73 research outputs found

    Comparison of Serum and Urinary 5-Hydroxyindoleacetic Acid as Biomarker for Neuroendocrine Neoplasms

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    Context: Patients with serotonin-secreting neuroendocrine neoplasms (NENs) have increased serum 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5HIAA) concentrations. Serum 5HIAA thus serves as a biomarker in NEN. Objective: To evaluate an improved tandem mass spectrometric serum 5HIAA assay for diagnosis and follow-up of NEN in a clinical cohort. Design: A retrospective study during 2016-2018 at the Diagnostic Center and Department of Endocrinology at Helsinki University Hospital, Finland. Methods: Detailed patient data was obtained from 116 patients. Serum 5HIAA was analyzed by 2 different liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) assays with samples prepared either by protein precipitation or solid phase extraction. Twenty-four-hour urine 5HIAA samples (n = 33) were analyzed by amperometric LC, and the results were compared. Specificity and sensitivity were calculated by receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis. Results: We achieved 5 to 10 000 nmol/L linearity and Conclusion: Serum 5HIAA by LC-MS/MS after protein precipitation performs equally well for the diagnosis of NEN as urinary 5HIAA LC assay. The outcome and sensitivity for serum and 24-h urine assays are convergent. Due to much more reliable and convenient sampling, we recommend serum instead of 24-h urine 5HIAA for diagnosis and follow-up of NEN patients.Peer reviewe

    16 kysymystä erityisluvista : Esimerkkinä kilpirauhashormonit

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    Prolonged Hypophosphatemia and Intensive Care After Curative Surgery of Tumor Induced Osteomalacia : A Case Report

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    Introduction Rare FGF23-producing mesenchymal tumors lead to paraneoplastic tumor-induced osteomalacia (TIO) presenting with phosphate wasting, hypophosphatemia, chronic hypomineralization of the bone, fragility fractures and muscle weakness. Diagnosis of TIO requires exclusion of other etiologies and careful search for a mesenchymal tumor that often is very small and can appear anywhere in the body. Surgical removal of the tumor is the only definitive treatment of TIO. Surgical complications due to chronic hypophosphatemia are not well recognized. Case Description The current case describes severe fragility fractures in a 58-year-old woman, who lost her ability to walk and was bedridden for two years. First, the initial diagnostic laboratory work-up did not include serum phosphorus measurements, second, the suspicion of adverse effects of pioglitazone as an underlying cause delayed correct diagnosis for at least two years. After biochemical discovery of hyperphosphaturic hypophosphatemia at a tertiary referral centre, a FGF23-producing tumor of the mandible was discovered on physical examination, and then surgically removed. Postoperatively, severe hypophosphatemia and muscle weakness prolonged the need for ventilation support, intensive care and phosphate supplementation. After two years of rehabilitation, the patient was able to walk short distances. The tumor has not recurred, and serum phosphate concentration has remained within normal limits during 3.5 years of follow-up. Conclusions The case report illustrates knowledge gaps in the diagnostic work-up of rare causes of low bone mass and fragility fractures. Compared to other low phosphate conditions, surgical recovery from TIO-induced hypophosphatemia warrants special attention. Increased alkaline phosphatase concentration may indicate impaired postsurgical recovery due to prolonged hypophosphatemia, underlining the need for proactive perioperative correction of hypophosphatemia.Peer reviewe

    COVID-19 ja endokriiniset sairaudet

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    Vertaisarvioitu.Endokriinisista sairauksista etenkin diabetes, lihavuus ja APECED-oireyhtymä altistavat vaikealle COVID-19:lle. Hyperglykemia on haitallista myös ilman edeltävää diabetesdiagnoosia, ja sen hyvä hoito parantaa ennustetta. Vaikeaa koronaviruskeuhkoinfektiota sairastavilla on todettu pieniä veren D-vitamiinipitoisuuksia, mutta D-vitamiinilisien merkityksestä vaikean COVID-19:n ehkäisyssä odotetaan vielä lisätietoa. Koronavirusinfektioiden yhteydessä on kuvattu myös kilpirauhastulehduksia. Lisämunuaiskuoren vajaatoimintaan liittyy akuuttien sairauksien yhteydessä lisämunuaiskriisin riski. Toistaiseksi ei kuitenkaan ole näyttöä, että lisämunuaiskuoren vajaatoimintaa sairastavien COVID-19:n ennuste olisi huonompi kuin muiden. Myöskään neuroendokriiniset kasvaintaudit eivät tiettävästi huononna ennustetta, joskin solunsalpaajahoito voi lisätä COVID-19-potilaiden vaikean taudin riskiä. Diabetesta sairastavien, glukokortikoidihoitoa saavien ja ylipainoisten potilaiden osalta on erityisen tärkeää huolehtia laskimotukosten ehkäisystä.Peer reviewe

    Novel PRUNE2 Germline Mutations in Aggressive and Benign Parathyroid Neoplasms

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    Parathyroid tumors are mostly sporadic but can also occur in familial forms, including different kinds of genetic syndromes with varying phenotypes and penetrance. Recently, somatic mutations of the tumor suppressor gene PRUNE2 were found to be frequent in parathyroid cancer (PC). The germline mutation status of PRUNE2 was investigated in a large cohort of patients with parathyroid tumors from the genetically homogenous Finnish population, 15 of which had PC, 16 atypical parathyroid tumors (APT), and 6 benign parathyroid adenomas (PA). Mutations in previously established hyperparathyroidism-related genes were screened with a targeted gene panel analysis. Nine PRUNE2 germline mutations with a minor allele frequency (MAF) o

    Immune checkpoint inhibitors, endocrine adverse events, and outcomes of melanoma

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    Objective: Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI) can cause endocrine adverse events. However, endocrine AEs could be related to better treatment outcomes. Our aim was to investigate whether this holds true in a real-world setting of metastatic melanoma patients. Design: A retrospective single-institution study. Methods: We included 140 consecutive metastatic melanoma patients treated with ICI between January 2012 and May 2019. We assessed the endocrine toxicity and the best possible treatment outcomes from electronic patient records, including laboratory parameters and radiological images. Results: Of the treated patients, 21 patients (15%) were treated with ipilimumab, 46 (33%) with nivolumab, 67 (48%) with pembrolizumab, and 6 (4%) with combination therapy (ipilimumab + nivolumab). Endocrine AEs appeared in 29% (41/140) patients. Three patients had two different endocrine AEs. Thyroid disorders were the most common: 26% (36/140), followed by hypophysitis: 4% (5/140). Three subjects (2%, 3/140) were diagnosed with autoimmune diabetes. Three patients had to terminate treatment due to endocrine toxicity. Radiological manifestations of endocrine AEs were found in 16 patients (39%, 16/41). Endocrine toxicity was associated with significantly better treatment outcomes. Median progression-free survival (8.1 months, range 5.1-11.1 months vs 2.7 months, range 2.4-3.0 months, P < 0.001), and median overall survival (47.5 months, range 15.5-79.5 months vs 23.7 months, range 15.3-32.1 months, P = 0.035) were longer for patients experiencing endocrine AEs. Conclusions: The higher number of endocrine AEs suggest that regular laboratory monitoring aids in AE detection. Endocrine AEs in metastatic melanoma may correlate with better treatment outcomes.Peer reviewe

    Comparison of serum serotonin and serum 5-HIAA LC-MS/MS assays in the diagnosis of serotonin producing neuroendocrine neoplasms : A pilot study

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    Background: Serotonin (5-hydroxytyramine) is a mediator of gastrointestinal smooth muscle contraction, and is secreted by neuroendocrine neoplasms (NENs). We developed a liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) assay for serum serotonin to be used in NEN diagnostics and follow-up. Methods: We used serum samples from healthy volunteers (n = 31) and patients suspected or monitored for NEN (n = 98). Serotonin-D-4 internal standard was added to samples before solid phase extraction (SPE) and quantification by LC-MS/MS. The effects of sample handling and preparation on serotonin stability were studied. Finally, we established a provisional reference range for serum serotonin and compared our assay with serum 5hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) for detection of NENs. Results: Our assay is sensitive and has a wide linear range (10-10,000 nmo1/1). Serum serotonin is stable for 7 days at room temperature and for 3 months at -20 degrees C. Sampling temperature is not critical. Normal range for serum serotonin was 270-1490 nmo1/1. We found that serum serotonin and 5-HIAA performed equally well as diagnostic tests for NENs. Conclusions: Our LC-MS/MS assay for serum serotonin is well suited for clinical research and patient diagnostics. Our results confirm that it can complement 5-HIAA in diagnosis of NENs.Peer reviewe