58 research outputs found

    La presenza della famiglia Spinola a Malta, nota su alcuni manoscritti inediti : stato dell’arte e ipotesi di ricerca

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    The history of the Spinola family is intertwined with the history of Genoa and Malta. In 1768 Genoa ceded its last possession, Corsica to France. In 1797, French military pressure resulted in the end of aristocratic rule and the formation of the Ligurian Republic. During this period the Spinola family, which had members in the Order Hospitaller of St.John, acquired various possessions in Malta. This is an example, the result of careful archival research, of the power of the family in eighteenth century Malta. A box containing archival documents, was recovered at the Archivio Storico del Comune in Genoa. These documents had been mislocated , so they were never investigated, and therefore they are a new source for historians. This box contains the financial statements of the landed possessions of the noble lineage of Spinolas in Malta, plus a few sheets of purely personal notes and accounts of the notary writer. The present short note contains the results of my research at the Archivio Storico del Comune in Genoa. It aims to analyze some, so far almost completely neglected, aspects about the Spinola presence in Malta. This short article traces the background to this development, and also presents a first snapshot of the benefits which this kind of study should provide to scholars of late eighteenth century Malta.peer-reviewe

    Un manuscrit de voyage inédit, entre Nice et La Spezia : problèmes de datation et d’attribution

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    Un petit manuscrit de voyage anonyme retrouvé à la Bibliothèque universitaire de Gênes apporte un nouvel éclairage aux études concernant les récits de voyage dans la Ligurie du xviiie siècle. Le présent article dévoile quelques caractéristiques techniques de ce manuscrit et retranscrit quelques descriptions inédites du territoire ligure – compris au sens large puisqu’il s’étend de la Spezia à Nice. Son contenu permet d’avancer aussi quelques hypothèses quant à sa datation et son attribution.A small manuscript found at the University Library of Genoa offers new elements with which to conduct research on eighteenth-century travel literature in Liguria. This article presents some technical features of this manuscript and some unpublished descriptions of the Ligurian territory, understood broadly to extend from La Spezia to Nice. Its contents make it possible to advance some hypotheses on its dating and authorship

    Gênes au milieu du xviiie siècle, à travers la correspondance privée de l’Irlandais Denham

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    Cet article se propose de présenter des matériaux inédits relatifs à la figure méconnue de Joseph Denham, marchand irlandais qui vit à Gênes au milieu du xviiie siècle. Ce personnage nous fournit des éléments intéressants pour apprécier la présence britannique dans cette ville. Ses lettres conservées aux National Museums de Liverpool permettent de reconstruire les premiers éléments de son parcours à Gênes, qui sera ici analysé sous l’angle particulier de son positionnement par rapport à l’art.This brief article presents new archival materials related to Joseph Denham, an Irish merchant who lived in Genoa in the mid-eighteenth century. His unpublished correspondence, held in the Maritime Museum archives in Liverpool, allows us to describe his stay in Genoa and provides useful information on the British presence in the city

    The Dictionary of Art Historians ed altri esempi. Una breve rassegna e alcune considerazioni

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    Biographical and methodological information about art historians can be difficult to find. Tucked away in obscure obituaries or foreign-language Festschriften, the basics of where an art historian trained or who his/her major influence was, or even what methodology the scholarship employs are often impossible to discern. Now a lot of databases are designed to give researchers a beginning point to learning the background of major art historians of western art history. This paper is a comparison of art historians biographical dictionaries in France, U.S. and Italy. The aim of the study is to underline where we can find these type of publication and the connections with education and culture

    The Dictionary of Art Historians ed altri esempi. Una breve rassegna e alcune considerazioni

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    Biographical and methodological information about art historians can be difficult to find. Tucked away in obscure obituaries or foreign-language Festschriften, the basics of where an art historian trained or who his/her major influence was, or even what methodology the scholarship employs are often impossible to discern. Now a lot of databases are designed to give researchers a beginning point to learning the background of major art historians of western art history. This paper is a comparison of art historians biographical dictionaries in France, U.S. and Italy. The aim of the study is to underline where we can find these type of publication and the connections with education and culture

    Echi caravaggeschi a Genova. Una resurrezione di lazzaro di mattia preti: fonti storiografiche per la sua attribuzione fra XVII e XIX secolo. Spunti di ricerca

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    Con lo scopo di individuare le fonti che hanno riportato riferimenti attribuzionistici alla Risurrezione di Lazzaro presso la collezione Brignole (Museo civico di Palazzo Rosso Genova), oggi riconosciuta come opera giovanile di Mattia Preti, si è voluto esaminare la produzione odeporica genovese locale e altresì indagare altri e originali materiali di studio quali le riviste popolari locali, le raccolte di annali, i documenti d’archivio manoscritti tutti elaborati fra la fine del XVII e il primo decennio del XX secolo e che fino ad ora, non erano mai stati analizzati in modo sistematico nel contest del nostro campo di indagine

    SNP array and FISH analysis of a proband with a 22q13.2- 22qter duplication shed light on the molecular origin of the rearrangement

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    Background In about one third of healthy subjects, the microscopic analysis of chromosomes reveals heteromorphisms with no clinical implications: for example changes in size of the short arm of acrocentric chromosomes. In patients with a pathological phenotype, however, a large acrocentric short arm can mask a genomic imbalance and should be investigated in more detail. We report the first case of a chromosome 22 with a large acrocentric short arm masking a partial trisomy of the distal long arm, characterized by SNP array. We suggest a possible molecular mechanism underlying the rearrangement. Case presentation We report the case of a 15-year-old dysmorphic girl with low grade psychomotor retardation characterized by a karyotype with a large acrocentric short arm of one chromosome 22. Cytogenetic analysis revealed a normal karyotype with a very intense Q-fluorescent and large satellite on the chromosome 22 short arm. Fluorescence in situ hybridisation analysis showed a de novo partial trisomy of the 22q13.2-qter chromosome region attached to the short arm of chromosome 22. SNP-array analysis showed that the duplication was 8.5 Mb long and originated from the paternal chromosome. Haplotype analysis revealed that the two paternal copies of the distal part of chromosome 22 have the same haplotype and, therefore, both originated from the same paternal chromosome 22. A possible molecular mechanism that could explain this scenario is a break-induced replication (BIR) which is involved in non-reciprocal translocation events. Conclusion The combined use of FISH and SNP arrays was crucial for a better understanding of the molecular mechanism underlying this rearrangement. This strategy could be applied for a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying cryptic chromosomal rearrangements

    Generation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from patient with Cri du Chat Syndrome

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    Abstract The Cri du Chat Syndrome (CdCS) is a genetic disease resulting from variable size deletion occurring on the short arm of chromosome 5. The main clinical features are a high-pitched monochromatic cry, microcephaly, severe psychomotor and mental retardation with characteristics of autism spectrum disorders such as hand flapping, obsessive attachments to objects, twirling objects, repetitive movements, and rocking. We reprogrammed to pluripotency peripheral blood mononuclear cells derived from a patient carrying large deletion on the short arm of chromosome 5, using a commercially available non-integrating expression system. The iPSCs expressed pluripotency markers and differentiated in the three embryonic germ layers
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