1,709 research outputs found

    Self-organization of intrinsically disordered proteins with folded N-termini

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    Thousands of human proteins lack recognizable tertiary structure in most of their chains. Here we hypothesize that some use their structured N-terminal domains (SNTDs) to organise the remaining protein chain via intramolecular interactions, generating partially structured proteins. This model has several attractive features: as protein chains emerge, SNTDs form spontaneously and serve as nucleation points, creating more compact shapes. This reduces the risk of protein degradation or aggregation. Moreover, an interspersed pattern of SNTD-docked regions and free loops can coordinate assembly of sub-complexes in defined loop-sections and enables novel regulatory mechanisms, for example through posttranslational modifications of docked regions

    Diabetes: impaired damage control

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    A coordinated response by the innate immune system, (micro)circulation and nervous system is needed to limit tissue destruction and to initiate reparative processes after tissue damage. Alterations in danger signals in diabetes can be an important cause of the excessive tissue loss and defective tissue repair after injury and can contribute to the higher rates of cardiac failure after myocardial infarction, more severe tissue loss in the case of peripheral ischaemia and impaired wound healing. Here we discuss the mechanisms underlying this impaired damage control in diabetes, with an emphasis on the proinflammatory cytokine high mobility group box 1 and the potential role of dipeptidyl peptidase IV inhibition in improving repair responses

    An FTIR spectrometer for remote measurements of atmospheric composition

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    The JPL IV interferometer, and infrared Michelson interferometer, was built specifically for recording high resolution solar absorption spectra from remote ground-based sites, aircraft and from stratospheric balloons. The instrument is double-passed, with one fixed and one moving corner reflector, allowing up to 200-cm of optical path difference (corresponding to an unapodised spectral resolution of 0.003/cm). The carriage which holds the moving reflector is driven by a flexible nut riding on a lead screw. This arrangement, together with the double-passed optical scheme, makes the instrument resistant to the effects of mechanical distortion and shock. The spectral range of the instrument is covered by two liquid nitrogen-cooled detectors: an InSb photodiode is used for the shorter wavelengths (1.85 to 5.5 microns, 1,800 to 5,500/cm) and a HgCdTe photoconductor for the range (5.5 to 15 microns, 650 to 1,800/cm). For a single spectrum of 0.01/cm resolution, which requires a scan time of 105 seconds, the signal/noise ratio is typically 800:1 over the entire wavelength range

    Infrared aircraft measurements of stratospheric composition over Antarctica during September 1987

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    The JPL Mark IV interferometer recorded high resolution, infared solar spectra from the NASA DC-8 aircraft during flights over Antarctica in September 1987. The atmospheric absorption features in these spectra were analyzed to determine the overburdens of O3, NO, NO2, HNO3, ClONO2, HCl, HF, CH4, N2O, CO, H2O and CFC-12. The spectra were obtained at latitudes which ranged between 64 degrees S and 86 degrees S, allowing the composition in the interior of the polar vortex to be compared with that at the edge. The latitude dependence observed for NO, HO2, HNO3, ClONO2, HCl and HF are summerized. The values at 30 deg S were observed on the ferry flight from New Zealand to Hawaii. The dashed lines connecting the two were interpolated across the region for which there are no measurements. The chemically perturbed region is seen to consist of a collar of high HNO3 and ClONO2 surrounding a core in which the overburdens of these and of HCl and NO2 are very low. Clear increases in the overburdens of HF and HNO3 were observed during the course of September in the vortex core. HCl and NO2 exhibited smaller, less significant increases. The overburdens of the tropospheric source gases, N2O, CH4, CF2Cl2, and H2O were observed to much smaller over Antarctica than at mid-latitudes. This, together with the fact that HF over Antarctica was more that double its mid-latitude value, suggests that downwelling has occurred

    Rollenerwartungen unterschiedlicher Berufsgruppen im OP

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    Zusammenfassung: Hintergrund: Ausdifferenzierte Rollenstrukturen haben den Vorteil, dass sie den Teammitgliedern vorgeben, welches Verhalten von ihnen erwartet wird bzw. welches Verhalten sie von den anderen Mitgliedern erwarten können. Die Entstehung einer solchen Rollenstruktur erfordert jedoch eine Vielzahl an Interaktionen der betreffenden Menschen und somit eine Mindestkontaktdauer. Im OP-Saal arbeiten die Teams meist in wechselnder Zusammensetzung. In diesen kurzfristig zusammengestellten Teams kann sich eine Rollenstruktur nicht ausdifferenzieren. In der vorliegenden Untersuchung wird der Frage nachgegangen, ob die Zugehörigkeit zu einer bestimmten Berufsgruppe die fehlende Möglichkeit zur häufigen Interaktion im OP-Bereich substituiert. Methode: Anhand eines 9-Item-Fragebogens zur sozialperspektivischen Imagepositionierung (Kurzform von SYMLOG) wurden in einer schriftlichen Befragung OP-Saal-Mitarbeiter aus zwei Krankenhäusern zu ihrer Einschätzung von professionsspezifischen Verhaltensmerkmalen bezüglich Einfluss, Sympathie und Zielorientierung befragt (n=179). Ergebnisse: Die jeweiligen Berufsgruppen beurteilen sich selbst in der Eigenbewertung in jeder der 3Dimensionen höher, als sie die beiden anderen Professionen in der Fremdbeurteilung bewerten. Die Fremdbewertungen können jedoch den Wert der Eigenbewertung übersteigen. Die Analyse der Rollenwahrnehmung zeigt auf, dass sich beide akademischen Berufsgruppen einen großen Einfluss und eine große Zielorientierung zuschreiben. Hieraus kann ein Führungsanspruch abgeleitet werden, der ein Konfliktpotenzial beinhalten könnte. Diskussion: Die Datenanalyse zeigt, dass im untersuchten Kollektiv eine ausdifferenzierte Rollenstruktur im OP-Saal nicht vorhanden war. Hieraus lassen sich Optimierungsmöglichkeiten ableiten, wie beispielsweise der verstärkte Einsatz eingespielter Teams oder die Implementierung Konflikt reduzierender Methode

    The Shaker Potassium Channel Is No Target for Xenon Anesthesia in Short-Sleeping Drosophila melanogaster Mutants

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    Background. Xenon seems to be an ideal anesthetic drug. To explore if next to the antagonism at the NMDA-receptor other molecular targets are involved, we tested the xenon requirement in short sleeping Drosophila shaker mutants and in na[har38]. Methods. The Drosophila melanogaster strains wildtype Canton-S, na[har38], sh102 and shmns, were raised and sleep was measured. Based on the response of the flies at different xenon concentrations, logEC50 values were calculated. Results. The logEC50-values for WT Canton-S were 1.671 (1.601–1.742 95%-confidence intervall; n = 238; P versus sh102 > 0,05), for shmns 1.711 (1.650–1.773; n = 242; P versus WT Canton-S > 0,05). The logEC50-value for sh102 was 1.594 (1.493–1.694; n = 261; P versus shmns > 0.05). The logEC-value of na[har38] was 2.076 (1.619–2.532; n = 207; P versus shmns < 0.05, versus sh102 < 0.05, versus WT Canton-S < 0.05). P values for all shaker mutants were P > 0.05, while na[har38] was found to be hyposensitive compared to wildtype (P < 0.05). Conclusions. The xenon requirement in Drosophila melanogaster is not influenced by a single gene mutation at the shaker locus, whereas a reduced expression of a nonselective cation channel leads to an increased xenon requirement. This supports the thesis that xenon mediates its effects not only via an antagonism at the NMDA-receptor

    Theology, News and Notes - Vol. 32, No. 04

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    Theology News & Notes was a theological journal published by Fuller Theological Seminary from 1954 through 2014.https://digitalcommons.fuller.edu/tnn/1090/thumbnail.jp

    Surgery groups of the fundamental groups of hyperplane arrangement complements

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    Using a recent result of Bartels and Lueck (arXiv:0901.0442) we deduce that the Farrell-Jones Fibered Isomorphism conjecture in L-theory is true for any group which contains a finite index strongly poly-free normal subgroup, in particular, for the Artin full braid groups. As a consequence we explicitly compute the surgery groups of the Artin pure braid groups. This is obtained as a corollary to a computation of the surgery groups of a more general class of groups, namely for the fundamental group of the complement of any fiber-type hyperplane arrangement in the complex n-space.Comment: 11 pages, AMSLATEX file, revised following referee's comments and suggestions, to appear in Archiv der Mathemati