20 research outputs found

    Preliminary analysis of a radiobiological experiment for LifeSat

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    With the possibility of performing radiation life science experiments on a dedicated satellite (LifeSat) in space, a combined effort in radiation physics and radiation dosimetry, in addition to radiation biology, is clearly required to ensure that meaningful biological experiments can be performed. To better understand the relationship of these disciplines, some possible LifeSat missions are examined. As a trial biological system, tumorigenesis is considered in the Harderian gland of mice, a system of sufficient radiosensitivity for which relative biological effectiveness (RBE) is well defined by laboratory experiments

    Studies of HZE particle interactions and transport for space radiation protection purposes

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    The main emphasis is on developing general methods for accurately predicting high-energy heavy ion (HZE) particle interactions and transport for use by researchers in mission planning studies, in evaluating astronaut self-shielding factors, and in spacecraft shield design and optimization studies. The two research tasks are: (1) to develop computationally fast and accurate solutions to the Boltzmann (transport) equation; and (2) to develop accurate HZE interaction models, from fundamental physical considerations, for use as inputs into these transport codes. Accurate solutions to the HZE transport problem have been formulated through a combination of analytical and numerical techniques. In addition, theoretical models for the input interaction parameters are under development: stopping powers, nuclear absorption cross sections, and fragmentation parameters

    A Proposed Change to Astronaut Exposures Limits Is a Giant Leap Backwards for Radiation Protection

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    Addressing the uncertainties in assessing health risks from cosmic ray heavy ions is a major scientific challenge recognized by many previous reports by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) and the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP) advising the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). These reports suggested a series of steps to pursue the scientific basis for space radiation protection, including the implementation of age and sex dependent risk assessments and exposure limits appropriate for a small population of radiation workers, the evaluation of uncertainties in risk projections, and developing a vigorous research program in heavy ion radiobiology to reduce uncertainties and discover effective countermeasures. The assessment of uncertainties in assessing risk provides protection against changing assessments of risk, reveals limitations in information used in space mission operations, and provides the impetus to reduce uncertainties and discover the true level of risk and possible effectiveness of countermeasures through research. However, recommendations of a recent NAS report, in an effort to minimize differences in age and sex on flight opportunities, suggest a 600 mSv career effective dose limit based on a median estimate to reach 3% cancer fatality for 35-year old females. The NAS report does not call out examples where females would be excluded from space missions planned in the current decade using the current radiation limits at NASA. In addition, there are minimal considerations of the level of risk to be encountered at this exposure level with respect to the uncertainties of heavy ion radiobiology, and risks of cancer, as well as cognitive detriments and circulatory diseases. Furthermore, their recommendation to limit Sieverts and not risk in conjunction with a waiver process is essentially a recommendation to remove radiation limits for astronauts. We discuss issues with several of the NAS recommendations with the conclusion that the recommendations could have negative impacts on crew health and safety, and violate the three principles of radiation protection (to prevent clinically significant deterministic effects, limit stochastic effects, and practice ALARA), which would be a giant leap backwards for radiation protection

    A Proposed Change to Astronaut Exposures Limits is a Giant Leap Backwards for Radiation Protection

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    Addressing the uncertainties in assessing health risks from cosmic ray heavy ions is a major scientific challenge recognized by many previous reports by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) and the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP) advising the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). These reports suggested a series of steps to pursue the scientific basis for space radiation protection, including the implementation of age and sex dependent risk assessments and exposure limits appropriate for a small population of radiation workers, the evaluation of uncertainties in risk projections, and developing a vigorous research program in heavy ion radiobiology to reduce uncertainties and discover effective countermeasures. The assessment of uncertainties in assessing risk provides protection against changing assessments of risk, reveals limitations in information used in space mission operations, and provides the impetus to reduce uncertainties and discover the true level of risk and possible effectiveness of countermeasures through research. However, recommendations of a recent NAS report, in an effort to minimize differences in age and sex on flight opportunities, suggest a 600 mSv career effective dose limit based on a median estimate to reach 3% cancer fatality for 35-year old females. The NAS report does not call out examples where females would be excluded from space missions planned in the current decade using the current radiation limits at NASA. In addition, there are minimal considerations of the level of risk to be encountered at this exposure level with respect to the uncertainties of heavy ion radiobiology, and risks of cancer, as well as cognitive detriments and circulatory diseases. Furthermore, their recommendation to limit Sieverts and not risk in conjunction with a waiver process is essentially a recommendation to remove radiation limits for astronauts. We discuss issues with several of the NAS recommendations with the conclusion that the recommendations could have negative impacts on crew health and safety, and violate the three principles of radiation protection (to prevent clinically significant deterministic effects, limit stochastic effects, and practice ALARA), which would be a giant leap backwards for radiation protection

    Transport methods and interactions for space radiations

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    A review of the program in space radiation protection at the Langley Research Center is given. The relevant Boltzmann equations are given with a discussion of approximation procedures for space applications. The interaction coefficients are related to solution of the many-body Schroedinger equation with nuclear and electromagnetic forces. Various solution techniques are discussed to obtain relevant interaction cross sections with extensive comparison with experiments. Solution techniques for the Boltzmann equations are discussed in detail. Transport computer code validation is discussed through analytical benchmarking, comparison with other codes, comparison with laboratory experiments and measurements in space. Applications to lunar and Mars missions are discussed

    Differential fragmentation cross sections for 7.3 GeV nitrogen ions incident on protons

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    Differential cross sections dd for the inclusive reaction N14 + pZ + anything (for 3Z6) have been measured at six laboratory production angles (\u3c5°) for 7.3 GeV nitrogen ions interacting in liquid hydrogen. The angular distributions for C, B, and Be fragments decrease sharply with increasing angle, as expected for this type of peripheral reaction. The corresponding transverse momentum (pt) distributions for these fragments can be represented by Gaussian functions of pt. The Li distribution appears to be non-Gaussian, suggesting one (or more) different production mechanisms. The dependence of the widths of the momentum distributions on fragment mass is not consistent with theoretical predictions, and shows some evidence for an quot;effective number of nucleons which determine the fragmentation spectrum of the nitrogen nucleus. Integration of the angular distributions gives partial production cross sections which are consistent with results at higher energy. This energy-independent behavior implies that limiting fragmentation is applicable down to energies of 0.5 GeV/nucleon. NUCLEAR REACTIONS Relativistic heavy ions; fragmentation of 7.3 GeV nitrogen on protons. © 1979 The American Physical Society