44 research outputs found

    Left and right ventricle functions in patients obstructive sleep apnea and their relationship with apelin levels [Obstruktif uyku apneli hastalarda sol ve sağ ventrikül fonksiyonları ve apelin düzeyleri ile ilişkisi]

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    Aim of this study is to determine the left and right ventricle functions by echocardiography in patients with newly diagnosed obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and to investigate whether there is a relationship between the apelin levels and systolic and diastolic functions of the right and left ventricles. Study included 44 patients (30 males, 14 females; mean age 49.8±11.5 years) diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea according to polysomnographically determined apnea hypopnea index, and 30 control subjects (25 males, 5 females; mean age 43.03±10.89 years) diagnosed with simple snoring. Apelin levels of all the study subjects are measured. Systolic and diastolic functions of both ventricles were evaluated with the help of conventional and tissue Doppler methods. Results: Systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels of the OSA group were significantly higher compared to those of the AHI control group. Lateral inferior and anterior E’ were significantly lower whereas E/E’ was significantly higher in the OSA group compared to the control group (8.40±3.24 vs. 10.80±3.24; p=0.001, 7.50±2.60 vs 9.00±2.51; p=0.009, 7.90±2.68 vs. 8.90±2.73; p=0.006, 7.57±3.20 vs. 6.44±1.55; p=0.023, respectively). Although the apelin levels were higher in the OSA group compared to the control group, this difference did not reach statistical significance. Age, AHI, and echocardiographic indices were not correlated with the apelin levels. There was no relationship between the severity of OSA and the apelin levels, either. This study showed diastolic functions may be impaired in patinets with newly diagnosed OSA. Apelin levels which has been shown to play an important role in cardiovascular hemodynamics, had no significant correlation with OSA severity. Moreover, there was no significant correlation between the apelin levels and echocardiographically assessed systolic and diastolic functions of both ventricles. © 2015, TIP ARASTIRMALARI DERNEGI. All Rights Reserved

    Pulmonary mucormycosis due to Lichtheimia ramosa in a patient with HIV infection.

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    Mucormycosis is increasingly common in patients with risk factors such as diabetes mellitus, neutropenia, and corticosteroid therapy. However, mucormycosis seems to be less common in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection compared to patients with other risk factors. Despite their lower virulence, Lichtheimia species should be regarded as emerging pathogens among Mucoralean fungi. We report a fatal case of pulmonary mucormycosis due to Lichtheimia ramosa in a 52-year-old man with an end-stage HIV infection. He had a cachectic appearance and his CD4 count was 8 cells/mm(3). The fungal infection was diagnosed based on a positive sputum culture with histopathologic confirmation. The fungus was resistant to caspofungin, anidulafungin, and voriconazole [minimum inhibitory concentration (MCI) >32 µg/ml], whereas the E test MIC values of itraconazole, posaconazole, and amphotericin B were 0.38, 0.38, and 0.5 µg/ml, respectively. Although intravenous drug use is the main risk factor for the development of mucormycosis in HIV-infected patients, it may also develop in patients with low CD4 count, opportunistic infections and/or additional diseases, such as Kaposi's sarcoma or severe immunodeficiency, as in our case

    ?F508, ?I507 ve F508C kistik fibroz mutasyonlarının gerçek-zamanlı multipleks PCR ile hızlı analizleri

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    Purpose: Cystic fibrosis, usually seen in childhood, is a hereditary disease that proceeds with the dysfunction of all exocrine glands. The disease is widely spread in Europe, affects the life quality of the affected individuals and causes their early death because of complications resulting from repeatedly serious respiratory tract infections. The most common mutation in cystic fibrosis is ;amp;#916;F508. But so far, more than a thousand of other mutations have been discovered in the cystic fibrosis gene (CFTR); like ;amp;#916;I507 and F508C. F508C and ;amp;#916;F508 mutations are also implicated in the development of congenital vas deferens aplasia. The aim of this study was the rapid analyses of these three mutations that reside in the same CFTR gene region with a real-time multiplex PCR method. Methods: A total of 116 DNA samples of cases coming from the Aegean Region with cystic fibrosis or unilateral vas deferens aplasia were analyzed by a specifically designed real-time multiplex PCR method that detects all three CFTR mutations in one-step. The applied method was also compared with gel electrophoresis and dHPLC methods. Results: Although, we could not detect any carrier for the ;amp;#916;I507 and F508C mutations at the end of our study; 6.0 % of the cases were heterozygous carriers for the ;amp;#916;F508 allele and 1.8 % homozygous ill. The frequency of the ;amp;#916;F508 mutation was defined as 4.7 %. The applied PCR method was also found to be faster in obtaining results compared to gel electrophoresis and dHPLC. Conclusion: The employed real-time multiplex PCR method should be the preferential method for the rapid analysis of the CFTR ;amp;#916;F508, ;amp;#916;I507 and F508C gene mutations in cases with cystic fibrosis or congenital unilateral vas deferens aplasia.Amaç: Kistik fibroz genellikle çocukluk yaşlarında ortaya çıkan ve tüm ekzokrin bezlerin fonksiyon bozukluğu ile seyreden kalıtsal bir hastalıktır. Avrupa' da yaygın olarak görülen bu hastalık kişilerin yaşam kalitesini etkilemekte ve tekrarlayan ağır solunum yolu enfeksiyonlarının açtıkları komplikasyonlar nedeniyle, erken yaşta ölüme yol açmaktadır. Kistik fibroz' daki en yaygın mutasyon ?F508' dir. Bununla birlikte, binden fazla kistik fibroz gen (CFTR) mutasyonu tanımlanmıştır; ?I507 ve F508C gibi. F508C ve ?F508 mutasyonları ayrıca konjenital vas deferens agenezin gelişiminde de rol oynarlar. Çalışmadaki amacımız, aynı CFTR gen bölgesine düşen bu üç mutasyonu gerçek-zamanlı multipleks PCR yöntemi ile hızlı analizlerini gerçekleştirmekti. Gereç ve Yöntem: Ege Bölgesinde yaşayan kistik fibrozlu veya konjenital unilateral vas deferens agenezisi bulunan toplam 116 olgunun DNA örnekleri, tek bir çalışmada üç CFTR mutasyonun ayırıcı tanılarına gidilecek şekilde tasarlanmış olan gerçek zamanlı bir multipleks PCR yöntemiyle çalışıldı. Kullanılan yöntem ayrıca jel elekroforezi ve dHPLC yöntemleriyle de karşılaştırıldı. Bulgular: Çalışmanın sonunda, ?I507 ve F508C mutasyonları için taşıyıcı olgu saptanmamasına karşılık, olguların % 6.0' sı ?F508 aleli için heterozigot taşıyıcı ve % 1.8' i de homozigot hasta bulundu. ?F508 mutasyonunun görülme sıklığı % 4.7 olarak belirlendi. Gerçek-zamanlı multipleks PCR yönteminin jel elektroforezi ve dHPLC' den daha hızlı sonuç verdiği görüldü. Sonuç: Kistik fibrozlu veya konjenital unilateral agenezisi bulunan olgularda CFTR ?F508, ?I507 ve F508C gen mutasyonlarının hızlı tayininde gerçek-zamanlı multipleks PCR ilk tercih edilen yöntem olmalıdır