1,353 research outputs found

    Linkage disequilibrium under recurrent bottlenecks

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    Understanding patterns of selectively neutral genetic variation is essential in order to model deviations from neutrality, caused for example by different forms of selection. Best understood is neutral genetic variation at a single locus, but additional insights can be gained by investigating genetic variation at multiple loci. The corresponding patterns of variation reflect linkage disequilibrium and provide information about the underlying multi-locus gene genealogies. The statistical properties of two-locus genealogies have been intensively studied for populations of constant census size, as well as for simple demographic histories such as exponential population growth, and single bottlenecks. By contrast, the combined effect of recombination and sustained demographic fluctuations is poorly understood. Addressing this issue, we study a two-locus Wright-Fisher model of a population subject to recurrent bottlenecks. We derive coalescent approximations for the covariance of the times to the most recent common ancestor at two loci. We find, first, that an effective population-size approximation describes the numerically observed linkage disequilibrium provided that recombination occurs either much faster or much more slowly than the population size changes. Second, when recombination occurs frequently between bottlenecks but rarely within bottlenecks, we observe long-range linkage disequilibrium. Third, we show that in the latter case, a commonly used measure of linkage disequilibrium, sigma_d^2 (closely related to r^2), fails to capture long-range linkage disequilibrium because constituent terms, each reflecting long-range linkage disequilibrium, cancel. Fourth, we analyse a limiting case in which long-range linkage disequilibrium can be described in terms of a Xi-coalescent process allowing for simultaneous multiple mergers of ancestral lines.Comment: 34 pages, 7 figure

    Genetic Correlations Greatly Increase Mutational Robustness and Can Both Reduce and Enhance Evolvability.

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    Mutational neighbourhoods in genotype-phenotype (GP) maps are widely believed to be more likely to share characteristics than expected from random chance. Such genetic correlations should strongly influence evolutionary dynamics. We explore and quantify these intuitions by comparing three GP maps-a model for RNA secondary structure, the HP model for protein tertiary structure, and the Polyomino model for protein quaternary structure-to a simple random null model that maintains the number of genotypes mapping to each phenotype, but assigns genotypes randomly. The mutational neighbourhood of a genotype in these GP maps is much more likely to contain genotypes mapping to the same phenotype than in the random null model. Such neutral correlations can be quantified by the robustness to mutations, which can be many orders of magnitude larger than that of the null model, and crucially, above the critical threshold for the formation of large neutral networks of mutationally connected genotypes which enhance the capacity for the exploration of phenotypic novelty. Thus neutral correlations increase evolvability. We also study non-neutral correlations: Compared to the null model, i) If a particular (non-neutral) phenotype is found once in the 1-mutation neighbourhood of a genotype, then the chance of finding that phenotype multiple times in this neighbourhood is larger than expected; ii) If two genotypes are connected by a single neutral mutation, then their respective non-neutral 1-mutation neighbourhoods are more likely to be similar; iii) If a genotype maps to a folding or self-assembling phenotype, then its non-neutral neighbours are less likely to be a potentially deleterious non-folding or non-assembling phenotype. Non-neutral correlations of type i) and ii) reduce the rate at which new phenotypes can be found by neutral exploration, and so may diminish evolvability, while non-neutral correlations of type iii) may instead facilitate evolutionary exploration and so increase evolvability.This work was funded under EP/P504287/1 by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (https://www.epsrc.ac.uk). SEA is supported by The Royal Society (https://royalsociety.org/).This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from PLOS via http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.100477

    Surgery groups of the fundamental groups of hyperplane arrangement complements

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    Using a recent result of Bartels and Lueck (arXiv:0901.0442) we deduce that the Farrell-Jones Fibered Isomorphism conjecture in L-theory is true for any group which contains a finite index strongly poly-free normal subgroup, in particular, for the Artin full braid groups. As a consequence we explicitly compute the surgery groups of the Artin pure braid groups. This is obtained as a corollary to a computation of the surgery groups of a more general class of groups, namely for the fundamental group of the complement of any fiber-type hyperplane arrangement in the complex n-space.Comment: 11 pages, AMSLATEX file, revised following referee's comments and suggestions, to appear in Archiv der Mathemati

    Seroepidemiological survey for canine angiostrongylosis in dogs from Germany and the UK using combined detection of Angiostrongylus vasorum antigen and specific antibodies

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    Dogs infected with Angiostrongylus vasorum, a potentially lethal parasite parasitizing the heart and pulmonary arteries, may present severe respiratory, haematological and neurological signs. In this first large-scale seroepidemiological survey, 4003 sera originating from Germany and 4030 from the UK were tested by an ELISA for the detection of circulating antigen of A. vasorum, and by a separate ELISA detecting specific antibodies. In Germany, where mainly western federal states were sampled, 0·3% (n = 13, CI: 0·2-0·6%) of dogs were positive in both ELISAs, whereas in total 0·5% (n = 20, CI: 0·3-0·8%) were antigen-positive and 2·25% (n = 90, CI: 1·8-2·8%) were positive for specific antibodies. Regions with antigen- and antibody-positive animals were overlapping. In the UK, where mainly the south of the country was sampled, 0·97% (n = 39, CI: 0·7-1·3%) of dogs were antigen- and antibody positive. In total, 1·32% (n = 53, CI: 1·0-1·7%) were antigen-positive, and 3·2% (n = 129, CI: 2·7-3·8%) were positive for specific antibodies, again in overlapping regions. These results confirm the occurrence of A. vasorum in a random dog population originating from large parts of the countries investigated. The use of the tests alone or in combination was considered as a function of their sensitivities and specificities, in order to guide efficient clinical and epidemiological applicatio


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    В последнее время возник интерес к поведению водоугольных суспензий в связи с поиском альтернативных видов энергоресурсов [1-4]. Повышенный интерес к водо угольному топливу вызван ростом цен на нефть и нефтепродукты и ограниченностью запасов этого сырья. Водоугольные смеси широко изучаются в различных странах мира, так как они могут заменить и традиционное пылевидное топливо, перед которым имеют ряд существенных преимуществ. Особенности горения водоугольного топлива позволяют относить его к разряду экологически чистых видов топлива. При сжигании угля в виде водоугольной суспензии увеличивается скорость выгорания углерода, снижаются выбросы вредных веществ в атмосферу и образование оксидов азота

    The unacknowledged legacy

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    This paper presents a critical discussion of the treatment of mimetic art, and particularly poetry and the theatre, in the work of the Athenian philosopher Plato (427-347 BC). It centres on Plato's discussion of the corrupting powers of the arts in the Republic, and the implications that his fierce attack on poetry and theatre have for his construction of the ideal polity. The legacy of Platonic ideas in later elaborations of the corrupting power of the arts is discussed. Furthermore, the paper investigates the relationship between current debates on cultural policy and the Platonic idea that the transformative powers of the arts ought to be harnessed by the state to promote a just society. The conclusion thus reached is that “instrumental cultural policy”, rather then being a modern invention, was in fact first theorized precisely in Plato's Republic

    Highly variable clinical pictures in dogs naturally infected with angiostrongylus vasorum

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    Canine angiostrongylosis by Angiostrongylus vasorum is increasingly reported in both enzootic and previously free areas. The complex pathogenesis of the disease makes the clinical workup challenging. Infected dogs show highly variable clinical pictures, characterized by subclinical to life-threatening general, cardio-respiratory, neurological and/or gastrointestinal signs. The present study reports the high variability of clinical pictures from 36 dogs across central and southern Italy that were naturally infected by A. vasorum. Of them, 23 (63.9%) presented at least one clinical sign, while 13 (36.1%) were subclinically infected and apparently healthy. Overall, 19 dogs (52.8%) showed cardiorespiratory signs, 14 (38.9%) had non-specific abnormalities, 2 (5.6%) presented coagulation disorders and 1 (2.8%) had a severe neurological condition. Importantly, four dogs presenting with clinical signs had neither cough nor dyspnea. These results underline that angiostrongylosis should be included in the differential diagnosis, even when dogs display only non-specific clinical signs. The proportion of apparently healthy dogs highlights the relevance of routine copromicroscopic and/or antigenic tests in enzootic areas to avoid the sudden onset of potentially life-threatening signs