33,293 research outputs found

    Henri Temianka (Concert Programs)

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    This collection contains material pertaining to the life, career, and activities of Henri Temianka, violin virtuoso, conductor, music teacher, and author. Materials include correspondence, concert programs and flyers, music scores, photographs, and books.https://digitalcommons.chapman.edu/temianka_ephemera/1035/thumbnail.jp

    Learning & Education: Young Children 0-8 Years

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    A report on early childhood education by Save the Children, used as a reference document by the ILOInternational Labour Organizationpublishe

    Improving outcomes for children living in poverty through home-school partnerships in the early years: final report

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    This project was commissioned by Save the Children to inform the planning of a long termprogramme of activities in West Dunbartonshire Council. Save the Children has identified in2008 the improvement of the educational experiences and life chances of children andyoung people living in severe poverty as one of its main objectives. As part of this initiative,this study was commissioned in March 2009, to identify the priority areas in relation to Savethe Children's future contribution in West Dunbartonshire to inform future interventions in thefield of home-school partnership that will improve educational outcomes for children living insevere and persistent poverty.This research was designed as a qualitative study aimed toreport on current initiatives and practice in relation to home-school partnerships and servicedelivery for the poorest families and to identify programming opportunities that could formpart of a long term collaborative programme of activities between West Dunbartonshire Council and Save the Children

    Food and Nutrition Justice: How to Make it More Newsworthy?

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    Growing corporatisation and commercialisation of the mass media in India and the world have resulted in facts and issues relating to food and nutrition justice being pushed to the fringes. In an environment where news?gathering and gatekeeping processes result in a continuous tussle for prominence and stories have to be delivered under short deadlines, articles are measured against values such as currency, immediacy and impact on specific population segments. If complex and nuanced issues and facts on food and nutrition are to be highlighted, it would require consistent efforts on the part of advocacy groups to inform and sensitise media practitioners. This article explores how stories on food security and nutrition justice can be made more newsworthy and how opportunities can be optimised to bring greater prominence to reports and analytical articles on these subjects. It also elaborates on conflicts and discourses within the Indian media and civil society by critically examining reportage on these issues, and suggests ways in which to engage with the media

    Knowledge sharing and development cooperation through virtual platforms – Save the Children Canada

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    Effective knowledge management allows Save the Children to improve knowledge and share good practices in order to increase effectiveness, collaboration, and output. For instance, live, online events can showcase proposals in each country and with regional partners. As an international network of 29 development and humanitarian-response member organizations, Save the Children uses virtual platforms (VPs) throughout its network and programs in over 120 countries. This paper highlights three examples of Save the Children’s VPs: the Thought Cabinet, the Child Protection Working Group, and the Community Child Protection Exchange Forum

    Estudio sobre las barreras que limitan el acceso de niños y niñas indígenas a servicios de protección en relación con todo tipo de violencia

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    Plantea que las escuelas, centros de salud y programas sociales no actúan como adecuados canales de detección, transmisión de información y alerta ante casos de violencia y situaciones de riesgo de los niños y adolescentes, ni ante la necesidad de actuar de modo urgente. Existen numerosos obstáculos culturales e institucionales que pesan en el posible usuario de los servicios de protección y que terminan desviándolo de la ruta: umbrales muy altos de tolerancia familiar a la violencia; discriminación por género, que hace de la niña rural una víctima con menos agencia; prestigio de las conciliaciones como mecanismo resolutor, lo que termina con la negociación de los derechos humanos, sobre todo de las mujeres y niñas rurales; y temor al agresor y las consecuencias de la denuncia, dado que no existe respaldo institucional para esta iniciativa. Del mismo modo, sostiene que los prestadores de servicios, sobre todo los operadores de justicia, proyectan una imagen que genera desconfianza entre los pobladores de zonas rurales. Se teme al trato discriminatorio; a la inseguridad por el uso del idioma quechua; a la incertidumbre respecto de la homogeneidad de las resoluciones; así como a otros elementos: corrupción, lentitud y negligencia

    Guía de buenas prácticas en educación inclusiva

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    Esta publicación ha sido realizada con el apoyo financiero de la Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID), con cargo al Convenio “Promoción de la atención integral de los niños y las niñas de 5 a 12 años en el ámbito educativo y comunitario”.Bibliogr.: p. 186-188, 192-19

    Save the Children

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    Save the Children\u27s unique self-help approach to relief, recovery, and ongoing development has nurtured the seeds of hope for millions of people. Save the Children of the United States is a nonprofit, nonpolitical, nonsectarian organization working in more than 35 nations around the globe. More than 60 years of experience working hand-in-hand, shoulder-to-shoulder with families and communities at home and abroad has taught us that poverty need not be a life sentence