71 research outputs found

    Dynamics of endothelial and inducible synthase nitric oxide in experimental osteoarthritis and its correction

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    Study have been carried out on white Wistar line rats (age – 3 months, weight – 180-220 g). According to the tasks the animals were divided into 7 groups:1st group is intact (n = 20). 2nd group is rats, which were modeled osteoarthritis without further correction and were withdrawn from the experiment in the first stage (7th day) (n=40). 3rd group is rats, which were modeled osteoarthritis without further correction and removed from the experiment in the second stage (21st day) (n=40). 4th group is rats, in which experimental osteoarthritis was corrected with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) (Diclofenac) and aminoguanidine and removed from the experiment in the first stage (7th day) (n=20). 5th group is rats, in which experimental osteoarthritis was corrected with NSAIDs (Diclofenac) and aminoguanidine and withdrawn from the experiment in the second stage (21st day) (n=20). 6th group is rats, where experimental osteoarthritis was corrected using NSAIDs and a 7% L-arginine solution and withdrawn from the experiment in the first stage (7th day) (n=20)7th group is rats, in which experimental osteoarthritis was corrected with NSAIDs and 7% L-arginine solution and withdrawn from the experiment in the second stage (21st day) (n=20)Animals were withdrawn from the experiment for the 7th day and the 21st day after the simulation of the pathological condition. NSAIDs (Diclofenac), aminoguanidine and L-arginine were administered from the beginning of the study.During the experiment was found nitric oxide hyperproduction by increasing the activity of inducible NO synthase. It was found decreased endothelial NO synthase activity against the background of experimental osteoarthritis development and the induced inducible NO synthase activation. It has been proven aminoguadine correction effectiveness (inducible NO-synthase inhibitor) of endothelial dysfunction in osteoarthritis. It has been established the feasibility of using L-arginine as a corrective agent for endothelial dysfunction in experimental osteoarthritis. Correction agents comparative characteristics showed that the use of nitric oxide donor is more effective compared to  inducible NO synthase inhibition

    Researc of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines dynamic on the background of endothelial dysfunction development induced by experimental osteoarthrosis

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    Study have been carried out on white Wistar line rats (age – 3 months, weight – 180-220 g). According to the tasks the animals were divided into 7 groups:1st group is intact (n = 20). 2nd group is rats, which were modeled osteoarthritis without further correction and were withdrawn from the experiment in the first stage (7th day) (n=40). 3rd group is rats, which were modeled osteoarthritis without further correction and removed from the experiment in the second stage (21st day) (n=40). 4th group is rats, in which experimental osteoarthritis was corrected with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) (Diclofenac) and aminoguanidine and removed from the experiment in the first stage (7th day) (n=20). 5th group is rats, in which experimental osteoarthritis was corrected with NSAIDs (Diclofenac) and aminoguanidine and withdrawn from the experiment in the second stage (21st day) (n=20). 6th group is rats, where experimental osteoarthritis was corrected using NSAIDs and a 7% L-arginine solution and withdrawn from the experiment in the first stage (7th day) (n=20). 7th group is rats, in which experimental osteoarthritis was corrected with NSAIDs and 7% L-arginine solution and withdrawn from the experiment in the second stage (21st day) (n=20). Animals were withdrawn from the experiment for the 7th day and the 21st day after the simulation of the pathological condition. NSAIDs (Diclofenac), aminoguanidine and L-arginine were administered from the beginning of the study.It were found during the experiment, increased levels of Interleukin 1β and Interleukin 10 in the simulated osteoarthrosis pathogenesis. It has been established positive dynamics of these cytokines in the endothelial dysfunction correction at osteoarthritis with the aminoguadine correction. It was revealed more pronounced efficacy of using L-arginine as a corrective means of impaired endothelial function in experimental osteoarthritis. Comparative characteristics of correction agents has shown that the use of nitric oxide donor is more effective than incubation of inducible NO synthase. It was proved  normalization of endothelial functional status indicators in the group of animals treated with L-arginine as a part of complex correction of osteoarthrosis was proved

    Study of changes in proteolytic systems of rats under conditions of experimental chronic prostatitis

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    The aim of our research – to analyze the mechanisms of regulation of the body's proteolytic systems during inflammation, detection of inflammation markers in blood and prostate secretions in the simulation of chronic prostatitis (CP) in rats. 1. The leading link in the pathogenesis of many diseases is a change in the structure and functions of biological membranes – membranopathy, the consequence of which is a violation of histochemical barriers, which is manifested in an increase in the excretion of certain metabolites in the extracellular fluid. In the case of experimental CP in rats, the appearance in the secretion of the prostate gland of the components of KKS, which are determined in the secretion of the normal prostate in trace amounts, was noted. Inflammatory damage to the prostate was also evidenced by an increase in the proteolytic potential of prostate secretion due to an increase in kallikrein activity on the 21st day by 807.1% (р˂0.05), which leads to massive kininogenesis. Depletion of the adaptive and compensatory potential of the prostate gland was evidenced by a decrease in prekallikrein by 21.7% (р˂0.05) compared to the intact group of animals. A sharp increase in the activity of kallikrein in CP is probably compensated by an increase in the activity of its specific inhibitor – α2-macroglobulin, the level of which in the secretion of the CP increased on 225 % on the 21st day of the experiment compared to intact rats, and the increase in proteolytic potential – by an increase of 125 % in the inhibitory activity of α1-PI, a protein of the acute phase of inflammation. An increase in the content and activity of KKS components in the secretion of the prostate testifies to its inflammatory damage and violation of the permeability of the hematoprostatic barrier, which can be an important diagnostic criterion

    Modern technologies for treatment of patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia - an overview of innovative laser systems

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    Introduction. With the growing percentage of elderly men benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) will become widespread and will be one of the primary challenges for health systems. Laser technology is an alternative to transurethral resection in the surgical treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Insufficient amount and differences between study resuts do not suggest conclusions regarding the optimal method of laser technology. Objective: Based on current sources of scientific information to analyze the results of the laser technology application in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia. We concluded that laser systems for treating BPH have been shown to allow clinicians to achieve clinical results comparable to transurethral resection of the prostate. The number of complications is much lower. This is a non-invasive operation that contributes to a significant improvement in urination and rapid and steady symptoms reduction. The results of this comparative study indicate the safety and efficacy of photoselective vaporization of the prostate (РVP) procedure in patients suffering from lower urinary tract symptoms due to BPH. Catheterization is not obligatory, but it is possible only for a short time. Hospital length of stay decrease during vaporization with a laser output power of 120 watts associated with less frequent bladder irrigation and decrease in hematuria. After РVP 120 W total perioperative complication rate was lower, but to prove the clinical usefulness of lithium laser surgical treatment the long-term studies are required

    Vasoconsrictive and vasodilatative imbalance at experimental fecal peritonitis

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    Peritonitis problem today one of the most urgent issues in the field of clinical pathological physiology and abdominal surgery. According to various data, mortality in peritonitis is 18.3 - 62.8%. Endothelial dysfunction is the main cause of cardiovascular diseases and death in patients after postponed peritonitis. The aim of the study – investigation of vasoconstrictive and vasodilatative potential in the pathogenesis of experimental peritonitis and its correction. It has been proved that experimental fecal peritonitis development pathologically affects the vessels functional state at each of the research stages. It's established weakening of the vasodilatative process on the background of peritonitis development, as evidenced by a decrease in the content of S-nitrosothiols. Result of this work has been proved that in peritonitis pathogenesis the vasoconstrictor potential of the vessels is significantly increased, as evidenced by a significant increase in endothelin-1 in animals that have been modeled by fecal peritonitis. Nitric oxide donor efficiency has been proved as part of complex correction of peritonitis and endothelial dysfunction as its complication. The most pronounced positive effect was detected at the 21st day, which indicates the expediency of long-term use of L-arginine as a remedy for correction

    Rituximab efficacy in caps

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    Catastrophic antiphospholipid syndrome (CAPS) – thrombotic microvasculopathy, characterized by involvement of systems and organs with formation of their insufficiency. Therapy of glucocorticoids and immunosuppressants with plasmapheresis and intravenous immunoglobulin demonstrates lack of effectivity. Currently, there are reports of rituximab effectiveness in APS and CAPS, but they are not numerous, especially CAPS. Methods Assessment of the rituximab effectiveness in patients with resistant CAPS. We present the treatment results of two patients with CAPS, who were treated in our clinic

    Research of effects by donators nitrogen of oxygen in complex therapy during experimental peritonitis

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    The research was conducted on 175 white rats of reproductive age (3 months), weight of animals - 180-220 g. Animals were divided into 4 groups:Group 1 - 20 intact animals. Group 2 - 50 rats with simulated fecal peritonitis.Group 3 - 50 rats with simulated fecal peritonitis with subsequent antibiotic correction and debridement by chlorhexidine solution. Group 4 - 50 rats with simulated fecal peritonitis with subsequent antibiotic correction, chlorhexidine debridement and endothelial dysfunction  correction with the use of a nitric oxide donor.Fecal peritonitis was modeled using injection of 10% fecal suspension in a dose of 0.5 ml per100 gof animal weight in the abdominal cavity of laboratory animals by puncture method (Lazarenko V.A., et al., 2016, patent No. 233826).The following results were obtained.Histologically confirmed the development of experimental peritonitis in all groups of the experiment. In the group №2 on the third day the deterioration of the studied structures was established. In the group in which the experimental peritonitis was corrected by antibiotic therapy and chlorhexidine remediation, the effectiveness of the correction was morphologically proven. In group 4, macroscopic and microscopic examinations of the intestine, liver, and abdomen did not reveal significant differences from the histological picture we observed in rats of the intact group

    Integration of theoretical and clinical disciplines teaching as one of factors of medical knowledge efficacy

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    The article discusses the problem of medical students theoretical knowledge improvement that will significantly improve their clinical knowledge. The main factors that determine medical students’ positive motivation to study are considered. The authors prove that both theoretical and clinical disciplines teaching integration is possible as a result of complex approach to students teaching that will result in students’ knowledge survival on the higher courses. Leading role belongs to the theoretical departments which workers by writing textbooks and manuals, creating teaching multimedia programmes, using exact control and students' knowledge evaluation will provide the necessary motivational component of students’ further teaching on clinical departments. The integrated approach contributes to future profession single picture formation, motivates students to theoretical and clinical disciplines deep study. The future doctors teaching process reforming at Odessa National Medical University General and Clinical Pathological Physiology Department is given as an example.Authors guesses that new methodical methods of working with students in the practical work introduction, the change in the technology of teaching, the modification of the educational process, the approximation of theoretical knowledge to the patient's bed, the greater students interest in the positive end-goal - a correct diagnosis and cure of the patient - will allow to optimize the educational process and improve the quality of students’ training


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    This article is about creating information system for the rehabilitation Department of Neurosurgery.To develop the information system needs to explore the work of department, examine the medical documentation and statistical reporting forms which doctors using in their work. Determine the sequence of making records into documentation. And finally make list of requirements for application with help of medical staff.The software was developed by using C# language and the database server MySQL. It has five major systems and several ancillary subsystems. The major systems are: saving personal and clinical patient information, editing inputted data, showing data, ensuring the integrity and accuracy of database, the implementation of access to the same database from different computers. Auxiliary subsystems include: creating medical documentation, blocking form’s elements, searching for patient through database, making statistic over some period of time, creating folders for every patient and others. There was designed user interface that allows doctors to reduce time for learning functionality of application.Information system has positive effect. It saves time for medical staff and reduces the possibility of inputting wrong information. Application does not require high hardware characteristics of computer.Приведены примеры задач, которые могут быть решены при помощи информационной системы в отделениях нейрохирургической реабилитации.Наведено приклади завдань, які можуть бути вирішені за допомогою інформаційної системи у відділеннях нейрохірургічної реабілітації


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    Virtual laboratory MolDynGrid has been established in the frame of the Ukrainian academic grid infrastructure for the calculations of molecular dynamics of biological macromolecules.The integrated environment is introduced in virtual laboratory MolDynGrid for the automation of computational  calculations. А web-portal of virtual laboratory has been created (http://moldyngrid.org), which is composed of  computational, analytical and educational blocks аnd data base of molecular dynamics simulations.Виртуальная лаборатория MolDynGrid создана в рамках украинской академической грид-инфраструктуры  для проведения расчетов молекулярной динамики биологических макромолекул. В  виртуальной лаборатории MolDynGrid внедрена интегрированная среда для автоматизации компьютерных расчетов. Создан веб-портал виртуальной лаборатории (http://moldyngrid.org), который состоит из расчетного, аналитического и обучающего  блоков и базы данных траекторий молекулярной динамики.Віртуальна лабораторія MolDynGrid створена в рамках української академічної грід-інфраструктури  для проведення розрахунків молекулярної динаміки біологічних макромолекул. В  віртуальній лабораторії MolDynGrid впроваджене інтегроване середовище для автоматизації комп’ютерних розрахунків. Створено веб-портал віртуальної лабораторії, що складається з розрахункового, аналітичного і навчального блоків та бази даних траєкторій молекулярної динаміки