48 research outputs found


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    Im Oktober 2011 war die Vertretung des Landes Schleswig-Holstein beim Bund Gastgeberin der Tagung „Macht und Ohnmacht der Archive“. Kultur- und Archivwissenschaftlerinnen und -wissenschaftler, Archivarinnen und Archivare debattierten ĂŒber Auftrag und Nutzen, Verantwortung und Leistung der Archive in einer weithin digitalisierten Wissensgesellschaft. Die Archivwissenschaft in Deutschland ist auf die Herausforderung, die durch das von Kulturwissenschaftlerinnen und -wissenschaftlern in der AtmosphĂ€re der Postmoderne geformte VerstĂ€ndnis des Archivs entstanden ist, bislang nicht ausfĂŒhrlich eingegangen. Mit dem hier dokumentierten Symposium wird die ĂŒberfĂ€llige Auseinandersetzung mit diesen Positionen nun begonnen. Die Diskussion wurde dabei betont praxisorientiert und pragmatisch gefĂŒhrt. Die BeitrĂ€ge verbinden archivwissenschaftliche Überlegungen mit der PrĂ€sentation ausgewĂ€hlter Einzelthemen aus archivarischer Praxis und Archivgeschichte.In October 2011, the Representation of the State of Schleswig-Holstein to the Federal Government hosted the conference “Power and Impotence of the Archives”. Cultural and archival scholars, archivists and academics debated the mission and benefits, responsibility and performance of archives in a widely digitized knowledge society. Archival scholarship in Germany has so far not dealt in detail with the challenge posed by the understanding of the archive in the atmosphere of postmodernity by cultural scholars. With the symposium documented here, the long overdue examination of these positions will now begin. The discussion was conducted in a pragmatic and practice-oriented manner. The contributions combine archival research considerations with the presentation of selected individual topics from archival practice and archive history


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    Adolf Brenneke (1875–1946), Archivar und norddeutscher Landeshistoriker, ist vor allem ein Klassiker der Archivwissenschaft. Nach jahrzehntelanger archivarischer Praxis lehrte er seit 1931 an der preußischen Archivschule in Berlin-Dahlem. In Verbindung mit seiner Vorlesung befasste er sich historisch-typologisch mit „Gestalten des Archivs“ und entwarf, basierend auf dem Provenienzprinzip, eine archivische Ordnungslehre. Dabei griff er auf gedankliche Motive des Historismus zurĂŒck. So setzte er sich mit der Historik Johann Gustav Droysens, der Geschichtsauffassung Friedrich Meineckes und der geisteswissenschaftlichen Psychologie des Dilthey-SchĂŒlers Eduard Spranger auseinander. Bedingt durch die ZeitumstĂ€nde des „Dritten Reiches“ konnte Brenneke seine archivwissenschaftlichen Studien bis zu seinem Tod wenige Monate nach Kriegsende nicht abschließen. Sein SchĂŒler Wolfgang Leesch veröffentlichte Brennekes „Archivkunde“ jedoch 1953 in bearbeiteter Form. Mit der vorliegenden Edition werden nun auch die originalen Manuskripte zugĂ€nglich gemacht. Im Mittelpunkt stehen die im Nachlass aufgefundenen „Archivartikel“ fĂŒr ein nicht zustande gekommenes Sachwörterbuch fĂŒr die Deutsche Geschichte. Der Archivwissenschaftler und -theoretiker Dietmar Schenk beleuchtet zudem in einem ausfĂŒhrlichen Nachwort die ideen- und wissenschaftsgeschichtlichen Kontexte.Adolf Brenneke (1875-1946), archivist and Northern German regional historian, is above all a classic of archival science. After decades of archival practice, he began teaching at the Prussian School of Archives in Berlin-Dahlem in 1931. In connection with his lecture, he dealt historically-typologically with "Gestalten des Archivs" ("Shapes of the Archive") and, based on the principle of provenance, designed an archive doctrine of order. In doing so, he drew on the intellectual motifs of historicism. Thus he dealt with the history of Johann Gustav Droysen, Friedrich Meinecke\u27s conception of history and the psychology of the humanities of the Dilthey student Eduard Spranger. Due to the circumstances of the Third Reich, Brenneke was unable to complete his archival studies until his death a few months after the end of the war. His pupil Wolfgang Leesch, however, published Brenneke\u27s "Archival Studies" in 1953 in edited form. With this edition, the original manuscripts are now also made accessible. The focus is on the "archive articles" found in the estate for a non-fiction dictionary of German history that did not come into being. The archive scientist and theorist Dietmar Schenk also illuminates the contexts of the history of ideas and science in a detailed epilogue

    Gestalten des Archivs/Nachgelassene Schriften zur Archivwissenschaft. Herausgegeben und mit einem Nachwort versehen von Dietmar Schenk

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    Adolf Brenneke (1875-1946), archivist and Northern German regional historian, is above all a classic of archival science. After decades of archival practice, he began teaching at the Prussian School of Archives in Berlin-Dahlem in 1931. In connection with his lecture, he dealt historically-typologically with "Gestalten des Archivs" ("Shapes of the Archive") and, based on the principle of provenance, designed an archive doctrine of order. In doing so, he drew on the intellectual motifs of historicism. Thus he dealt with the history of Johann Gustav Droysen, Friedrich Meinecke's conception of history and the psychology of the humanities of the Dilthey student Eduard Spranger. Due to the circumstances of the "Third Reich", Brenneke was unable to complete his archival studies until his death a few months after the end of the war. His pupil Wolfgang Leesch, however, published Brenneke's "Archival Studies" in 1953 in edited form. With this edition, the original manuscripts are now also made accessible. The focus is on the "archive articles" found in the estate for a non-fiction dictionary of German history that did not come into being. The archive scientist and theorist Dietmar Schenk also illuminates the contexts of the history of ideas and science in a detailed epilogue

    Archiv und Lebenswelt

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    Der Erfahrungs- und Handlungsraum des Archivs hat mit den ihm eigenen Zwecken im menschlichen Alltag seinen Ursprung: Es gibt eine "SphĂ€re des Archivischen", welche die institutionellen Archive umgibt und ĂŒber sie hinausweist. In diesem Beitrag wird auf zwei Situationen individuellen Lebens eingegangen, in denen ein Umgang mit der Vergangenheit anhand materieller Überreste stattfindet, ganz gleich, ob es sich jeweils um SchriftstĂŒcke, Bilder oder GegenstĂ€nde handelt: beim Wohnen mit "Dingen von frĂŒher" und bei der Suche nach Wahrheit aufgrund eines Schicksalsschlags, von dem man nicht loskommt. Die LebensnĂ€he des Archivs, die hier exemplarisch sichtbar wird, steht in einem gewissen Kontrast zu charakteristischen Eigenschaften der institutionellen Archive: Archivalien werden im Interesse des Erhalts in sicheren Depots gelagert, und sie besitzen in ihrer Absonderung die Aura des Originalen.The archive, understood as a place of experience and action, has its own set of purposes rooted in daily life. There is an "archival sphere", surrounding and going beyond the professionally organized archival services. In this chapter, two types of personal life situations will be treated in which we are dealing with the past by using material remnants, whether they are writings, images or objects. The situations to be discussed are, firstly, living with things of the past and, secondly, seeking the truth after a stroke of fate that we are not able to leave behind. In view of these examples it turns out that archival attitudes are, in their origin, close to real life. This forms a contrast to peculiar characteristics of archival institutions: Archival records are locked away and stored safely in a depot for preservation, and they have the aura of unique documents

    Pouvoir de l’archive et vĂ©ritĂ© historique

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    À partir d’un exposĂ© du point de dĂ©part des dĂ©bats actuels sur l’archive et son pouvoir – la publication en 1995 de Mal d’archive par Derrida et le contexte du postmodernisme –, Dietmar Schenk examine l’évolution de ces dĂ©bats et leur place dans les sciences humaines, et plus gĂ©nĂ©ralement le champ des reprĂ©sentations. Il interroge ainsi la prolifĂ©ration et la dissĂ©mination, par le chemin de la mĂ©taphore, du mot archives ou plutĂŽt, au singulier, archive, avant d’entamer une rĂ©flexion, d’ordre Ă  la fois Ă©pistĂ©mologique et politique, sur une expression tout aussi prolifĂ©rante et par consĂ©quent flottante, celle de « pouvoir de l’archive ».Beginning with a text from the starting point in the current debates on the archive and its power –the 1995 publication of Mal d’archive by Derrida and the postmodernist context– Dietmar Shenk examines the evolution of these debates and the place they occupy in the social sciences and humanities, and more generally, in the field of representation. He thus examines the proliferation and the dissemination, via metaphor, of the word archives, or rather, the singular archive, before beginning a reflection, of both an epistemological and a political order, on an expression that is proliferated just as much and is consequently a ‘floating’ one, that of a ‘power of the archive’

    Wie mÀchtig sind Archive?/Perspektiven der Archivwissenschaft

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    In October 2011, the Representation of the State of Schleswig-Holstein to the Federal Government hosted the conference Power and Impotence of the Archives". Cultural and archival scholars, archivists and academics debated the mission and benefits, responsibility and performance of archives in a widely digitized knowledge society. Archival scholarship in Germany has so far not dealt in detail with the challenge posed by the understanding of the archive in the atmosphere of postmodernity by cultural scholars. With the symposium documented here, the long overdue examination of these positions will now begin. The discussion was conducted in a pragmatic and practice-oriented manner. The contributions combine archival research considerations with the presentation of selected individual topics from archival practice and archive history.

    Effectiveness and Tolerability of Tapentadol Prolonged Release Compared With Prior Opioid Therapy for the Management of Severe, Chronic Osteoarthritis Pain

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    BACKGROUND: Tapentadol prolonged release (PR; 100–250 mg twice daily) has been efficacious and well tolerated for managing moderate-to-severe, chronic osteoarthritis hip or knee pain in phase 3 studies with washout of previous analgesic treatment. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness and tolerability of tapentadol PR (50–250 mg twice daily) after direct rotation from World Health Organization (WHO) step III opioids in patients with severe osteoarthritis knee pain who previously responded to WHO step III therapy but showed poor tolerability. METHODS: This open-label, phase 3b study (NCT00982280) was conducted from October 2009 through June 2010 (prematurely terminated due to slow recruitment and study drug shortages) in clinical care settings in Europe and Australia. The study population included patients with severe, chronic osteoarthritis knee pain who had taken WHO step III opioids daily for ≄2 weeks before screening, responded to therapy (average pain intensity [11-point numerical rating scale-3 (NRS-3)] ≀5 at screening), and reported opioid-related adverse effects as their reason for changing analgesics. Patients switched directly from WHO step III therapy to tapentadol. Patients received oral tapentadol PR (50–250 mg twice daily) during 5-week titration and 7-week maintenance periods. Oral tapentadol immediate release (IR) was permitted (≀twice/day, ≄4 h apart) for acute pain episodes due to index pain or withdrawal symptoms following discontinuation of previous opioids (combined dose of tapentadol [PR and IR] ≀500 mg/day). This study was planned to evaluate conversion to tapentadol PR, based on responder rate 1 (percentage of patients with same/less pain [NRS-3] versus Week −1) at Week 6 (primary endpoint), adverse events (AEs), and discontinuation rates. Equianalgesic ratios were calculated for tapentadol prior to WHO step III opioids (PR and PR plus IR formulations). RESULTS: Of 82 patients enrolled, 63 received study medication. In the per-protocol population, responder rate 1 at Week 6 (last observation carried forward) was 94.3 % (50/53; P < 0.0001 vs. the null hypothesis rate [<60 %]). Mean (standard deviation) pain intensity scores were 4.7 (0.66) at baseline, 2.5 (1.46) at Week 6, and 1.8 (1.41) at Week 12 in the main analysis population (change from baseline at Weeks 6 and 12, P < 0.0001). Tapentadol to transdermal buprenorphine equianalgesic ratios (PR [n = 48], 262.9:1; PR plus IR [n = 48], 281.1:1) and tapentadol to oral oxycodone equianalgesic ratios (PR [n = 4], 4.3:1; PR plus IR [n = 6], 4.6:1) were calculated for the main analysis population. In the safety population, prevalence of AEs reported as associated with prior opioids at Week −1 (reasons for rotation) and related to tapentadol treatment at Week 12 decreased over time; the most common were nausea (46.0 vs. 24.1 %) and constipation (31.7 vs. 7.4 %). Overall, 14.3 % of patients discontinued the study early; reasons included AEs (9.5 %), lack of efficacy (3.2 %), and withdrawal of consent (1.6 %). CONCLUSIONS: Significant improvements in effectiveness were observed for tapentadol PR (50–250 mg twice daily) versus WHO step III opioids in patients with severe, chronic osteoarthritis knee pain who previously responded to WHO step III therapy. Equianalgesic ratios were calculated for tapentadol to transdermal buprenorphine and oral oxycodone and were in line with observations from previous phase 3 studies. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s40261-013-0102-0) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Berlins »Richard-Strauss-Epoche«

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    Episodic records of jellyfish ingestion of plastic items reveal a novel pathway for trophic transference of marine litter

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    Invertebrates represent the most plentiful component of marine biodiversity. To date, only few species have been documented for marine litter intake. Here, we report for the first time the presence of macroplastic debris in a jellyfish species. Such novel target to plastic pollution highlights an under studied vector of marine litter along marine trophic web, raising further concern over the impact on marine wildlife

    A broadly cross-reactive monoclonal antibody against hepatitis E virus capsid antigen

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    To generate a hepatitis E virus (HEV) genotype 3 (HEV-3)–specific monoclonal antibody (mAb), the Escherichia coli–expressed carboxy-terminal part of its capsid protein was used to immunise BALB/c mice. The immunisation resulted in the induction of HEV-specific antibodies of high titre. The mAb G117-AA4 of IgG1 isotype was obtained showing a strong reactivity with the homologous E. coli, but also yeast-expressed capsid protein of HEV-3. The mAb strongly cross-reacted with ratHEV capsid protein derivatives produced in both expression systems and weaker with an E. coli–expressed batHEV capsid protein fragment. In addition, the mAb reacted with capsid protein derivatives of genotypes HEV-2 and HEV-4 and common vole hepatitis E virus (cvHEV), produced by the cell-free synthesis in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) and Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf21) cell lysates. Western blot and line blot reactivity of the mAb with capsid protein derivatives of HEV-1 to HEV-4, cvHEV, ratHEV and batHEV suggested a linear epitope. Use of truncated derivatives of ratHEV capsid protein in ELISA, Western blot, and a Pepscan analysis allowed to map the epitope within a partially surface-exposed region with the amino acid sequence LYTSV. The mAb was also shown to bind to human patient–derived HEV-3 from infected cell culture and to hare HEV-3 and camel HEV-7 capsid proteins from transfected cells by immunofluorescence assay. The novel mAb may serve as a useful tool for further investigations on the pathogenesis of HEV infections and might be used for diagnostic purposes. Key points ‱ The antibody showed cross-reactivity with capsid proteins of different hepeviruses. ‱ The linear epitope of the antibody was mapped in a partially surface-exposed region. ‱ The antibody detected native HEV-3 antigen in infected mammalian cells