185 research outputs found

    Arithmetic-Like Reasoning in Wild Vervet Monkeys: A Demonstration of Cost-Benefit Calculation in Foraging

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    Arithmetic-like reasoning has been demonstrated in various animals in captive and seminatural environments, but it is unclear whether such competence is practiced in the wild. Using a hypothetical foraging paradigm, we demonstrate that wild vervet monkeys spontaneously adjust their “foraging behavior” deploying arithmetic-like reasoning. Presented with arithmetic-like problems in artificially controlled feeding conditions, all the monkeys tested attempted to retrieve “artificial prey” according to the quantity of the remainder when the task involved one subtraction only (i.e., “2−1”), while one monkey out of four did so when it was sequentially subtracted twice (i.e., “2−1−1”). This monkey also adjusted his “foraging behavior” according to the quantity of the reminder for a task requiring stepwise mental manipulation (i.e., “(2−1)−1”), though the results became less evident. This suggests that vervet monkeys are capable of spontaneously deploying mental manipulations of numerosity for cost-benefit calculation of foraging but that the extent of such capacity varies among individuals. Different foraging strategies might be deployed according to different levels of mental manipulation capacity in each individual in a given population. In addition to providing empirical data, the current study provides an easily adaptable field technique that would allow comparison across taxa and habitat using a uniform method


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    The purpose of this study was to create a standard motion model of a basketball set shot. Twenty-one male collegiate basketball players participated in three-dimensional data collection session (Vicon MX+, 250Hz), and the method proposed by Ae, et al. (2007) was used to create a standard motion model. The set shot motion in the standard motion model started with the shoulder flexion and hip extension in the downward phase, followed by the sequential motions of the knee, ankle, shoulder, elbow and wrist joints in the upward phase. Immediately before the ball release, the elbow and wrist joints were abruptly extended. The motion variation in the wrist, elbow and shoulder joints just before the ball release were small, implying there must be some commonality in these joint motions

    Differential Processing of Gaze Cueing from a Congruent and Incongruent Informant

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    Infants are known to be sensitive to, and be capable of, processing social information from birth. However, less is known about abilities related to actively choosing the information source on which to rely, over passively processing all available information. A recent study showed that 8-month-olds’ gaze following behaviour was influenced by the reliability of the informant (Tummeltshammer et al., 2014), suggesting that infants as young as 8 months of age might recognize whether the person in front of them is trustworthy. To better understand this discriminative ability of infants, the current study utilizes event-related potentials (ERPs), to investigate whether infants’ neural activity indicates the differentiation of a congruent informant (who always gives the correct gaze cue to the object location) from an incongruent informant (who only gives the correct gaze cue on 25% of trials). 9-month-old infants (N = 21) were presented with 32 static images in total which showed two female experimenters (16 images for each), one of whom looked at the object appearing on one of the corners 100% of the time (i.e. congruent informant) and the other only looked at the object 25 % of the time and looked away from the object 75% of the time (i.e. incongruent informant). A paired-sample t-test comparing between the congruent and incongruent informants showed that the amplitude of the negative deflection occurring at approximately 275ms post-stimuli over fronto-central regions was enhanced while infants were processing information given by a congruent informant (M= -15.05[µV], SD= 4.56), compared to when the information was given by an incongruent informant (M= -12.35[µV], SD= 3.79) (t= -2.49, p= .002). Previous studies have shown that a negative amplitude component occurring at around 400ms post-stimuli in 9-month infants (the negative component, or the Nc), has been associated with infants’ attentional allocation (e.g. Striano et al., 2006; Parise et al., 2008). While the negative peak observed in the present study is at an earlier latency than the Nc, this indicates a difference in neural processing of congruent and incongruent informants in 9-month-old infants. Furthermore, an enhanced positive slow wave (PSW) over fronto-temporal regions was observed for an incongruent informant (M= 9.27[µV], SD= 5.32) compared to a congruent informant (M= 6.12[µV], SD= 5.63) (t= -2.309, p=.003). As the PSW has been thought to reflect memory updating (Snyder, Webb & Nelson, 2002; Reid et al. 2004), this might reflect how infants alter their perception about the congruency of gaze cues during the short exposure to the information (16 per condition). In sum, the result demonstrates how quickly young infants can recognize the congruency of other people’s gaze cues. This study extends our understanding forward on how infants collect and process social information, as the current study offers evidence that infants as young as 9 months of age selectively process sources of information differentially in the social domain, which might enable them to learn efficiently at a social situation despite ample and complex information present

    講義形式別にみた助産学生の自己満足度と達成度の関連 : 助産診断技術学1(妊婦)での取り組み

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    助産学生18名を対象に、妊娠期における学習や教授方法の見直しの検討と、春学期終了時の学生の自己学習力を把握し修了までに必要な学習課題を明らかにする目的で調査を行った。質問紙調査は、日本語版Self-Directed Learning Readinedd Scale (SDLRS) を使用した。講義における自己満足度と達成度はvisual analog scaleを用いた。自己満足度と達成度は正の相関であった(p<0.001)。学生とともに講義を組み立てる共同講義では、講義を行った学生は聴講した学生より自己満足度が高かった(p<0.05)。SDLRS平均得点は189.8±3.84点であった

    月経周期における睡眠で気になることの特徴 -黄体期と月経期の記述より-

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    【目的】成人女性の月経周期における睡眠で気になることの特徴を明らかにすることである。【方法】調査期間は2015年4月から2020年3月で,調査対象は月経周期が規則的(28~35日周期)な成人女性28名(18歳から32歳)とした。月経と睡眠に関する自己記入式質問紙調査を行った。【結果】対象者の平均年齢22.0±3.0歳であった。黄体期と月経期のMDQ 下位項目で有意差が見られた(p<0.001~=0.026)。30%前後の女性が睡眠について気になることが示された。記述の分析より睡眠の特徴は黄体期は3つのサブグラフが示された。1つ目は日中に眠たくなる,2つ目は睡眠が不足していて眠い,3つ目は悩みがあり夜間目が覚めると特徴づけることができた。月経期は5つのサブグラフが示された。1つ目は不快感を意識し上の空である,2つ目はナプキンを替えることが気になり熟睡できない,3つ目は経血が漏れることに不安がある,4つ目に朝の目覚めが悪く眠気が起こる,5つ目は腰痛で目が覚めると特徴づけることができた。【考察】黄体期は日中の眠気と夜間の覚醒(浅い睡眠)が特徴であり,典型的なPMS の症状を呈していた。月経期は,夜間睡眠中の経血の漏れが心配であることが示された。今後,月経周期に伴う睡眠の特徴から女性のQOL向上に向けた生活指導や健康支援対策の構築が必要である


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    成熟期女性25名を対象に、月経周期特に月経中と月経後に着目し、月経随伴症状と気分の関係を明らかにする目的で調査を行った。調査用紙は月経随伴症状と気分を測定する日本語版Profile of Mood States短縮版を用いた。月経随伴症状では気分の高揚を除く全ての項目で、月経後が月経前・月経中より有意に得点が低かった(p>0.001~0.05)。気分では活気の項目を除く全ての項目で月経後が月経中より有意に得点が低かった(p>0.01~0.05)。月経随伴症状と気分の相関では、月経中と月経後に違いがみられた。月経後においても月経随伴症状と気分に関係があることが示唆された


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    本調査の目的は、月経前の食行動の変化の実態を明らかにし月経随伴症状との関連から月経教育での食生活について検討することである。調査対象は月経周期が規則的な成人女性44 名である。月経周期に伴う自覚症状で食行動が日常生活に影響を与えていたのは9 名(20.5%)であった。特に月経前と月経中で食欲の変化や甘味がほしくなると回答していた。月経随伴症状尺度では自律神経失調項目で食行動の変化が日常生活に影響与えている群で有意に得点が高かった(p < .05)。月経前症候群に食欲が増すことがある。症状の周知理解と食事教育を含めた健康教育を月経教育にとして検討していく必要がある

    韓国とわが国の医療制度の比較 : 地域包括ケアへの期待

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