546 research outputs found

    Strong coupling of a qubit to shot noise

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    We perform a nonperturbative analysis of a charge qubit in a double quantum dot structure coupled to its detector. We show that strong detector-dot interaction tends to slow down and halt coherent oscillations. The transitions to a classical and a low-temperature quantum overdamping (Zeno) regime are studied. In the latter, the physics of the dissipative phase transition competes with the effective shot noise.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Structure prediction based on ab initio simulated annealing for boron nitride

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    Possible crystalline modifications of chemical compounds at low temperatures correspond to local minima of the energy landscape. Determining these minima via simulated annealing is one method for the prediction of crystal structures, where the number of atoms per unit cell is the only information used. It is demonstrated that this method can be applied to covalent systems, at the example of boron nitride, using ab initio energies in all stages of the optimization, i.e. both during the global search and the subsequent local optimization. Ten low lying structure candidates are presented, including both layered structures and 3d-network structures such as the wurtzite and zinc blende types, as well as a structure corresponding to the beta-BeO type

    Cotunneling at resonance for the single-electron transistor

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    We study electron transport through a small metallic island in the perturbative regime. Using a recently developed diagrammatic technique, we calculate the occupation of the island as well as the conductance through the transistor in forth order in the tunneling matrix elements, a process referred to as cotunneling. Our formulation does not require the introduction of a cut-off. At resonance we find significant modifications of previous theories and good agreement with recent experiments.Comment: 5 pages, Revtex, 5 eps-figure

    Semiconductor saturable absorber mirror structures with low saturation fluence

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    We present two novel semiconductor saturable absorber mirror (SESAM) designs which can exhibit more than ten times lower saturation fluence than classical SESAM devices. Design considerations and characterization data are presented. These devices are particularly suited for passively mode-locked lasers with ultra-high repetition rate

    Revised Phase Diagram of the Gross-Neveu Model

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    We confirm earlier hints that the conventional phase diagram of the discrete chiral Gross-Neveu model in the large N limit is deficient at non-zero chemical potential. We present the corrected phase diagram constructed in mean field theory. It has three different phases, including a kink-antikink crystal phase. All transitions are second order. The driving mechanism for the new structure of baryonic matter in the Gross-Neveu model is an Overhauser type instability with gap formation at the Fermi surface.Comment: Revtex, 12 pages, 15 figures; v2: Axis labelling in Fig. 9 correcte

    Resonant tunneling through ultrasmall quantum dots: zero-bias anomalies, magnetic field dependence, and boson-assisted transport

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    We study resonant tunneling through a single-level quantum dot in the presence of strong Coulomb repulsion beyond the perturbative regime. The level is either spin-degenerate or can be split by a magnetic field. We, furthermore, discuss the influence of a bosonic environment. Using a real-time diagrammatic formulation we calculate transition rates, the spectral density and the nonlinear IVI-V characteristic. The spectral density shows a multiplet of Kondo peaks split by the transport voltage and the boson frequencies, and shifted by the magnetic field. This leads to zero-bias anomalies in the differential conductance, which agree well with recent experimental results for the electron transport through single-charge traps. Furthermore, we predict that the sign of the zero-bias anomaly depends on the level position relative to the Fermi level of the leads.Comment: 27 pages, latex, 21 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Current and power spectrum in a magnetic tunnel device with an atomic size spacer

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    Current and its noise in a ferromagnetic double tunnel barrier device with a small spacer particle were studied in the framework of the sequential tunneling approach. Analytical formulae were derived for electron tunneling through the spacer particle containing only a single energy level. It was shown that Coulomb interactions of electrons with a different spin orientation lead to an increase of the tunnel magnetoresistance. Interactions can also be responsible for the negative differential resistance. A current noise study showed, which relaxation processes can enhance or reduce fluctuations leading either to a super-Poissonian or a sub-Poissonian shot noise.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Charge Solitons in 1-D Arrays of Serially Coupled Josephson Junctions

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    We study a 1-D array of Josephson coupled superconducting grains with kinetic inductance which dominates over the Josephson inductance. In this limit the dynamics of excess Cooper pairs in the array is described in terms of charge solitons, created by polarization of the grains. We analyze the dynamics of these topological excitations, which are dual to the fluxons in a long Josephson junction, using the continuum sine-Gordon model. We find that their classical relativistic motion leads to saturation branches in the I-V characteristic of the array. We then discuss the semi-classical quantization of the charge soliton, and show that it is consistent with the large kinetic inductance of the array. We study the dynamics of a quantum charge soliton in a ring-shaped array biased by an external flux through its center. If the dephasing length of the quantum charge soliton is larger than the circumference of the array, quantum phenomena like persistent current and coherent current oscillations are expected. As the characteristic width of the charge soliton is of the order of 100 microns, it is a macroscopic quantum object. We discuss the dephasing mechanisms which can suppress the quantum behaviour of the charge soliton.Comment: 26 pages, LaTex, 7 Postscript figure

    Granulated superconductors:from the nonlinear sigma model to the Bose-Hubbard description

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    We modify a nonlinear sigma model (NLSM) for the description of a granulated disordered system in the presence of both the Coulomb repulsion and the Cooper pairing. We show that under certain controlled approximations this model is reduced to the Bose-Hubbard (or ``dirty-boson'') model with renormalized coupling constants. We obtain a more general effective action (which is still simpler than the full NLSM action) which can be applied in the region of parameters where the reduction to the Bose-Hubbard model is not justified. This action may lead to a different picture of the superconductor-insulator transition in 2D systems.Comment: 4 pages, revtex, no figure