boden - Pflanze. Im Rahmen des Projekts DENANA (Designkriterien fĂŒr Nachhaltige Nanomaterialien, BMBF-FKZ: 03X0152) wurden diesbezĂŒglich verschiedene, u.a. dotierte und funktionalisierte, NM nebst ionischen Referenzen und Bulkmaterialien getestet. Ergebnisse aus Kurz- und Langzeitversuchen mit höheren Pflanzen deuten darauf hin, dass nSiO2- bĂŒrtiges Silicium (Si) maßgeblich in gelöster Form von Pflanzen aufgenommen wird. Im Fall von Winterweizen (Triticum aestivum L.) wurde Si oberirdisch in Form sekundĂ€rer Neubildungen akkumuliert. Eine partikulĂ€re Aufnahme konnte bislang weder fĂŒr nSiO2 noch fĂŒr nCeO2 nachgewiesen werden. Auch zeigten die getesteten Sorten keine erhöhte Akkumulation von Si oder Cerium (Ce) im Weizenkorn, sodass eine GefĂ€hrdung der Lebensmittelsicherheit durch Weizenmehlprodukte als gering einzustufen ist. Unterdessen deutete eine Steigerung des Phosphor (P)-ErnĂ€hrungszustands der Pflanzen infolge Applikation von nSiO2 zum Substrat auf eine VerdrĂ€ngung von P durch Si von BindungsplĂ€tzen im Boden, mit potentiellen Implikationen fĂŒr die PflanzendĂŒngung. Ökotoxikologische Wirkungen durch nSiO2 wurden in umweltrelevanten Konzentrationen weder auf höhere Pflanzen noch auf Ammonium oxidierende Bodenmikroorganismen beobachtet. Hinsichtlich nCeO2 wurde jedoch in einem Fall (NM-212 aus dem OECD Sponsorship Programm) nach Alterung in Böden eine reproduzierbare, signifikante Hemmung der Reproduktion des Kompostwurms Eisenia andrei sowie Fluchtverhalten induziert. Weiterhin konnte, trotz ausbleibender Hemmung der Biomasseproduktion, bei Weizenpflanzen mithilfe von in vivo Messungen zum Zustand des Photosystem II konzentrationsabhĂ€ngig eine Stressreaktion auf nCeO2 festgestellt werden

    Microbial population dynamics in model sewage treatment plants and the fate and effect of gold nanoparticles

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    IndexaciĂłn ScopusAdequate functioning of a sewage treatment plant (STP) is essential to protect the down-stream aquatic environment (ECHA 2017), and information on the degradability of chemicals and their toxicity to activated sludge microorganisms is required. An environmental realistic higher tier test is a STP simulation test as described in OECD 303A (2001) which for nanoparticles can also be used to study their sorption behavior to activated sludge. However, information is limited on the influence of synthetic sewage on the microbial community of the activated sludge. A modified community can result in modifications of the sludge floccules affecting the sorption behavior. The main objective of our study was to show whether a representative microbial diversity remains under standardized test conditions as described in OECD 303A (2001) using synthetic sewage as influent. Furthermore, we investigated whether just considering the functional properties of a STP (elimina-tion of dissolved organic carbon; nitrification), is sufficient for an assessment of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) or whether the influence on microbial diversity also needs to be considered. AuNPs were used as a case study due to their rising medical applications and therefore increasing probability to reach the sewer and STP. The results can provide significant input for the interpretation of results from the regulatory point of view. To deliver these objectives, the general changes of the microbial population in activated sludge and its influence on the degradation activity (dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and inorganic nitrogen) using freshly collected sludge from the municipal STP in an artificial test system as a model STP in accordance with OECD 303A (2001) were assessed. Additionally, we evaluated the potential impact of AuNPs and its dispersant on the microbial composition and the overall impact on the function of the STP in terms of DOC degradation and nitrogen removal to observe if an assessment based on functional properties is sufficient. The bacteria composition in our study, evaluated at a class level, revealed commonly described environmental bacteria. Proteobacteria (ÎČ, α, ÎŽ) accounted for more than 50% but also nitrifying bacteria as Nitrospira were present. Our results show that mainly within the first 7 days of an acclimatization phase by addition of synthetic sewage, the bacterial community changed. Even though AuNPs can have antibacterial properties, no adverse effects on the function and structure of the microorganisms in the STP could be detected at concentrations of increased modeled PEC values by a factor of about 10,000. Complementary to other metallic nanomaterials, gold nanomaterials also sorb to a large extent to the activated sludge. If activated sludge is used as fertilizer on agricultural land, gold nanoparticles can be introduced into soils. In this case, the effect on soil (micro)organisms must be investigated more closely, also taking into account the structural diversity. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.https://www.mdpi.com/2305-6304/9/3/5

    Sedimentation record in the Konkan-Kerala Basin: implications for the evolution of the Western Ghats and the Western Indian passive margin

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    The Konkan and Kerala Basins constitute a major depocentre for sediment from the onshore hinterland of Western India and as such provide a valuable record of the timing and magnitude of Cenozoic denudation along the continental margin. This paper presents an analysis of sedimentation in the Konkan-Kerala Basin, coupledwith a mass balance study, and numerical modelling of flexural responses to onshore denudational unloading and oÂĄshore sediment loading in order to test competing conceptual models for the development of high-elevation passive margins. The Konkan-Kerala Basin contains an estimated 109,000 km<sup>3</sup>; of Cenozoic clastic sediment, a volume difficult to reconcile with the denudation of a downwarped rift flank onshore, and more consistent with denudation of an elevated rift flank. We infer from modelling of the isostatic response of the lithosphere to sediment loading offshore and denudation onshore that flexure is an important component in the development of the Western Indian Margin.There is evidence for two major pulses in sedimentation: an early phase in the Palaeocene, and a second beginning in the Pliocene. The Palaeocene increase in sedimentation can be interpreted in terms of a denudational response to the rifting between India and the Seychelles, whereas the mechanism responsible for the Pliocene pulse is more enigmatic

    BRCA1/2 mutation testing in breast cancer patients: a prospective study of the long-term psychological impact of approach during adjuvant radiotherapy

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    This study assessed psychological distress during the first year after diagnosis in breast cancer patients approached for genetic counseling at the start of adjuvant radiotherapy and identified those vulnerable to long-term high distress. Of the approached patients some chose to receive a DNA test result (n = 58), some were approached but did not fulfill criteria for referral (n = 118) and some declined counseling and/or testing (n = 44). The comparative group consisted of patients not eligible for genetic counseling (n = 182) and was therefore not approached. Patients actively approached for genetic counseling showed no more long-term distress than patients not eligible for such counseling. There were no differences between the subgroups of approached patients. Predictors for long-term high distress or an increase in distress over time were pre-existing high distress and a low quality of life, having children, and having no family members with breast cancer. It is concluded that breast cancer patients can be systematically screened and approached for genetic counseling during adjuvant radiotherapy without imposing extra psychological burden. Patients vulnerable to long-term high distress already displayed high distress shortly after diagnosis with no influence of their medical treatment on their level of distress at long-term

    Textural variations in Neogene pelagic carbonate ooze at DSDP Site 593, southern Tasman Sea, and their paleoceanographic implications

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    Changes in Neogene sediment texture in pelagic carbonate-rich oozes on the Challenger Plateau, southern Tasman Sea, are used to infer changes in depositional paleocurrent velocities. The most obvious record of textural change is in the mud:sand ratio. Increases in the sand content are inferred to indicate a general up-core trend towards increasing winnowing of sediments resulting from increasing flow velocity of Southern Component Intermediate Water (SCIW), the forerunner of Antarctic Intermediate Water. In particular, the intervals c. 19-14.5 Ma, c. 9.5-8 Ma, and after 5 Ma are suggested to be times of increased SCIW velocity and strong sediment winnowing. Within the mud fraction, the fine silt to coarse clay sizes from 15.6 to 2 ”m make the greatest contribution to the sediments and are composed of nannofossil plates. During extreme winnowing events it is the fine silt to very coarse clay material (13-3 ”m) within this range that is preferentially removed, suggesting the 10 ”m cohesive silt boundary reported for siliciclastic sediments does not apply to calcitic skeletal grains. The winnowed sediment comprises coccolithophore placoliths and spheres, represented by a mode at 4-7 ”m. Further support for seafloor winnowing is gained from the presence in Hole 593 of a condensed sedimentary section from c. 18 to 14 Ma where the sand content increases to c. 20% of the bulk sample. Associated with the condensed section is a 6 m thick orange unit representing sediments subjected to particularly oxygen-rich, late early to early middle Miocene SCIW. Together these are inferred to indicate increased SCIW velocity resulting in winnowed sediment associated with faster arrival of oxygen-rich surface water subducted to form SCIW. Glacial development of Antarctica has been recorded from many deep-sea sites, with extreme glacials providing the mechanism to increase watermass flow. Miocene glacial zones Mi1b-Mi6 are identified in an associated oxygen isotope record from Hole 593, and correspond with times of particularly invigorated paleocirculation, bottom winnowing, and sediment textural changes

    Behavioral and psychosocial effects of rapid genetic counseling and testing in newly diagnosed breast cancer patients: Design of a multicenter randomized clinical trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>It has been estimated that between 5% and 10% of women diagnosed with breast cancer have a hereditary form of the disease, primarily caused by a <it>BRCA1 </it>or <it>BRCA2 </it>gene mutation. Such women have an increased risk of developing a new primary breast and/or ovarian tumor, and may therefore opt for preventive surgery (e.g., bilateral mastectomy, oophorectomy). It is common practice to offer high-risk patients genetic counseling and DNA testing after their primary treatment, with genetic test results being available within 4-6 months. However, some non-commercial laboratories can currently generate test results within 3 to 6 weeks, and thus make it possible to provide <it>rapid </it>genetic counseling and testing (RGCT) prior to primary treatment. The aim of this study is to determine the effect of RGCT on treatment decisions and on psychosocial health.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>In this randomized controlled trial, 255 newly diagnosed breast cancer patients with at least a 10% risk of carrying a <it>BRCA </it>gene mutation are being recruited from 12 hospitals in the Netherlands. Participants are randomized in a 2:1 ratio to either a RGCT intervention group (the offer of RGCT directly following diagnosis with tests results available before surgical treatment) or to a usual care control group. The primary behavioral outcome is the uptake of direct bilateral mastectomy or delayed prophylactic contralateral mastectomy. Psychosocial outcomes include cancer risk perception, cancer-related worry and distress, health-related quality of life, decisional satisfaction and the perceived need for and use of additional decisional counseling and psychosocial support. Data are collected via medical chart audits and self-report questionnaires administered prior to randomization, and at 6 month and at 12 month follow-up.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>This trial will provide essential information on the impact of RGCT on the choice of primary surgical treatment among women with breast cancer with an increased risk of hereditary cancer. This study will also provide data on the psychosocial consequences of RGCT and of risk-reducing behavior.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>The study is registered at the Netherlands Trial Register (NTR1493) and ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT00783822).</p
