291 research outputs found

    Model Transformation of Model Fragments Using Borrowed Context: Extended Version

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    In this technical report we study the transformation of models in the context of algebraic graph transformation and triple graph grammars. The new contribution of the report is to define and analyze the transformation of model fragments in general and the propagtion of graph constraints in particular. With the borrowed context we developed a technique further to the model transformation with triple graph grammars. This allows a transformation of incomplete models which could not be transformed until now. Moreover, we defined under which conditions a graph constraint can be propagated with borrowed context transformations and the model properties are preserved. This is also analyzed in the case study using the modeling framework ABT-Reo

    Satisfaction, Restriction and Amalgamation of Constraints in the Framework of M-Adhesive Categories

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    Application conditions for rules and constraints for graphs are well-known in the theory of graph transformation and have been extended already to M-adhesive transformation systems. According to the literature we distinguish between two kinds of satisfaction for constraints, called general and initial satisfaction of constraints, where initial satisfaction is defined for constraints over an initial object of the base category. Unfortunately, the standard definition of general satisfaction is not compatible with negation in contrast to initial satisfaction. Based on the well-known restriction of objects along type morphisms, we study in this paper restriction and amalgamation of application conditions and constraints together with their solutions. In our main result, we show compatibility of initial satisfaction for positive constraints with restriction and amalgamation, while general satisfaction fails in general. Our main result is based on the compatibility of composition via pushouts with restriction, which is ensured by the horizontal van Kampen property in addition to the vertical one that is generally satisfied in M-adhesive categories.Comment: In Proceedings ACCAT 2012, arXiv:1208.430

    Schablonengraffitis im Stadtgebiet. Eine empirische Untersuchung der Inhalte und Verteilung

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    Das Arbeitspapier beschäftigt sich mit den folgenden Fragen für ein ausgewähltes Stadtgebiet von Leipzig: Was kann man über die Schablonengraffiti erfahren, wenn man systematisch ein abgestecktes Stadtgebiet untersucht? Welche Motive und Themen sind zu finden? Welche Besonderheiten lassen sich beobachten? Der vorliegende Bericht präsentiert die Ergebnisse der ersten Felderhebung aus dem Jahr 2006

    Nicht-invasive Oszillometrie-basierte Messung des Herz-Zeit-Volumens bei hämodynamisch instabilen Patienten

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    Die invasive Messung des Herzzeitvolumens (HZV) hat sich in den letzten Jahren auf Intensivstationen etabliert. Es konnten sich jedoch nur invasive Techniken der HZV-Messung durchsetzen, was die Anwendung dieser Messungen an hohe technische und personelle Voraussetzungen knüpft und den Einsatz außerhalb einer Intensivstation nicht praktikabel macht. Mit dem Tel-O-Graph (TG) kann das HZV nicht-invasiv Oszillometrie-basiert berechnet werden. Bislang fehlt jedoch der Vergleich dieser Berechnung mit einer etablierten Referenzmethode. In der vorliegenden Arbeit haben wir die nichtinvasiv Oszillometrie-basierte Berechnung von CO, die mit TG durchgeführt wurde, mit einer Standard-Thermodilutionsmethode verglichen, die von PiCCO als Referenz durchgeführt wurde. In dieser Arbeit wird prospektiv das mit dem TG berechnete HZV mit dem durch das Referenzsystem Puls Contour Cardiac Output (PiCCO, Pulsion Medical Systems, Feldkirchen, Deutschland) mittels Thermodilution gemessene HZV verglichen. Die Messungen wurden als klinische Vergleichsstudie an 50 Patienten auf der nephrologischen Intensivstation der Charité am Campus Benjamin Franklin durchgeführt. Insgesamt konnten 120 Messpaare ausgewertet werden in denen die invasive Messung von Blutdruck, Schlagvolumen und HZV mittels PiCCO mit der nicht-invasiven Berechnung mit TG verglichen wurden. Die Auswertung der Daten erfolgte mit SPSS und Graph Pad Prism 7. Das durchschnittliche Alter der Probanden betrug 68,8 (± 12,9) Jahre. Davon waren 34 (68%) männlich. Die durch den TG kalkulierten HZV-Werte lagen mit 4,7 l/min niedriger als in der Vergleichsmessung mit PiCCO. Hier konnte ein durchschnittliches HZV von 7,17 l/min gemessen werden. Die Limits of Agreement lagen zwischen 8,14 und -1,85 l/min. Der Percentage Error betrug 70%. Mit steigendem Absolutwert des HZV wurde dieses von TG im Vergleich zu PiCCO erst überschätzt und dann unterschätzt. Eine Oszillometrie-basierte, nicht-invasive Messung des HZV ist bei hämodynamisch instabilen Patienten auf der Intensivstation zuverlässig durchführbar. Anhand unserer Daten ist die Genauigkeit der Methode in diesem Patientenkollektiv noch nicht ausreichend. Basierend auf unseren Daten kann jedoch der Algorithmus verbessert werden.The invasive determination of cardiac output (CO) has evolved into an established practice in intensive care units. The invasive manner of the method and high technical requirements limit its application mostly to intensive care units. Novel non-invasive oscillometry-based techniques provide a possibility to calculate the CO. At present, however, the comparison of this calculation with an established reference method has not been developed. In the present work we compared non-invasively oscillometry-based calculations of CO that was performed with Tel-O-GRAPH (TG) with a standard thermodilution method and with PiCCO (Pulsion Medical Systems, Feldkirchen, Germany) as a reference. The measurements were performed as a clinical comparative study of 50 patients in the nephrological intensive care unit of the Charité at the Campus Benjamin Franklin between June 2015 and December 2016. A total of 120 pairs of measurements were evaluated, comparing the invasive determination of blood pressure, stroke volume and CO using PiCCO with the non-invasive assessment using TG. The collected data was evaluated with SPPS and Graph Pad prism 7. The average age of the 50 included probands was 68,8 (± 12,9) years. Of the group 34 (68%) were male. The CO values calculated by the TG were with 4.7 l/min lower than in the comparative measurement with PiCCO. Here, an average CO of 7.17 l/min was measured. The limits of agreement were between 8.14 and -1.85 l/min. The percentage error of the study was 70%. With increasing absolute value of CO, the results were initially overestimated by TG compared to PiCCO and then underestimated. An oscillometric non-invasive determination of cardiac output in haemodynamically unstable patients in intensive care units is feasible. At present, however, the method lacks sufficient accuracy, making it necessary to revise the correction factor. Its implementation should take into account the linear increase in cardiac output underestimation that is observed with increasing cardiac output. This method could provide a greater precision in cardiac output determination with TG in hemodynamically unstable patients

    Propagation of Constraints along Model Transformations Based on Triple Graph Grammars: Long Version

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    Model transformations based on triple graph grammars (TGGs) have been applied in several practical case studies and they convince by their intuitive and descriptive way of specifying bidirectional model transformations. Moreover, fundamental properties have been extensively studied including syntactical correctness, completeness, termination and functional behaviour. But up to now, it is an open problem how domain specific properties that are valid for a source model can be preserved along model transformations such that the transformed properties are valid for the derived target model. In this paper, we analyse in the framework of TGGs how to propagate constraints from a source model to an integrated and target model such that, whenever the source model satisfies the source constraint also the integrated and target model satisfy the corresponding integrated and target constraint. In our main new results we show under which conditions this is possible. The case study shows how this result is successfully applied for the propagation of security constraints in enterprise modelling between business and IT models

    Verfremdete Wahlplakate bei Leipzigs OberbĂĽrgermeisterwahl 2013. Eine explorative Studie

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    Der Arbeitsbericht beschreibt die Vorgehensweise und erste Ergebnisse einer explorativen Begehung von Straßen und der Dokumentation der Anzahl gehängter Plakate sowie deren Verfremdungen. In diesem Zusammenhang wurde vor der Leipziger Oberbürgermeisterwahl 2013 untersucht: Wie viele Wahlplakate sind von Verfremdungen betroffen? Welche Art von Wahlplakaten (Bild- oder Textplakate) werden besonders häufig verändert? Welche Verfremdungen werden vorgenommen

    Evaluation of the shallow geothermal potential for heating and cooling and its integration in the socioeconomic environment: A case study in the Region of Murcia, Spain

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    In order to boost the use of shallow geothermal energy, reliable and sound information concerning its potential must be provided to the public and energy decision-makers, among others. To this end, we developed a GIS-based methodology that allowed us to estimate the resource, energy, economic and environmental potential of shallow geothermal energy at a regional scale. Our method focuses on closed-loop borehole heat exchanger systems, which are by far the systems that are most utilized for heating and cooling purposes, and whose energy demands are similar throughout the year in the study area applied. The resource was assessed based on the thermal properties from the surface to a depth of 100 m, considering the water saturation grade of the materials. Additionally, climate and building characteristics data were also used as the main input. The G.POT method was used for assessing the annual shallow geothermal resource and for the specific heat extraction (sHe) rate estimation for both heating and, for the first time, for cooling. The method was applied to the Region of Murcia (Spain) and thematic maps were created with the outputting results. They offer insight toward the thermal energy that can be extracted for both heating and cooling in (MWh/year) and (W/m); the technical potential, making a distinction over the climate zones in the region; the cost of the possible ground source heat pump (GSHP) installation, associated payback period and the cost of producing the shallow geothermal energy; and, finally, the GHG emissions savings derived from its usage. The model also output the specific heat extraction rates, which are compared to those from the VDI 4640, which prove to be slightly higher than the previous one
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