133 research outputs found

    Long QT syndrome: Genetic implications and drug influence

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    The ideal interpolation kernel is described by the sinc function, and its spectral characteristic is the box function. Due to the infinite length of the ideal kernel, it is not achievable. Therefore, convolutional interpolation kernels of finite length, which should better approximate the ideal kernel in a specified interval, are formed. The approximation function should have a small numerical complexity, so as to reduce the interpolation execution time. In the scientific literature, great attention is paid to the polynomial kernel of the third order. However, the time and spectral characteristic of the third-order polynomial kernels differs significantly from the shape of the ideal kernel. Therefore, the accuracy of cubic interpolation is lower. By optimizing the kernel parameters, it is possible to better approximate the ideal kernel. This will increase the accuracy of the interpolation. The first part of the paper describes a three-parameter (3P) Keys interpolation kernel, r. After that, the algorithm for optimizing the parameters of the 3P Keys kernel, is shown. First, the kernel is disassembled into components, and then, over each kernel component, Fourier transform is applied. In this way the spectral characteristic of the 3P Keys kernel, H, was determined. Then the spectral characteristic was developed in the Taylor series, HT. With the condition for the elimination of the members of the Taylor series, which greatly affect the ripple of the spectral characteristic, the optimal kernel parameters (Ī±opt, Ī²opt, gopt) were determined. The second part of the paper describes an experiment, in which the interpolation accuracy of the 3P Keys kernel, was tested. Parametric cubic convolution (PCC) interpolation, with the 3P kernel, was performed over the images from the Test database. The Test database is created with standard Test images, which are intensively used in Digital Image Processing. By analyzing the interpolation error, which is represented by the Mean Square Error, MSE, the accuracy of the interpolation was determined. The results (Ī±opt, Ī²opt, gopt, MSEmin) are presented on tables and graphs. Detailed comparative analysis showed higher interpolation accuracy with the proposed 3P Keys interpolation kernel, compared to the interpolation accuracy with, 1P Keys and 2P Keys interpolation kernels. Finally, the numerical values of the optimal kernel parameters, which are determined by the optimization algorithm proposed in this paper, were experimentally verified

    Ključna pitanja prevođenja finansijskih izveÅ”taja multinacionalnih kompanija

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    Circumstances, which include international trade intensification, development of various forms of business cooperation outside national borders-co-production, transfer of technology, joint ventures, strategic alliances, direct foreign investments, and dynamic changes in the business environment, require the management of a company to change their focus, from a local to a global approach. Multinational companies are business leaders in a global framework. The aim of this paper is to highlight the key challenges that multinational companies face when translating foreign currency transactions and the financial statements of foreign business operations for the purpose of compiling consolidated financial statements. In addition, the paper examines whether the chosen functional currency and the exchange rate can be viewed as instruments of their financial reporting policy.Intenziviranje međunarodne trgovine, razvoj različitih oblika poslovne saradnje van nacionalnih granica - koprodukcija, transfer tehnologije, zajednička ulaganja, strategijske alijanse, strane direktne investicije, kao i dinamične promene poslovnog okruženja, zahtevaju da menadžment preduzeća preusmeri poslovno razmiÅ”ljanje sa lokalnog na globalni pristup. Multinacionalne kompanije predstavljaju nosioce poslovanja u globalnim okvirima. Cilj rada je da ukaže na ključne izazove sa kojima se menadžment multinacionalnih kompanija suočava prilikom prevođenja transakcija u stranoj valuti i finansijskih izveÅ”taja inostranog poslovanja za potrebe sastavljanja konsolidovanih finansijskih izveÅ”taja. Dodatno, u radu se istražuje da li je izbor funkcionalne valute i kursa razmene moguće posmatrati kao instrumente politike finansijskog izveÅ”tavanja

    Three-Parametric Cubic Interpolation for Estimating the Fundamental Frequency of the Speech Signal

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    In this paper, we propose a three-parametric convolution kernel which is based on the one-parameter Keys kernel. The first part of the paper describes the structure of the three-parameter convolution kernel. Then, a certain analytical expression for finding the position of the maximum of the reconstructed function is given. The second part presents an algorithm for estimating the fundamental frequency of the speech signal processing in the frequency domain using Picking Picks methods and parametric cubic convolution. Furthermore, the results of experiments give the estimated fundamental frequency of speech and sinusoidal signals in order to select the optimal values of the parameters of the proposed convolution kernel. The results of the fundamental frequency estimation according to the mean square error are given by tables and graphics. Consequently, it is used as a basis for a comparative analysis. The analysis derived the optimal parameters of the kernel and the window function that generates the least MSE. Results showed a higher efficiency in comparison to two or three-parameter convolution kernel

    Platinum and ruthenium complexes as promising molecules in cancer therapy

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    Cancer is one of the most common fatal diseases in humans nowadays. About 20 million new cancer cases are expected in the next two decades worldwide. The development of new chemotherapeutic agents with improved properties is presently the main challenge in the medicinal chemistry. Cisplatin was introduced to oncology in 1978 as first chemotherapeutic agent regarding its specific interaction with DNA, leading to its damage and causing the cell death. Since the first application of cisplatin in cancer therapy, there has been a growing interest in new metal-based compounds, in particular platinum and ruthenium complexes, with better anticancer activity and less side-effects compared to cisplatin. Carboplatin and oxaliplatin have shown promising action against some types of cancer, which are resistant to cisplatin. With the aim to overcome cross-resistance to these Pt(II) drugs, bioavailable platinum complexes (satraplatin and picoplatin) firstly found application as orally administered drugs, as well as some combined therapies of Pt(II) drugs (cisplatin, picoplatin) with specific resistant modulators. In recent years, novel polymer and liposomal formulations of platinum drugs (prolindac, lipoplatin, lipoxal, aroplatin) have been designed with strategy to improve drug delivery to target cancer cells and reduce toxicity. Complexes based on ruthenium have great potential to become leading candidates for the medical use in anticancer therapy. Some of these compounds have shown good anticancer activity, both in vitro and in vivo and two of them (KP1019 and NAMI-A) have passed clinical trials and given promising results

    Waste-wood derived biochar as a support for horseradish peroxidase immobilization

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    In this paper, the suitability of waste-wood derived biochar particles as a support for the horseradish peroxidase (HRP) immobilization by adsorption method was investigated. The change in enzymatic activity of the immobilized enzyme at different values of pH and temperature, as well as stability over time, was measured. The results showed that HRP can efficiently bind to biochar particles by adsorption. The immobilized enzyme shows high activity (>80%) at a wide range of pH (7-9) and temperature (20-50Ā°C). The immobilized enzyme retains 22% and 40% of its activity during storage at temperatures of 25 and 10Ā°C after a period of 30 days, respectively

    Up-regulation of the SOX3 gene expression by retinoic acid: characterization of the novel promoter-response element and the retinoid receptors involved

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    Sox3/SOX3 gene is considered to be one of the earliest neural markers in vertebrates and it is implicated in the genetic cascades that direct brain formation. We have previously shown that early phases of differentiation and neural induction of NT2/D1 embryonal carcinoma cells by retinoic acid ( RA) involve up-regulation of the SOX3 gene expression. Here, we present identification of a novel positive regulatory promoter element involved in RA-dependent activation of the SOX3 gene expression in NT2/D1 cells. This element represents a direct repeat 3-like motif that directly interacts with retinoid X receptor (RXR) alpha in a sequence-specific manner. It is capable of independently mediating the RA effect in a heterologous promoter context and its disruption caused significant reduction of RA/RXR transactivation of the SOX3 promoter. Furthermore, by using synthetic antagonists of retinoid receptors, we have shown for the first time, that RA-induced SOX3 gene expression could be significantly down-regulated by the synthetic antagonist of RXR. Also, this data showed that RXRs, but not RA receptors, are mediators of RA effect on the SOX3 gene up-regulation in NT2/D1 cells. Presented data will be valuable for future investigation of SOX3 gene expression, not only in NT2/D1 model system, but also in diverse developmental, physiological and pathological settings

    ARTD2 activity is stimulated by RNA

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    ADP-ribosyltransferases (ARTs) are important enzymes that regulate the genotoxic stress response and the maintenance of genome integrity. ARTD1 (PARP1) and ARTD2 (PARP2) are homologous proteins that modify themselves and target proteins by the addition of mono- and poly-ADP-ribose (PAR) moieties. Both enzymes have been described to be involved in the genotoxic stress response. Here, we characterize cellular PAR formation on hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) or N-methyl-Nā€²-methyl-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) stress, in combination with application of the RNA polymerase I inhibitor Actinomycin D (ActD), known to cause accumulation of short RNA polymerase I-dependent rRNA transcripts. Intriguingly, co-treatment with ActD substantially increased H2O2- or MNNG-induced PAR formation. In cells, this enhancement was predominantly mediated by ARTD2 and not ARTD1. In vitro experiments confirmed that ARTD2 is strongly activated by RNA and that the N-terminal SAP domain is important for the binding to RNA. Thus, our findings identify a new activator of ARTD2-dependent ADP-ribosylation, which has important implications for the future analysis of the biological role of ARTD2 in the nucleu

    Novel H1N1 influenza in neonates: from mild to fatal disease

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    Analysis of pediatric deaths associated with pandemic A H1N1 influenza shows that fatal outcome is more likely in young children, under the age of 5. Neonates, because of the immaturity of their immune system, could represent a high-risk group for severe disease and fatal outcome. We present a group of five neonates with confirmed novel influenza A H1N1 infection. This report indicates that the full spectrum of influenza A H1N1 infection ranging from mild febrile illness with spontaneous recovery to severe disease with fatal outcome may be expected even in neonates. Journal of Perinatology (2011) 31, 446-448; doi:10.1038/jp.2010.19

    Pneumatizacija jagodične kosti ā€“ usporedba magnetske rezonancije temporomandibularnog zgloba s ortopantomogramom

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    The aim of the study was to analyze zygomatic air cell defect (ZACD) incidence using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and validity of panoramic radiograph as a comparative method of ZACD diagnostics. The connection between ZACD incidence, age, left/right temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and comorbidity with diagnosis of TMJ disorder was analyzed. Panoramic radiographs and MRIs of 140 TMJs of 70 consecutive patients with previously confirmed TMJ diagnosis were compared in the study. A grading system (4-point scale from ā€˜0ā€™ for absence to ā€˜3ā€™ for most extended pneumatization) was used to determine low signal on MRIs as pneumatization of temporal bone. ZACD was diagnosed in 22 joints of 15 patients (incidence, 20.4%), with seven patients having bilateral appearance. In the joints of nine patients, ZACD was identified as extensive according to the grading scale. The validity of ZACD findings on panoramic radiographs compared with MRI findings yielded 0.45 sensitivity and 0.98 specificity. There was no relation (p>0.05) between comorbidity of ZACD and TMJ disorder, either by age or side of the body. More prevalent ZACD in our MRI analysis than in other researches based on panoramic radiographs could be explained by the expected superimposed osseous structures in the area of articular eminence.Svrha istraživanja bila je analizirati incidenciju pneumatizacije jagodične kosti uporabom magnetske rezonancije kao i validnost ortopantomograma kao komparativne metode u dijagnostici pneumatizacije. Analizirana je povezanost između incidencije pneumatizacije jagodične kosti, dobi, odnosa lijevog/desnog temporomandibularnog zgloba (TMZ) kao i komorbiditet s dijagnozama poremećaja TMZ-a. U ovoj studiji uspoređeni su ortopantomogrami s magnetskom rezonancijom TMZ-a kod 70 uzastopnih bolesnika s prethodno potvrđenim dijagnozama poremećaja TMZ-a. Primijenjen je sustav stupnjevanja (ljestvica s 4 kategorije: od ā€˜0ā€™ kao izostanak do ā€˜3ā€™ kao najviÅ”e ekstendirana pneumatizacija) za utvrđivanje slabog signala magnetske rezonancije kao pneumatizacije temporalne kosti. Pneumatizacija jagodične kosti dijagnosticirana je u 22 zgloba 15 pacijenata (incidencija 20,4%) te bilateralna pojava kod 7 pacijenata. Kod 9 pacijenata utvrđena je ekstenzivna pneumatizacija jagodične kosti po ljestvici stupnjevanja. Validnost nalaza pneumatizacije jagodične kosti na ortopantomogramima u usporedbi s nalazom magnetske rezonancije pokazala je osjetljivost 0,45 i specifi čnost 0,98. Nije bilo korelacije (p>0,05) između komorbiditeta pneumatizacije jagodične kosti i poremećaja TMZ-a, niti po dobi niti po strani tijela. U naÅ”oj analizi magnetskom rezonancijom veća učestalost pneumatizacije jagodične kosti nego u ostalim istraživanjima zasnovanim na ortopantomogramu objaÅ”njava se superponiranjem koÅ”tanih struktura u području zglobne kvržice
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