324 research outputs found

    Paper 4: Basic Skills Testing in Math 2008

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    Math 2008 is an Area F course for early childhood majors in the University System of Georgia. The course covers basic skills that pre-service teachers will most likely be teaching in their career. At Georgia Southern University, many students in the course do not possess or have forgotten these basic skills. In Fall 2009, a basic skills test was implemented for Math 2008. Students must earn a score of 90 or higher on the test in order to pass the course. The test not only serves to let students know their areas of weakness, but also informs the instructor’s teaching. After the instructors implemented the skills test in this course, they found that most students started to take the material seriously, understand their weaknesses, and make an effort to learn. Also, the instructors are more aware of major gaps in the students’ understanding of number sense and can focus instruction on those areas. The informal results of three instructors\u27 experiences are described in this article

    Basic Skills Testing in Math 2008

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    Math 2008 is an Area F course for early childhood majors in the University System of Georgia. The course covers basic skills that pre-service teachers will most likely be teaching in their career. At Georgia Southern University, many students in the course do not possess or have forgotten these basic skills. In Fall 2009, a basic skills test was implemented for Math 2008. Students must earn a score of 90 or higher on the test in order to pass the course. The test not only serves to let students know their areas of weakness, but also informs the instructor’s teaching. After the instructors implemented the skills test in this course, they found that most students started to take the material seriously, understand their weaknesses, and make an effort to learn. Also, the instructors are more aware of major gaps in the students’ understanding of number sense and can focus instruction on those areas. The informal results of three instructors\u27 experiences are described in this article

    Dosing antiretroviral medication when crossing time zones: a review

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    International tourism continues to increase worldwide, and people living with HIV and their clinicians are increasingly confronted with the problem of how to dose antiretroviral therapy during transmeridian air travel across time zones. No guidance on this topic currently exists. This review is a response to requests from patient groups for clear, practical and evidence-based guidance for travelling on antiretroviral therapy; we present currently available data on the pharmacokinetic forgiveness and toxicity of various antiretroviral regimens, and synthesize this data to provide guidelines on how to safely dose antiretrovirals when travelling across time zones

    Potential role of doravirine for the treatment of HIV-1-infected persons with transmitted drug resistance

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    Background: Doravirine has a unique resistance profile but how this profile might increase its usefulness beyond first-line therapy in persons with susceptible viruses has not been well studied. We sought to determine scenarios in which doravirine would retain activity against isolates from ART-naĂŻve persons with transmitted drug resistance (TDR) and to identify gaps in available doravirine susceptibility data. Methods: We analyzed published in vitro doravirine susceptibility data and applied the results to 42,535 RT sequences from ART-naĂŻve persons published between 2017 and 2021. NNRTI drug resistance mutations (DRMs) were defined as those with a Stanford HIV Drug Resistance Database doravirine penalty score either alone or in combination with other mutations. Results: V106A, Y188L, F227C/L, M230L, and Y318F were associated with the greatest reductions in doravirine susceptibility. However, several NNRTI DRMs and DRM combinations lacking these canonical resistance mutations had > tenfold reduced susceptibility including G190E, one isolate with G190S, three isolates with L100I + K103N, one isolate with K103N + P225H, and isolates with L100I + K103N + V108I and K101E + Y181C + G190A. Of the 42,535 ART-naĂŻve sequences, 3,374 (7.9%) contained a NNRTI DRM of which 2,788 (82.6%) contained 1 DRM (n = 33 distinct mutations), 426 (12.6%) contained 2 DRMs (79 distinct pairs of mutations), and 143 (4.2%) contained ≄ 3 DRMs (86 distinct mutation patterns). Among the 2,788 sequences with one DRM, 112 (4.0%) were associated with ≄ 3.0-fold reduced doravirine susceptibility while 2,625 (94.2%) were associated with < 3.0-fold reduced susceptibility. Data were not available for individual NNRTI DRMs in 51 sequences (1.8%). Among the 426 sequences with two NNRTI DRMs, 180 (42.3%) were associated with ≄ 3.0 fold reduced doravirine susceptibility while just 32 (7.5%) had < 3.0 fold reduced susceptibility. Data were not available for 214 (50.2%) sequences containing two NNRTI DRMs. Conclusions: First-line therapy containing doravirine plus two NRTIs is expected to be effective in treating most persons with TDR as more than 80% of TDR sequences had a single NNRTI DRM and as more than 90% with a single DRM were expected to be susceptible to doravirine. However, caution is required for the use of doravirine in persons with more than one NNRTI DRM even if none of the DRMs are canonical doravirine-resistance mutations. © 2023, The Author(s)

    The anaerobic fungi: challenges and opportunities for industrial lignocellulosic biofuel production

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    Lignocellulose is a promising feedstock for biofuel production as a renewable, carbohydrate-rich and globally abundant source of biomass. However, challenges faced include environmental and/or financial costs associated with typical lignocellulose pretreatments needed to overcome the natural recalcitrance of the material before conversion to biofuel. Anaerobic fungi are a group of underexplored microorganisms belonging to the early diverging phylum Neocallimastigomycota and are native to the intricately evolved digestive system of mammalian herbivores. Anaerobic fungi have promising potential for application in biofuel production processes due to the combination of their highly effective ability to hydrolyse lignocellulose and capability to convert this substrate to H2 and ethanol. Furthermore, they can produce volatile fatty acid precursors for subsequent biological conversion to H2 or CH4 by other microorganisms. The complex biological characteristics of their natural habitat are described, and these features are contextualised towards the development of suitable industrial systems for in vitro growth. Moreover, progress towards achieving that goal is reviewed in terms of process and genetic engineering. In addition, emerging opportunities are presented for the use of anaerobic fungi for lignocellulose pretreatment; dark fermentation; bioethanol production; and the potential for integration with methanogenesis, microbial electrolysis cells and photofermentation

    Cellulite nĂ©crosante descendante infectieuse d’origine dentaire Ă  diffusion mammaire : Analyse de deux cas

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    Les cellulites nĂ©crosantes descendantes d’origine dentaire sont graves et de prise en charge difficile. Leur diffusion se fait classiquement vers le mĂ©diastin, les cavitĂ©s pleurales, voir le cerveau. La diffusion spĂ©cifique Ă  la glande mammaire est atypique, rare et peu dĂ©crite. Nous rapportons 2 cas colligĂ©s en 15 ans de pratique de chirurgie thoracique. Il s’agissait de deux patientes, l’une ĂągĂ©e de 32 ans et l’autre de 25 ans toutes vivaient en milieu rural. Leurs itinĂ©raires diagnostiques et thĂ©rapeutiques, les facteurs de risque, les moyens thĂ©rapeutiques utilisĂ©s et leurs pronostics ont Ă©tĂ© discutĂ©s. Le but de ce travail Ă©tait de mettre l’accent sur la gravitĂ© de cette pathologie et inciter Ă  la mise en Ɠuvre d’une politique de prĂ©vention Ă  l’échelle nationale
