117 research outputs found

    « Aïmanz » : un chapitre de l'« encyclopédie lyrique » de Gautier d'Épinal

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    Cet article est une analyse de la première strophe de la chanson Tout autresi com l'aïmanz deçoit, de Gautier d'Épinal (xiiie siècle), qui décrit le charme de la dame par le biais d'une comparaison avec l'aimant. Le choix des mots, des expressions et des renvois à d'autres passages à l'intérieur de la même chanson témoigne du renouvellement de la lyrique du xiiie siècle dans ses figures au contact des savoirs scientifiques. En essayant de repérer les sources littéraires et scientifiques dans lesquelles Gautier aurait puisé et renouvelé son image, nous constatons que son apport trouve des correspondances très ponctuelles dans le milieu le plus expérimental de l'époque, celui de l'« École » poétique sicilienne de Frédéric II.« Aïmanz » : a Chapter of Gautier D'Épinal's « Lyrical Encyclopedia ». This article is an analysis of the first stanza of Tout autresi com l'aïmanz deçoit, a lyric by Gautier d'Épinal (13th century), which describes the appeal of the dame through a comparison with the magnet. The choice of words, expressions and items which recall other passages within the same song stand for the renewal of poetic imagery in the 13th century, which was brought about thanks to the contact with scientific knowledge. In trying to find the literary and scientific sources, which resulted in Gautier's imagery, we have also noted that his contribution has many analogies with what was going on in the most experimental cultural setting of his day, Frederic II's poetic Sicilian « School »

    O ensino confessional nas escolas p?blicas : direito, pluralismo e raz?o p?blica no julgamento da ADI n? 4.439 pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal.

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    Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Direito. Departamento de Direito, Escola de Direito, Turismo e Museologia, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto.Os debates acerca da laicidade de Estado no Brasil ganharam novos contornos a partir do julgamento, pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal, da A??o Direta de Inconstitucionalidade n? 4.439, ocorrido em setembro de 2017, que resultou na afirma??o da constitucionalidade do ensino religioso confessional como disciplina facultativa dos hor?rios normais das escolas p?blicas de ensino fundamental. A legitima??o do ensino confessional nas escolas p?blicas pode ser questionada a partir dos direitos fundamentais da igualdade e da liberdade de cren?a, tendo em vista a inviabilidade do Estado em garantir, em condi??es ison?micas, o ensino religioso confessional abrangente a todas as denomina??es religiosas, no contexto do pluralismo de cren?as e religi?es. Disso decorre que a decis?o do STF ter? reflexos de desigualdade no tratamento das concep??es religiosas, resultando no ocultamento e invisibilidade das religi?es minorit?rias. Considerando que, em um sistema de democracia constitucional, os procedimentos estatais devem ser p?blicos e abertos ao conhecimento e participa??o dos cidad?os, os argumentos de justifica??o dos atos estatais devem ser produzidos dialogicamente, de modo que a justifica??o p?blica seja pautada na raz?o compartilhada entre os cidad?os, no bem comum e no senso de justi?a. A partir dos princ?pios estabelecidos na Constitui??o de 1988, tais como a laicidade do Estado, igualdade, liberdade de cren?a e pluralismo, a pesquisa pretendeu verificar, a partir da an?lise de conte?do dos votos, se a atua??o do Supremo Tribunal Federal no julgamento da ADI n? 4.439 pode ser considerada um caso exemplar de raz?o p?blica, na perspectiva proposta por John Rawls. A compreens?o das motiva??es dispostas pelos Ministros nos votos da ADI n? 4.439 permitiu uma abordagem hermen?utica da atua??o do Tribunal, chegando-se ? confirma??o da hip?tese de que o julgamento analisado n?o pode ser considerado um caso exemplar de raz?o p?blica. O estudo permitiu a realiza??o de discuss?o a respeito dos impactos sociais da decis?o, tendo como pano de fundo a diversidade cultural e a liberdade de cren?a, por considerar que a decis?o proferida aborda uma igualdade planificadora, pois deixa de considerar o pluralismo e as especificidades das cren?as religiosas.The debates about secularism of the State in Brazil gained new contours after Supreme Federal Court?s decision on Direct Action of Unconstitutionality n? 4439, which took place in September 2017, which resulted in the affirmation of the constitutionality of confessional religious education as an optional discipline for students in regular hours of public elementary schools. The legitimacy of confessional teaching in public schools can be questioned from the fundamental rights of equality and freedom of belief, in view of the State's infeasibility in guaranteeing, under isonomic conditions, confessional religious education that is comprehensive to all religious denominations, in the context of pluralism of beliefs and religions. It follows that the decision of the Supreme Court will have reflexes of inequality in the treatment of religious conceptions, resulting in the concealment and invisibility of minority religions. Considering that, in a system of constitutional democracy, state procedures must be public and open to the knowledge and participation of citizens, the arguments for justifying state acts must be produced dialogically, so that public justification is based on reasons shared by citizens, the common good and a sense of justice. Based on the principles established in the Constitution of 1988, such as the secularity of the State, equality, freedom of belief and pluralism, the research intended to verify, based on the content analysis of the votes, whether the performance of the Supreme Federal Court in the judgment of the ADI No. 4439 can be considered an exemplary case of public reason, in the perspective proposed by John Rawls. The understanding of the motivations provided by the Ministers in the votes of ADI No. 4439 allowed a hermeneutic approach to the Court's performance, reaching the confirmation of the hypothesis that the analyzed decision cannot be considered an exemplary case of public reason. The study allowed a discussion about the social impacts of the decision, against the background of cultural diversity and freedom of belief, as it considers that the decision handed down addresses planning equality, as it fails to consider pluralism and the specificities of religious beliefs

    Physics-Informed Neural Networks for 2nd order ODEs with sharp gradients

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    In this work, four different methods based on Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) for solving Differential Equations (DE) are compared: Classic-PINN that makes use of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) to approximate the DE solution;Deep-TFC improves the efficiency of classic-PINN by employing the constrained expression from the Theory of Functional Connections (TFC) so to analytically satisfy the DE constraints;PIELM that improves the accuracy of classic-PINN by employing a single-layer NN trained via Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) algorithm;X-TFC, which makes use of both constrained expression and ELM. The last has been recently introduced to solve challenging problems affected by discontinuity, learning solutions in cases where the other three methods fail. The four methods are compared by solving the boundary value problem arising from the 1D Steady-State Advection–Diffusion Equation for different values of the diffusion coefficient. The solutions of the DEs exhibit steep gradients as the value of the diffusion coefficient decreases, increasing the challenge of the problem

    Physics-Informed Extreme Theory of Functional Connections Applied to Data-Driven Parameters Discovery of Epidemiological Compartmental Models

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    In this work we apply a novel, accurate, fast, and robust physics-informed neural network framework for data-driven parameters discovery of problems modeled via parametric ordinary differential equations (ODEs) called the Extreme Theory of Functional Connections (X-TFC). The proposed method merges two recently developed frameworks for solving problems involving parametric DEs, 1) the Theory of Functional Connections (TFC) and 2) the Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINN). In particular, this work focuses on the capability of X-TFC in solving inverse problems to estimate the parameters governing the epidemiological compartmental models via a deterministic approach. The epidemiological compartmental models treated in this work are Susceptible-Infectious-Recovered (SIR), Susceptible-Exposed-Infectious-Recovered (SEIR), and Susceptible-Exposed-Infectious-Recovered-Susceptible (SEIR). The results show the low computational times, the high accuracy and effectiveness of the X-TFC method in performing data-driven parameters discovery of systems modeled via parametric ODEs using unperturbed and perturbed data

    Theoretical Evaluation of Anisotropic Reflectance Correction Approaches for Addressing Multi-Scale Topographic Effects on the Radiation-Transfer Cascade in Mountain Environments

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    Research involving anisotropic-reflectance correction (ARC) of multispectral imagery to account for topographic effects has been ongoing for approximately 40 years. A large body of research has focused on evaluating empirical ARC methods, resulting in inconsistent results. Consequently, our research objective was to evaluate commonly used ARC methods using first-order radiation-transfer modeling to simulate ASTER multispectral imagery over Nanga Parbat, Himalaya. Specifically, we accounted for orbital dynamics, atmospheric absorption and scattering, direct- and diffuse-skylight irradiance, land cover structure, and surface biophysical variations to evaluate their effectiveness in reducing multi-scale topographic effects. Our results clearly reveal that the empirical methods we evaluated could not reasonably account for multi-scale topographic effects at Nanga Parbat. The magnitude of reflectance and the correlation structure of biophysical properties were not preserved in the topographically-corrected multispectral imagery. The CCOR and SCS+C methods were able to remove topographic effects, given the Lambertian assumption, although atmospheric correction was required, and we did not account for other primary and secondary topographic effects that are thought to significantly influence spectral variation in imagery acquired over mountains. Evaluation of structural-similarity index images revealed spatially variable results that are wavelength dependent. Collectively, our simulation and evaluation procedures strongly suggest that empirical ARC methods have significant limitations for addressing anisotropic reflectance caused by multi-scale topographic effects. Results indicate that atmospheric correction is essential, and most methods failed to adequately produce the appropriate magnitude and spatial variation of surface reflectance in corrected imagery. Results were also wavelength dependent, as topographic effects influence radiation-transfer components differently in different regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Our results explain inconsistencies described in the literature, and indicate that numerical modeling efforts are required to better account for multi-scale topographic effects in various radiation-transfer components.Open access journalThis item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]

    Fuel-Efficient Powered Descent Guidance on Large Planetary Bodies via Theory of Functional Connections

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    In this paper we present a new approach to solve the fuel-efficient powered descent guidance problem on large planetary bodies with no atmosphere (e.g. the Moon or Mars) using the recently developed Theory of Functional Connections. The problem is formulated using the indirect method which casts the optimal guidance problem as a system of nonlinear two-point boundary value problems. Using the Theory of Functional Connections, the problem constraints are analytically embedded into a "constrained expression," which maintains a free-function that is expanded using orthogonal polynomials with unknown coefficients. The constraints are satisfied regardless of the values of the unknown coefficients which convert the two-point boundary value problem into an unconstrained optimization problem. This process casts the solution into the admissible subspace of the problem and therefore simple numerical techniques can be used (i.e. in this paper a nonlinear least-squares method is used). In addition to the derivation of this technique, the method is validated in two scenarios and the results are compared to those obtained by the general purpose optimal control software, GPOPS-II. In general, the proposed technique produces solutions of O(10−10)\mathcal{O}(10^{-10}). Additionally, for the proposed test cases, it is reported that each individual TFC-based inner-loop iteration converges within 6 iterations, each iteration exhibiting a computational time between 72 and 81 milliseconds within the MATLAB legacy implementation. Consequently, the proposed methodology is potentially suitable for on-board generation of optimal trajectories in real-time.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, 6 table

    Mulheres em cárcere: Um olhar além das grades dos significados da relação mãe-filho por meio da Terapia Ocupacional / Women in prison: A look beyond the grids of the meanings of the mother- child relationship through Occupational Therapy

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    No Brasil existe um número crescente de mulheres encarceradas, sendo que 80% delas são mães. Diante deste contexto o trabalho tem como objetivo geral compreender as percepções das vivências e os significados da maternidade para as mulheres reclusas. Objetivos específicos: entender qual o significado de família para as mulheres aprisionadas; conhecer como era a relação da detenta com sua mãe; identificar como era a relação mãe e filho antes do cárcere e durante o aprisionamento; investigar a perspectiva de futuro pós cárcere sobre o papel ocupacional de mãe e descrever como foi a percepção das detentas nos encontros realizados pela terapia ocupacional. A metodologia consiste em um relato de experiência analisado de forma qualitativa, envolvendo encontros de terapia ocupacional com detentas da unidade prisional feminina do estado de Sergipe. A pesquisa revelou que a família é considerada essencial na vida dessas internas, principalmente suas mães, sendo que o papel vivenciado por elas de ser mãe é considerado pela maioria como a razão da existência, na qual seus filhos as impulsionam para a esperança e perspectiva de um futuro melhor. O sentimento mais vivenciado é de saudade e quando a criança a encontra nesse espaço vivenciam tristeza, com desejo de ofertar amor, carinho e cuidado, o que não é possível. Já, os encontros com a terapia ocupacional foi trazido como a possibilidade de expressarem seus sentimentos bons e ruins e aliviar as angustias que permeiam suas vidas nesse ambiente reduzido de empatia, afeto e compreensão.

    Spatial variability of litter temperature, relative air humidity and skin temperature of chicks in a commercial broiler house

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    ArticleThe thermal environment inside a broiler house has a great influence on animal welfare and productivity during the production phase. Among the importance of the chicken litter is the function of absorbing moisture, provide thermal insulation and provide a soft surface for broilers. The skin temperature is an important physiological parameter to quantify the thermal comfort of animals, its variations may occur as a function of thermal variables. So, the aim of this work was to analyse the magnitude and spatial variability of chicken litter temperature and relative humidity of the air and to correlate them with the spatial distribution of chicks’ skin surface temperature throughout the broiler house during the 7th, 14th and 21st days of the chicks’ life, using geostatistical techniques. The experiment was performed in a commercial broiler house located in the western mesoregion of Minas Gerais, Brazil, where 28,000 male Cobb chicks were housed. The heating system consisted of an industrial indirect-fired biomass furnace. The heated air was inflated by an AC motor, 2,206 W of power, 1,725 RPM. Geostatistical techniques were used through semivariogram analysis and isochore maps were generated through data interpolation by kriging. The semivariogram was fitted by the restricted maximum likelihood method. The used mathematical model was the spherical one. After fitting the semivariograms, the data were interpolated by ordinary kriging. The semivariograms along with the isochore maps allowed identifying the non-uniformity of spatial distribution of the broiler litter temperature throughout the broiler house for 3 days of chicks’ life. It was observed that skin surface presented a positive correlation with the litter temperature and a negative correlation with the air humidity. The semivariograms along with the isochore maps allowed identifying the non-uniformity of spatial distribution of the litter temperature, air humidity and skin temperature of chicks throughout the broiler aviary for the three days. In addition, the use of geostatistics and distribution maps made possible to identify different environmental conditions in regions inside the broiler house that may harm the development of chicks
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