1,551 research outputs found

    Characterization of ultradifferentiable test functions defined by weight matrices in terms of their Fourier transform

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    We prove that functions with compact support in non-quasianalytic classes of Roumieu-type and of Beurling-type defined by a weight matrix with some mild regularity conditions can be characterized by the decay properties of their Fourier transform. For this we introduce the abstract technique of constructing from the original matrix multi-index matrices and associated function spaces. We study the behaviour of this construction in detail and characterize its stability. Moreover non-quasianalyticity of the classes is characterized.Comment: 25 pages This version is accepted for publication in Note di Matematic

    On the Borel mapping in the quasianalytic setting

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    The Borel mapping takes germs at 00 of smooth functions to the sequence of iterated partial derivatives at 00. We prove that the Borel mapping restricted to the germs of any quasianalytic ultradifferentiable class strictly larger than the real analytic class is never onto the corresponding sequence space.Comment: 14 pages; minor changes, accepted for publication in Math. Scand.; typos corrected and numbering of equations changed in order to be in accordance with the published articl

    Composition in ultradifferentiable classes

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    We characterize stability under composition of ultradifferentiable classes defined by weight sequences MM, by weight functions ω\omega, and, more generally, by weight matrices M\mathfrak{M}, and investigate continuity of composition (g,f)↦f∘g(g,f) \mapsto f \circ g. In addition, we represent the Beurling space E(ω)\mathcal{E}^{(\omega)} and the Roumieu space E{ω}\mathcal{E}^{\{\omega\}} as intersection and union of spaces E(M)\mathcal{E}^{(M)} and E{M}\mathcal{E}^{\{M\}} for associated weight sequences, respectively.Comment: 28 pages, mistake in Lemma 2.9 and ramifications corrected, Theorem 6.3 improved; to appear in Studia Mat

    Indices of O-regular variation for weight functions and weight sequences

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    A plethora of spaces in Functional Analysis (Braun-Meise-Taylor and Carleman ultradifferentiable and ultraholomorphic classes; Orlicz, Besov, Lipschitz, Lebesque spaces, to cite the main ones) are defined by means of a weighted structure, obtained from a weight function or sequence subject to standard conditions entailing desirable properties (algebraic closure, stability under operators, interpolation, etc.) for the corresponding spaces. The aim of this paper is to stress or reveal the true nature of these diverse conditions imposed on weights, appearing in a scattered and disconnected way in the literature: they turn out to fall into the framework of O-regular variation, and many of them are equivalent formulations of one and the same feature. Moreover, we study several indices of regularity/growth for both functions and sequences, which allow for the rephrasing of qualitative properties in terms of quantitative statements.Comment: 37 page

    A Phragm\'en-Lindel\"of theorem via proximate orders, and the propagation of asymptotics

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    We prove that, for asymptotically bounded holomorphic functions in a sector in C\mathbb{C}, an asymptotic expansion in a single direction towards the vertex with constraints in terms of a logarithmically convex sequence admitting a nonzero proximate order entails asymptotic expansion in the whole sector with control in terms of the same sequence. This generalizes a result by A. Fruchard and C. Zhang for Gevrey asymptotic expansions, and the proof strongly rests on a suitably refined version of the classical Phragm\'en-Lindel\"of theorem, here obtained for functions whose growth in a sector is specified by a nonzero proximate order in the sense of E. Lindel\"of and G. Valiron.Comment: 20 page

    The surjectivity of the Borel mapping in the mixed setting for ultradifferentiable ramification spaces

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    We consider r-ramification ultradifferentiable classes, introduced by J. Schmets and M. Valdivia in order to study the surjectivity of the Borel map, and later on also exploited by the authors in the ultraholomorphic context. We characterize quasianalyticity in such classes, extend the results of Schmets and Valdivia about the image of the Borel map in a mixed ultradifferentiable setting, and obtain a version of the Whitney extension theorem in this framework.Comment: 31 pages; this version has been accepted for publication in Monatsh. Mat
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