14 research outputs found

    A comprehensive quality assessment framework for scientific events

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    Systematic assessment of scientific events has become increasingly important for research communities. A range of metrics (e.g., citations, h-index) have been developed by different research communities to make such assessments effectual. However, most of the metrics for assessing the quality of less formal publication venues and events have not yet deeply investigated. It is also rather challenging to develop respective metrics because each research community has its own formal and informal rules of communication and quality standards. In this article, we develop a comprehensive framework of assessment metrics for evaluating scientific events and involved stakeholders. The resulting quality metrics are determined with respect to three general categories—events, persons, and bibliometrics. Our assessment methodology is empirically applied to several series of computer science events, such as conferences and workshops, using publicly available data for determining quality metrics. We show that the metrics’ values coincide with the intuitive agreement of the community on its “top conferences”. Our results demonstrate that highly-ranked events share similar profiles, including the provision of outstanding reviews, visiting diverse locations, having reputed people involved, and renowned sponsors. © 2020, The Author(s)

    Covid 19 Pandemi Sürecinin Öğrettikleri ile Mimarlık Eğitimine Yeni Yollar Açılabilir mi? Veya Uzaktan Mimarlık Eğitimi Sadece Dijital Ortamda mı Olur?

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    Can new pathways be opened for architectural education following the ordeal of the pandemic period? Or is distance architectural education only to be in digital medium?Given the prolonged pandemic conditions, digital means of remote lecturing, which the Academy embraced as an emergency requirement and along with compulsorily aligned with decisions and applications in the course of 2019-2020 academic year spring term, seems to become an obligatory means and medium of teaching in the following fall term and even the year after. On the other hand, this remote lecturing alternative that proves to be a pseudo-solution that renders the economical and administrative problems faced by the universities invisible is being fast adopted by the Council of Higher Education via new decisions and by-laws, to co-exist and surpass, if not to replace face-to-face lecturing in the medium term.This article aims to analyze this radical change in academia and discuss in particular, its impact on architectural education, and how it can be transformed into a beneficial tool to ameliorate it rather than being an emergency exit. Based on the last months’ remote digital lecturing experiences in comparison to usual face-to-face architectural education practices, the authors’ first point to indispensable requirements to realize remote lecturing via digital means in architectural education. Then the article focuses on the kind of tailoring needed in architectural education to yield successful results with remote lecturing and digital educational means

    Influence of Maternal Preeclampsia on Neurodevelopmental Outcomes of Preterm Infants

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the neurodevelopmental outcome of preterm infants born to mothers with preeclampsia and to compare them with preterm controls. Study design: This was a retrospective, observational study in a large, tertiary, neonatal intensive care unit. Neurodevelopmental evaluations using Bayley Scales of Infant Development II were performed in 226 two-year-old infants with birth weight ≤1500 g and gestational age ≤32 weeks who were born to mothers with preeclampsia and in 493 infants who were born after normotensive pregnancies, matched for gestational age and gender. Results: The mean gestational ages of the infants in the preeclampsia and control groups were 29.9±2.3 weeks and 28.7±4.1 weeks, respectively (p<0.001). A total of 372 infants with a mean age of 19.2±3.2 months were assessed for long-term outcome. The mean mental developmental index score was significantly higher, and the percentage of infants with cerebral palsy was significantly lower, in the preeclampsia group compared with the control group (p=0.03 and p=0.02, respectively). However, no overall significant differences in neurodevelopmental impairment rates were found between the two groups (p=0.08). Conclusion: Maternal preeclampsia seems to be a protector factor for the development of cerebral palsy in preterm infants

    A comprehensive quality assessment framework for scientific events

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    Systematic assessment of scientific events has become increasingly important for research communities. A range of metrics (e.g., citations, h-index) have been developed by different research communities to make such assessments effectual. However, most of the metrics for assessing the quality of less formal publication venues and events have not yet deeply investigated. It is also rather challenging to develop respective metrics because each research community has its own formal and informal rules of communication and quality standards. In this article, we develop a comprehensive framework of assessment metrics for evaluating scientific events and involved stakeholders. The resulting quality metrics are determined with respect to three general categories—events, persons, and bibliometrics. Our assessment methodology is empirically applied to several series of computer science events, such as conferences and workshops, using publicly available data for determining quality metrics. We show that the metrics’ values coincide with the intuitive agreement of the community on its “top conferences”. Our results demonstrate that highly-ranked events share similar profiles, including the provision of outstanding reviews, visiting diverse locations, having reputed people involved, and renowned sponsors

    Building A Turkish Treebank

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    We present the issues that we have encountered in designing a treebank architecture for Turkish along with rationale for the choices we have made for various representation schemes. In the resulting representation, the information encoded in the complex agglutinative word structures are represented as a sequence of inflectional groups separated by derivational boundaries. The syntactic relations are encoded as labeled dependency relations among segments of lexical items marked by derivation boundaries. Our current work involves refining a set of treebank annotation guidelines and developing a sophisticated annotation tool with an extendable plug-in architecture for morphological analysis, morphological disambiguation and syntactic annotation disambiguation