3,273 research outputs found

    Direct Microlensing-Reverberation Observations of the Intrinsic magnetic Structure of AGN in Different Spectral States: A Tale of Two Quasars

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    We show how direct microlensing-reverberation analysis performed on two well-known Quasars (Q2237 - The Einstein Cross and Q0957 - The Twin) can be used to observe the inner structure of two quasars which are in significantly different spectral states. These observations allow us to measure the detailed internal structure of quasar Q2237 in a radio quiet high-soft state, and compare it to quasar Q0957 in a radio loud low-hard state. We find that the observed differences in the spectral states of these two quasars can be understood as being due to the location of the inner radii of their accretion disks relative to the co-rotation radii of rotating intrinsically magnetic supermassive compact objects in the centers of these quasars.Comment: 26 page manuscript with 2 tables and 2 figures, submitted to Astronomical Journa

    Supersymmetric extension of Moyal algebra and its application to the matrix model

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    We construct operator representation of Moyal algebra in the presence of fermionic fields. The result is used to describe the matrix model in Moyal formalism, that treat gauge degrees of freedom and outer degrees of freedom equally.Comment: to appear in Mod.Phys.Let

    Investigation of ultraviolet fluxes of normal and peculiar stars

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    Data from Project Celescope, a program that photographed the ultraviolet sky, in order to study several problems in current astrophysics are analyzed. Two star clusters, the Pleiades and the Hyades, reveal differences between the two that we are unable to explain simply from their differences in chemical abundance, rotation, or reddening. Data for Orion show large scatter, which appears to be in the sense that the Orion stars are too faint for their ground-based photometry. Similarly, many supergiants in the association Sco OB1 are too faint in the ultraviolet, but the ultraviolet brightness appears to be only poorly correlated with spectral type. Ultraviolet Celescope data for several groups of peculiar stars have also been analyzed. The strong He I stars are too faint in the ultraviolet, possibly owing to enhancement of O II continuous opacity due to oxygen overabundance. The Be stars appear to have ultraviolet colors normal for their MK spectral types. The P Cygni stars are considerably fainter than main-sequence stars of comparable spectral type, probably owing, at least in part, to line blocking by resonance lines of multiply ionized light metals. The Wolf-Rayet stars have ultraviolet color temperatures of O stars

    Space-time Uncertainty Principle from Breakdown of Topological Symmetry

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    Starting from topological quantum field theory, we derive space-time uncertainty relation with respect to the time interval and the spatial length proposed by Yoneya through breakdown of topological symmetry in the large N matrix model. This work suggests that the topological symmetry might be an underlying higher symmetry behind the space-time uncertainty principle of string theory.Comment: 6 pages, Late

    Bosonization and Current Algebra of Spinning Strings

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    We write down a general geometric action principle for spinning strings in dd-dimensional Minkowski space, which is formulated without the use of Grassmann coordinates. Instead, it is constructed in terms of the pull-back of a left invariant Maurer-Cartan form on the dd-dimensional Poincar\'e group to the world sheet. The system contains some interesting special cases. Among them are the Nambu string (as well as, null and tachyionic strings) where the spin vanishes, and also the case of a string with a spin current - but no momentum current. We find the general form for the Virasoro generators, and show that they are first class constraints in the Hamiltonian formulation of the theory. The current algebra associated with the momentum and angular momentum densities are shown, in general, to contain rather complicated anomaly terms which obstruct quantization. As expected, the anomalies vanish when one specializes to the case of the Nambu string, and there one simply recovers the algebra associated with the Poincar\'e loop group. We speculate that there exist other cases where the anomalies vanish, and that these cases give the bosonization of the known pseudoclassical formulations of spinning strings.Comment: Latex file, 29 p

    A pedestrian approach to the high energy limits of branes and other gravitational systems

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    In this article we study limits of models that contain a dimensionful parameter such as the mass of the relativistic point-particle. The limits are analogous to the massless limit of the particle and may be thought of as high energy limits. We present the ideas and work through several examples in a (hopefully) pedagogical manner. Along the way we derive several new results.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figur

    Quantum Information Paradox: Real or Fictitious?

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    One of the outstanding puzzles of theoretical physics is whether quantum information indeed gets lost in the case of Black Hole (BH) evaporation or accretion. Let us recall that Quantum Mechanics (QM) demands an upper limit on the acceleration of a test particle. On the other hand, it is pointed out here that, if a Schwarzschild BH would exist, the acceleration of the test particle would blow up at the event horizon in violation of QM. Thus the concept of an exact BH is in contradiction of QM and quantum gravity (QG). It is also reminded that the mass of a BH actually appears as an INTEGRATION CONSTANT of Einstein equations. And it has been shown that the value of this integration constant is actually zero. Thus even classically, there cannot be finite mass BHs though zero mass BH is allowed. It has been further shown that during continued gravitational collapse, radiation emanating from the contracting object gets trapped within it by the runaway gravitational field. As a consequence, the contracting body attains a quasi-static state where outward trapped radiation pressure gets balanced by inward gravitational pull and the ideal classical BH state is never formed in a finite proper time. In other words, continued gravitational collapse results in an "Eternally Collapsing Object" which is a ball of hot plasma and which is asymptotically approaching the true BH state with M=0 after radiating away its entire mass energy. And if we include QM, this contraction must halt at a radius suggested by highest QM acceleration. In any case no EH is ever formed and in reality, there is no quantum information paradox.Comment: 8 pages in Pramana Style, 6 in Revtex styl

    Space-Time and Matter in IIB Matrix Model - gauge symmetry and diffeomorphism -

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    We pursue the study of the type IIB matrix model as a constructive definition of superstring. In this paper, we justify the interpretation of space-time as distribution of eigenvalues of the matrices by showing that some low energy excitations indeed propagate in it. In particular, we show that if the distribution consists of small clusters of size nn, low energy theory acquires local SU(n) gauge symmetry and a plaquette action for the associated gauge boson is induced, in addition to a gauge invariant kinetic term for a massless fermion in the adjoint representation of the SU(n). We finally argue a possible identification of the diffeomorphism symmetry with permutation group acting on the set of eigenvalues, and show that the general covariance is realized in the low energy effective theory even though we do not have a manifest general covariance in the IIB matrix model action.Comment: 25 page

    Deformation of Schild String

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    We attempt to construct new superstring actions with a DD-plet of Majorana fermions ψAB\psi^{\cal B}_A, where B{\cal B} is the DD dimensional space-time index and AA is the two dimensional spinor index, by deforming the Schild action. As a result, we propose three kinds of actions: the first is invariant under N=1 (the world-sheet) supersymmetry transformation and the area-preserving diffeomorphism. The second contains the Yukawa type interaction. The last possesses some non-locality because of bilinear terms of ψAB\psi^{\cal B}_A. The reasons why completing a Schild type superstring action with ψAB\psi^{\cal B}_A is difficult are finally discussed.Comment: 12 pages, Latex, both title and abstract are changed, discussion of some relations among our results, Nambu-Goto string and super Yang-Mills theories, added. Results unchange

    A large Wolf-Rayet population in NGC300 uncovered by VLT-FORS2

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    We have detected 58 Wolf-Rayet candidates in the central region of the nearby spiral galaxy NGC 300, based on deep VLT-FORS2 narrow-band imaging. Our survey is close to complete except for heavily reddened WR stars. Of the objects in our list, 16 stars were already spectroscopically confirmed as WR stars by Schild & Testor and Breysacher et al., to which 4 stars are added using low resolution FORS2 datasets. The WR population of NGC300 now totals 60,a threefold increase over previous surveys, with WC/WN>1/3, in reasonable agreement with Local Group galaxies for a moderately sub-solar metallicity. We also discuss the WR surface density in the central region of NGC 300. Finally, analyses are presented for two apparently single WC stars - #29 (alias WR3, WC5) and #48 (alias WR13, WC4) located close to the nucleus, and at a deprojected radius of 2.5 kpc, respectively. These are among the first models of WR stars in galaxies beyond the Local Group, and are compared with early WC stars in our Galaxy and LMC.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures, submitted to A&A (includes aa.cls) - version with higher resolution finding charts available from ftp://ftp.star.ucl.ac.uk/pub/pac/ngc300.ps.g
