47 research outputs found

    Survey of AIDS Prevention Funders: Which Programs Are Funded, and Why?, A?

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    This survey of foundations across the United States asked questions about the amount of money they spend on AIDS and HIV prevention, the types of prevention projects and populations their grants served, and the sources of AIDS information used by the foundation staff. The results were then compared to the types of projects known to be effective and to the populations most at risk for HIV infection.These organizations funded a diverse range of HIV prevention programs, with a total of 583 grants worth over $8.1 million. This represents almost a quarter of all AIDS-related funding by foundations in the United States

    Shifting Values and Voices: An Exploration in Holistic Mentorship Evaluation

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    The roles in traditional mentoring dyads are well known across both academic and professional contexts (Dawson, 2014). Despite the universality of these relationships, the way mentorship is evaluated in these relationships is fractured. Evaluation is limited to singular voices, singular points in time and simplified metrics to capture the journey and the unique experience of mentorship. These gaps push mentorship evaluation to try to encapsulate mentorship as a generalizable experience to satisfy metrics rather than acknowledging the dynamic complexity of these relationships. An exploration of current mentorship evaluation within the literature will highlight current limitations. These limitations allowed the authors to propose a new Co-Analysis model for evaluation that centers on shifting mentorship towards the values of partnership, flexibility, and holistic assessment. The model not only provides a universal pathway to improve any individual mentoring relationship, but also the opportunity for new voices to shape our understanding in future literature

    The Name of the Game: Utilizing Experiential Learning in the Classroom to Engage, Empower and Reflect on Student Learning and Assessment

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    In the modern post-secondary classroom, there is a push for more experiential and active learning activities for students. A variety of benefits such as engagement, improved learning and self regulated learning have ensued with these different types of learning. Studies regarding these benefits have mostly centered on experiences carefully orchestrated by instructors, rather than experiences that were created by students under the guidance of instructors. Herein is a study of the benefits and efficiency, of the latter type of activity, which requires students to generate chemical puzzles in a large post-secondary classroom. The authors determined that not only is a puzzle generation activity possible, but students’ reflections on instructor examples highlights the potential for learning and for a new form of assessment. Going forward, however, the study also shows more support and examples are required in future iterations of the puzzle framework, to help students create a meaningful experience

    Sistema de armazenamento e geração de energia para locais de consumo remotos

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    Este trabalho propõe o uso do conversor Back to Back para manter a tensão constante na carga em situações em que a rede sofre com oscilações ou quedas de tensão. Para isso o conversor terá em seu barramento CC um sistema de armazenamento baseado em baterias que será capaz de alimentar a carga por um período de tempo até que a situação da rede se normalize. A escolha do conversor Back to Back partiu do princípio de que este é capaz de fornecer à carga a energia armazenada na bateria independentemente da situação em que a rede elétrica se encontra. O trabalho apresenta um estudo geral das componentes necessários para a implementação do conversor. É feito um estudo do fluxo de potência entre a rede e o conversor para que a fator de potência visto pela rede seja unitário. É apresentado um método de sincronismo com a rede para que o conversor possa trabalhar com o fluxo bidirecional de potência. As análises são feitas através de simulação em duas situações diferentes, primeiro o conversor é analisado sobre as condições normais de funcionamento da rede. Para isto são utilizados tipos de cargas diferentes. A segunda analise é feita sobre as falhas da rede, onde é analisado o comportamento da tensão e da corrente sobre a carga. Para colocar em prática os conceitos estudados neste trabalho, é implementado um inversor que utiliza o ângulo estimado da rede para gerar sua frequência de trabalho.This work proposes the use of the converter Back to Back to maintain constant the voltage in the load on situations when the grid suffers from fluctuations or voltage drops. For this, the converter will have on your DC bus a storage system based on batteries that will able to supply the load for a period of time until the grid situation return to normal. The Back to Back converter choice came from this converter is able to provide to the load the energy stored in the battery regardless of the situation grid is. The work presents a general survey of components required to implement the converter. It made a study of the power flow between the grid and the converter to the power factor seen by the grid to be unitary. It is resented a synchronization method whit the grid to able the converter to work with the bidirectional power flow. Analyses are done using simulation in two different situations, the first analyses are make with the converter working under a normal grid operation. To this we are used different types of load. The second analysis was made regarding the network failures, where the behavior of the voltage and current on the load is analysed. To put into particle the concepts studied, an inverter is implemented that uses the estimated angle of the grid to generate its working frequency

    A impenhorabilidade do bem de família e o efeito suspensivo dos embargos do devedor

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    Orientador: Prof. Manoel Caetano Ferreira FilhoMonografia (graduação) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Jurídicas, Curso de Graduação em DireitoÉ comum quando uma mudança é anunciada que se enfrentem resistências de alguma parte nela envolvida. O sistema legal brasileiro é dinâmico. Leis são criadas, alteradas, suprimidas, constantemente. O ideal é que sempre se busque o aperfeiçoamento e a adequação aos novos ventos que sopram. No entanto, nem sempre a meta é atingida, seja porque não se pode abarcar todas as possibilidades exigidas numa sociedade tão complexa ou, ainda, lamentavelmente, pelo despreparo daqueles que são os responsáveis pela produção legislativa. O Código de Processo Civil, livro próprio para conduzir o processo civil, tem sofrido diversas alterações desde a sua concepção em 1973. Muitas delas consideradas de relevância para atender aos anseios da atualidade, outras tantas crivadas pela distração com a unidade do ordenamento jurídico. A tónica deste trabalho circunda a reforma introduzida pela Lei n° 11.382 de dezembro de 2006 e os efeitos por ela produzidos no pequeno universo composto oeias personagens exequente e executado e a ligação entre elas representada pela penhora

    Thermoelectric properties of Sr_3GaSb_3 – a chain-forming Zintl compound

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    Inspired by the promising thermoelectric properties in the Zintl compounds Ca_3AlSb_3 and Ca_5Al_2Sb_6, we investigate here the closely related compound Sr_3GaSb_3. Although the crystal structure of Sr_3GaSb_3 contains infinite chains of corner-linked tetrahedra, in common with Ca_3AlSb_3 and Ca_5Al_2Sb_6, it has twice as many atoms per unit cell (N = 56). This contributes to the exceptionally low lattice thermal conductivity (κ_L = 0.45 W m^(−1) K^(−1) at 1000 K) observed in Sr_3GaSb_3 samples synthesized for this study by ball milling followed by hot pressing. High temperature transport measurements reveal that Sr_3GaSb_3 is a nondegenerate semiconductor (consistent with Zintl charge-counting conventions) with relatively high p-type electronic mobility (~ 30 cm^2 V^(−1) s^(−1) at 300 K). Density functional calculations yield a band gap of ~ 0.75 eV and predict a light valence band edge (~ 0.5 me), in qualitative agreement with experiment. To rationally optimize the electronic transport properties of Sr_3GaSb_3 in accordance with a single band model, doping with Zn^(2+) on the Ga^(3+) site was used to increase the p-type carrier concentration. In optimally hole-doped Sr_3Ga_(1−x)Zn_xSb_3 (x = 0.0 to 0.1), we demonstrate a maximum figure of merit of greater than 0.9 at 1000 K

    Espacio Equidad. Accesibilidad web y periodismo social: una alternativa digital para ciudadanos cordobeses

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    Trabajo Final para optar al grado académico de Licenciatura en Comunicación Social, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (inédita). Calificación: 10 (diez)En un mundo cada vez más conectado, la comunicación no puede ser un privilegio para algunos pocos. Los medios de comunicación cordobeses tienen una deuda pendiente con las personas con discapacidad, no hay un pleno reconocimiento de ellos y su participación en la construcción de las noticias es escasa. Al entrevistar a personas con discapacidad visual, motriz, y auditiva, descubrimos que existen medios que no poseen las herramientas adecuadas para producir contenido accesible en sus plataformas digitales. Por ello, en el presente trabajo final de grado, proponemos la construcción de un portal web de noticias, al que hemos llamado Espacio Equidad. El mismo contará con tecnología accesible para personas con discapacidades visuales, auditivas y motrices, con el objetivo de promover el acceso a la información, considerando las potencialidades de las distintas herramientas digitales, para acercarnos a una comunicación más accesible. Este portal, denominado Espacio Equidad, será construido como un medio de comunicación que producirá sus contenidos informativos desde dos perspectivas: por un lado, se generarán noticias que aborden acontecimientos de la agenda que proponen los medios y, a su vez, se cubrirán hechos relacionados con la temática de la discapacidad. Espacio Equidad se posicionará como un medio de comunicación destinado principalmente a los usuarios cordobeses, es decir que, si bien abordaremos en mayor medida noticias locales, el contenido también abarcará sucesos de incidencia provincial, nacional e internacional. En síntesis, la idea de este proyecto es que funcione como un sitio que informe sobre acontecimientos en general que puedan ser relevantes para las personas con discapacidad.Fil: Sayago, Romina Alejandra. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación.Fil: Schechtel, Vicente. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación.Fil: Urouro, Emilia. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación

    Evaluación de líneas y cultivares de avena para doble propósito y grano

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    Objetivos: Evaluar el comportamiento de líneas de avena pertenecientes al plan de mejoramiento de Cerealicultura en rendimiento en materia verde y seca y grano en comparación con cultivares comerciales y su comportamiento con tratamientos con fungicidas y fertilización nitrogenada

    Thermoelectric properties of Zn-doped Ca_(3)AlSb_(3)

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    Polycrystalline samples of Ca_(3)Al_(1)−_(x)Zn_(x)Sb_(3), with x = 0.00, 0.01, 0.02, and 0.05 were synthesized via a combined ball milling and hot pressing technique and the influence of zinc as a dopant on the thermoelectric properties was studied and compared to the previously reported transport properties of sodium-doped Ca_(3)AlSb_(3). Consistent with the transport in the sodium-doped material, substitution of aluminum with zinc leads to p-type carrier conduction that can be sufficiently explained with a single parabolic band model. It is found that, while exhibiting higher carrier mobilities, the doping effectiveness of zinc is lower than that of sodium and the optimum carrier concentration for a maximum figure of merit zT is not reached in this study. We find that the grain size influences the carrier mobility, carrier concentration, and lattice thermal conductivity, leading to improved properties at intermediate temperatures, and highlighting a possible approach for improved figures of merit in this class of materials

    Evaluación de líneas y cultivares de avena para doble propósito y grano

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    Objetivos: Evaluar el comportamiento de líneas de avena pertenecientes al plan de mejoramiento de Cerealicultura en rendimiento en materia verde y seca y grano en comparación con cultivares comerciales y su comportamiento con tratamientos con fungicidas y fertilización nitrogenada.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale