143 research outputs found

    Characterization of a trimeric light-harvesting complex in the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum built of FcpA and FcpE proteins

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    Fucoxanthin chlorophyll proteins (Fcps), the light-harvesting antennas of heterokont algae, are encoded by a multigene family and are highly similar with respect to their molecular masses as well as to their pigmentation, making it difficult to purify single Fcps. In this study, a hexa-histidine tag was genetically added to the C-terminus of the FcpA protein of the pennate diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum. A transgenic strain expressing the recombinant His-tagged FcpA protein in addition to the endogenous wild type Fcps was created. This strategy allowed, for the first time, the purification of a specific, stable trimeric Fcp complex. In addition, a pool of various trimeric Fcps was also purified from the wild-type cells using sucrose density gradient ultracentrifugation and gel filtration. In both the His-tagged and the wild-type Fcps, excitation energy coupling between fucoxanthin and chlorophyll a was intact and the existence of a chlorophyll a/fucoxanthin excitonic dimer was demonstrated using circular dichroism spectroscopy. Mass spectrometric analyses of the trimeric His-tagged complex indicated that it is composed of FcpA and FcpE polypeptides. It is confirmed here that a trimer is the basic organizational unit of Fcps in P. tricornutum. From circular dichroism spectra, it is proposed that the organization of the pigments on the polypeptide backbone of Fcps is a conserved feature in the case of chlorophyll a/c containing algae

    The 3-dimensional structure of a hepatitis C virus p7 ion channel by electron microscopy

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    Infection with the hepatitis C virus (HCV) has a huge impact on global health putting more than 170 million people at risk of developing severe liver disease. The HCV encoded p7 ion channel is essential for the production of infectious viruses. Despite a growing body of functional data, little is known about the 3-dimensional (3D) structure of the channel. Here, we present the 3D structure of a full-length viroporin, the detergent-solubilized hexameric 42 kDa form of the HCV p7 ion channel, as determined by single-particle electron microscopy using the random conical tilting approach. The reconstruction of such a small protein complex was made possible by a combination of high-contrast staining, the symmetry, and the distinct structural features of the channel. The orientation of the p7 monomers within the density was established using immunolabeling with N and C termini specific Fab fragments. The density map at a resolution of ≈16 Å reveals a flower-shaped protein architecture with protruding petals oriented toward the ER lumen. This broadest part of the channel presents a comparatively large surface area providing potential interaction sites for cellular and virally encoded ER resident proteins

    The chaperones MPP11 and Hsp70L1 form the mammalian ribosome-associated complex

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    Soluble Hsp70 homologs cotranslationally interact with nascent polypeptides in all kingdoms of life. In addition, fungi possess a specialized Hsp70 system attached to ribosomes, which in Saccharomyces cerevisiae consists of the Hsp70 homologs Ssb1/2p, Ssz1p, and the Hsp40 homolog zuotin. Ssz1p and zuotin are assembled into a unique heterodimeric complex termed ribosome-associated complex. So far, no such specialized chaperones have been identified on ribosomes of higher eukaryotes. However, a family of proteins characterized by an N-terminal zuotin-homology domain fused to a C-terminal two-repeat Myb domain is present in animals and plants. Members of this family, like human MPP11 and mouse MIDA1, have been implicated in the regulation of cell growth. Specific targets of MPP11/MIDA1, however, have remained elusive. Here, we report that MPP11 is localized to the cytosol and associates with ribosomes. Purification of MPP11 revealed that it forms a stable complex with Hsp70L1, a distantly related homolog of Ssz1p. Complementation experiments indicate that mammalian ribosome-associated complex is functional in yeast. We conclude that despite a low degree of homology on the amino acid level cooperation of ribosome-associated chaperones with the translational apparatus is well conserved in eukaryotic cells

    Chiral protein scissors: High enantiomeric selectivity for binding and its effect on protein photocleavage efficiency and specificity

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    Chiral recognition of protein-binding sites by a simple organic molecule with selectivities >100 is reported here. The l-isomer of 4(1-pyrene)-3-butyroyl-phenylalanine amide (Py-l-Phe) binds to BSA with an affinity constant (K(b)) of 3 × 10(7) M(−1), whereas the corresponding d-isomer (Py-d-Phe) binds 100 times weaker. The enantiomers showed contrasting spectral changes when bound to BSA. Whereas hypochromism was observed with the l-isomer, hyperchromism was observed for the d-isomer, and, whereas the fluorescence of the l-isomer was quenched, the fluorescence of the d-isomer was enhanced. The induced CD spectra of the enantiomers bound to BSA bear a near mirror-image relationship. In contrast, the enantiomers show only moderate binding selectivity with lysozyme. The differences in the enantioselectivities with the two proteins indicate that the binding site of 4(1-pyrene)-3-butyroyl-phenylalanine amide (Py-Phe) in BSA is crowded, whereas that of lysozyme is more accommodative of either isomer. The enantioselective binding of Py-Phe isomers is further examined in protein photocleavage studies. Py-d-Phe cleaves BSA and lysozyme at a single site in a manner similar to Py-l-Phe, but the cleavage yields are lower for the d-isomer. Sequencing of the resulting fragments indicated that the photocleavage sites of Py-d-Phe on BSA and lysozyme are identical to those of Py-l-Phe. Flash photolysis studies indicated only minor differences between the two enantiomers. The large binding selectivities, therefore, do not influence cleavage specificity or cleavage site location. The strong role of the single asymmetric center of Py-Phe in recognition and its minor role in photocleavage chemistry are demonstrated

    Aqueous access pathways in subunit a of rotary ATP synthase extend to both sides of the membrane

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    The role of subunit a in promoting proton translocation and rotary motion in the Escherichia coli F(1)F(o) ATP synthase is poorly understood. In the membrane-bound F(o) sector of the enzyme, H(+) binding and release occur at Asp-61 in the middle of the second transmembrane helix (TMH) of subunit c. Protons are thought to reach Asp-61 at the center of the membrane via aqueous channels formed at least in part by one or more of the five TMHs of subunit a. Aqueous access pathways have previously been mapped to surfaces of aTMH4. Here we have substituted Cys into the second and fifth TMHs of subunit a and carried out chemical modification with Ag(+) and N-ethylmaleimide to define the aqueous accessibility of residues along these helices. Access to cAsp-61 at the center of the membrane may be mediated in part by Ag(+)-sensitive residues 248, 249, 251, and 252 in aTMH5. From the periplasmic surface, aqueous access to cAsp-61 may be mediated by silver-sensitive residues 115, 116, 119, 120, 122, and 126 in aTMH2. The Ag(+)-sensitive residues in TMH2, -4, and -5 form a continuum extending from the periplasmic to the cytoplasmic side of the membrane. In an arrangement of helices supported by second-site revertant and crosslinking analyses, these residues cluster at the interior of a four-helix bundle formed by TMH2–5. The aqueous access pathways at the interior of subunit a may be gated by a swiveling of helices in this bundle, alternately exposing cytoplasmic and periplasmic half channels to cAsp-61 during the H(+) transport cycle

    Crosslinking of membrane-embedded cysteines reveals contact points in the EmrE oligomer

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    EmrE is a small multidrug transporter that extrudes various drugs in exchange with protons, thereby rendering Escherichia coli cells resistant to these compounds. In this study, relative helix packing in the EmrE oligomer solubilized in detergent was probed by intermonomer crosslinking analysis. Unique cysteine replacements in transmembrane domains were shown to react with organic mercurials but not with sulfhydryl reagents, such as maleimides and methanethiosulfonates. A new protocol was developed based on the use of HgCl(2), a compound known to react rapidly and selectively with sulfhydryl groups. The reaction can bridge vicinal pairs of cysteines and form an intermolecular mercury-linked dimer. To circumvent problems inherent to mercury chemistry, a second crosslinker, hexamethylene diisocyanate, was used. After the HgCl(2) treatment, excess reagent was removed and the oligomers were dissociated with a strong denaturant. Only those previously crosslinked reacted with hexamethylene diisocyanate. Thus, vicinal cysteine-substituted residues in the EmrE oligomer were identified. It was shown that transmembrane domain (TM)-1 and TM4 in one subunit are in contact with the corresponding TM1 and TM4, respectively, in the other subunit. In addition, TM1 is also in close proximity to TM4 of the neighboring subunit, suggesting possible arrangements in the binding and translocation domain of the EmrE oligomer. This method should be useful for other proteins with cysteine residues in a low-dielectric environment
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