32 research outputs found

    Faking and Conspiring about COVID-19: A Discursive Approach

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    In the more general climate of post-truth - a social trend reflecting a disregard for reliable ways of knowing what is true, mostly acted through massive use of misinformation and rhetoric calling for emotions - an alarming “infodemic” accompanied the COVID-19 pandemic, affecting healthy attitudes and behaviors and further lessening trust in science, institutions, and traditional media. Its two main representative items, fake and conspiracy news, have been widely analyzed in psycho-social research, even if scholars mostly acknowledged the cognitive and social dimensions of those items and devoted less attention to their discursive construction. In addition, these works did not directly compare and differentiate fake and conspiracy pathways. In order to address this gap and promote a wider understanding of these matters, a qualitative investigation of an Italian sample of 112 fake and conspiracy news articles, mostly spread during the first two COVID-19 “waves” (from March 2020 to January 2021) was realized. Our sample gathered news specifically coming from social media posts, representing easy and fast channels for viral content diffusion. We analyzed the selected texts by means of Diatextual Analysis and Discursive Action Model models, aimed to (a) offer “in depth” fine-grained analysis of the psycholinguistic and argumentative features of fake and conspiracy news, and (b) differentiate them in line with the classical Aristotle’s rhetoric stances of logos, ethos, and pathos, thus bridging traditional and current lines of thinking. Even though they may share common roots set in the post-truth climate, fake and conspiracy news engage in different rhetoric patterns since they present different enjeu and construct specific epistemic pathways. Implications for health- and digital-literacy are debated

    Retoriche della credibilitĂ  nei testi di denuncia di reato. Un approccio psico-culturale

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    Promuovendo l’incontro tra gli studi sulla memoria autobiografica e la prospettiva culturale-discorsiva, il presente lavoromira ad approfondire il contributo della psicologia alla comprensione dei “contratti comunicativi” che caratterizzano il contestogiudiziario, cosĂŹ complessi per l’ambivalenza delle posizioni e delle “poste in gioco”. Mediante strumenti di analisi delcontenuto e analisi del discorso applicati al testo di una denuncia di reato, si Ăš rilevata la portata ermeneutica della psicologia,nell’offerta di “lenti” mediante le quali leggere con piĂč attenzione la realtĂ : se il dichiarato appare debole, generico, contraddittorio,tali indicazioni possono fornire un valido ausilio in vista della valutazione dell’accuratezza, dell’idoneitĂ  e della credibilitĂ clinica del dichiarante, elementi fondamentali a fini probatori nell’ambito di un procedimento giudiziario

    The perceived vulnerability to disease scale: Cross‐cultural measurement invariance and associations with fear of COVID‐19 across 16 countries

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    Using cross‐sectional data from N = 4274 young adults across 16 countries during the COVID‐19 pandemic, we examined the cross‐cultural measurement invariance of the perceived vulnerability to disease (PVD) scale and tested the hypothesis that the association between PVD and fear of COVID‐19 is stronger under high disease threat [that is, absence of COVID‐19 vaccination, living in a country with lower Human Development Index (HDI) or higher COVID‐19 mortality]. Results supported a bi‐factor Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling model where items loaded on a global PVD factor, and on the sub‐factors of Perceived Infectability and Germ Aversion. However, cross‐national invariance could only be obtained on the configural level with a reduced version of the PVD scale (PVD‐r), suggesting that the concept of PVD may vary across nations. Moreover, higher PVD‐r was consistently associated with greater fear of COVID‐19 across all levels of disease threat, but this association was especially pronounced among individuals with a COVID‐19 vaccine, and in contexts where COVID‐19 mortality was high. The present research brought clarity into the dimensionality of the PVD measure, discussed its suitability and limitations for cross‐cultural research, and highlighted the pandemic‐related conditions under which higher PVD is most likely to go along with psychologically maladaptive outcomes, such as fear of COVID‐19

    Le deboli certezze della conoscenza medica e psichatrica

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    Il presente volume indaga l’in-certezza nei testi della comunicazione scientifica nell’ambito biomedico e psichiatrico. Nel trattino che la rompe e insieme la congiunge, la parola ‘incertezza’ evoca l’esito piĂč importante della nostra ricerca: le impressioni di “certezza” e “incertezza”, costruite dalla mente come polaritĂ , emergono discorsivamente come toni che sfumano gradualmente l’uno nell’altro


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    Il database di dati quantitativi qui esaminati ha consentito di mettere in evidenza i principali orientamenti cui si ispirano le TV locali pugliesi nel rispondere al loro compito istituzionale di contribuire a far sĂŹ che i cittadini siano messi al corrente di ciĂČ che accade nel loro territorio

    The Rhetoric Side of Fake News: A New Weapon for Anti-Politics?

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    As an “insidious form of post-truth rhetoric”, fake news find a fertile ground in the complex scenario of new media and fruitful fertilizers in several psychological foundations and social phenomena. As a consequence, social scientists and psychologists are more and more interested to deepen these dynamics. Nonetheless, the study of the discursive and rhetoric facets of fake news has been rather neglected. The aim of this work is to investigate their discursive construction in one of the preferred domains of this misleading process of construction of reality, the political world. Through the discourse analysis applied to several fake news involving a very popular female Italian politician, we emphasize the risk of empowering the (already widespread) anti-political feeling

    «Zoom Ú stato una luce»: la religiosità online ai tempi del Covid-19

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    The period characterized by restrictions due to Covid-19 represented a unique opportunity to study completely new social phenomena. In fact, what was previously a possibility, such as entertaining activities through online media, become a forced condition to satisfy one’s need for sociality and search for meaning. Starting from reflections about mediated interactions, social presence and online religiosity, this work focuses on a case study involving an evangelic religious community. In this context, the changing dynamics in the passage from «real» world to a «virtual» one, were analysed. The participants’ words – gained through interview and focus group discussions – enabled to reconstruct the phases of online activities, the ambivalence about «social presence» as well as the opportunities and limits of online worship. As a consequence, the uniqueness of the place of cult for an authentic religious experience emerged.Il periodo di restrizioni legato al Covid-19 ha rappresentato un’occasione unica per studiare fenomeni sociali inediti: ciĂČ che prima era una possibilitĂ , come svolgere attivitĂ  online, si tramuta in una condizione coatta per poter soddisfare i bisogni di socialitĂ  e di ricerca di senso. Partendo dalla riflessione sui temi dell’interazione mediata, della presenza sociale e della religiositĂ  online, il presente lavoro offre un contributo di ricerca, mediante l’analisi del caso di una comunitĂ  religiosa evangelica, finalizzato ad indagare la molteplicitĂ  delle dinamiche che possono originarsi nel passaggio da un contesto «reale» a quello «virtuale». Le parole dei partecipanti – raccolte mediante intervista al Pastore e focus group con i membri della comunitĂ  religiosa – consentono di ricostruire le fasi di implementazione dell’attivitĂ  online, l’ambivalenza legata alla «presenza sociale» nonchĂ© le opportunitĂ  e limiti del culto online, riflessioni dalle quali emerge la definizione del luogo di culto come cronotopo unico per un’esperienza religiosa autentica

    La Puglia in TV. Temi e immagini nei TG locali

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    Le TV locali contribuiscono in modo rilevante a generare il senso di appartenenza delle persone a un territorio, alla sua storia e alla sua cultura. Questo testo illustra alcuni processi di costruzione dell’identità propri della comunità pugliese, rilevabili dalla fruizione dei telegiornali serali trasmessi nell’inverno 2017-2018. L’analisi dei temi e delle immagini della rappresentazione televisiva della Puglia qui proposta ù il frutto della collaborazione tra il Comitato Regionale per le Comunicazioni (CoReCom) della Puglia e il Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione Psicologia Comunicazione dell’Università degli studi di Bari “Aldo Moro”