305 research outputs found

    Evaluative Scientific Accompanying Research On The Use Of The Computer In Art Lessons. Research Design, Methodological And Methodological Aspects Of A Qualitative Empirical Longitudinal Study

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    In den kommenden Jahren werden verstÀrkt empirische Studien und deren Ergebnisse nicht nur die Bildungspolitik, sondern auch Schule und Unterricht selbst beeinflussen. Eine Herausforderung lautet hierbei, empirische Forschungsverfahren zu entwickeln und anzuwenden, die es ermöglichen, Wirkungen von MedienpÀdagogik und Àsthetischer Erziehung zu beobachten und festzustellen. Diese Wirkungsforschung kann daraufhin pÀdagogisch-didaktisches Handeln verÀndern. Vor diesem Hintergrund wird die Konzeption einer dreijÀhrigen Wissenschaftlichen Begleitforschung dargestellt, die sich u.a. zur Aufgabe macht, die Implementierung des Digitalen in den schulischen Kunstunterricht zu untersuchen. Vorgestellt und diskutiert werden ein exemplarischer Forschungsverlauf sowie Formen der Vermittlung von Forschungsergebnissen an die projektbeteiligten Lehrerinnen und Lehrer.In the coming years, empirical studies and their results will increasingly influence not only educational policy, but also schools and teaching itself. One challenge here is to develop and apply empirical research methods that make it possible to observe and determine the effects of media education and aesthetic education. This impact research can then change pedagogical-didactic action. Against this background, the concept of a three-year accompanying scientific research is presented, which, among other things, has the task of investigating the implementation of the digital in school art lessons. An exemplary research process and forms of communicating research results to the teachers involved in the project are presented and discussed

    How German and Italian Laypeople Reason about Distributive Shortages during COVID-19

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    (1) Background: The COVID-19 pandemic provided a unique opportunity to investigate how moral reasoning is influenced by individuals’ exposure to a crisis and by personal, societal and temporal proximity. We examined how Italians and Germans judged different behaviors that arose because of the pandemic, which affected health and societal matters. (2) Methods: Over the course of four months and three assessment periods, we used an observational online survey to assess participants’ judgments regarding seven scenarios that addressed distributive shortages during the pandemic. (3) Results: Overall, there was no clear answering pattern across all scenarios. For a variation of triage and pandemic restrictions, most participants selected a mean value, which can be interpreted as deferring the choice. For the other scenarios, most participants used the extremes of the scale, thereby reflecting a clear opinion of the public regarding the moral issue. In addition, moral reasoning varied across the two countries, assessment periods, fear, and age. (4) Conclusions: By using scenarios that were taken from real-life experiences, the current study addresses criticism that moral research mostly relies on unrealistic scenarios that lack in external validity, plausibility, and proximity to everyday situations. In addition, it shows how lay people regard measures of public health and societal decision-making.the German Research Foundation (DFG)Peer Reviewe

    Diverging worlds of foreign correspondence: The changing working conditions of correspondents in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland

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    Foreign correspondents seem to have become an endangered species. They are said to be increasingly substituted by new forms of foreign correspondence. These claims are often raised by researchers studying foreign correspondence to and from the United States and the United Kingdom. We test whether assumptions about the demise and substitution of the traditional foreign correspondent also apply beyond these contexts. Particularly, the study seeks to explore the differences in the working conditions of various kinds of foreign correspondents. Based on 211 responses gathered through an online survey of a carefully reconstructed population of 721 journalists, it describes the profile and working conditions of foreign correspondents in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria. It finds that the traditional correspondent - a professional journalist working full-time for legacy media - may be more resistant to change than expected. In the perception of correspondents, there is not much substitution through parachutes, locals, amateurs, or reporting from the headquarters. Working conditions are not worsening for everyone. Rather, we find diverging worlds of foreign correspondence depending on the media type, the country of origin, and the kind of job contract journalists have

    Locoregional and systemic therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma

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    The management of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) remains challenging due to late presentation and the presence of accompanying liver dysfunction. As such, most patients are not eligible for curative resection and liver transplant. Management in this scenario depends on a number of factors including hepatic function, tumor burden, patency of hepatic vasculature and patients' functional status. Based on these, patients can be offered catheter based intra-arterial therapy for intermediate stage disease and in more advanced disease, sorafenib. Given recent data, regorafenib is now an option following failure of sorafenib. Catheter directed intra-arterial therapy takes advantage of tumor hypervascularity and the unique dual blood supply of the liver, as hepatic tumors receive arterial perfusion via the hepatic artery while the rest of the liver is supplied by the portal vein. This allows selective embolization and delivery of chemotherapeutic agents to the tumor. Compared to best supportive care, intra-arterial therapy offers a survival benefit in intermediate stage HCC and is the recommended approach for treatment. None of the catheter based approaches; including bland embolization, conventional trans-arterial chemoembolization (cTACE), drug eluting bead trans-arterial chemoembolization (DEB-TACE) or trans-arterial radioembolization (TARE) offers a clear advantage over the other, although DEB-TACE may be characterized by less systemic toxicity. All of these approaches are contraindicated in patients with portal vein thrombosis (PVT). On the other hand, intra-arterial, radio embolization, with Yttrium-90 (Y90) can be offered to patients with PVT. The place of this modality in management of HCC is still being investigated. The role of sorafenib in advanced HCC is not in doubt, as until recently, it was the only systemic therapy approved for the management in this setting. This is despite multiple trials evaluating other agents. The addition of sorafenib to catheter-based therapy in intermediate stage disease has also failed to show any benefit. The modest survival benefit with sorafenib and the failure of other targeted agents suggest that it is important to look beyond inhibition of angiogenesis in advanced HCC. Identification of key drivers and mediators of HCC remains paramount for successful drug development. In line with this, it is refreshing that the excitement that has followed developments in cancer immunotherapy is finding its way to HCC with early trials of anti-PD1 monoclonal antibodies showing sufficient activity that phase III trials are now ongoing for Pembrolizumab and Nivolumab in advanced HCC. Future drug development efforts will focus on defining the feasibility of combining different treatment approaches targeting multiple important modulators of HCC

    Vestibular dysfunction in the adult CBA/CaJ mouse after lead and cadmium treatment

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    Objectives: The vestibular system allows the perception of position and motion and its dysfunction presents as motion impairment, vertigo and balance abnormalities, leading to debilitating psychological discomfort and difficulty performing daily tasks. Although declines and deficits in vestibular function have been noted in rats exposed to lead (Pb) and in humans exposed to Pb and cadmium (Cd), no studies have directly examined the pathological and pathophysiological effects upon the vestibular apparatus of the inner ear. Methods: Eighteen young adult mice were exposed through their drinking water (3 mM Pb, 300 ”M Cd, or a control treatment) for 10 weeks. Before and after treatment, they underwent a vestibular assessment, consisting of a rotarod performance test and a novel head stability test to measure the vestibulocolic reflex. At the conclusion of the study, the utricles were analyzed immunohistologically for condition of hair cells and nerve fibers. Results: Increased levels of Pb exposure correlated with decreased head stability in space; no significant decline in performance on rotarod test was found. No damage to the hair cells or the nerve fibers of the utricle was observed in histology. Conclusions: The young adult CBA/CaJ mouse is able to tolerate occupationally‐relevant Pb and Cd exposure well, but the correlation between Pb exposure and reduced head stability suggests that Pb exposure causes a decline in vestibular function. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Environ Toxicol, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Environ Toxicol 32: 869–876, 2017.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/136249/1/tox22286_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/136249/2/tox22286.pd

    Socioecological Determinants of Drought Impacts and Coping Strategies for Ranching Operations in the Great Plains

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    In Great Plains rangelands, drought is a recurring disturbance. Ranchers in this region expect to encounter drought but may not be adequately prepared for it. Efforts to encourage drought preparednesswould benefit froma better understanding of the conditions under which managers make decisions to minimize the impacts of drought.We tested the direct andmoderating roles of the drought hazard and the social-ecological context on drought impacts and response. This study was conducted with ranchers in western and central South Dakota and Nebraska following the drought that began in 2012. We surveyed ranchers regarding the effects of the drought and their responses and used multimodel analysis to explore the relationships among measures of drought preparedness, drought response, and drought impacts. Drought severity was the primary predictor of all impacts, but specific types of impacts were varied depending on the operation’s enterprisemix, resources, and management. The socioecological characteristics of the ranch system predicted drought response actions taken, by either providing the necessary resources and capacity to take action or creating sensitivity in the system that required action to be taken. We conclude with recommendations for learning from current drought experiences in order to better adapt to future drought events
