116 research outputs found

    Experiences with iPads in primary schools

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    Los ordenadores-tablet están acaparando toda la atención en estos momentos y forman parte de nuestra vida cotidiana. Por ello, no es de extrañar que en el ámbito educativo se hayan arbitrado fórmulas para incorporarlos en las aulas. La presente investigación pretende mostrar las estrategias llevadas a cabo en determinadas experiencias con iPads en escuelas primarias austriacas. Por un lado, se describe el desarrollo de las aplicaciones (apps) educativas apropiadas para su empleo en aulas. Y por otro, cada lección apoyada en las tecnologías es analizada y evaluada desde una perspectiva técnica. Las aportaciones más representativas de la investigación evidencian las diversas fórmulas de utilización de este tipo de ordenadores para promover una influencia positiva en la enseñanza, también se apuntan recomendaciones prácticas sobre cómo deberían ser usados en aulasTablet computers gain enormous attention nowadays and become more and more part of our daily life. Due to this it is not astonishing that even the educational sector is thinking about the use of such wearable devices in the classroom. Our research study aims to give insights about real life experiences with iPads in Austrian primary schools. Therefore we describe the development of appropriate learning apps and their use in classrooms. Finally each technology-enhanced lesson is observed as well as evaluated afterwards with the help of the cut-off technique. The research work carries out different circumstances the use of tablet computers has a positive influence on teaching and learning and gives practical hints how they should be used in classrooms.Grupo FORCE (HUM-386). Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Escolar de la Universidad de Granad

    Regional Pilot Case Study: Mostviertal – AT, upcoming project phase

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    The presentation indicates our plans for activities in the Mostviertel region in the next project phase

    Analysis of climate change adaptation with bio-economic farm models: lessons from MACSUR regional pilot studies

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    Integrated land use models (ILM) featuring agronomic and economic drivers of land use are frequently applied to serve the high information demand of stakeholders. This presentation results from collaboration among bio-economic farm modelers across the MACSUR regional pilot studies (www.macsur.eu) and shall compare and finally reveal good practice examples on the representation of climate change adaptation in bio-economic farm models. First results show a considerable diversity of approaches employed in the MACSUR regional pilot studies. All are programming models that optimize more or less elaborated forms of utility. All consider or plan to consider crop yield impacts from bio-physical crop models based on daily-resolution climate data. While some models include pest and diseases or livestock impacts, none take climate change impacts on market prices or interactions among farms into account so far. Clearly, adaptation options determine the solution space and are mainly expert-based in the regional case studies. Overall, the models are normative and analyze economically rational and optimal land use and management at the farm level, capable of showing the likely direction of differences in future management as a response to exogenous parameter changes (prices, yields, disease pressure, changed policy conditions, etc.). Such detailed models and their results may be applied in stakeholder interaction. Integrating the different direct and indirect effects of climate change, including the policy dimension, is the main contribution of farm level modelling of agricultural systems in the domain of climate change adaptation research

    Which world and what kind of end?

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    Es zeigt sich, dass Untergang und Aufgang einer Welt in unterschiedlichen Formen vorliegen und diese Formen auf verschiedenen Ebenen angesiedelt sein können. Wie kann der jeweilige Weltuntergang in seiner Eigenart charakterisiert werden? Welche Welt geht jeweils in welcher Weise unter? Was ist die Folge dieses Untergangs?Martin Heidegger, Friedrich Nietzsche, Michel Foucault und Autors Standpunkte.It seems that the downfall and rise of a world exist in different forms and those forms can be noticed at different levels. How can we describe the downfall in itself? What kind of the world we are discussing about in each version? What are the consequences of these ends of the world? Martin Heidegger, Friedrich Nietzsche and Michel Foucault and author\u27s standpoints

    Uncertainties from Climate Change on Farms and Ecosystem Services of a Grassland Dominated Austrian Landscape

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    MACSUR 1: development of a method to analysefarm and landscape scale impacts of CC, mitigationand adaptation effects– cropland dominated landscape, crop choice and soilmanagement– climate model uncertainty• Now: test and improve the robustness of the method– grassland landscape, cropland expansion and livestock– uncertainty analysis– variability of weather conditions High spatial resolution creates interfaces to disciplinarymodels and indicators• Challenging data & modelling demand• Increasing productivity can increase intensification pressures• Threatened permanent (extensive) grasslands and landscape elements, but• subject to resource constraints, costs and prices• Future RDP and environmental policy design (e.g. WFD) may need to takechanging productivity into account• Future research: analyze uncertainties & environmentalimpacts• Ensembles of crop and grassland models• Sensitivity analysis on economic input parameters• Qualitative surveys with agricultural experts and farmer

    Spillovers between MACSUR and Austrian climate change research projects

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    The Austrian regional case study in MACSUR extends the methods and builds upon the results of the CC-ILA project. CC-ILA enables cooperation between landscape planners and landscape ecologists to analyse mitigation and adaptation strategies for sustainable rural land use and landscape developments in a case study landscape. Subsequent research in MACSUR includes analysis towards rural development and the improvement of the climate impact data base for grasslands. The latter is achieved by collaborating with Crop-M partner LFZ Raumberg-Gumpenstein, who is able to utilize spill-overs within the Agromet-Monitor project

    Integrated Assessment of Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Impacts at Landscape Level in the Austrian Mostviertel Region

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    Climate change poses fundamental challenges on agriculture. It triggers autonomous adaptation responses of famers and thereby impacts the success of climate change mitigation. Integrated modelling frameworks (IMF) on land use serve as decision support instruments under such conditions by considering climate signals and accounting for combined mitigation and adaptation policies. We apply an IMF at the farm level in two contrasting grassland and cropland dominated landscapes in Austria to analyze climate change impacts on land use as well as impacts from mitigation and adaptation policies on the abiotic and biotic environment and the landscape. Results show that the impacts on farm gross margins and the abiotic and biotic environment are substantial either directly from climate change (e.g. changing erosion levels) or triggered via adaptation responses (i.e. land use and management change). Average gross margins increase between 1% and 12% depending on the case study landscape, the climate change scenario, and the policy scenario. With respect to biodiversity indicators, land use changes in the adaptation scenario decrease plant species diversity on farmland by 13% on average and losses are up to 80% for some farms. These changes are driven by policies in the adaptation scenario as responses on climate change in the absence of policies are modest with minor impacts on biodiversity. Results indicate the effectiveness of climate change adaptation in increasing farm incomes and the need to coordinate mitigation and adaptation policies to manage environmental outcomes. The IMF turns out to be effective in revealing heterogeneity of climate change impacts among farms and regions and linkages among adaptation and mitigation policies
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