314 research outputs found

    Three-nucleon force at large distances: Insights from chiral effective field theory and the large-N_c expansion

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    We confirm the claim of Ref. [D.R. Phillips, C. Schat, Phys. Rev. C88 (2013) 3, 034002] that 20 operators are sufficient to represent the most general local isospin-invariant three-nucleon force and derive explicit relations between the two sets of operators suggested in Refs. [D.R. Phillips, C. Schat, Phys. Rev. C88 (2013) 3, 034002] and [H. Krebs, A.M. Gasparyan, E. Epelbaum, Phys.Rev. C87 (2013) 5, 054007]. We use the set of 20 operators to discuss the chiral expansion of the long- and intermediate-range parts of the three-nucleon force up to next-to-next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order in the standard formulation without explicit Delta(1232) degrees of freedom. We also address implications of the large-N_c expansion in QCD for the size of the various three-nucleon force contributions.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure

    Negative parity pentaquarks in large Nc QCD and quark model

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    Recently, the 1/Nc expansion has been applied to the study of exotic baryons containing both quarks and antiquarks. We extend this approach to exotic states with mixed symmetric spin-flavor symmetry, which correspond in the quark model to negative parity pentaquarks, and discuss the large Nc predictions for their mass spectrum. The heavy exotics Qbar q^4 transform as 3, 6bar,15 and 15' under flavor SU(3), while the light states include the exotic multiplets 10bar, 27, 35. We give mass relations among these multiplets following from the 1/Nc expansion. In the quark model, the mass splittings between these states are given by color-spin interactions. Using the observation of an anticharmed exotic by the H1 collaboration, we give predictions for the masses of other expected heavy pentaquarks.Comment: 18 pages, one figure, uses youngtab.sty; v3: eq.(40) corrected, final version to appear in PR

    Positive parity pentaquark towers in large Nc QCD

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    We construct the complete set of positive parity pentaquarks, which correspond in the quark model to {\bar s} q^{Nc+1} states with one unit of orbital angular momentum L=1. In the large Nc limit they fall into the K=1/2 and K=3/2 irreps (towers) of the contracted SU(4)c symmetry. We derive predictions for the mass spectrum and the axial couplings of these states at leading order in 1/Nc. The strong decay width of the lowest-lying positive parity exotic state is of order O(1/Nc), such that this state is narrow in the large Nc limit. Replacing the antiquark with a heavy antiquark {\bar Q} q^{Nc+1}, the two towers become degenerate, split only by O(1/mQ) hyperfine interactions. We obtain predictions for the strong decay widths of heavy pentaquarks to ordinary baryons and heavy H(*)_{\bar Q} mesons at leading order in 1/Nc and 1/mQ.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figures, 5 table

    Study of a possible S=+1 dynamically generated baryonic resonance

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    Starting from the lowest order chiral Lagrangian for the interaction of the baryon decuplet with the octet of pseudoscalar mesons we find an attractive interaction in the ΔK\Delta K channel with L=0 and I=1, while the interaction is repulsive for I=2. The attractive interaction leads to a pole in the second Riemann sheet of the complex plane and manifests itself in a large strength of the ΔK\Delta K scattering amplitude close to the ΔK\Delta K threshold, which is not the case for I=2. However, we also make a study of uncertainties in the model and conclude that the existence of this pole depends sensitively upon the input used and can disappear within reasonable variations of the input parameters. We take advantage to study the stability of the other poles obtained for the 3/2{3/2}^- dynamically generated resonances of the model and conclude that they are stable and not contingent to reasonable changes in the input of the theory

    Masses of the 70- Baryons in Large Nc QCD

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    The masses of the negative parity 70-plet baryons are analyzed in large N_c QCD to order 1/N_c and to first order in SU(3) symmetry breaking. The existing experimental data are well reproduced and twenty new observables are predicted. The leading order SU(6) spin-flavor symmetry breaking is small and, as it occurs in the quark model, the subleading in 1/N_c hyperfine interaction is the dominant source of the breaking. It is found that the Lambda(1405) and Lambda(1520) are well described as three-quark states and spin-orbit partners. New relations between splittings in different SU(3) multiplets are found.Comment: 11 pages; references were added and a couple of improvements to the text were mad

    Negative Parity 70-plet Baryon Masses in the 1/Nc Expansion

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    The masses of the negative parity SU(6) 70-plet baryons are analyzed in the 1/Nc expansion to order 1/Nc and to first order in SU(3) breaking. At this level of precision there are twenty predictions. Among them there are the well known Gell-Mann Okubo and equal spacing relations, and four new relations involving SU(3) breaking splittings in different SU(3) multiplets. Although the breaking of SU(6) symmetry occurs at zeroth order in 1/Nc, it turns out to be small. The dominant source of the breaking is the hyperfine interaction which is of order 1/Nc. The spin-orbit interaction, of zeroth order in 1/Nc, is entirely fixed by the splitting between the singlet states Lambda(1405) and Lambda(1520), and the spin-orbit puzzle is solved by the presence of other zeroth order operators involving flavor exchange.Comment: 31 pages, 3 figure

    Multibaryons in the collective coordinate approach to the SU(3) Skyrme model

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    We obtain the rotational spectrum of strange multibaryon states by performing the SU(3) collective coordinate quantization of the static multi-Skyrmions. These background configurations are given in terms of rational maps, which are very good approximations and share the same symmetries as the exact solutions. Thus, the allowed quantum numbers in the spectra and the structure of the collective Hamiltonians we obtain are also valid in the exact case. We find that the predicted spectra are in overall agreement with those corresponding to the alternative bound state soliton model.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figur

    Excited Baryon Decay Widths in Large N_c QCD

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    We study excited baryon decay widths in large N_c QCD. It was suggested previously that some spin-flavor mixed-symmetric baryon states have strong couplings of O(N_c^{-1/2}) to nucleons [implying narrow widths of O(1/N_c)], as opposed to the generic expectation based on Witten's counting rules of an O(N_c^0) coupling. The calculation obtaining these narrow widths was performed in the context of a simple quark-shell model. This paper addresses the question of whether the existence of such narrow states is a general property of large N_c QCD. We show that a general large N_c QCD analysis does not predict such narrow states; rather they are a consequence of the extreme simplicity of the quark model.Comment: 9 page