12 research outputs found

    Die Denunziation in der Sowjetunion und im postsowjetischen Rußland

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    Der Beitrag beschreibt die 'langen Wellen' und dauerhaften Prägungen, die Denunziation in der Gesellschaft und politischen Kultur Russlands seit der Oktoberrevolution hinterlassen haben. In Russland gab es, so die These der Autorin, eine lange Tradition kultureller Muster, an die das Denunziationsverhalten im Stalinismus anschließen konnten. Für die Durchführung der 'totalen' Kontrolle bedurfte es tausender Agenten und inoffizieller Mitarbeiter, die regelmäßig Nachforschungen in allen gesellschaftlichen Nischen der Sowjetunion durchführten. Alle, angefangen bei Stalin, sammelten kompromittierende Einzelheiten - einer gegen den anderen. Gleichzeitig war der Kontakt zu den staatlichen Organen gefährlich. Jede Zusammenarbeit war immer mit der Gefahr verbunden, selbst wegen Denunziation verhaftet zu werden. Erst mit der Perestroika änderten sich diese schizophrene Situation und das Klima des allgemeinen Misstrauens vollständig. In den Medien traten - in gutem ehemaligen stalinistischen Stil - Mitarbeiter mit öffentlichen Reuebekenntnissen auf. Zu einer wirklichen Vergangenheitsbewältigung und Wiedergeburt der Gesellschaft ist es für die Autorin jedoch bis jetzt nicht gekommen. (ICA)'In Russian history, there is a long tradition of denunciation dating back to the times of Peter I. In the revolutionary period beginning in the late 19th century, both rebels and the secret police reinforced these tendencies heavily which resulted in the critical atmosphere of the post-1917 years. During Stalinist rule, especially in the 1920s and 1930s, denunciations occurred in enormous numbers. Motives were different, and although ideological reasons were important, fear was the most essential stimulus for such behaviour, which climaxed during the Great Terror of 1936/37. The situation relaxed remarkably after Stalin's death, but the possibility of being denounced remained a fact in Soviet society until Perestrojka started in the early 1990s. Nevertheless, the still closed archives on the one hand and the fear of rising criminality on the other hand (against which undercover-agents might be valuable) are obstacles for a truly open debate on denunciation in Russian history.' (author's abstract


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    The study of resilience of the industrial sector to shock influences is especially urgent taking into account the constant instability of the economic and political environment in Ukraine and in the world. The aim of the paper is to determine the resilience level of Ukrainian industry to shock influences for improving state support programs for industrial production and decreasing negative results of shock influences on economy of the country. Thus, the object of the study is Ukrainian industry. Methods of comparative analysis have been used in the paper. Based on parameters of economic safety, there have been determined main indicators that allow to estimate the resilience level of industry to external and internal shocks. These indicators include estimation of the condition of industry of the country, namely: its ability to keep balance and to renew itself after shocks, general parameters of economic effectiveness such as labor productivity, labor intensity, profitability of operational activity, indices of the level of technological support of industry. Resilience to shocks of the external sector is presented by the analysis of indicators of export-import operations. For objectivity of the conducted analysis, indicators of Ukrainian industry have been compared with European countries. According to the results of the conducted analysis, the conclusion has been made about the unstable condition of Ukrainian industry, because eleven of thirteen analyzed indicators are beyond threshold values, and only two ones: labor intensity of industrial production and a share of manufacturing industry in GDP are lower or within a threshold value. For providing the growth of industrial production in separate regions of Ukraine, there it has been offered to create a base productions in industry. The following base productions have been determined in Ukrainian industry: production of engines of different types, semiconductors and microelectronics, constructor materials, diverse products of inter-branch destination

    Statistical Modelling for Improving Efficiency of Online Advertising

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    Real-time bidding has transformed the digital advertising landscape, allowing companies to buy website advertising space in a matter of milliseconds in the time it takes a webpage to load. Joint research between Cardiff University and Crimtan has employed statistical modelling in conjunction with machine-learning techniques on big data to develop computer algorithms that can select the most appropriate person to which an ad should be shown. These algorithms have been used to identify suitable bidding strategies for that particular advert in order to make the whole process as profitable as possible for businesses. Crimtan's use of the algorithms have enabled them to improve the service that they offer to clients, save money, make significant efficiency gains and attract new business. This has had a knock-on effect with the clients themselves, who have reported an increase in conversion rates as a result of more targeted, accurate and informed advertising. We have also used mixed Poisson processes for modelling for analysing repeat-buying behaviour of online customers. To make numerical comparisons, we use real data collected by Crimtan in the process of running several recent ad campaigns

    Monitoramento dos estudos de satisfação de universitários graduados quanto à qualidade da educação: as principais abordagens

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    Introduction. The article actualizes the problem of monitoring the qualitative indicators of higher education in modern Russian universities. The opportunities for monitoring to identify the levels of university graduates’ satisfaction with the obtained education considering the rapidly changing socio-cultural and economic conditions are disclosed. Goal: substantiation of heuristic possibilities for monitoring the quality of higher education in accordance with the social demand. Methods. At the basis of the study methodology lies the systemic approach allowing the authors to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the specific features of monitoring. The analysis, generalization, and classification of the main indicators constituting the foundation for the study of university graduates’ satisfaction with the quality of education are conducted. Results. The article presents the results of monitoring studies and proposes a classification of methodological and methodical approaches to the study of the topic. Scientific novelty. The topic of monitoring university graduates’ satisfaction with the quality of education allows the authors to explore the main relevant problems of modern universities and disclose the potential of higher education. Practical significance. The acquired study results can be used in further research, scientific and methodical developments, and project activity aimed at improving students’ satisfaction with the educational process and promote the quality of pedagogical work.Introducción. El artículo actualiza el problema del seguimiento de los indicadores cualitativos de la educación superior en las universidades rusas modernas. Se divulgan las oportunidades de monitoreo para identificar los niveles de satisfacción de los egresados universitarios con la educación obtenida considerando las condiciones socioculturales y económicas rápidamente cambiantes. Objetivo: fundamentar las posibilidades heurísticas para monitorear la calidad de la educación superior de acuerdo con la demanda social. Métodos. En la base de la metodología del estudio se encuentra el enfoque sistémico que permite a los autores realizar un análisis integral de las características específicas del seguimiento. Se realiza el análisis, generalización y clasificación de los principales indicadores que constituyen la base del estudio de la satisfacción de los egresados universitarios con la calidad de la educación. Resultados. El artículo presenta los resultados de estudios de seguimiento y propone una clasificación de enfoques metodológicos y metódicos para el estudio del tema. Novedad científica. El tema del monitoreo de la satisfacción de los graduados universitarios con la calidad de la educación permite a los autores explorar los principales problemas relevantes de las universidades modernas y revelar el potencial de la educación superior. Significado práctico. Los resultados del estudio adquiridos se pueden utilizar en futuras investigaciones, desarrollos científicos y metódicos y actividades de proyectos destinadas a mejorar la satisfacción de los estudiantes con el proceso educativo y promover la calidad del trabajo pedagógico.Introdução. O artigo atualiza o problema do monitoramento dos indicadores qualitativos do ensino superior nas modernas universidades russas. São divulgadas as oportunidades de monitoramento para identificar os níveis de satisfação dos graduados universitários com a educação obtida, considerando as condições sócio-culturais e econômicas em rápida mudança. Objetivo: comprovação das possibilidades heurísticas de monitoramento da qualidade do ensino superior de acordo com a demanda social. Métodos. Na base da metodologia de estudo está a abordagem sistêmica que permite aos autores conduzir uma análise abrangente das características específicas do monitoramento. A análise, generalização e classificação dos principais indicadores que constituem a base para o estudo da satisfação dos graduados universitários com a qualidade do ensino são conduzidos. Resultados. O artigo apresenta os resultados dos estudos de monitoramento e propõe uma classificação das abordagens metodológicas e metódicas para o estudo do tema. Novidade científica. O tema do monitoramento da satisfação dos graduados universitários com a qualidade do ensino permite aos autores explorar os principais problemas relevantes das universidades modernas e divulgar o potencial do ensino superior. Significado prático. Os resultados do estudo adquirido podem ser utilizados em pesquisas posteriores, desenvolvimentos científicos e metodológicos e atividades de projeto que visem melhorar a satisfação dos estudantes com o processo educacional e promover a qualidade do trabalho pedagógico

    Gender Specificity of Emotions Representation in the Fiction Text

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    The purpose of the article is to describe the gender-specific objectivity of emotions in the verbal and non-verbal aspects of the communicative behavior of a female character and a male character in a fiction text. Of special interest is the study of the characteristics of the representation of emotions in an artistic text, taking into account the influence of gender on the communicative behavior of the individual and the choice of language means. Using a continuous sampling method, text fragments were selected from the works of contemporary artistic prose by the authors of women and men in Russian-language modern literature of the 20th and 21st centuries, in which the emotional experiences and states of female and male characters were most vividly described. The features of the explication of emotions with regard to the gender identity of the person in the texts of artistic prose are analyzed. It has been identified gender preferences in the choice of language means of expressing emotions in speech. In the course of solving the tasks, the following research methods have been used: descriptive method, which includes analysis, comparison and classification of linguistic facts; context analysis method. The practical significance of the article lies in the possibility of applying the main conclusions and results of the research in theoretical courses on emotiology and gender study. It has been established that gender stereotypes, the social roles of men and women, and the asymmetry of social relations between men and women are reflected in their communicative behavior (verbal and non-verbal)

    Language representation of the emotional state of the personage in non-verbal speech behavior (on the material of Russian and German languages)

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    The article examines the features of actualization of emotions in a non-verbal speech behavior of the character of a literary text. Emotions are considered basic, the most actively used method of literary character reaction to any object, action, or the communicative situation. Nonverbal ways of expressing emotions more fully give the reader an idea of the emotional state of the character. The main focus in the allocation of non-verbal means of communication in art is focused on the description of kinetic, proxemic and prosodic components. The material of the study is the microdialogue fragments extracted by continuous sampling of their works of art texts of the Russian-speaking and German-speaking classical and modern literature XIX - XX centuries. Fragments of the dialogues were analyzed, where the recorded voice of nonverbal behavior of the character of different emotional content (surprise, joy, fear, anger, rage, excitement, etc.) was fixed. It was found that means of verbalization and descriptions of emotion of nonverbal behavior of the character are primarily indirect nomination, expressed verbal vocabulary, adjectives and adverbs. The lexical level is the most significant in the presentation of the emotional state of the character

    Adaptation of students to interaction in the digital environment as a factor of sustainable educational and professional behavior

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    The article presents a characteristic of the features of students' adaptation in educational and professional interaction in a digital environment. The factors of successful adaptation of students, the role of ideas and subjective control in this process are shown. An analysis of the features of manifestations of subjective control among students in the process of interaction is given. The introduction presents an analytical review of research on the problem of students' adaptation to interaction in the context of digitalization, systematizes and typifies the main groups of factors that motivate students' effective activity in educational and professional interaction. The aim of the study is to study the peculiarities of technical students' ideas about the determinants of successful adaptation in the digital environment. The study used questionnaire methods, a subjective control test (SCT). The article describes the main results of studying the perceptions and qualities of students that contribute to successful adaptation to educational and professional interaction in a digital environment