10 research outputs found
National Human Research Ethics:A Preliminary Comparative Case Study of Germany, Great Britain, Romania, and Sweden
Although international research is increasing in volume and importance, there remains a dearth of knowledge on similarities and differences in ânational human research ethicsâ (NHREs), that is, national ethical guidelines (NEGs), Institutional Review Boards (IRBs), and research stakeholderâ ethical attitudes and behaviors (EABs). We begin to address this situation by reporting upon our experiences in conducting a multinational study into the mental health of children who had a parent/carer in prison. The study was conducted in 4 countries: Germany, Great Britain, Romania, and Sweden. Data on NHREs were gathered via a questionnaire survey, two ethics-related seminars, and ongoing contact between members of the research consortium. There was correspondence but even more so divergence between countries in the availability of NEGs and IRBs and in researcherâ EABs. Differences in NHREs have implications particularly in terms of harmonization but also for ethical philosophy and practice and for research integrity
Impacto na qualidade vocal da miectomia parcial e neurectomia endoscĂłpica do mĂșsculo tireoaritenĂłideo em paciente com disfonia espasmĂłdica de adução Impact in vocal quality in partial myectomy and neurectomy endoscopic of thyroarytenoid muscle in patients with adductor spasmodic dysphonia
A disfonia espasmĂłdica de adução Ă© um distĂșrbio vocal grave, caracterizado por espasmos dos mĂșsculos larĂngeos durante a fonação, produzindo voz quebrada, tensa, forçada e estrangulada. Seus sintomas decorrem da contração intermitente e involuntĂĄria dos mĂșsculos tireoaritenĂłideos durante a fonação, o que resulta em pregas vocais tensas, pressionadas uma contra a outra, e no aumento da resistĂȘncia glĂłtica. OBJETIVO: Apresentar os resultados preliminares do impacto na qualidade vocal da cirurgia de Neurectomia do ramo tireoaritenĂłideo do larĂngeo inferior, via endoscĂłpica, associada Ă miectomia parcial do mĂșsculo tireoaritenĂłideo com laser de CO2. MATERIAL E MĂTODO: A cirurgia foi realizada em 7 pacientes (6 mulheres e 1 homem), com idades variando entre 22 e 75 anos, com diagnĂłstico de disfonia espasmĂłdica de adução. Os pacientes foram submetidos ao VHI (Voice Handicap Index) no prĂ© e pĂłs-operatĂłrio. RESULTEDOS E CONCLUSĂO: A melhora vocal foi conseguida em todos os pacientes estudados nĂŁo ocorrendo deterioração da qualidade vocal ao longo do perĂodo pĂłs-operatĂłrio. Houve uma diferença evidente no VHI antes e apĂłs a cirurgia. Essa tĂ©cnica cirĂșrgica mostrou-se eficaz e inovadora no tratamento da disfonia espasmĂłdica de adução.<br>Impact in vocal quality in partial myectomy and neurectomy endoscopic of thyroarytenoid muscle in patients with adductor spasmodic dysphonia the adductor spasmodic dysphonia is a severe vocal disorder characterized by muscle laryngeal spasms during speech, producing phonatory breaks, forced, strained and strangled voice. Its symptoms come from involuntary and intermittent contractions of thyroarytenoid muscle during speech, which causes vocal fold strain, pressed one against another and increased glottic resistance. AIM: report the results in the impact in vocal quality in neurectomy of the thyroarytenoid branch of the inferior laryngeal nerve by endoscopic route associated with partial myectomy of the thyroarytenoid muscle with co2 laser. MATERIAL E METHODS: the surgery was done in 07 patients ( 06 females and 01 male), aged 22 to 75, with adductor spasmodic dysphonia. They were submitted to vhi (voice handicap index) before and after surgery. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: the vocal improvement was obtained in all studied patients, deterioration in vocal quality after surgery was not noticed. There was evident difference in the vhi before and after surgery. This surgical thecnique proved to be efficient and innovative in the treatment of adductor spasmodic dysphonia