119 research outputs found

    Networking in regional development. The experience of the LEADER project "Wissbegierige Bildungsregion" (inquisitive education region) in the Weinviertel region

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    Die "Wissbegierige Bildungsregion" ist ein Bildungsprojekt der Region Weinviertel-Manhartsberg mit dem Ziel, Bildung in die Gemeinden und damit näher zur Bevölkerung des Weinviertels zu bringen. Dazu wurden in Dorfzentren sog. "Bildungsräume" eingerichtet und lernwilligen Gemeinde-Bewohner*innen zur Verfügung gestellt. Um diese Bildungsräume aktiv zu betreiben, brauchte es in jeder beteiligten Gemeinde ein Netzwerk an Personen, die sie betreuen und laufend aktivieren - mit verschiedenen Netzwerkaktivitäten. Dazu gab es regelmäßige Vernetzungstreffen, Schulungen der Bildungsraum-Verantwortlichen und Bildungsbörsen. Um aus Erfahrungen zu lernen und bestehende Bildungskonzepte für die Region zu adaptieren, wurde zudem ein Bildungs-Netzwerk mit regionalen und überregionalen Akteur*innen rund um den Bildungsbereich eingerichtet. Es entstand ein regionales Bildungsprogramm, das gemeinsam vermarktet wurde. Darüber hinaus gab es Kooperationen mit bestehenden Initiativen wie der "Dorfuni" oder der Montags-Akademie, beides Initiativen mit dem Ziel, Bildung für alle zu ermöglichen. Die Erfahrung zeigte: Die Motivation, in einem Netzwerk ehrenamtlich mitzuwirken, entsteht durch erlebte Sinnhaftigkeit, aber sie nimmt im Laufe der Zeit ab. Es ist leichter, neue Mitwirkende zu finden, als Mitwirkende dauerhaft zu halten. Und es braucht einen sehr klar formulierten persönlichen Nutzen, damit Personen an Weiterbildungen oder Veranstaltungen teilnehmen. Zusammengefasst: Es braucht Feingefühl für die richtigen Maßnahmen und das richtige Ausmaß und es bedarf vertrauensvoller Beziehungen sowie Lern-, Bildungs- und Netzwerkprozesse, die als sinnvoll und lebendig empfunden werden. (DIPF/Orig.)"Wissbegierige Bildungsregion" (Inquisitive Education Region) is an education project in the Weinviertel-Manhartsberg region that aims to bring education to municipalities and thus closer to the inhabitants of the Weinviertel. "Educational rooms" that are accessible to municipality residents interested in learning have been set up in the centre of villages. Each participating municipality needed a network of individuals responsible for different network activities and who actively operate these educational rooms. To this end, regular networking meetings, training for those responsible for the educational rooms and educational exchanges were organized. To learn from these experiences and adapt existing educational concepts to the region, an educational network with regional and transregional actors in the field of education was also set up. A regional educational programme was created that was jointly marketed. In addition, there was cooperation with existing initiatives such as the "Dorfuni" (Village Uni) or the Monday Academy, two initiatives whose goal is to facilitate education for everyone. The experience revealed that the commitment to being involved in a network on a voluntary basis arises through the experience of a sense of purpose, but it decreases over time. It is easier to find new volunteers than to retain volunteers permanently. For people to participate in continuing education or events, their personal benefit must be very clearly formulated. To sum up: Sensitivity to the right measures and the right number of activities is required, as are trusting relationships as well as learning, education and networking processes that are perceived as being meaningful and dynamic. (DIPF/Orig.

    Farewell to the Austrian Parliamentary Library and Archives: Elisabeth Dietrich-Schulz retired on September 1, 2020

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    Elisabeth Dietrich-Schulz trat nach mehr als 40 Jahren im Bundesdienst, davon mehr als 30 Jahren Dienst in der Parlamentsdirektion ihren Ruhestand an. In dem vorliegenden Interview erzählt die langjährige Direktorin der Parlamentsbibliothek über den Wandel von Frauenkarrieren im Hohen Haus, ihren Lieblingsort im Parlament und ihre Ausdauer, mit der sie so manches Ziel erreichen konnte.After more than 40 years in the civil service, including more than 30 years in the Austrian Parliamentary Administration Elisabeth Dietrich-Schulz retired as director of the parliamentary library and archives. In the following interview she talks about changes in the careers of women, her favorite place in the parliament building and the energy which enabled her to achieve many goals

    Establishing a maturity model for design automation in sales-delivery processes of ETO products

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    Short delivery times are considered a competitive advantage in the engineer-to-order (ETO) sector. Design-related tasks contribute to a substantial amount of delivery times and costs since ETO products have to be either fully developed or adapted to customer specifications within tendering or order fulfillment. Approaches aiming at a computerised automation of tasks related to the design process, often termed design automation or knowledge-based engineering, are generally regarded as an effective means to achieve lead time and cost reductions while maintaining, or even improving product quality. In this study we propose a maturity model as a framework for analyzing and improving such activities in ETO companies. We contribute to the literature in being the first to investigate design automation in the ETO sector from a maturity perspective. Beyond that, we extend the extant literature on design automation, which is of a highly technical nature, by providing a framework considering organizational and managerial aspects. The findings indicate that five different levels of maturity can be achieved across the dimensions strategies, processes, systems, and people. Empirical cases give insight into these different levels. Our investigation draws from extant literature and a comparative case study involving four companies over two years

    from eto to mass customization a two horizon eto enabling process

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    During the past few years, many companies are playing in their respective market managing one batch of their commercial offer as mass customizer and another as a pure Engineer-to-Order (ETO) company. This newly created business model generates new needs and issues both in the internal organization approaches, and in the supporting IT systems. The competitive advantage of successful firms relies on the effective management of their purely customized orders, with the aim of including relevant knowledge and information in the standard space of action. Therefore, this study aims at conceptualizing this new business reality, presenting an innovative underlying scheme for the ETO enabling process in which the central focus is on the design phase. Furthermore, a set of success practices are represented, discriminated between long and short term horizons. In this context, both technological and organizational aspects have been explored. Lastly, applicability of the proposed framework has been empirically validated through case studies

    Value creation in production: Reconsideration from interdisciplinary approaches

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    This paper presents reconsideration of value creation in production from various aspects of value viewpoints in several disciplines such as production engineering, social sciences, and human sciences. The focal point of investigations is value co-creation by the provision of products and services in and for society. In the past, some methods of social sciences and others proved to be useful in making production more efficient. At present, such methods must help to realise value creation. In fact, production must become more effective in response to human needs in social, economic, and environmental dimensions. Along with the theoretical apparatus, this paper presents some case studies indicating the importance of value creation in production, followed by future perspectives of value co-creation in production

    Вибір та обґрунтування параметрів технології підтримки стінок стовбура свердловини в осадових породах

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    Практичне значення роботи полягає в досліджені широкого кола властивостей різних хімічних сполук, покликаних збільшити ступінь стійкості осадових порід в стінках стовбура свердловини; застосування досліджених речовин приведе до істотного підвищення продуктивності бурових робіт, скорочення часу на роботи, пов’язані із ліквідацією ускладнень і аварій в свердловині, або повного виключення останніх, загального зростання ефективності і економічності процесу спорудження свердловин.Мета дипломної роботи: встановлення закономірностей фізико-хімічних процесів, що протікають в стовбурі свердловини, споруджуваної в товщі осадових гірських порід, при циркуляції промивальних рідин і формулюванні на їх основі адекватних технологічних заходів гідравлічної програми промивання свердловини, реалізація якої дозволить надати процесу спорудження свердловин достатньо високу міру продуктивності і економічності