822 research outputs found

    Healing the Individual, Healing the Community Shamanic Rituals and Funerals of the Wana People of Morowali

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    This thesis offers an intricate analysis of three Wana rituals developed over a period of five years’ research reflection, focusing in depth on two of the rituals, the momago (healing ceremony) and kayori (funeral). It posits that Wana shamanism provides opportunities for creating ‘a sense of community’ (kasintuwu) at the same time that it can address individual ills, by bringing people together on ritual occasions. This idea is developed into a concept of 'density', with rituals cast as 'rites of densification' that temporarily recreate the primordial unity of the community. These concepts are then related to a conceptualisation of space-time in which the Wana remain at the origin and centre of the world, while those who have been dispersed (including to the West) have thrived at the physical periphery. Scalici also describes a concept of power in which local and visible people are powerless while those who have dispersed and are invisible, including spirits, are more powerful: this also maps on to a gender division in which women remain at home while men, and especially shamans, wander. Music is interpreted as being essential to the rituals because of its ability to connect people to the invisible realm and enable the wandering of shamans, as well as to control emotions

    Geographic Variation in Blue Orchard Bee (\u3ci\u3eOsmia lignaria\u3c/i\u3e) Development and Performance as a Managed Pollinator in the Western United States

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    Most flowering plants, including many cultivated food crops, will only produce well-developed fruits and seeds if pollen is transferred from one flower to another with the help of an animal pollinator. Honey bees are the most well-known and ubiquitous but are poor pollinators of some commercially important crops, or are in poor supply during crop bloom. In such cases, farmers will employ other managed pollinators such as bumble bees or solitary bees like mason and leafcutting bees. The blue orchard bee is North America\u27s most agriculturally important native mason bee as effective pollinators of spring-blooming fruit crops. Differences in developmental biology between geographically distinct populations, in ways that impact their management, have recently been identified. Populations from northern Utah, where the bee was originally domesticated, have been the most well-studied and employed as pollinators. Much about how other populations differ in their development, reproduction, and nesting behavior is largely unknown. In the studies reported here, I compared development and post-emergence performance of blue orchard bees sourced from Utah with bees sourced from other western locations. In Chapter I, I compared in-orchard performance by California- and Utah-sourced bees in both states. Bees performed similarly in Utah orchards, but twice as many Utah-sourced females were observed in California orchards than were California-sourced. In Chapter II, I reared Utah- and Washington-sourced bees under constant and natural thermal regimens to compare effects on development and emergence. I found that development differed when these bee populations were reared at the same constant temperatures, and that both populations suffered from exposure to maximum temperatures in their respective orchard-growing regions. In Chapter III, I flew California- and Utah-sourced bees in screened field cages to examine the effects on development, emergence, and post-emergence performance. Bees from UT were twice as likely to establish nests than bees from CA, but nesting time and reproductive output of nesting females was similar. No disruption in male-female emergence timing was found in offspring of mixed population crosses. This research highlights novel differences in geographically distinct blue orchard bee populations and supports previous research that proposed a genetic basis for regional characteristics

    Estudo da estrutura e ultraestrutura do plexo coroideo anterior no peixe cebra (Danio rerio)

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    [Resumen]: Los plexos coroideos son tejidos altamente vascularizados, formados por un epitelio coroideo que deriva de una fina capa de revestimiento ependimario conocida como tela coroidea y una región vascular con tejido conectivo circundante. En el pez cebra (Danio rerio) se han descrito dos plexos coroideos, uno anterior a nivel del prosencéfalo y otro posterior a nivel rombencefálico. Debido a la ausencia de información detallada sobre la morfología del plexo coroideo anterior en el pez cebra, se realizó un estudio estructural y ultraestructural con microscopia electrónica de transmisión. Los resultados confirman que el plexo coroideo anterior se localiza a nivel telencefálico y no a nivel diencefálico como había sido propuesto por algunos autores. Se observa que es un derivado de la tela coroidea y se describe morfológicamente como un epitelio monoestratificado cúbico que descansa sobre una lámina basal, con un sistema vascular localizado dorsalmente. Las membranas celulares laterales de las células coroideas muestran uniones intercelulares que lo convierten en un elemento fundamental de la barrera hemato-líquido cefalorraquídeo. Los hallazgos obtenidos en el presente estudio muestran un elevado grado de homología con otras especies, lo que incrementa el interés por el estudio de esta estructura y hacen del pez cebra un posible modelo para el estudio de las patologías relacionadas con este órgano.[Abstract]: The choroid plexuses are a highly vascularized tissues, formed by a choroidal epithelium that derives from a thin layer of ependymal lining known as tela choroidea and a vascular region with surrounding connective tissue. In zebrafish, two choroid plexuses have been described, on located anteriorly in the forebrain and another posteriorly in the hindbrain. Due to the lack of detailed information on the morphology of the anterior choroid plexus in the zebrafish (Danio rerio), a structural and ultrastructural study was carried out using transmission electron microscopy. Results confirm that the anterior choroid plexus is located in the telencephalon, derivative of the tela choroidea and is described morphologically as a cubic monostratified epithelium, on a basal lamina, with a dorsal localized vascular system and lateral membranes showing intercellular junctions that make it a fundamental element of the blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier. Our findings show a high degree of homology with other 2 species, which increases the interest in the study of this structure and make zebrafish a possible model for the study of pathologies related to this organ.[Resumo]: Os plexos coroideos son tecidos altamente vascularizados formados por un epitelio coroideo que deriva dunha fina capa de revestimento ependimario coñecida como tea coroidea e unha rexión vascular con tecido conectivo circundante. No peixe cebra describironse dous plexos coroideos, un anterior a nivel do prosencéfalo e outro posteiror a nivel do rombencéfalo. Debido á ausencia de información detallada sobre a morfoloxía do plexo coroideo anterior no peixe cebra (Danio rerio), realizouse un estudo estrutural e ultraestructural con microscopia electrónica de transmisión. Os resultados confirman que o plexo coroideo anterior localízase a nivel telecenfálico, procedente da tea coroidea e descríbese morfolóxicamente como un epitelio monoestratificado cúbico, sobre unha lámina basal, cun sistema vascular localizado dorsalmente e membranas laterais que mostran unións intercelulares que lle converten nun elemento fundamental da barreira hemato-líquido cefalorraquídeo. Os achados desde estudo mostran un elevado grao de homoloxía con outras especies, incrementando o interese polo estudo desta estrutura e facendo do peixe cebra un posible modelo para o estudo das patoloxías relacionadas con este órgano.Traballo fin de mestrado (UDC.CIE). Bioloxía molecular, celular e xenética. Curso 2017/201

    An aging evaluation of the bearing performances of glass fiber composite laminate in salt spray fog environment

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    The aim of the present paper is to assess the bearing performance evolution of pinned, glass-composite laminates due to environmental aging in salt-spray fog tests. Glass fibers/epoxy pinned laminates were exposed for up to 60 days in salt-spraying, foggy environmental conditions (according to ASTM B117 standard). In order to evaluate the relationship between mechanical failure mode and joint stability over increasing aging time, different single lap joints, measured by the changing hole diameter (D), laminate width (W) and hole free edge distance (E), were characterized at varying aging steps. Based on this approach, the property-structure relationship of glass-fibers/epoxy laminates was assessed under these critical environmental conditions. Furthermore, an experimental 2D failure map, clustering main failure modes in the plane E/D versus W/D ratios, was generated, and its cluster variation was analyzed at each degree of aging

    Valutazione delle lesioni nell’impatto ciclista adolescente -veicolo con simulazione multibody

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    Le situazioni di impatto e la dinamica di ciclista e pedone sono le informazioni fondamentali per lo sviluppo di soluzioni efficaci per migliorare la protezione del pedone e del ciclista in caso di urto con autovetture. La casistica degli incidenti a Palermo, negli ultimi anni, avvenuti su strade urbane (84%) che coinvolgono adolescenti (6,4%), mostra che i ciclisti hanno in genere una posizione di impatto superiore rispetto al pedone, con una quota maggiore di lesioni per urti nella zona del parabrezza. In questo lavoro è eseguita la simulazione dinamica per lo studio delle lesioni alla testa e al torace dell’adolescente, tra una bicicletta generica e un modello di auto che presenta caratteristiche vantaggiose per la sicurezza del pedone o del ciclista. Il software SimWise (Visual Nastran) è stato usato per la simulazione multibody dell’impatto; il modello antropomorfo, l'auto e le biciclette sono quelli utilizzati in lavori precedenti. L'attenzione è su un ciclista adolescente, perché i relativi dati di lesione si trovano in letteratura con difficoltà. I dodici test d’impatto completo (auto contro ciclista) hanno come parametri principali: velocità del veicolo (20, 30, 40 e 50 km/h), con tre diverse posizioni del ciclista rispetto al veicolo: frontale, laterale e posteriore. La posizione di impatto della testa (sopra il cofano, nel parabrezza), determinato dalla prova di crash, mostra che la protezione del ciclista dovrebbe essere migliorata nella zona più alta del parabrezza, rispetto a quelle pedonali. La ferita alla testa viene analizzata utilizzando il parametro HIC e la ferita al torace è analizzata secondo il criterio dei 3 ms; viene calcolata la probabilità AIS 4 +, concludendo che la lesione alla testa è più pericolosa in caso di pedone adolescente, mentre la ferita della cassa toracica è più pericolosa nel caso di ciclista adolescente. Inoltre il ciclista adolescente ha una maggiore possibilità di sopravvivenza rispetto al ciclista adulto. Incidentologia e simulazioni mostrano che il parabrezza è una posizione di impatto frequente per testa e torace

    Valutazione delle lesioni nell\u2019impatto ciclista adolescente -veicolo con simulazione multibody

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    Le situazioni di impatto e la dinamica di ciclista e pedone sono le informazioni fondamentali per lo sviluppo di soluzioni efficaci per migliorare la protezione del pedone e del ciclista in caso di urto con autovetture. La casistica degli incidenti a Palermo, negli ultimi anni, avvenuti su strade urbane (84%) che coinvolgono adolescenti (6,4%), mostra che i ciclisti hanno in genere una posizione di impatto superiore rispetto al pedone, con una quota maggiore di lesioni per urti nella zona del parabrezza. In questo lavoro \ue8 eseguita la simulazione dinamica per lo studio delle lesioni alla testa e al torace dell\u2019adolescente, tra una bicicletta generica e un modello di auto che presenta caratteristiche vantaggiose per la sicurezza del pedone o del ciclista. Il software SimWise (Visual Nastran) \ue8 stato usato per la simulazione multibody dell\u2019impatto; il modello antropomorfo, l'auto e le biciclette sono quelli utilizzati in lavori precedenti. L'attenzione \ue8 su un ciclista adolescente, perch\ue9 i relativi dati di lesione si trovano in letteratura con difficolt\ue0. I dodici test d\u2019impatto completo (auto contro ciclista) hanno come parametri principali: velocit\ue0 del veicolo (20, 30, 40 e 50 km/h), con tre diverse posizioni del ciclista rispetto al veicolo: frontale, laterale e posteriore. La posizione di impatto della testa (sopra il cofano, nel parabrezza), determinato dalla prova di crash, mostra che la protezione del ciclista dovrebbe essere migliorata nella zona pi\uf9 alta del parabrezza, rispetto a quelle pedonali. La ferita alla testa viene analizzata utilizzando il parametro HIC e la ferita al torace \ue8 analizzata secondo il criterio dei 3 ms; viene calcolata la probabilit\ue0 AIS 4 +, concludendo che la lesione alla testa \ue8 pi\uf9 pericolosa in caso di pedone adolescente, mentre la ferita della cassa toracica \ue8 pi\uf9 pericolosa nel caso di ciclista adolescente. Inoltre il ciclista adolescente ha una maggiore possibilit\ue0 di sopravvivenza rispetto al ciclista adulto. Incidentologia e simulazioni mostrano che il parabrezza \ue8 una posizione di impatto frequente per testa e torace

    Biomechanics Parameters in the Vehicle-Cyclist Crash with Accident Analysis in Palermo

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    The vehicle-bicyclist impact is studied in this paper. After analysis of the accidents in Palermo in the last years, the multibody simulation of the crash is executed by making use of Visual Nastran. Dummy, car and bicycle are those used in previous works. The attention is on a teenage cyclist, because the data on this argument are found in literature with difficulty. The impact is simulated at four different speeds until 50 km/h, with three different positions of the cyclist relative to the vehicle: frontal, side and rear. In particular the injury of the head is analyzed using the parameter HIC and the chest injury is analyzed by 3 ms criterion; the likelihood AIS 4+ is calculated, concluding that head injury is more dangerous in the case of teenage pedestrian, while chest injury is more dangerous in the case of the cyclist

    Necronym: the effects of bearing a dead little sibling’s name

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    This study analyses the emotional experiences of people who bear the necronym of a deceased sibling in order to describe the 5 possible psychological implications of this experience. Using the grounded theory approach in interviews with 22 Italian participants and qualitative analysis of resulting texts, we found that some of the main themes that emerged confirmed the figure of the ‘replacement child’ described by previous literature. The three 10 fundamental themes were: ‘complicated grief, removal and fear of death’; ‘identity problems related to the necronym’; and ‘sad gratitude’. The study highlights some existential difficulties that spring from this experience and, after reviewing these themes in detail, we present a brief discussion on whether to dissuade 15 bereaved parents from naming a new child with the necronym of a deceased child

    The INTELSAT Experience with Reconditioning of NiH2 Batteries

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    INTELSAT has been reconditioning NiH2 batteries since 1983 when the INTELSAT V F-6 geosynchronous communications satellite was launched. This was the first commercial use of NiH2 batteries. INTELSAT has continued this practice on all 46 NiH2 batteries it has operated in-orbit. The batteries are of several types including the classic INTELSAT cell, the HAC re-circulating design, and the Gates Mantech design. Reconditioning is performed twice each year, prior to the Eclipse Season. At this time Water Migration problems, if present, are dealt with. Temperature limits are imposed for the discharge and charge cycles as a safety precaution. In support of in-orbit operations, it is INTELSAT's practice to perform ground based life tests. In-orbit data and ground tests results are presented and the benefits of reconditioning noted
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