125 research outputs found

    Design and SAR Analysis of Covalent Inhibitors Driven by Hybrid QM/MM Simulations

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    Quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) hybrid technique is emerging as a reliable computational method to investigate and characterize chemical reactions occurring in enzymes. From a drug discovery perspective, a thorough understanding of enzyme catalysis appears pivotal to assist the design of inhibitors able to covalently bind one of the residues belonging to the enzyme catalytic machinery. Thanks to the current advances in computer power, and the availability of more efficient algorithms for QM-based simulations, the use of QM/MM methodology is becoming a viable option in the field of covalent inhibitor design. In the present review, we summarized our experience in the field of QM/MM simulations applied to drug design problems which involved the optimization of agents working on two well-known drug targets, namely fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). In this context, QM/MM simulations gave valuable information in terms of geometry (i.e., of transition states and metastable intermediates) and reaction energetics that allowed to correctly predict inhibitor binding orientation and substituent effect on enzyme inhibition. What is more, enzyme reaction modelling with QM/MM provided insights that were translated into the synthesis of new covalent inhibitor featured by a unique combination of intrinsic reactivity, on-target activity, and selectivity

    Different roles for the acyl chain and the amine leaving group in the substrate selectivity of N-Acylethanolamine acid amidase

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    N-acylethanolamine acid amidase (NAAA) is an N-terminal nucleophile (Ntn) hydrolase that catalyses the intracellular deactivation of the endogenous analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent palmitoylethanolamide (PEA). NAAA inhibitors counteract this process and exert marked therapeutic effects in animal models of pain, inflammation and neurodegeneration. While it is known that NAAA preferentially hydrolyses saturated fatty acid ethanolamides (FAEs), a detailed profile of the relationship between catalytic efficiency and fatty acid-chain length is still lacking. In this report, we combined enzymatic and molecular modelling approaches to determine the effects of acyl chain and polar head modifications on substrate recognition and hydrolysis by NAAA. The results show that, in both saturated and monounsaturated FAEs, the catalytic efficiency is strictly dependent upon fatty acyl chain length, whereas there is a wider tolerance for modifications of the polar heads. This relationship reflects the relative stability of enzyme-substrate complexes in molecular dynamics simulations

    Infertility and hypergonadotropic hypogonadism as first evidence of hereditary apolipoprotein A-I amyloidosis

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    Purpose: We report that primary infertility and hypergonadotropic hypogonadism in young patients may be caused by testicular amyloidosis and it is associated with the presence of a mutation in the apoA-I gene, resulting in the replacement of proline for leucine at residue 75 of the protein. Materials and Methods: Ten patients presenting with infertility, gynecomastia, decreased libido, erectile dysfunction or a family history of amyloidosis underwent clinical evaluation, hormone assays, semen analysis, ultrasonographic investigation of the testicles, testicular biopsy and DNA sequencing of the apoA-I gene. Results: All patients showed azoospermia and 9 had increased testicular volume. Massive amyloid deposition was observed in all testicular biopsies and the apoA-I mutation of replacement of proline for leucine at residue 75 of the protein was noted. Five patients showed hypergonadotropic hypogonadism and 5 had normal testosterone values with high gonadotropin levels. Conclusions: Nonobstructive azoospermia and macro-orchidism with or without hypogonadism may be caused by hereditary apoA-I amyloidosis in young patients. Testicular amyloidosis can be the first manifestation of this systemic disease. Specific staining for amyloid deposits and genetic analysis of apoA-I mutations are recommended in young, infertile patients with macro-orchidism. Finally, surveillance in asymptomatic mutation carriers is suggested to evaluate the opportunity to implement sperm retrieval and start androgen replacement therapy when necessary

    Protein-Protein Interaction Inhibitors Targeting the Eph-Ephrin System with a Focus on Amino Acid Conjugates of Bile Acids

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    The role of the Eph-ephrin system in the etiology of pathological conditions has been consolidated throughout the years. In this context, approaches directed against this signaling system, intended to modulate its activity, can be strategic therapeutic opportunities. Currently, the most promising class of compounds able to interfere with the Eph receptor-ephrin protein interaction is composed of synthetic derivatives of bile acids. In the present review, we summarize the progresses achieved, in terms of chemical expansions and structure-activity relationships, both in the steroidal core and the terminal carboxylic acid group, along with the pharmacological characterization for the most promising Eph-ephrin antagonists in in vivo settings

    N-Acylethanolamine Acid Amidase (NAAA): Structure, Function, and Inhibition

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    N-Acylethanolamine acid amidase (NAAA) is an N-terminal cysteine hydrolase primarily found in the endosomal-lysosomal compartment of innate and adaptive immune cells. NAAA catalyzes the hydrolytic deactivation of palmitoylethanolamide (PEA), a lipid-derived peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-α (PPAR-α) agonist that exerts profound anti-inflammatory effects in animal models. Emerging evidence points to NAAA-regulated PEA signaling at PPAR-α as a critical control point for the induction and the resolution of inflammation and to NAAA itself as a target for anti-inflammatory medicines. The present Perspective discusses three key aspects of this hypothesis: the role of NAAA in controlling the signaling activity of PEA; the structural bases for NAAA function and inhibition by covalent and noncovalent agents; and finally, the potential value of NAAA-targeting drugs in the treatment of human inflammatory disorders

    N-Acylethanolamine Acid Amidase (NAAA): Mechanism of Palmitoylethanolamide Hydrolysis Revealed by Mechanistic Simulations

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    The N-terminal cysteine hydrolase N-acylethanolamine acid amidase (NAAA) catalyzes the hydrolytic deactivation of the lipid messenger palmitoylethanolamide (PEA), with optimal activity at acidic pH. Using the crystal structure of human NAAA as a starting point, we investigated the catalytic mechanism of PEA hydrolysis with a multiscale approach based on classic molecular dynamics (MD) and quantum mechanical/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) simulations coupled with enhanced sampling and path-collective variables (PCVs). The proton configuration of the catalytic nucleophile, Cys126, and of the surrounding carboxylates was critical to preserve the active site architecture. A stable Michaelis complex was then used to reconstruct the free-energy surfaces of NAAA acylation and deacylation during PEA hydrolysis. Acylation emerged as the critical step, with Cys126 acting both as an acid, to protonate the ethanolamine leaving group, and as a nucleophile, to attack the PEA carbonyl carbon. The ethanol fragment of PEA did not appear to play an indispensable role in acylation, a result further supported by kinetic experiments showing that NAAA hydrolyzes palmitoyl methyl amide (PMA) with high catalytic efficiency. Our multiscale approach identified a distinctive protonation state and catalytic mechanism for NAAA which accounts for pH-dependent activity, mutagenesis data, and mechanism of covalent inhibitors

    A pilot study of nurse-led, home monitoring for patients with chronic respiratory failure and with mechanical ventilation assistance.

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    We assessed the feasibility of telemedicine for home monitoring of 45 patients with chronic respiratory failure (CRF) discharged from hospital. The patients transmitted pulsed arterial saturation (pSat) data via a telephone modem to a receiving station where a nurse was available for a teleconsultation. A respiratory physician was also available. Scheduled and ad hoc appointments were conducted. Thirty-five patients were on home mechanical ventilation, 13 with invasive and 22 with non-invasive devices. The main diagnosis was chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The follow-up period was 176 days (SD 69). In all, 376 calls for scheduled consultations were received and 83 ad hoc consultations were requested by the patients. The actions taken were: 55 therapy modifications, 19 hospitalizations in a respiratory department for decompensated CRF, three hospitalizations in an intensive care unit (ICU), 22 requests for further investigations, 25 contacts with the general practitioner (GP), 66 demands for respiratory consultations and 10 calls for the emergency department. The mean time recorded for the 459 calls was 16 min/patient/week. In 82% of calls, a pSat recording was received successfully. The nurse time required to train the users in the operation of the pSat instrument was high (mean time 30 min). However, the results showed that home monitoring was feasible, and useful for titration of oxygen, mechanical ventilation setting and stabilization of relapse

    Teleconsultation service to improve healthcare in rural areas: acceptance, organizational impact and appropriateness

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    Background: Nowadays, new organisational strategies should be indentified to improve primary care and its link with secondary care in terms of efficacy and timeliness of interventions thus preventing unnecessary hospital accesses and costs saving for the health system. The purpose of this study is to assess the effects of the use of teleconsultation by general practitioners in rural areas. Methods: General practitioners were provided with a teleconsultation service from 2006 to 2008 to obtain a second opinion for cardiac, dermatological and diabetic problems. Access, acceptance, organisational impact, effectiveness and economics data were collected. Clinical and access data were systematically entered in a database while acceptance and organisational data were evaluated through ad hoc questionnaires. Results: There were 957 teleconsultation contacts which resulted in access to health care services for 812 symptomatic patients living in 30 rural communities. Through the teleconsultation service, 48 general practitioners improved the appropriateness of primary care and the integration with secondary care. In fact, the level of concordance between intentions and consultations for cardiac problems was equal to 9%, in 86% of the cases the service entailed a saving of resources and in 5% of the cases, it improved the timeliness. 95% of the GPs considered the overall quality positively. For a future routine use of this service, trust in specialists, duration and workload of teleconsultations and reimbursement should be taken into account. Conclusions: Managerial and policy implications emerged mainly related to the support to GPs in the provision of high quality primary care and decision-making processes in promoting similar services

    Telemedicine: a new frontier for effective healthcare services

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    Telemedicine can be defined as the delivery of healthcare services, where distance is a critical factor, by all healthcare professionals using information and communication technologies for the exchange of valid information for diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease and injuries, research and evaluation, and for the continuing education of healthcare providers, all in the interest of advancing the health of individuals and their communities. Such a wide definition includes many health care activities and a large number of applications have been tried, with variable degrees of interaction between all the players in the health care system. This review, starting from the need and opportunity that we are now facing to capitalize the great technological improvements in the field of information and communication technologies to improve also our health services, will illustrate the history, classification and main field of application of Telemedicine. Lastly, the available data on the application of Telemedicine for patients with respiratory diseases will be reviewed
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