218 research outputs found
comparison of different sampling techniques and enumeration methods
Eigene Untersuchungen
LITERATURVERZEICHNISUm Daten ĂŒber die quantitative Belastung von HĂ€hnchenfleisch zu erhalten und
somit die Exposition im Zuge einer RisikoabschĂ€tzung fĂŒr den Verbraucher nĂ€her
charakterisieren zu können, beschÀftigte sich die vorliegende Arbeit sowohl
mit der qualitativen Erfassung als auch der Quantifizierung von Campylobacter
auf der OberflÀche und im Muskel von HÀhnchenschenkeln aus dem Handel sowie
mit dem Nachweis eines möglichen saisonalen Einflusses. Im Rahmen der
quantitativen Untersuchungen wurden verschiedene Probenarten (Haut- versus
SpĂŒlprobe) zur Isolierung von Campylobacter, kombiniert mit verschiedenen
KeimzÀhlverfahren (MPN- versus Spateltechnik) miteinander verglichen, um eine
geeignete Methode zur Isolierung und Quantifizierung des Erregers zu
erarbeiten. Im Zeitraum von November 2003 bis Dezember 2004 wurden insgesamt
140 Handels-Packungen frischer HĂ€hnchenschenkel, jeweils zehn pro Monat, aus
LebensmittelgeschÀften des Berliner Einzelhandels erworben. Im Vorversuch
wurde die Verteilung von Campylobacter auf der OberflÀche von
HĂ€hnchenschenkeln derselben Handels-Packung anhand von zehn Packungen mit
jeweils 4-5 Schenkeln bestimmt, um eine Aussage ĂŒber die HomogenitĂ€t innerhalb
der Probe treffen zu können. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die oberflÀchlichen
Campylobacter-Keimzahlen innerhalb einer Handels-Packung zwischen den als
Unterproben dienenden Schenkeln nur mÀssig variieren und somit die
Voraussetzung fĂŒr den Methodenvergleich gegeben ist. FĂŒr die GegenĂŒberstellung
verschiedener Probenahme- und ZĂ€hltechniken wurden bei insgesamt 90 Handels-
Packungen die OberflÀche des einen Schenkels durch Homogenisieren der Haut
(Hautprobe) und die des anderen Schenkels durch SpĂŒlen (SpĂŒlprobe) quantitativ
und qualitativ auf Campylobacter untersucht. Die Keimzahlbestimmungen in den
Haut- und SpĂŒlproben erfolgten bei 40 Handels-Packungen parallel mittels
Spatelverfahren und MPN-Technik, um anschliessend die verschiedenen
KeimzÀhlmethoden anhand des jeweiligen quantitativen Resultats miteinander zu
vergleichen. 70% (63/90) der Hautproben und 77% (69/90) der SpĂŒlproben fielen
Campylobacter-positiv aus. Die Keimzahlbestimmung mittels Spatelverfahren
ergab einen Medianwert von log 4,0 KbE/Schenkel (SD = 0,6) in den Hautproben
bzw. log 4,3 KbE/Schenkel in den SpĂŒlproben (SD = 0,9). 73% (37/51) der
SpĂŒlproben erbrachten höhere Keimzahlen als die Hautproben. Bezogen auf die
Untersuchungstechnik lieferte das Spatelverfahren in 80% der untersuchten
SpĂŒlproben mit einem Median von log 4,2 KbE/Schenkel einen höheres
Keimzahlergebnis als die MPN-Technik, mit der ein Median von log 4,0
KbE/Schenkel ermittelt werden konnte. Der Unterschied erwies sich jedoch nicht
als signifikant. DarĂŒber hinaus zeigte sich eine sehr gute Korrelation der
Ergebnisse beider ZĂ€hlmethoden. Aufgrund der Ergebnisse der
Vergleichsuntersuchung wurden die weiteren quantitativen Untersuchungen der
SchenkeloberflÀche mittels Hautprobe und Spatelverfahren fortgesetzt.
Insgesamt zeigen die Ergebnisse der qualitativen und quantitativen Analyse,
dass ein sehr hoher Prozentsatz oberflÀchlich kontaminierter HÀhnchenschenkel
an den Verbraucher abgegeben wird. Bei 66% der untersuchten HĂ€hnchenschenkel
konnten Campylobacter auf der Haut nachgewiesen werden und die Keimzahlen
fallen mit einem Median von log 2,4 KbE/g beachtlich aus. Die HĂ€ufigkeit und
die Anzahl der mittels MPN-Technik erfassten Campylobacter-Keime im Muskel
waren vergleichsweise gering. Nur 27% der Muskelproben zeigten sich
Campylobacter positiv bei einer Nachweisgrenze von >0,3 MPN Campylobacter/g.
Die geringe Kontamination des Fleisches weist rohem HĂ€hnchenfleisch eine
weniger relevante Rolle in der Epidemiologie der humanen Campylobacteriose zu.
Kreuzkontaminationen von verzehrsfertigen Lebensmitteln oder belasteten
OberflĂ€chen wĂ€hrend der Zubereitung dĂŒrften hingegen ein höheres
Gesundheitsrisiko darstellen als der Verzehr von unzureichend gegartem
HĂ€hnchenfleisch. Hinsichtlich der Speziesverteilung bestand sowohl auf der
SchenkeloberflÀche als auch in der Muskulatur eine Dominanz von C. jeuni (84%
bzw. 97%), gefolgt von C. coli (16% bzw. 3%). Dabei ist die zunehmende
Chinolonresistenz der aus dem Handel isolierten Camplobacter-StÀmme
besorgniserregend und bei der antibiotischen Behandlung von Campylobacteriosen
zu beachten. Die erhöhte PrÀvalenz und Anzahl von Campylobacter auf
HÀhnchenschenkeln in den wÀrmeren Monaten lÀsst eine saisonale AbhÀngigkeit
der Campylobacter Belastung erkennen und spricht fĂŒr ein erhöhtes
Infektionsrisiko zu bestimmten Jahreszeiten.Quantification of Campylobacter spp. on the surface and in the muscle of
chicken legs at retail; comparison of different sampling techniques and
enumeration methods In order to collect data about the quantitative load of
Campylobacter in chicken and thus defining the risk for consumers, the object
of the present study was to determine the prevalence and number of
Campylobacter on the surface and in the meat of chicken legs at retail level
and to investigate seasonal influence on the prevalence and number of these
pathogens. In the context of quantitative investigations, two different ways
of sample preparation for the isolation of Campylobacter combined with two
different enumeration methods were compared to develop an applicable method
for the isolation and enumeration of these pathogens. From November 2003 to
December 2004, 140 packages of raw chicken legs, 10 each month, were bought
from different retail outlets in Berlin. At the beginning of the quantitative
investigations, the distribution of Campylobacter-counts within the same
package was examined in ten packages containing 4 to 5 legs to determine
homogeneity within the sample. Results demonstrated that there is only a small
difference between Campylobacter-counts on the surface of chicken legs within
the same package which is a condition for the comparison of the sample
preparation types. The comparison of the sample preparation types was carried
out by rinsing one chicken leg (rinse sample) and homogenising the skin (skin
sample) of the other leg of the same package with 90 packages. Both sample
preparation types were examined by direct plating method and MPN technique in
40 packages and compared based on the colony forming units of Campylobacter
per leg. 70% (63/90) of the skin samples and 77% (69/90) of the rinse samples
were Campylobacter-positive. Enumeration of Campylobacter by direct plating
method revealed a median of log 4.0 CFU/leg surface in skin samples (SD = 0.6)
and a median of log 4.3 CFU/leg surface in rinse samples (SD = 0.9). 73%
(37/51) of the rinse samples revealed higher numbers of Campylobacter than the
skin samples. Concerning the sample preparation types, the direct plating
method detected higher numbers of Campylobacter in 80% of the compared rinse
samples with a median count of log 4.2 CFU/leg surface (SD = 1) than the MPN
technique where a median of log 4.0 CFU/leg surface (SD = 1.1) was obtained.
The difference was not significant. Furthermore, a highly significant positive
correlation was observed between both methods. Due to the results achieved in
the comparative examination, the further investigations were continued with
skin samples and direct plating method. In total, results of the quantitative
and qualitative investigation show that a high percentage of superficially
contaminated chicken legs is sold to the consumer. 66% of the examined chicken
legs were contaminated with Campylobacter on the surface and the numbers of
Campylobacter with a median of log 2.4 CFU/g are remarkable. Incidence and
number of Campylobacter detected by MPN technique in the muscle were
comparatively low. Only 27% of the muscle samples were Campylobacter positiv
with a detection limit of >0,3 MPN Campylobacter/g. The low contamination rate
of meat allocates raw meat a minor role in the epidemiology of human
campylobacteriosis. Cross contamination of ready to eat food or contaminated
surfaces during food preparation may pose a higher health risk than the
consumption of insufficient heated chicken meat. Regarding the species
distribution, in both, skin and muscle samples, C. jejuni was isolated more
frequently (84% and 97%, respectively) than C. coli (16% and 3%,
respectively). The increasing quinolone-resistance of Campylobacter isolates
from retail is alarming and should be considered when treating Campylobacter
infection antibiotically. The increased prevalence and number of Campylobacter
on chicken legs during warmer months shows a seasonal influence on
Campylobacter contamination indicating a higher risk at certain seasons
Ensuring connectedness for the Maximum Quasi-clique and Densest -subgraph problems
Given an undirected graph , a quasi-clique is a subgraph of whose
density is at least . Two optimization problems
can be defined for quasi-cliques: the Maximum Quasi-Clique (MQC) Problem, which
finds a quasi-clique with maximum vertex cardinality, and the Densest
-Subgraph (DKS) Problem, which finds the densest subgraph given a fixed
cardinality constraint. Most existing approaches to solve both problems often
disregard the requirement of connectedness, which may lead to solutions
containing isolated components that are meaningless for many real-life
applications. To address this issue, we propose two flow-based connectedness
constraints to be integrated into known Mixed-Integer Linear Programming (MILP)
formulations for either MQC or DKS problems. We compare the performance of MILP
formulations enhanced with our connectedness constraints in terms of both
running time and number of solved instances against existing approaches that
ensure quasi-clique connectedness. Experimental results demonstrate that our
constraints are quite competitive, making them valuable for practical
applications requiring connectedness
Implementation of anaphylaxis management guidelines
Anaphylaxis management guidelines recommend the use of intramuscular adrenaline in severe reactions, complemented by antihistamines and corticoids; secondary prevention includes allergen avoidance and provision of self-applicable first aid drugs. Gaps between recommendations and their implementation have been reported, but only in confined settings. Hence, we analysed nation-wide data on the management of anaphylaxis, evaluating the implementation of guidelines. Within the anaphylaxis registry, allergy referral centres across Germany, Austria and Switzerland provided data on severe anaphylaxis cases. Based on patient records, details on reaction circumstances, diagnostic workup and treatment were collected via online questionnaire. Report of anaphylaxis through emergency physicians allowed for validation of registry data. 2114 severe anaphylaxis patients from 58 centres were included. 8% received adrenaline intravenously, 4% intramuscularly; 50% antihistamines, and 51% corticoids. Validation data indicated moderate underreporting of first aid drugs in the Registry. 20% received specific instructions at the time of the reaction; 81% were provided with prophylactic first aid drugs at any time. There is a distinct discrepancy between current anaphylaxis management guidelines and their implementation. To improve patient care, a revised approach for medical education and training on the management of severe anaphylaxis is warranted
Switchable Signaling Molecules for Media Modulation: Fundamentals, Applications, and Research Directions
Although visionary applications of molecular communication (MC), such as
long-term continuous health monitoring by cooperative in-body nanomachines,
have been proposed, MC is still in its infancy when it comes to practical
implementation. In particular, long-term experiments and applications face
issues such as depletion of signaling molecules (SMs) at the transmitter (TX)
and inter-symbol interference (ISI) at the receiver (RX). To overcome these
practical challenges, a new class of SMs with switchable states seems to be
promising for future MC applications. In this work, we provide an overview of
existing switchable SMs, and classify them according to their properties.
Furthermore, we highlight how switchable SMs can be utilized as information
carriers for media modulation. In addition, we present theoretical and
experimental results for an end-to-end MC system employing the green
fluorescent protein variant "Dreiklang" (GFPD) as switchable SM. Our
experimental results show, for the first time, successful information
transmission in a closed-loop pipe system using media modulation. Finally, we
discuss media modulation specific challenges and opportunities.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures. This work has been accepted for publication in
IEEE Communications Magazin
Comparing validation of four ELISAsystems for detection of Salmonella Derby- and Salmonella Infantis-infected pigs
The objective of this study was the comparative evaluation of four indirect
Salmonella ELISA tests at study time approved in Germany to detect Salmonella
infection in pigs. Three tests are based on a LPS-antigen mix and directed
against specific IgG antibodies. The fourth test is based on a purified S.
Typhimurium whole-cell lysate antigen and discriminates between Salmonella-
specific IgM-, IgA-, and IgG- antibodies. In a longitudinal study, two groups
of six weeks old hybrid piglets were orally infected with a porcine S.
Infantis or S. Derby strain. Clinical and bacteriological parameters were
monitored weekly during an observation period of 130 days after infection and
serum samples were investigated in parallel with the respective ELISAs.
Apparently, the LPS-based ELISA systems used in this study failed to recognize
S. Infantis-infected pigs although those animals shed the pathogen in high
amounts throughout the study until day 81 post infection (p. i.). In contrast,
the isotype-specific Salmonella Typhimurium whole-cell-lysate based ELISA was
capable of detecting Salmonella-infected pigs from day ten p. i. at all tested
serotypes and revealed the highest sensitivity in detection of S. Infantis-
infected pigs. Furthermore, it became apparent that the often used
surveillance cut-off value of 40 OD% is not appropriate for intra-vitam
detection of S. Infantis- and S. Derbyinfected pigs. In contrast, the cut-off
values of the ELISAs given by the suppliers result in considerable higher
detection rates
Predicting the influence of a p2-symmetric substrate on molecular self-organization with an interaction-site model
An interaction-site model can a priori predict molecular selforganisation on a new substrate in Monte Carlo simulations. This is experimentally confirmed with scanning tunnelling microscopy on FreÂŽchet dendrons of a pentacontane template. Local and global ordering motifs, inclusion molecules and a rotated unit cell are correctly predicted
The historical development of zoo elephant survivorship
In the discussion about zoo elephant husbandry, the report of Clubb et al. (2008, Science 322: 1649) that zoo elephants had a âcompromised survivorshipâ compared to certain non-zoo populations is a grave argument, and was possibly one of the triggers of a large variety of investigations into zoo elephant welfare, and changes in zoo elephant management. A side observation of that report was that whereas survivorship in African elephants (Loxodonta africana) improved since 1960, this was not the case in Asian elephants (Elephas maximus). We used historical data (based on the Species360 database) to revisit this aspect, including recent developments since 2008. Assessing the North American and European populations from 1910 until today, there were significant improvements of adult (â„10 years) survivorship in both species. For the period from 1960 until today, survivorship improvement was significant for African elephants and close to a significant improvement in Asian elephants; Asian elephants generally had a higher survivorship than Africans. Juvenile (<10 years) survivorship did not change significantly since 1960 and was higher in African elephants, most likely due to the effect of elephant herpes virus on Asian elephants. Current zoo elephant survivorship is higher than some, and lower than some other non-zoo populations. We discuss that in our view, the shape of the survivorship curve, and its change over time, are more relevant than comparisons with specific populations. Zoo elephant survivorship should be monitored continuously, and the expectation of a continuous trend towards improvement should be met
Anticancer phototherapy using activation of E-combretastatins by two-photonâinduced isomerization
The photoisomerization of relatively nontoxic E-combretastatins to clinically active Z-isomers is
shown to occur in solution through both one- and two-photon excitations at 340 and 625 nm, respectively.
The photoisomerization is also demonstrated to induce mammalian cell death by a two-photon absorption process
at 625 nm. Unlike conventional photodynamic therapy (PDT), the mechanism of photoisomerization is oxygen-
independent and active in hypoxic environments such as in tumors. The use of red or near-infrared (NIR)
light for two-photon excitation allows greater tissue penetration than conventional UV one-photon excitation. The
results provide a baseline for the development of a novel phototherapy that overcomes nondiscriminative
systemic toxicity of Z-combretastatins and the limitations of PDT drugs that require the presence of oxygen
to promote their activity, with the added benefits of two-photon red or NIR excitation for deeper tissue penetration
Do self-reported hearing and visual impairments predict longitudinal dementia in older adults?
Sensory impairments have been associated with dementia in older adults. However, the contribution of different impairments and how they interact in the development of dementia is not clear. We examined the independent and interaction effects of hearing impairment (HI) and visual impairment (VI) on incident dementia.
Multi-centric population-based prospective cohort study.
Data were taken from the AgeDifferent.de platform, pooling participants aged 75 and older from the German LEILA75+ and AgeCoDe/AgeQualiDe cohorts.
Older adults (N =â3497) with mean age 79.8âyears, 67.2% female.
Standardized interviews and questionnaires were used to assess self-reported HI and VI at baseline and all-cause dementia in 9 follow-ups, spanning over 20âyears.
Competing risk regression models were conducted to test the main and interaction effects of HI and VI on dementia incidence, adjusting for established risk factors of dementia and accumulated mortality.
HI and VI at baseline were reported by 30.3% and 16.6% of individuals, respectively. Adjusting for baseline information on sociodemographics, substance use, cognitive functioning and morbidity, and controlling for accumulated mortality risk, HI (sHR 1.16, 95% CI 1.04â1.30, p =â0.011) but not VI (sHR 1.07, 95% CI 0.90â1.28, p =â0.462) was significantly associated with incident dementia. There was no interaction between HI and VI (sHR 1.09, 95% CI 0.81â1.46, p =â0.567).
Hearing impairment is associated with an increased incidence of all-cause dementia in older adults. There is no excess risk or risk compensation through the additional presence or absence of visual impairment. Early prevention measures for hearing impairment might help to reduce the long-term risk of dementia
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