19 research outputs found
Distinct patterns of university students study crafting and the relationships to exhaustion, well-being, and engagement
Job crafting has been established as a bottom-up work design instrument for promoting health and well-being in the workplace. In recent years, the concepts of job crafting have been applied to the university student context, proving to be positively related to student well-being. Building on person-centered analyses from the employment context, we assessed approach study crafting strategy combinations and the relationships to students’ exhaustion, study engagement, and general well-being. Data from 2,882 German university students were examined, collected online during the summer term in 2020. Using latent profile analysis, we found five distinct crafting groups, which showed discriminate validity with regard to emotional exhaustion, engagement, and well-being. The results underscore the positive role of study crafting for students’ health and well-being. They further indicate a less important role of increasing social resources for emotional exhaustion when combined with a moderate increase in structural resources and a moderate increase in challenging demands. Our findings imply that interventions to promote study crafting should be considered to promote student health and well-being
Pneumolysin induced mitochondrial dysfunction leads to release of mitochondrial DNA
Abstract Streptococcus pneumoniae (S.pn.) is the most common bacterial pathogen causing community acquired pneumonia. The pore-forming toxin pneumolysin (PLY) is the major virulence factor of S.pn. and supposed to affect alveolar epithelial cells thereby activating the immune system by liberation of danger-associated molecular patterns (DAMP). To test this hypothesis, we established a novel live-cell imaging based assay to analyse mitochondrial function and associated release of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) as DAMP in real-time. We first revealed that bacterially released PLY caused significant changes of the cellular ATP homeostasis and led to morphologic alterations of mitochondria in human alveolar epithelial cells in vitro and, by use of spectral live-tissue imaging, in human alveoli. This was accompanied by strong mitochondrial calcium influx and loss of mitochondrial membrane potential resulting in opening of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore and mtDNA release without activation of intrinsic apoptosis. Moreover, our data indicate cellular mtDNA liberation via microvesicles, which may contribute to S.pn. related pro-inflammatory immune activation in the human alveolar compartment
About the impact of erectile disorders on the partnership-related satisfaction
Die Prävalenz von Erektionsstörungen schwankt in den großen Studien zwischen
17,8% und 52%, damit ist die Erektionsstörung die zweithäufigste sexuelle
Funktionsstörung des Mannes. Die betroffenen Männer sind mit ihrem Sexualleben
unzufriedener als nicht Erkrankte und geben seltener eine hohe partner-
schaftsbezogene Lebensqualität an. Wie es um die partnerschaftliche
Beziehungszufriedenheit derjenigen steht, die aufgrund ihrer Erektionsstörung
professionelle Hilfe in einer andrologischen Sprechstunde suchen und ob es
einen Zusammenhang zwischen dem Schweregrad der Erkrankung und der
partnerschaftlichen Zufriedenheit gibt, soll vorliegende Arbeit klären. Auch
wurde untersucht, ob der Leidensdruck bezĂĽglich der Erkrankung mit der
Beziehungszufriedenheit in emotionaler Hinsicht korreliert ist. HierfĂĽr wurden
in einem Zeitraum von sieben Monaten n = 37 Männer befragt, die die
andrologische Spezialsprechstunde der Charité und des Klinikums am Urban
aufgrund einer Erektionsstörung besuchten. Empirische Instrumente dieser
sexualmedizinischen Querschnittfragebogenuntersuchung waren eine verkĂĽrzte
Form des FSEV und der Fragebogen „Ressourcen in Sexualität und Partnerschaft“.
Mittels Methoden der deskriptiven Statistik wurde die Studienpopulation
detailliert beschrieben. FĂĽr die ĂśberprĂĽfung der aufgestellten
Arbeitshypothese (H 1 = es besteht ein Zusammenhang zwischen dem Schweregrad
der Erkrankung und der partnerschaftlichen Zufriedenheit) wurde der
Rangkorrelationskoeffizient nach Kendall (Kendalls Tau) verwendet. Die
befragten Männer waren zwischen 33 und 76 Jahren alt, 34 der 37 Befragten
lebten zum Zeitpunkt der Befragung in einer festen Partnerschaft. Nur n = 4
Männer waren mit ihrer Partnerschaft in sexueller Hinsicht ziemlich bis sehr
zufrieden, demgegenüber gaben jedoch n = 27 Männer an, mit ihrer Partnerschaft
in emotionaler Hinsicht sehr zufrieden zu sein. Der ĂĽberwiegende Anteil der
Hilfe Suchenden lebte also in einer emotional stabilen Partnerschaft. Weiter
wurde herausgefunden, dass mit zunehmendem Schweregrad der Erektionsstörung
die partnerschaftliche Zufriedenheit in sexueller Hinsicht abnahm. Ein
Zusammenhang zwischen dem Leidensdruck der Erkrankung und der
partnerschaftlichen Zufriedenheit in emotionaler Hinsicht konnte mathematisch
nicht nachgewiesen werden. Es ist bekannt, dass eine Kombination aus
medikamentöser Therapie und Sexualtherapie bei der Behandlung der
Erektionsstörung erfolgversprechender ist als die alleinige Gabe von
Medikamenten. Wenn nun, wie die vorliegende Studie belegen konnte, die meisten
in einer andrologischen Sprechstunde Hilfe suchenden Männer eine hohe
emotionale Beziehungszufriedenheit aufweisen, so sollte diese im Rahmen
paarinterventioneller therapeutischer Bemühungen als Ressource stärker nutzbar
gemacht werden.The prevalence of erectile dysfunction reported in the larger studies varies
between 17.8% and 52%. Accordingly, the erectile dysfunction is the second
most sexual dysfunction related to men. The affected men are less satisfied
with their sexual life than non-affected men and mention less often a high
partnership-related life quality. This work elaborates on the partnership-
related satisfaction of men who seek professional help in andrological
consultation hours due to their erectile dysfunction as well as on the
correlation between the severity of the disorder and the degree of
partnership-related satisfaction. Another topic of the work was the question
whether the psychological strain related to the disorder is correlated to the
partnership-related satisfaction on an emotional level. For this purpose we
interviewed n=37 men over a period of seven months who visited the specialized
andrological consultation hours at “Charité” (Berlin) and the “Klinikum am
Urban” due to an erectile dysfunction. The survey was conducted via a cross
sectional questionnaire which was based on an abbreviated version of the FSEV
and the questionnaire “Ressources in Sexuality and Partnership”. We described
the population of the survey by means of descriptive statistics in detail. In
order to challenge the working hypothesis (H 1 = the severity of the disorder
is correlated with the in-partnership satisfaction) we used the rank
correlation coefficient by Kendall (Kendall Tau). The age of the participants
varied between 33 and 76 years. 34 out of 37 participants lived in a permanent
partnership during the survey. Only n=4 men stated that they are “quite” to
“very much” satisfied with respect to their sexual life while n=27 men
mentioned an emotional satisfaction related to their partnership. Thus, the
majority of the help-seeking men lived in an emotionally stable partnership.
Another result was a decreasing in-partnership satisfaction related to
sexuality with increasing severity of the disorder. A connection between
psychological strain and the partnership satisfaction related to the emotional
level could not be found by mathematical means. It is well known that a
medicamentous therapy in combination with a sexual therapy is a more promising
treatment of erectile dysfunctions than a medicamentous therapy alone. In
conclusion and in accordance with the findings of the present study that most
help-seeking men mentioned a high emotional in-partnership satisfaction, the
partnership itself should be increasingly used as resource during the
therapeutically treatment
Proof-of-Concept Organ-on-Chip Study: Topical Cinnamaldehyde Exposure of Reconstructed Human Skin with Integrated Neopapillae Cultured under Dynamic Flow
Pharmaceutical and personal care industries require human representative models for testing to ensure the safety of their products. A major route of penetration into our body after substance exposure is via the skin. Our aim was to generate robust culture conditions for a next generation human skin-on-chip model containing neopapillae and to establish proof-of-concept testing with the sensitizer, cinnamaldehyde. Reconstructed human skin consisting of a stratified and differentiated epidermis on a fibroblast populated hydrogel containing neopapillae spheroids (RhS-NP), were cultured air-exposed and under dynamic flow for 10 days. The robustness of three independent experiments, each with up to 21 intra-experiment replicates, was investigated. The epidermis was seen to invaginate into the hydrogel towards the neopapille spheroids. Daily measurements of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and glucose levels within the culture medium demonstrated high viability and stable metabolic activity throughout the culture period in all three independent experiments and in the replicates within an experiment. Topical cinnamaldehyde exposure to RhS-NP resulted in dose-dependent cytotoxicity (increased LDH release) and elevated cytokine secretion of contact sensitizer specific IL-18, pro-inflammatory IL-1β, inflammatory IL-23 and IFN-γ, as well as anti-inflammatory IL-10 and IL-12p70. This study demonstrates the robustness and feasibility of complex next generation skin models for investigating skin immunotoxicity
A Multi-Organ-on-Chip Approach to Investigate How Oral Exposure to Metals Can Cause Systemic Toxicity Leading to Langerhans Cell Activation in Skin
Investigating systemic toxicity in vitro is still a huge challenge. Here, a multi-organ-on-chip approach is presented as a typical case of topical exposure of oral mucosa to metals, which are known to activate the immune system and in turn may result in skin inflammation. Reconstructed human gingiva (RHG) and reconstructed human skin containing MUTZ-3-derived Langerhans cells (MUTZ-LC) in the epidermis (RHS-LC) were incorporated into a HUMIMIC Chip3plus, connected by dynamic flow and cultured for a total period of 72 h. Three independent experiments were performed each with an intra-experiment replicate in order to assess the donor and technical variations. After an initial culture period of 24 h to achieve stable dynamic culture conditions, nickel sulfate was applied topically to RHG for 24 h, and LC activation (maturation and migration) was determined in RHS-LC after an additional 24 h incubation time. A stable dynamic culture of RHG and RHS-LC was achieved as indicated by the assessment of glucose uptake, lactate production, and lactate dehydrogenase release into the microfluidics compartment. Nickel exposure resulted in no major histological changes within RHG or RHS-LC, or cytokine release into the microfluidics compartment, but did result in an increased activation of LC as observed by the increased mRNA levels of CD1a, CD207, HLA-DR, and CD86 in the dermal compartment (hydrogel of RHS-LC (PCR)). This is the first study to describe systemic toxicity and immune cell activation in a multi-organ setting and can provide a framework for studying other organoids in the future
Using a contextualized sensemaking model for interaction design: A case study of tumor contouring
Sensemaking theories help designers understand the cognitive processes of a user when he/she performs a complicated task. This paper introduces a two-step approach of incorporating sensemaking support within the design of health information systems by: (1) modeling the sensemaking process of physicians while performing a task, and (2) identifying software interaction design requirements that support sensemaking based on this model. The two-step approach is presented based on a case study of the tumor contouring clinical task for radiotherapy planning. In the first step of the approach, a contextualized sensemaking model was developed to describe the sensemaking process based on the goal, the workflow and the context of the task. In the second step, based on a research software prototype, an experiment was conducted where three contouring tasks were performed by eight physicians respectively. Four types of navigation interactions and five types of interaction sequence patterns were identified by analyzing<br/>the gathered interaction log data from those twenty-four cases. Further in-depth study on each of the navigation interactions and interaction sequence patterns in relation to the contextualized sensemaking model revealed five main areas for design improvements to increase sensemaking support. Outcomes of the case study indicate that the proposed two-step approach was beneficial for gaining a deeper understanding of the sensemaking process during the task, as well as for identifying design requirements for<br/>better sensemaking support
Characterization of a High Throughput Approach for Large Scale Retention Measurement in Liquid Chromatography
Many contemporary challenges in liquid chromatography - such as the need for “smarter” method development tools, and deeper understanding of chromatographic phenomena - could be addressed more efficiently and effectively with larger volumes of experimental retention data than are available. The paucity of publicly accessible, high-quality measurements needed for the development of retention models and simulation tools has largely been due to the high cost in time and resources associated with traditional retention measurement approaches. Recently we described an approach to improve the throughput of such measurements by using very short columns (typically 5 mm), while maintaining measurement accuracy. In this paper we present a perspective on the characteristics of a dataset containing about 13,000 retention measurements obtained using this approach, and describe a different sample introduction method that is better suited to this application than the approach we used in prior work. The dataset comprises results for 35 different small molecules, nine different stationary phases, and several mobile phase compositions for each analyte/phase combination. During the acquisition of these data, we have interspersed repeated measurements of a small number of compounds for quality control purposes. The data from these measurements not only enable detection of outliers but also assessment of the repeatability and reproducibility of retention measurements over time. For retention factors greater than 1, the mean relative standard deviation (RSD) of replicate (typically n=5) measurements is 0.4%, and the standard deviation of RSDs is 0.4%. Most differences between selectivity values measured six months apart for 15 non-ionogenic compounds were in the range of +/- 1%, indicating good reproducibility. A critically important observation from these analyses is that selectivity defined as retention of a given analyte relative to the retention of a reference compound (kx/kref) is a much more consistent measure of retention over a time span of months compared to the retention factor alone. While this work and dataset also highlight the importance of stationary phase stability over time for achieving reliable retention measurements, we are nevertheless optimistic that this approach will enable the compilation of large databases (>> 10,000 measurements) of retention values over long time periods (years), which can in turn be leveraged to address some of the most important contemporary challenges in liquid chromatography. All the data discussed in the manuscript are provided as Supplemental Information