676 research outputs found

    Adiabatic renormalization in theories with modified dispersion relations

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    We generalize the adiabatic renormalization to theories with dispersion relations modified at energies higher than a new scale MCM_C. We obtain explicit expressions for the mean value of the stress tensor in the adiabatic vacuum, up to the second adiabatic order. We show that for any dispersion relation the divergences can be absorbed into the bare gravitational constants of the theory. We also point out that, depending on the renormalization prescription, the renormalized stress tensor may contain finite trans-Planckian corrections even in the limit MC→∞M_C\to\infty.Comment: Typos corrected; to appear in the Proceedings of IRGAC 06, Journal of Physics

    Holographic fermions in external magnetic fields

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    We study the Fermi level structure of 2+1-dimensional strongly interacting electron systems in external magnetic field using the AdS/CFT correspondence. The gravity dual of a finite density fermion system is a Dirac field in the background of the dyonic AdS-Reissner-Nordstrom black hole. In the probe limit the magnetic system can be reduced to the non-magnetic one, with Landau-quantized momenta and rescaled thermodynamical variables. We find that at strong enough magnetic fields, the Fermi surface vanishes and the quasiparticle is lost either through a crossover to conformal regime or through a phase transition to an unstable Fermi surface. In the latter case, the vanishing Fermi velocity at the critical magnetic field triggers the non-Fermi liquid regime with unstable quasiparticles and a change in transport properties of the system. We associate it with a metal-"strange metal" phase transition. Next we compute the DC Hall and longitudinal conductivities using the gravity-dressed fermion propagators. For dual fermions with a large charge, many different Fermi surfaces contribute and the Hall conductivity is quantized as expected for integer Quantum Hall Effect (QHE). At strong magnetic fields, as additional Fermi surfaces open up, new plateaus typical for the fractional QHE appear. The somewhat irregular pattern in the length of fractional QHE plateaus resemble the outcomes of experiments on thin graphite in a strong magnetic field. Finally, motivated by the absence of the sign problem in holography, we suggest a lattice approach to the AdS calculations of finite density systems.Comment: 34 pages, 14 figure

    Lorentz-violation and cosmological perturbations: a toy brane-world model

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    We study possible effects of Lorentz-violation on the generation of cosmological perturbations at inflation by introducing a simple inflating five-dimensional brane-world setup with violation of four-dimensional Lorentz-invariance at an energy scale kk. We consider massless scalar field, meant to mimic perturbations of inflaton and/or gravitational field, in this background. At three-momenta below kk, there exists a zero mode localized on the brane, whose behaviour coincides with that in four-dimensional theory. On the contrary, at three-momenta above kk, the localized mode is absent and physics is entirely five-dimensional. As three-momenta get redshifted, more modes get localized on the brane, the phenomenon analogous to ``mode generation''. We find that for k≫Hk\gg H, where HH is the inflationary Hubble scale, the spectrum of perturbations coincides with that in four-dimensional theory. For k<Hk < H and time-dependent bulk parameters, the spectrum deviates, possibly strongly, from the flat spectrum even for pure de Sitter inflation.Comment: 5 figures, iopart, minor changes, appendix adde

    Incoherent thermal transport from dirty black holes.

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    Theoretical Physic

    Where does Cosmological Perturbation Theory Break Down?

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    We apply the effective field theory approach to the coupled metric-inflaton system, in order to investigate the impact of higher dimension operators on the spectrum of scalar and tensor perturbations in the short-wavelength regime. In both cases, effective corrections at tree-level become important when the Hubble parameter is of the order of the Planck mass, or when the physical wave number of a cosmological perturbation mode approaches the square of the Planck mass divided by the Hubble constant. Thus, the cut-off length below which conventional cosmological perturbation theory does not apply is likely to be much smaller than the Planck length. This has implications for the observability of "trans-Planckian" effects in the spectrum of primordial perturbations.Comment: 25 pages, uses FeynM

    Effects of Nonlinear Dispersion Relations on Non-Gaussianities

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    We investigate the effect of non-linear dispersion relations on the bispectrum. In particular, we study the case were the modified relations do not violate the WKB condition at early times, focusing on a particular example which is exactly solvable: the Jacobson-Corley dispersion relation with quartic correction with positive coefficient to the squared linear relation. We find that the corrections to the standard result for the bispectrum are suppressed by a factor H2pc2\frac{H^2}{p_c^2} where pcp_c is the scale where the modification to the dispersion relation becomes relevant. The modification is {\it mildly} configuration-dependent and equilateral configurations are more suppressed with respect to the local ones, by a factor of one percent. There is no configuration leading to enhancements. We then analyze the results in the framework of particle creation using the approximate gluing method of Brandenberger and Martin, which relates more directly to the modeling of the trans-Planckian physics via modifications of the vacuum at a certain cutoff scale. We show that the gluing method overestimates the leading order correction to the spectrum and bispectrum by one and two orders, respectively, in Hpc\frac{H}{p_c}. We discuss the various approximation and conclude that for dispersion relations not violating WKB at early times the particle creation is small and does not lead to enhanced contributions to the bispectrum. We also show that in many cases enhancements do not occur when modeling the trans-Planckian physics via modifications of the vacuum at a certain cutoff scale. Most notably they are only of order O(1) when the Bogolyubov coefficients accounting for particle creation are determined by the Wronskian condition and the minimization of the uncertainty between the field and its conjugate momentum.Comment: v1: 11 pages, 2 figures; v2: references update

    Finding Nemo’s clock reveals switch from nocturnal to diurnal activity

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    Timing mechanisms play a key role in the biology of coral reef fish. Typically, fish larvae leave their reef after hatching, stay for a period in the open ocean before returning to the reef for settlement. During this dispersal, larvae use a time-compensated sun compass for orientation. However, the timing of settlement and how coral reef fish keep track of time via endogenous timing mechanisms is poorly understood. Here, we have studied the behavioural and genetic basis of diel rhythms in the clown anemonefish Amphiprion ocellaris. We document a behavioural shift from nocturnal larvae to diurnal adults, while juveniles show an intermediate pattern of activity which potentially indicates flexibility in the timing of settlement on a host anemone. qRTPCR analysis of six core circadian clock genes (bmal1, clocka, cry1b, per1b, per2, per3) reveals rhythmic gene expression patterns that are comparable in larvae and juveniles, and so do not reflect the corresponding activity changes. By establishing an embryonic cell line, we demonstrate that clown anemonefish possess an endogenous clock with similar properties to that of the zebrafish circadian clock. Furthermore, our study provides a first basis to study the multi-layered interaction of clocks from fish, anemones and their zooxanthellae endosymbionts

    Boundary Effective Field Theory and Trans-Planckian Perturbations: Astrophysical Implications

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    We contrast two approaches to calculating trans-Planckian corrections to the inflationary perturbation spectrum: the New Physics Hypersurface [NPH] model, in which modes are normalized when their physical wavelength first exceeds a critical value, and the Boundary Effective Field Theory [BEFT] approach, where the initial conditions for all modes are set at the same time, and modified by higher dimensional operators enumerated via an effective field theory calculation. We show that these two approaches -- as currently implemented -- lead to radically different expectations for the trans-Planckian corrections to the CMB and emphasize that in the BEFT formalism we expect the perturbation spectrum to be dominated by quantum gravity corrections for all scales shorter than some critical value. Conversely, in the NPH case the quantum effects only dominate the longest modes that are typically much larger than the present horizon size. Furthermore, the onset of the breakdown in the standard inflationary perturbation calculation predicted by the BEFT formalism is likely to be associated with a feature in the perturbation spectrum, and we discuss the observational signatures of this feature in both CMB and large scale structure observations. Finally, we discuss possible modifications to both calculational frameworks that would resolve the contradictions identified here.Comment: Reworded commentary, reference added (v2) References added (v3
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