3,194 research outputs found

    Molecular analysis reveals that lack of chasmothecia formation in Erysiphe necator in Maharashtra, India is due to presence of only MAT1-2 mating type idiomorph

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    The heterothallic, ubiquitous fungus Erysiphe necator causes powdery mildew disease of grapevines and in many countries it is reported to reproduce both asexually and sexually. Sexual reproduction results in the formation of chasmothecia (cleistothecia) on infected surfaces when the colonies of two opposite mating types meet on the infected plant parts and the temperatures are favorable for their development. Chasmothecia are reported from north India, but not from peninsular India, even though powdery mildew is reportedly present in these regions at least since the beginning of the last century. Through systematic survey of ten vineyards in Maharashtra and adjoining Karnataka in peninsular India, we confirmed the absence of chasmothecia under natural conditions. Analysis of temperature data from two locations in Maharashtra showed that the Tmax and Tmin were favourable for chasmothecia initiation (10 °C to 30 °C) and maturation (15 °C to 30 °C) for a sufficient period of time.Multiplex PCR of 120 E. necator field isolates collected from peninsular India showed presence of a single band of 232 bp corresponding to MAT1-2 mating type idiomorph or MAT- phenotype. None of the samples gave band of 408 bp corresponding to MAT1-1 mating type idiomorph. Further, two bands of 408 bp and 232 bp were detected in only one powdery mildew sample collected from Kashmir, in north India while the other nineteen samples gave a single band of 232 bp.  Thus, molecular analysis established that E. necator is not sexually reproducing in Maharashtra due to presence of only one mating type idiomorph. The study also brings out that MAT1-1 mating type idiomorph is not as common in nature as MAT1-2 and explains why in many other countries, too, chasmothecia were first observed as late as half to one century after start of grape cultivation.  &nbsp

    Green Building: Load Management Scheme for Flattening Household Electricity Usage or Demand

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    Flattening household electricity demand reduces generation costs, since costs are disproportionately affected by peak demands. Buildings today consume more energy than either of society?s other broad sectors of energy consumption industry and transportation. As a result, nearly half (47%) of energy use in residential buildings is lost in electricity transmission and distribution (T&D) from far-away power plants to distant homes. An important way to decrease both T&D losses and carbon emissions is through distributed generation (DG) from many small on-site renewable energy sources deployed at individual buildings and homes. Distributed generation (DG) uses many small onsite energy harvesting deployments at individual buildings to generate electricity. DG has the potential to make generation more efficient by reducing transmission and distribution losses, carbon emissions, and demand peaks. In this paper, we explore an alternative approach that combines market-based electricity pricing models with on-site renewables and modest energy storage (in the form of batteries) to incentivize DG called Green Building. The objectives of green charge is to develop an alternative approach that combines market-based electricity pricing models with on-site renewable and modest energy storage (in the form of batteries) to incentivize DG (Distributed Generation). We propose a system architecture and optimization algorithm, called Green Building, to efficiently manage the renewable energy and storage to reduce a building?s electric bill

    Information Technology Act 2000 in India - Authentication of E-Documents

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    The Information Technology Act 2000 has enacted in India on 9th June 2000. This Act has mentioned provision of authentication of electronic document. It is the need of hour at that time that such provision is needed in the Indian Law system, especially for electronic commerce and electronic governance. Electronic commerce”, which involve the use of alternatives to paper based methods of communication and storage information. To do electronic commerce there should be authentication of particular document. The working of internet is the documents are traveling in terms of bits from one destination to other destination, through various media like – Co-axial cable, fiber optic, satellite etc. While traveling this document there is probability of making changes in that document by any third party is high or some document may get changed due to noise/disturbance in communication media. This Act required to provide legal recognition carried out by means of electronic data interchange and other means of electronic communication

    Sublingual Dosage Form

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    Sublingual dosage forms have gained significant attention in the field of pharmaceuticals due to their unique route of administration and rapid onset of action. This dosage form involves placing medication under the tongue, where it dissolves and is absorbed directly into the bloodstream through the highly vascularized sublingual mucosa. This route offers several advantages, including avoiding first-pass metabolism in the liver, enhancing bioavailability, and providing a non-invasive and convenient option for patients who have difficulty swallowing or require fast drug action. In this abstract, we explore the characteristics, advantages, and challenges associated with sublingual dosage forms. We discuss the principles of drug absorption through the sublingual route, highlighting the role of the sublingual mucosa in drug uptake. The factors influencing drug formulation and optimization for sublingual delivery are also examined, including the choice of excipients, drug solubility, and taste-masking techniques. Furthermore, we delve into the diverse range of therapeutic applications that can benefit from sublingual dosage forms, such as pain management, cardiovascular diseases, and hormone replacement therapy. Case studies and examples of commercially available sublingual products are provided to illustrate the practicality and effectiveness of this delivery route. While sublingual dosage forms offer numerous advantages, they are not without challenges, such as taste masking, stability issues, and dosage accuracy. We address these challenges and discuss potential strategies for overcoming them. In conclusion, sublingual dosage forms represent a promising avenue for drug delivery, offering rapid onset of action, improved bioavailability, and patient convenience. As pharmaceutical research continues to advance, the development and optimization of sublingual dosage forms are expected to play an increasingly important role in modern medicine

    Surgical challenges in unusual fibroids - a case series

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    Uterine leiomyoma are benign monoclonal tumours arising from smooth muscle tissue. There are different types of fibroids depending on the location of fibroid. There are various operative challenges in long standing huge fibroids on abnormal location. Surgical difficulties associated with these cases are due to poor access to the operative field, distorted anatomy, difficulty in suturing the repairs, increased blood loss. It is an art and skill to surgically remove these difficult fibroids and do difficult hysterectomies. Here we present case series of 7 cases, we have described variety of fibroid at different ages, presentations, precautions and also surgical challenges and the steps to overcome them successfully. Case 1- cervical fibroid, case 2- submucosal fibroid polyp, case 3- Bulky uterus with fundal fibroid during vaginal hysterectomy, case 4- broad ligament fibroid, case 5- multiple fibroids, case 6- multiple subserosal fibroids during caesarean section, and case 7- giant fibroid. Different types of fibroids are tackled in different ways. So, fibroid mapping by imaging studies and also ureteric stenting preoperatively whenever needed, helps to prevent untoward injuries. Following principles of surgery in any difficult fibroids leads to successful management and also helps to prevent injuries to the urinary tract and avoiding intra operative blood loss

    Land Use and Land Cover Change Detection and Analysis of Indore District

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    Indore, one of the cities in India's central region, is responsible for the sluggish but steady increase of the country's population and industrialisation. Three decades ago, the city's population and size were minimal. In recent years, however, Indore has assumed charge of the city's economic activity in order to assess the changes and determine the city's future planning. To achieve this objective, remotely sensed Landsat 8 pictures from 2014 and 2022 were used to detect changes. This study included both unsupervised and supervised classification methods, however the accuracy of the supervised classification algorithm is approximately 92.5 percent in 2014 and 90 percent in 2022. This outcome informs the formation of the change detection for what has changed. Keywords: Unsupervised classification, LULC, Indore

    Land Use and Land Cover Change Detection and Analysis of Indore District

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    Indore, one of the cities in India's central region, is responsible for the sluggish but steady increase of the country's population and industrialisation. Three decades ago, the city's population and size were minimal. In recent years, however, Indore has assumed charge of the city's economic activity in order to assess the changes and determine the city's future planning. To achieve this objective, remotely sensed Landsat 8 pictures from 2014 and 2022 were used to detect changes. This study included both unsupervised and supervised classification methods, however the accuracy of the supervised classification algorithm is approximately 92.5 percent in 2014 and 90 percent in 2022. This outcome informs the formation of the change detection for what has changed. Keywords: Unsupervised classification, LULC, Indore

    Study to evaluate the effect of Naradiya Laxmivilas Rasa and Goghruta Nasya in Vertigo (Bhrama)

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    Vertigo is a disturbance of sense of equilibrium and movements, where person feels that either his surroundings are going around him, or he himself is rotating. It varies from mild imbalance to severe vertigo accompanied by nausea and vomiting. In Ayurveda it can be compared to Bhrama which manifests as consequence of aggravation of Vata and Pitta Doshas along with Raja Guna resulting in spinning of head. An open randomized clinical trial was conducted to evaluate the effect of Naradiya Laxmi Vilas Rasa and Goghruta Nasya in vertigo w.s.r to Bhrama for duration of 2 months. 100 patients were selected and clinical evaluation was done by subjective and objective parameters. It was noted that there was significant relief in symptoms of Vertigo. So, it can be concluded that Naradiya Laxmi Vilas Rasa and Goghruta Nasya has significant effect on Vertigo (Bhrama)

    Effect of temperature, relative humidity and moisture content on germination percentage of wheat stored in different storage structures

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    The paper presents information regarding the pattern of changes in the environmental conditions (i.e. temperature, relative humidity and moisture content) on the stored wheat in Galvanized Iron Corrugated (GIC) silo, Godown storage and CAP storage.  The grain moisture content in the silo increased from 11.20% to 17.08% wet basis (w.b.), in bag storage increased from 11.20% to 17.25%, and in CAP storage increased from 11.20% to 17.19% wet basis (w.b.) during the storage period from April 06 to November 06.  The moisture content of the wheat grain then slightly decreased during the storage period from November 06 to April 07.  The temperature of the grain inside silo was 29.30℃ while at the end of the storage period, the temperature was 42.90℃.  The initial grain temperature inside Godown storage was 29.30℃ and at the end of the storage period, it was 32.31℃.  The initial grain temperature inside CAP storage was 29.10℃ and it increased to 39.94℃ at the end of the storage period.  The relative humidity in the silo was 16.1% lower than the ambient relative humidity.  The germination percentage of grain inside the silo was decreased from 86.70% to 78.60%, in Godown storage it decreased from 86.70% to 53.30%, and in CAP storage it decreased from 86.70% to 46.60% during the storage period from April to September. Keywords: temperature, moisture content, relative humidity, germination percentage, wheat, GIC, silo, Godown, CA