13 research outputs found


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    Engagement of employee is an interesting concept to study in relation to other concepts that support the success of an organization. This study is based on a quantitative method approach using path analysis to illustrate the relationships between concepts. The research sample is a travel agency employee in Palembang by determining the sample using a purposive sampling technique. The study explained that the relationship between employee involvement with employee satisfaction was stated to have no significant effect. The relationship between employee involvement with employee performance is stated to have no significant effect. Then, the relationship between employee satisfaction with employee performance is stated to have a significant effect. Study outcomes are expected to contribute to the management of travel agents in managing employees


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    This study aims   This research aims to determine the Potential Tourism Attraction of Kujur Batik in Muara Enim Regency. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method with data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews, documentation and literature study. The research location is at the Kujur Batik Industry Center, Tanjung Enim Hamlet, Tanjung Enim Village. The results show that the typical Tanjung Enim Batik art craft had a large enough potential to be developed into a tourist destination or attraction because it met the dimensions of tourist attraction which include aspects of uniqueness, beauty, rarity, seasonality, sensitivity, accessibility and social function. . As for the obstacles in the development of Batik Kujur to become a tourist attraction, namely in the aspect of high prices, the cost of shipping raw materials and mambatik equipment that is still sent from outside the region, besides the lack of human resources, one of the efforts needed to overcome this is procurement raw materials and equipment for batik to the region as well as the continuous empowerment of human or community resources through training and socialization on tourism so that people understand better the importance of the sustainability of the Kujur Batik handicraft and its potential attractivenessThis study aims   This research aims to determine the Potential Tourism Attraction of Kujur Batik in Muara Enim Regency. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method with data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews, documentation and literature study. The research location is at the Kujur Batik Industry Center, Tanjung Enim Hamlet, Tanjung Enim Village. The results show that the typical Tanjung Enim Batik art craft had a large enough potential to be developed into a tourist destination or attraction because it met the dimensions of tourist attraction which include aspects of uniqueness, beauty, rarity, seasonality, sensitivity, accessibility and social function. . As for the obstacles in the development of Batik Kujur to become a tourist attraction, namely in the aspect of high prices, the cost of shipping raw materials and mambatik equipment that is still sent from outside the region, besides the lack of human resources, one of the efforts needed to overcome this is procurement raw materials and equipment for batik to the region as well as the continuous empowerment of human or community resources through training and socialization on tourism so that people understand better the importance of the sustainability of the Kujur Batik handicraft and its potential attractiveness


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    Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk memberikan gambaran mengenai strategi yang tepat dalam mengembangkan usaha mahasiswa di Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya. Metode penelitian menggunakan analisis SWOT dengan merumuskan faktor internal meliputi kekuatan dan kelemahan serta faktor eksternal meliputi peluang dan ancaman yang mempengaruhi pengembangan usaha mahasiswa. Adapun hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa posisi usaha mahasiswa berada pada Kuadran I, posisi tersebut menjelaskan bahwa kemampuan mahasiswa dalam memanfaatkan seluruh kekuatan untuk merebut dan memanfaatkan peluang yang sebesar-besarnya sehingga strategi yang digunakan yaitu strategi mendukung kebijakan pertumbuhan agresif (Growth Oriented Strategy). Salah satunya dengan menggunakan Strategi SO (Strengths-Opportunities) seperti memanfaatkan Program Kewirausahaan di Perguruan Tinggi yang diselenggarakan oleh Pemerintah maupun program lainnya dari luar Program Pemerintah. Pengoptimalan dana dan modal yang dimiliki mahasiswa sebagai cara untuk melatih mahasiswa dalam mengelola usaha serta pemahaman mengenai pengelolaan atau manajemen modal terhadap usaha mahasiswa secara proporsional

    Strategi Pengembangan Danau Tanah Mas Berbasis Analisis SWOT

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    This research is designed to identify the conditions of the internal environment and external environment, as well as the development strategy of Tanah Mas lake. This research uses qualitative descriptive research methods.  The data sources in this study are primary and secondary data sources, this study uses data collection techniques in the form of interview observations and questionnaires. The study used purposive sampling with 30 respondents. Research data analysis techniques using SWOT analysis.  SWOT analysis results, is obtained from 16 alternative strategies for developing Tanah Mas Lake, namely S-O strategy: making special packages for events, making special packages for schools, adding officers to make calls for cleanliness, making places to eat in the middle of the lake. W-O Strataegi: Improving facilities and vehicles, making fishing competition activities at least once a month, making souvenir / souvenir facilities, providing secure parking facilities. S-T Strategy: Lake Tanah Mas implements new normal hygiene, health and safety protocols, makes family vacation packages at economical prices, establishes cooperation with travel agents, promotions. W-T Strategy: Lake Tanah Mas makes activities / events once a month, investors, create new vehicles and provide computer facilities for Lake Tanah Mas employees

    The Effect of Service Quality, Physical Environment and Restaurant Images on Consumer Satisfaction through Perception of Value

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    This research uses a quantitative approach using numbers, starting from data collection, data interpretation, and discussion of the results of the analysis. This type of research is causal research, which is research that shows the causal relationship between independent variables on the dependent variable in addition to measuring the strength of the relationship between these variables through hypothesis testing. The research method used in this study is a survey method. The population in this study are consumers who have enjoyed food in local restaurants in Palembang. The type of sampling used is purposive sampling. To meet the minimum requirements for a path analysis tool, 240 study respondents were taken with the provisions of the selection of consumers who have enjoyed food at a local restaurant in Palembang with certain considerations

    Pengaruh Motivasi, Disiplin Kerja terhadap Kinerja Pegawai PT Pegadaian (Persero) Cabang Sekip Palembang

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    Employee performance is the most important factor in a company because it affects company income, if the company does not pay attention to employee performance then the company will not run in accordance with company goals, factors that affect employee performance are motivation from oneself and others, leadership, and work discipline employee. Of the two factor that affect employee performance, the authors are interested in conducting research on the effect of motivation, work discipline on employee performance at PT Pegadaian (Persero)  Cabang Sekip Palembang, the population in this study used saturated sampling, so all employees at PT Pegadaian (Persero) Cabang Sekip Palembang would be sampled many as 42 people. The analysis technique in this study uses t test,  f test. These results show that motivation, work discipline have a positive or significant effect on the performance of employees of PT Pegadaian (Persero) Cabang Sekip Palembang, which is 204,800 > 3.23 and the sig value is 0.000 < 0.05.


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    Some social sciences studies are parts of the qualitative research. There are some distinction between quantitative and qualitative researches, most of quantitative researches are presented by statistical and mathematical datas. While, the qualitative researches focus on the interpretation of a phenomenon. Therefore, data collection methods of qualitative researches are more natural setting, both interactive and non-interactive. The Balitbangda of Muara Enim regency is a institution which main activity is conduct and develop govermental researches. Some studies are more qualitative researches, such as tourism; arts; tangible and intangible things. Normally, to conduct a study this institution hire researchers from domestic universities, because they do not have researchers. The result discussions team and Balitbangda Muara Enim regency’s leader was decide that this instituion have to has own researches. So, the training is one of solution to prepare the researcherscandidates. Through the beginner level of methodology of qualitative researches training, the candidates of researches were understand how to produce a research proposal; steps of data collections; population and samples. The team also taught the use of technologies in the qualitative researches, such as how to create a google form; and produce the notes during netnography, it namely ‘field notes’. Hope after the training the researches have basic of qualitative researches


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    The purpose of this research is to get know about: how the society's perception of Lorong Basah Night Culinary which is reviewed from for tourismcomponents are attractions, amenitas, accessibility and hospitality based on the perception of the people who have visited. The benefits of this research as a contribution to develop tourism components in Lorong Basah Night Culinary in order to continue to be known as a culinary tourism destination in the city of Palembang. This research is quantitative research with respondents cosisting of 115 society’s who have visited in Lorong Basah Night Culinary. The determinination of respondents by accidental sampling data collection is done by questionnaires, interview, documentation, and literature study. The result of the questionnaires is measured by using Likert scale then interpreted. The results represent that most society’s perceptions showed agree of the categories from four tourism components in Lorong Basah NightCulinary, but the scoring results show a small percentage of the accessibility component isabout 65% because there is one indicator in the neutral categoryand small result too of amenities component is amount to 65.6% because there are two indicators in the neutral category


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    This research was conducted at PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang. There is retiring finance called “Dapensriâ€. Dapensri is aimed to warrating for the life of retiring employees in their old days after working for the whole of life time at PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang based on the regulations set up in advance. It also aimed to collecting the retiring finance given by both employer and employees, which is managed in keeping it under the regulation of Financial Minister Affair No. 199/PMK.010/2008. There are a lot of investment choices in Indonesia, but this one that can be used as the investment of retiring finance in accordance with the regulations of Financial Minister affair No. 199-2008, including confindential letters of the state, fixed deposit at the banks, on call deposit, stockholder, obligation which stated on Indonesian stock exchange. As the matter of facts, this research discussed kinds of investments which are used optimally which have low risk that is calculated through return formula and deviation standard. The purpose of the research was to figure out the biggest return and the lowest risk at PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang