199 research outputs found

    Unveiling fast field oscillations through comodulation

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    Phase-amplitude coupling analysis shows that theta phase modulates oscillatory activity not only within the traditional gamma band (30–100 Hz) but also at faster frequencies, called high-frequency oscillations (HFOs; 120–160 Hz). To date, however, theta-associated HFOs have been reported by only a small number of laboratories. Here we characterized coupling patterns during active waking (aWk) and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep in local field potentials (LFPs) from the parietal cortex and hippocampus of rats, focusing on how theta-associated HFOs can be detected. We found that electrode geometry and impedance only mildly influence HFO detection, whereas recording location and behavioral state are main factors. HFOs were most prominent in parietal cortex and during REM sleep, although they could also be detected in stratum oriens-alveus and during aWK. The underreporting of HFOs may thus be a result of higher prevalence of recordings from the pyramidal cell layer. However, at this layer, spike-leaked HFOs (SLHFOs) dominate, which represent spike contamination of the LFP and not genuine oscillations. In contrast to HFOs, high-gamma (HG; 60–100 Hz) coupled to theta below the pyramidal cell layer; theta–HG coupling increased during REM sleep. Theta also weakly modulated low-gamma (LG; 30–60 Hz) amplitude, mainly in the parietal cortex; theta–LG coupling did not vary between aWK and REM sleep. HG and HFOs were maximal near the theta peak, parietal LG at the ascending phase, hippocampal LG at the descending phase, and SLHFOs at the trough. Our results unveil four types of fast LFP activity coupled to theta and outline how to detect theta-associated HFOs

    Ketamine alters oscillatory coupling in the hoppocampus

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    Recent studies show that higher order oscillatory interactions such as cross-frequency coupling are important for brain functions that are impaired in schizophrenia, including perception, attention and memory. Here we investigated the dynamics of oscillatory coupling in the hippocampus of awake rats upon NMDA receptor blockade by ketamine, a pharmacological model of schizophrenia. Ketamine (25, 50 and 75 mg/kg i.p.) increased gamma and high-frequency oscillations (HFO) in all depths of the CA1-dentate axis, while theta power changes depended on anatomical location and were independent of a transient increase of delta oscillations. Phase coherence of gamma and HFO increased across hippocampal layers. Phase-amplitude coupling between theta and fast oscillations was markedly altered in a dose-dependent manner: ketamine increased hippocampal theta-HFO coupling at all doses, while theta-gamma coupling increased at the lowest dose and was disrupted at the highest dose. Our results demonstrate that ketamine alters network interactions that underlie cognitively relevant theta-gamma coupling

    The Latin American reconceptualization in the Brazilian dictatorship : the renewal of the social work in the state of Rio Grande do Sul

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    O artigo é fruto de pesquisa sobre o Movimento de Reconceituação Latino-Americano na Escola de Serviço Social de Porto Alegre. Discute a renovação do Serviço Social gaúcho no período ditatorial, evidenciando a constituição da vertente profissional denominada de “Reformismo Reconceituador”. Aborda a caracterização dessa vertente, a qual incidiu na articulação do Movimento de Reconceituação, a partir da realização do I Seminário Latino-Americano em Porto Alegre (1965).The article is the result of research on the Latin American Reconciliation Movement in the School of Social Work of Porto Alegre. It discusses the renewal of the Gaucho Social Work in the dictatorial period, evidencing the constitution of the professional strand denominated as “Reconceptual Reformism”. It addresses the characterization of this strand, which has affected the articulation of the Reconciliation Movement, starting from the I Latin American Seminar in Porto Alegre (1965)

    Social work reconception and Latin American seminars : analysis of the participation of the Porto Alegre school

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    Esse artigo é fruto da terceira etapa da pesquisa “O Movimento de Reconceituação Latino-americano na Escola de Serviço Social de Porto Alegre”, que visa identificar as bases do debate latino-americano nesta escola. Para tanto, foi desenvolvido um estudo exploratório com entrevistas, consultas a artigos, livros e documentos históricos a fim de caracterizar a expressão de tendência reconceituadora na Escola de Porto Alegre, assim como sua repercussão no Movimento de Reconceituação na América Latina. O artigo tem como fio condutor os seminários latino-americanos de Serviço Social e a participação dos professores gaúchos nesses eventos. Destaca-se também a trajetória de Seno Cornely, na época professor da Escola de Serviço Social de Porto Alegre (ESS-POA), por seu protagonismo no Movimento de Reconceituação e sua intensa participação na articulação profissional na América Latina.This article is the result of the third stage of the research "The Movement of Latin American Reconceptualization in the School of Social Work of Porto Alegre", which aims to identify the bases of the Latin American debate in this school. In order to do so, an exploratory study was conducted with interviews, consultations in articles, books and historical documents in order to characterize the expression of a reconceptualizing tendency in the School of Porto Alegre, as well as its repercussion inthe Movement of Reconceptualization in Latin America. The article has as its guiding principle the Latin American seminars on Social Work and the participation of gaucho professors in these events. Also noteworthy is the trajectory of Seno Cornely, professor of the School of Social Work of Porto Alegre at the time, for his role in the Movement of Reconceptualization and his intense participation in professional articulation in Latin America

    Antecedentes da Reconceituação Latino-Americana na Escola de Porto Alegre-RS = Latin American Reconceptualization Antecedents in the School of Porto Alegre-RS

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    Este artigo apresenta resultados da pesquisa “Serviço Social, memória e reconceituação latino-americana: antecedentes e expressões na escola de Porto Alegre – RS”. A metodologia utilizada foi a análise documental do acervo histórico da escola, englobando currículos, planos de disciplinas e categorização de 517 trabalhos de conclusão de curso, no período de 1948 a 1975. Pelos resultados, verifica-se que a influência do desenvolvimentismo na escola foi impulsionada pela realização de Seminários Internacionais em Porto Alegre, na década de 1950, intensificada no início da década de 1960, no quadro da conjuntura política do governo Leonel Brizola. No período que antecede a realização do I Seminário Latino-Americano de 1965, sediado nesta escola, verificam-se duas tendências de renovação profissional: estrutural-participativa, articulada pelo docente Seno Cornely, com influência do pensamento cepalino, da técnica de Seminários na mobilização de comunidades, integrando DC, planejamento e política social no âmbito do Departamento de Assistência Social; e pedagógico-cultural, vinculada ao movimento de Cultura Popular, articulada pelas docentes Lucia Castillo e Zilah Totta sob a influência da esquerda católica, articulada com a Secretaria de Cultura, e influência intelectual de Ernani Fior

    Theta Phase Modulates Multiple Layer-Specific Oscillations in the CA1 Region

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    It was recently proposed that fast gamma oscillations (60--150 Hz) convey spatial information from the medial entorhinal cortex (EC) to the CA1 region of the hippocampus. However, here we describe 2 functionally distinct oscillations within this frequency range, both coupled to the theta rhythm during active exploration and rapid eye movement sleep: an oscillation with peak activity at ~80 Hz and a faster oscillation centered at ~140 Hz. The 2 oscillations are differentially modulated by the phase of theta depending on the CA1 layer; theta-80 Hz coupling is strongest at stratum lacunosum-- moleculare, while theta-140 Hz coupling is strongest at stratum oriens--alveus. This laminar profile suggests that the ~80 Hz oscillation originates from EC inputs to deeper CA1 layers, while the ~140 Hz oscillation reflects CA1 activity in superficial layers. We further show that the ~140 Hz oscillation differs from sharp wave--associated ripple oscillations in several key characteristics. Our results demonstrate the existence of novel theta--associated high-frequency oscillations and suggest a redefinition of fast gamma oscillations

    Pioneers of social work : a profile study based on gender relations

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    O artigo apresenta resultados de estudo sobre as relações de gênero nas trajetórias das pioneiras do Serviço Social, a partir da análise de depoimentos de assistentes sociais que constituíram cursos de Serviço Social nos estados do Rio de Janeiro e Pernambuco. Objetiva analisar como as referidas relações se expressam nas trajetórias de vida e de trabalho destas pioneiras, considerando o contexto histórico, social e cultural no qual estão inseridas. As pioneiras foram em sua maioria mulheres de classes médias e altas com valores cristãos, cuja inserção no mercado de trabalho foi motivada pela manutenção do status social e econômico, dada a condição de assalariamento como elemento determinante do vínculo com o Serviço Social. Apesar da incidência do conservadorismo nas suas experiências profissionais, construíram trajetórias de vida e de trabalho que apresentaram inflexões quanto aos papéis de gênero fixados na sociedade do seu tempo.The article shows results of a study on gender relations in the trajectories of the pioneers of Social Work, based on the analysis of testimonies from social workers who constituted Social Work courses in the states of Rio de Janeiro and Pernambuco. The goal is to analyze how these relationships are expressed in the life and work trajectories of these pioneers, considering the historical, social and cultural context in which they are inserted. The pioneers were mostly women of middle and upper classes with christian values, whose insertion in the job market was motivated by the maintenance of social and economic status, given the condition of wage earning as a determining element of the link with Social Work. Despite the incidence of conservatism in their professional experiences, both lives and work trajectories presented inflections regarding the gender roles in the society of their time

    The Latin American reconceptualization movement at the Porto Alegre school : paths of historical research

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    Objetivo. O artigo apresenta o processo de investigação sobre o Movimento de Reconceituação na Escola de Porto Alegre, no Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, que sediou em 1965, o I Seminário Latino-americano. Metodologia. Realizou-se uma investigação histórica tendo como fontes: entrevistas, documentos históricos e revisão bibliográfica. Resultados. Identificaram-se duas tendências progressistas de Desenvolvimento de Comunidade nos antecedentes da reconceituação, denominadas estrutural-participativa e pedagógico-cultural. Na ditadura se verifica a fusão dessas tendências, constituindo a vertente do reformismo Reconceituador. No contexto de abertura política se verifica a continuidade dessa vertente em dissertações de mestrado, desde investigações sobre Serviço Social de Comunidade e Educação Popular. Conclusões. Verificou-se a influência do Desenvolvimento de Comunidade, que impulsionou tendências progressistas e articulação latino-americana, assim como constituiu uma tendência de renovação do Serviço Social brasileiro, o Reformismo Reconceituador, com significativa participação no movimento latino-americano.Objetivo. El artículo presenta el proceso de investigación sobre el Movimiento de Reconceptualización en la Escuela de Porto Alegre, en Rio Grande del Sur, Brasil, que alojó, en 1965, el I Seminario Latinoamericano. Metodología. Se realizó una investigación histórica teniendo como fuentes: entrevistas, documentos de colección y revisión bibliográfica. Resultados. Se identificaron dos tendencias progresistas de desarrollo de comunidad en los antecedentes de la reconceptualización, denominadas estructural-participativa y pedagógica-cultural. En la dictadura se verifica la fusión de esas tendencias, constituyendo la vertiente del reformismo reconceptualizador. En el contexto de apertura política se verifica la continuidad de esa vertiente en producciones de maestría, desde investigaciones sobre servicio social de comunidad y educación popular. Conclusiones. Se verificó la influencia del desarrollo de comunidad, que impulsó tendencias progresistas y articulación latinoamericana, así como constituyeron una tendencia de renovación del servicio social brasileño, el reformismo reconceptualizador, con significativa participación en el movimiento latinoamericano.Objective. The article presents the research process on the Reconceptualization Movement at the Porto Alegre School, located in Rio Grande do Sul/Brazil, which hosted the 1st Latin American Seminar in 1965. Methodology. A historical research was carried out having interviews, documents from the school collection and bibliographic review as sources. Results. Two continuing trends in community development were identified in the background of reconceptualization, called structural-participatory and pedagogical-cultural. Dictatorship shows a fusion of these trends, constituting the aspect of reconceptualizing reform. In the context of political openness the continuity of this trend is verified in Master’s productions, based on research on Community Social Work and popular education. Conclusions. The influence of Community Development was verified, which promoted progressive tendencies and Latin American articulation, as well as constituted a particular trend for renewal of the Brazilian social service, reconceptualizing reformism with significant participation in the Latin American movement