511 research outputs found

    Scaling behavior of temperature-dependent thermopower in CeAu2Si2 under pressure

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    We report a combined study of in-plane resistivity and thermopower of the pressure-induced heavy fermion superconductor CeAu2Si2 up to 27.8 GPa. It is found that thermopower follows a scaling behavior in T/T* almost up to the magnetic critical pressure pc ~ 22 GPa. By comparing with resistivity results, we show that the magnitude and characteristic temperature dependence of thermopower in this pressure range are governed by the Kondo coupling and crystal-field splitting, respectively. Below pc, the superconducting transition is preceded by a large negative thermopower minimum, suggesting a close relationship between the two phenomena. Furthermore, thermopower of a variety of Ce-based Kondo-lattices with different crystal structures follows the same scaling relation up to T/T* ~ 2.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. Supplementary Material available on reques

    Effect of disorder on the pressure-induced superconducting state of CeAu2Si2

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    CeAu2Si2 is a newly discovered pressure-induced heavy fermion superconductor which shows very unusual interplay between superconductivity and magnetism under pressure. Here we compare the results of high-pressure measurements on single crystalline CeAu2Si2 samples with different levels of disorder. It is found that while the magnetic properties are essentially sample independent, superconductivity is rapidly suppressed when the residual resistivity of the sample increases. We show that the depression of bulk Tc can be well understood in terms of pair breaking by nonmagnetic disorder, which strongly suggests an unconventional pairing state in pressurized CeAu2Si2. Furthermore, increasing the level of disorder leads to the emergence of another phase transition at T* within the magnetic phase, which might be in competition with superconductivity.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Mott transition and collective charge pinning in electron doped Sr2IrO4

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    We studied the in-plane dynamic and static charge conductivity of electron doped Sr2IrO4 using optical spectroscopy and DC transport measurements. The optical conductivity indicates that the pristine material is an indirect semiconductor with a direct Mott-gap of 0.55 eV. Upon substitution of 2% La per formula unit the Mott-gap is suppressed except in a small fraction of the material (15%) where the gap survives, and overall the material remains insulating. Instead of a zero energy mode (or Drude peak) we observe a soft collective mode (SCM) with a broad maximum at 40 meV. Doping to 10% increases the strength of the SCM, and a zero-energy mode occurs together with metallic DC conductivity. Further increase of the La substitution doesn't change the spectral weight integral up to 3 eV. It does however result in a transfer of the SCM spectral weight to the zero-energy mode, with a corresponding reduction of the DC resistivity for all temperatures from 4 to 300 K. The presence of a zero-energy mode signals that at least part of the Fermi surface remains ungapped at low temperatures, whereas the SCM appears to be caused by pinning a collective frozen state involving part of the doped electrons

    Analysis of the cercosporin polyketide synthase CTB1 reveals a new fungal thioesterase function

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    The polyketide synthase CTB1 is demonstrated to catalyze pyrone formation thereby expanding the known biosynthetic repertoire of thioesterase domains in iterative, non-reducing polyketide synthases

    Intermolecular Diels-Alder Cycloaddition for the Construction of Bicyclo[2.2.2]diazaoctane Structures: Formal Synthesis of Brevianamide B and Premalbrancheamide

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    A stereoselective intermolecular Diels-Alder cycloaddition of an intermediate pyrazinone with both achiral and chiral acrylate-derived dienophiles provides rapid access to the bicyclo[2.2.2]diazaoctane core shared among several prenylated indole alkaloids. The product derived from cydoaddition with 2-nitroacrylate required an additional five to six synthetic operations to intercept established precursors to premalbrancheamide and brevianamide B. The chemistry detailed in this manuscript constitutes a formal total synthesis (12 steps each) of these [2.2.2]diazabicyclic natural products from proline methyl ester

    Collapse of the Mott gap and emergence of a nodal liquid in lightly doped Sr2_2IrO4_4

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    Superconductivity in underdoped cuprates emerges from an unusual electronic state characterised by nodal quasiparticles and an antinodal pseudogap. The relation between this state and superconductivity is intensely studied but remains controversial. The discrimination between competing theoretical models is hindered by a lack of electronic structure data from related doped Mott insulators. Here we report the doping evolution of the Heisenberg antiferromagnet Sr2_2IrO4_4, a close analogue to underdoped cuprates. We demonstrate that metallicity emerges from a rapid collapse of the Mott gap with doping, resulting in lens-like Fermi contours rather than disconnected Fermi arcs as observed in cuprates. Intriguingly though, the emerging electron liquid shows nodal quasiparticles with an antinodal pseudogap and thus bares strong similarities with underdoped cuprates. We conclude that anisotropic pseudogaps are a generic property of two-dimensional doped Mott insulators rather than a unique hallmark of cuprate high-temperature superconductivity