721 research outputs found

    [Review of] Nancy Oestreich Lurie. Wisconsin Indians

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    The author, Nancy Oestreich Lurie, is a native of Wisconsin born in Milwaukee, where she is now the Head Curator of Anthropology of the Milwaukee Public Museum. Prior to this position she was the Chair of the Department of Anthropology at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. Lurie is author of The American Indian Today, which received an award for scholarship and has written Mountain Wolf Woman, the autobiography of a Winnebago woman, and numerous articles

    Determination of traffic noise nuisance as a function of traffic type and density in a heavily populated area

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    On the basis of a study including noise level measurements during the day and night and 1125 interviews with residents, it was found that railway noise creates less of a disturbance than street traffic noise. By far the largest majority of respondents experienced the greatest disturbance during the day. The difference in nuisance decreases as noise level rises

    Aspecto cristológico del derecho canónico

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    Die funktion des Bischofs für die Leitung der Gesamtkirche

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    Durante mucho tiempo se sostuvo que el gobierno universal revestía una forma monárquica, según la terminología consagrada por Aristóteles. Esta afirmación figuraba incluso como una de las tesis de los tratados teológicos: «Thesis XVIII: forma proin de regiminis Ecclesiae iure divino est monarchica» escribía, por ejemplo, Palmieri (Tractatus de Romano Pontifice cum prolegomeno de Ecclesia, 3.a ed., Prati 1902, 507).También se decía, en relación con tal idea, que el Papa era «el gran solitario». Sin que esto suponga olvidar las verdades de base en las que se apoyaban los autores, la colegialidad episcopal, revalorizada por el Concilio Vaticano II, ha puesto de relieve que la forma regiminis Ecclesiae es ciertamente original y, si es verdad que no cabe en los otros dos términos (aristocracia, democracia) de la trilogía aristotélica, tampoco es conceptuable como monarquía. El Papa cuenta, para el gobierno de la Iglesia universal, con la asistencia de sus hermanos en el Episcopado, uno e indiviso, del cual el sucesor de Pedro es fundamento (const. Lumen Gentium, n. 18). ¿De qué forma participan los obispos en el gobierno de la Iglesia universal? Este es el tema que, desde un punto de vista teológico-jurídico, estudia Hans H eimerl

    Effect of Brake Forming on the Strength of 24S-T Aluminum-alloy Sheet

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    Tests were made to determine the effect of brake forming on the strength of 24S-T aluminum alloy sheet that had been formed to an inside bend radius of three times the sheet thickness. The results for both directions of the grain of the material showed that the compressive yield stresses were appreciably increased, that the tensile yield stresses were moderately increased, that the ultimate tensile stresses were only slightly increased, that the elongations were considerably reduced, and that the shapes of the tensile and compressive stress-strain curves were markedly changed