1,097 research outputs found

    Monitoring of Sustainable Energy Action Plan in the city of Genoa

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    After the adoption of the Climate-Energy Package on 29 January 2008, the European Commission launched the Covenant of Mayors, an initiative adressed to European cities voluntary participation in implementing sustainable energy policies, aimed to improve energy efficiency, to increase RES and to reduce GHG emissions by 2020. The City of Genoa joined the initiative in February 2009 and in 2010 submitted the Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) drawn up in cooperation with UNIGE and the Energy Regional Agency of Liguria, a key document defining the energy policies the Municipality intends to adopt in different action fields in order to pursue the Covenant of Mayors objectives. Since it is a dynamic tool, the SEAP requires continuous monitoring for the evaluation of the actions progress, enabling a proper management and a consequent ongoing interventions adjustment in order to encourage an optimal SEAP governance from the point of view of energy and environment. This paper illustrates the approach for monitoring the SEAP of Genoa and the definition the criteria used to assess the degree of interventions implementation, to highlight the presence of critical issues affecting the actions performance and to understand the critical situations nature and then identify possible corrections. The estimate of the results obtained by SEAP in relation to the targets set is, in fact, a key element for the success of the Covenant of Mayors and, more generally, for the success of UE environmental policies for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions

    Semi-automatic spline fitting of planar curvilinear profiles in digital images using the Hough transform

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    We develop a novel method for the recognition of curvilinear profiles in digital images. The proposed method, semi-automatic for both closed and open planar profiles, essentially consists of a preprocessing step exploiting an edge detection algorithm, and a main step involving the Hough transform technique. In the preprocessing step, a Canny edge detection algorithm is applied in order to obtain a reduced point set describing the profile curve to be reconstructed. Also, to identify in the profile possible sharp points like cusps, we additionally use an algorithm to find the approximated tangent vector of every edge point. In the subsequent main step, we then use a piecewisely defined Hough transform to locally recognize from the point set a low-degree piecewise polynomial curve. The final outcome of the algorithm is thus a spline curve approximating the underlined profile image. The output curve consists of polynomial pieces connected G^1 continuously, except in correspondence of the identified cusps, where the order of continu- ity is only C^0 , as expected. To illustrate effectiveness and efficiency of the new profile detection technique we present several numerical results dealing with detection of open and closed profiles in images of dif- ferent type, i.e., medical and photographic image

    An approach for computing AS/R systems travel times in a class-based storage configuration

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    This study provides an approach to compute the travel time for AS/R systems in a class-based storage environment. A regression analysis is completed in order to define the importance of the key predictors taken into account and to propose a formulation of travel times. The results show the reliability of the model and allow to evaluate the travel time through the identification of a complete list of predictors. The proposed approach supports managers in theex-ante definition of travel times for a warehouse. A correct evaluation of travel times enables a better monitoring of the performance of warehouse operations and can support practitioners in the choice of the configuration not only in terms of kind of cycle, but also from a policy assignment perspective. From a theoretical point of view, this work can be considered as an attempt to refine the existing methods to compute travel times

    Guidelines for a common port noise impact assessment: the ANCHOR LIFE project

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    The paper reports the main contents of the guidelines developed in the framework of the project ANCHOR, acronym of Advanced Noise Control strategies in HarbOuR, which is a European Project funded as part of the announcement Life 2017. The guidelines represent an updated version of those elaborated in the NoMEPorts project named 'Good Practice Guide on Port Area Noise Mapping and Management'; the aim is to define a common approach in port noise monitoring and assessment, considering the outcomes of previous EU funded projects and the algorithms defined by the European Directive 2015/996, in order to produce Port Noise Impact Assessments to be included in ports Environmental Management Systems (EMS). The procedures described in the guidelines will guide professionals in organizing and managing geographical data, in characterizing noise sources and defining, for each of them, the correct noise emission power level, in evaluating noise propagation and people exposure to noise and, finally, in selecting the most efficient mitigation action by means of a cost benefit analysis. Moreover, the paper reports the results of a comparison between noise mapping outcomes obtained using the new noise mapping algorithms defined by the 2015/996 Directive and the old 2002/49/EC Annex II ones; especially at long distances from the source the differences between the two methodologies are not negligible

    Enfermedad de Chagas congénita de segunda generación en Santiago, Chile. Relato de dos casos

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    La enfermedad de Chagas congénita ha sido reportada en diferentes países, en su gran mayoría de Latinoamérica. En 1987 un caso fatal de enfermedad de Chagas congénita de segunda generación fue publicado. En 1989-1990 dos casos de enfermedad de Chagas congénita de segunda generación fueron diagnosticados y estudiados en la ciudad de Santiago. Dos recién nacidos prematuros, hijos de dos hermanas, con moderado aumento del hígado y del bazo, presentaron serología para enfermedad de Chagas y xenodiagnósticos positivos. Las madres, residentes urbanas toda su vida, sin antecedentes de contacto con triatominos ni transfusiones de sangre presentaron serología y xenodiagnósticos positivos. La madre de ellas (abuela de los niños) nació y vivió 20 años en una localidad rural de endemia chagásica, en una casa infestada con triatominos. Posteriormente, se trasladó a vivir a Santiago, donde se casó y ha residido hasta el presente; su serología y xenodiagnóstico fueron positivos. Todas las personas infectadas con Trypanosoma cruzi fueron tratadas exitosamente con nifurtimox.Congenital Chagas disease (CChD) has been reported in different countries, mostly in Latin America. In 1987 a fatal case of CChD of second generation (CChDSG) was published. Within a period of six months - 1989-1990 - two cases of CChDSG were diagnosed and studied in the city of Santiago. Two premature newborns, sons of two sisters, with moderate liver and spleen enlargement, were found to have positive serology for Chagas disease and xenodiagnoses. The mothers, urban residents all their lives, without antecedents of triatomine bugs contact or blood transfusions, showed positive serology and xenodiagnoses. Their mother (grandmother of the infants), lived 20 years in a Northern rural Chagas disease endemic locality, in a triatomine infested house. Afterwards, she moved to Santiago, where she married and has resided up to now. Serology and xenodiagnoses were also positive. All the Trypanosoma cruzi infected individuals were successfully treated with nifurtimox

    Airborne Sound Power Levels and Spectra of Noise Sources in Port Areas

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    Airborne port noise has historically suffered from a lack of regulatory assessment compared to other transport infrastructures. This has led to several complaints from citizens living in the urban areas surrounding ports, which is a very common situation, especially in countries facing the Mediterranean sea. Only in relatively recent years has an effort been made to improve this situation, which has resulted in a call for and financing of numerous international cooperation research projects, within the framework of programs such as EU FP7, H2020, ENPI-CBC MED, LIFE, and INTERREG. These projects dealt with issues and aspects of port noise, which is an intrinsically tangled problem, since several authorities and companies operate within the borders of ports, and several different noise sources are present at the same time. In addition, ship classification societies have recently recognized the problem and nowadays are developing procedures and voluntary notations to assess the airborne noise emission from marine vessels. The present work summarizes the recent results of research regarding port noise sources in order to provide a comprehensive database of sources that can be easily used, for example, as an input to the noise mapping phase, and can subsequently prevent citizens' exposure to noise

    Source characterization guidelines for noise mapping of port areas

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    Maritime transport for both passengers and freight is continuously increasing and, consequently, the global attention toward its sustainability is growing. Ships offer advantages in terms of environmental impact compared to other transportation systems but the increasing traffic volume is expected to increase pollutants. Noise produced in port areas has been neglected for too long, until the INTERREG Maritime programme Italy-France 2014\u20132020 has brought to light how citizen complaints are emerging for some of the main ports in the Mediterranean. However, port noise prevention and management is difficult as knowledge on specific sources is very limited in the literature. Furthermore, on field measurements are difficult to be performed given the complexity of the port area, where multiple types of sound emitters mix and confuse each other. Noise maps represent the first important step in order to align ports to the requirements set by the Environmental Noise Directive to the transportation infrastructures. Once computed, they are an excellent tool supporting port management towards the reduction of citizens\u2019 noise exposure while ensuring traffic growth. The present paper reports a guideline for the characterization of noise sources needed as inputs for the noise maps, as developed in the framework of the INTERREG Maritime programme Italy-France 2014\u20132020. On the basis of the current state of the art, a procedure has been elaborated for different categories of noise sources acting in port, ranging from stationary to moving ships, from mooring operations to loading/unloading operations, from industrial activities to road and railway traffic

    Loxoscelismo en Chile: estudios epidemiológicos, clínicos y experimentales

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    Se presenta un enfoque panorámico de estudios epidemiológicos, clínicos y experimentales referentes a Loxosceles laeta y loxoscelismo efectuados en 1955-1988 en Santiago, Chile. Se estudiaron 216 casos de loxoscelismo. Los hechos más relevantes fueron: 52,8% correspondió a mujeres; edad entre 7 meses y 78 años; 84,3% fué loxoscelismo cutáneo (LO y 15,7% loxoscelismo cutáneo-visceral (LCV); 73,6% sucedió en época calurosa; en 86,6% el accidente ocurrió en la vivienda, especialmente en dormitorios, mientras la persona dormía o se vestía. La araña fué vista en 60,2% de los casos e identificada en laboratorio como L. laeta en 17,7% (10,6% de los 216 casos). Los sitios más frecuen temente afectados fueron las extremidades con 67,6%, lancetazo urente fué el síntoma inicial más frecuente. Dolor, edema y placa livedoide, la cual posteriormente se transformaría en escara necrótica, fueron las manifestaciones locales predominantes. En LCV hematuria y hemoglobinuria fueron constantes, ictericia, fiebre y compromiso de conciencia se presentaron en la mayoría de los casos. Tratamiento: LC con antihistamínicos o corticoides inyectables, LCV con corti-coides inyectables. La condición de los pacientes en el último control fué: curación completa en 75,5%, curación con secuela cicatrizal en 8,3%, muerte en 3,7% (todos con LCV) y abandono en 12,5%. Adicionalmente, se ha efectuado una serie de estudios experimentales, tanto in vivo como in vitro para esclarecer aspectos básicos sobre el veneno de L. laeta y el tratamiento del loxoscelismo.A panoramic sight of epidemiological, clinical and experimental studies, referring to Loxosceles laeta and loxoscelism, carried out in 1955-1988, in Santiago, Chile is presented. Two-hundred and sixteen cases of loxosce lism were studied. The most relevant features were: 84.3% corresponded to cutaneous loxosce lism (CD and 15.7% to viscerocutaneous loxos celism (VCD; 73.6% ocurred in hot season; in 86.6% of cases the accident happened in the hou se, particularly in bedrooms, while the people were sleeping or dressing. The spider was seen in 60.2%r of cases and identified in the laboratory as L. laeta in 10.69c of all cases. The sites more frequently bitten were the limbs with 67.6% ; a burning stinging was the most frequent initial symptom. Pain, edema and livedoid plaque, which developed later into a necrotic eschar, we re the predominant local manifestations. In VCL, hematuria and hemoglobinuria were cons tant, while jaundice, fever and sensorial involve ment were present in most of the cases. CL patients were parenterally treated with antihistamine drugs or corticoids, while VCL ones were treated with corticoids by injection. The condition of patients in the last follow up was: complete cure in 75.5% , cure with a scarfed sequela in 8.3%, death in 3.7% (all VCL) and abandonment in 12.5%. Additionally, a series of experimental studies, both in vivo and in vitro, has been performed in order to clarify basic aspects on L. laeta venom and the treatment of loxoscelism