10 research outputs found

    Biomarkers in Early Response to Brolucizumab on Pigment Epithelium Detachment Associated with Exudative Age-Related Macular Degeneration.

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    The purpose of this study was to describe early changes in the morphology of pigment epithelium detachments (PED) after an intravitreal injection of Brolucizumab into eyes with macular neovascularization secondary to exudative age-related macular degeneration (e-AMD). We included twelve eyes of 12 patients with PED secondary to e-AMD which were not responding to prior anti-VEGF treatments. An ophthalmic examination and an assessment of PED-horizontal maximal diameter (PED-HMD), PED-maximum high (PED-MH) and macular neovascularization (MNV) flow area (MNV-FA) by the means of structural optical coherence tomography (OCT) and OCT Angiography (OCT-A) were performed at baseline, as well as 1, 7, 14 and 30 days after the injection. The mean age of the population of study was 78.4 (SD ± 4.8). The mean number of previous Ranibizumab or Aflibercept injections was 13 (SD ± 8). At the last follow-up visit, the PED-HMD did not significantly change (p = 0.16; F(DF:1.94, 20,85) = 1.9), the PED-MH showed a significant reduction [p = 0.01; F(DF:1.31, 14.13) = 6.84.] and the MNV-FA did not significantly differ (p = 0.1; F(1.97, 21.67) = 2.54) from baseline. No signs of ocular inflammation were observed during follow-up. A single Brolucizumab injection was able to determine the short-term effects on PEDs' anatomical features of eyes with an unresponsive e-AMD

    En face optical coherence tomography of foveal microstructure in full-thickness macular hole: a model to study perifoveal müller cells.

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    PURPOSE: To characterize perifoveal intraretinal cavities observed around full-thickness macular holes (MH) using en face optical coherence tomography and to establish correlations with histology of human and primate maculae. DESIGN: Retrospective nonconsecutive observational case series. METHODS: Macular en face scans of 8 patients with MH were analyzed to quantify the areas of hyporeflective spaces, and were compared with macular flat mounts and sections from 1 normal human donor eye and 2 normal primate eyes (Macaca fascicularis). Immunohistochemistry was used to study the distribution of glutamine synthetase, expressed by Müller cells, and zonula occludens-1, a tight-junction protein. RESULTS: The mean area of hyporeflective spaces was lower in the inner nuclear layer (INL) than in the complex formed by the outer plexiform (OPL) and the Henle fiber layers (HFL): 5.0 × 10(-3) mm(2) vs 15.9 × 10(-3) mm(2), respectively (P < .0001, Kruskal-Wallis test). In the OPL and HFL, cavities were elongated with a stellate pattern, whereas in the INL they were rounded and formed vertical cylinders. Immunohistochemistry confirmed that Müller cells followed a radial distribution around the fovea in the frontal plane and a "Z-shaped" course in the axial plane, running obliquely in the OPL and HFL and vertically in the inner layers. In addition, zonula occludens-1 co-localized with Müller cells within the complex of OPL and HFL, indicating junctions in between Müller cells and cone axons. CONCLUSION: The dual profile of cavities around MHs correlates with Müller cell morphology and is consistent with the hypothesis of intra- or extracellular fluid accumulation along these cells

    Shallow anterior chamber after trabeculectomy: Risk reduction by use of removable compression sutures

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    Purpose: To evaluate the risk of shallow anterior chamber after trabeculectomy with removable compression sutures. Methods: A total of 263 eyes affected by primary open-angle glaucoma that was unresponsive to medical treatments were divided into 2 groups: 126 eyes were treated with conventional trabeculectomy (group A) and 137 with a modified surgery technique using 3 removable compression 10-0 nylon sutures (group B). All the participants received intraoperative antimetabolites (mitomycin 0.04%). Increased intraocular pressure (IOP) of >14mm Hg in the eyes of group B patients was followed by removal of compression sutures. Best corrected visual acuity, slit lamp examination, IOP, and anterior chamber depth were evaluated 1, 7, 30, 60, 90, and 180 days after surgery. Results: On the first postoperative day, 12 eyes from group A (9.5%) exhibited a shallow anterior chamber with marked hypotony and no eyes in group B showed flat anterior chamber at any control evaluation (P14mm Hg (90%). The day after suture removal, mean IOP decreased to 10.45mm Hg (±1.37). There was no significant statistical difference in visual acuity between the 2 groups at any point during follow-up (P>0.001). At 180 postoperative days the difference in mean IOP between the 2 groups was statistically significant (P<0.001). Conclusions: The application of removable corneoscleral compression sutures during trabeculectomy reduced the risk of postoperative shallow anterior chamber and allowed for safe IOP control after the procedure giving further postoperative chance to reduce the intraocular pressure

    Choroidal effusion and suprachoroidal hemorrhage during phacoemulsification: intraoperative management to prevent expulsive hemorrhage

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    Purpose: To describe the intraoperative management of choroidal effusion (CE) or suprachoroidal hemorrhage (SCH) during cataract surgery with the phacoemulsification technique. Methods: The study is a retrospective interventional study through which we describe the intraoperative management adopted in 6 cases of CE or SCH during cataract surgery. The study involved 6,400 eyes (phacoemulsification) in 6 years observational time (incidence rate 0.094%). The surgical time at which these complications happened differed: nucleolus phacoemulsification in 2 eyes, cortex removal by bimanual irrigation-aspiration in 3 eyes, and intraocular lens implant for 1 eye. Once the complication was recognized, each patient was quickly moved to an extreme reverse Trendelenburg position and pharmacologically treated to manage high blood pressure, pain, and anxiety (150 mL of an 18% mannitol solution delivered in rapid infusion intravenously; 1-3 mg intravenous midazolam; 5 nifedipine sublingual drops). Results: In all the cases reported, the surgery was completed after resolution of the acute choroidal exudation or SCH. In the follow-up evaluation, the intraocular pressure was normal at each examination. The visual acuity of the patients was between 6/7.5 and 5/6 Snellen after 4 weeks. We observed a statistically significant reduction in endothelial cells in the 2 eyes in which the CE or SCH happened during the phacoemulsification compared with the other cases; this finding likely results from mechanical damage (p = 0.04 [95% confidence interval]). Conclusions: Choroidal effusion or SCH can be intraoperatively managed to avoid expulsive hemorrhage and maintain the possibility of completing the surgery.Purpose: To describe the intraoperative management of choroidal effusion (CE) or suprachoroidal hemorrhage (SCH) during cataract surgery with the phacoemulsification technique. Methods: The study is a retrospective interventional study through which we describe the intraoperative management adopted in 6 cases of CE or SCH during cataract surgery. The study involved 6,400 eyes (phacoemulsification) in 6 years observational time (incidence rate 0.094%). The surgical time at which these complications happened differed: nucleolus phacoemulsification in 2 eyes, cortex removal by bimanual irrigation-aspiration in 3 eyes, and intraocular lens implant for 1 eye. Once the complication was recognized, each patient was quickly moved to an extreme reverse Trendelenburg position and pharmacologically treated to manage high blood pressure, pain, and anxiety (150 mL of an 18% mannitol solution delivered in rapid infusion intravenously; 1-3 mg intravenous midazolam; 5 nifedipine sublingual drops). Results: In all the cases reported, the surgery was completed after resolution of the acute choroidal exudation or SCH. In the follow-up evaluation, the intraocular pressure was normal at each examination. The visual acuity of the patients was between 6/7.5 and 5/6 Snellen after 4 weeks. We observed a statistically significant reduction in endothelial cells in the 2 eyes in which the CE or SCH happened during the phacoemulsification compared with the other cases; this finding likely results from mechanical damage (p = 0.04 [95% confidence interval]). Conclusions: Choroidal effusion or SCH can be intraoperatively managed to avoid expulsive hemorrhage and maintain the possibility of completing the surgery

    Bone density and turnover in young adult patients with growth hormone deficiency after 2-year growth hormone replacement according with gender

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    GH deficiency (GHD) in adults is accompanied by reduced bone mass that may revert only after 2 yr of GH replacement. However, it is unclear whether the gender may modify bone responsiveness to GH replacement in adults. In this study we have evaluated whether bone mineral density (BMD) and turnover improve after GH replacement according to patients' gender. BMD at lumbar spine (LS) and femoral neck (FN), serum osteocalcin (OC), and urinary cross-linked N-telopeptides of type I collagen (Ntx) were assessed in 64 hypopituitaric patients (35 men, 30-50 yr) before and 2 yr after the beginning of GH replacement. Values of IGF-I and BMD at LS and at FN were expressed as Zscores. At study entry, IGF-I and BMD resulted similar among men and women with GHD. During GH replacement, IGF-I levels increased in both men and women without any difference in the percentage of IGF-I increase between the genders (p=0.47). In women receiving estrogen replacement, however, the percentage of IGF-I increase (p<0.05), and the Z IGF-I score (p<0.001) were significant lower than estrogen untreated women, although IGF-I levels were similar in the 2 groups (p=0.53). The GH dose adjusted for body weight required to restore normal age- and sex- matched IGF-I levels was lower in men than in women (p<0.001), and was higher in women receiving than in those not receiving estrogen replacement (p<0.05). In contrast, hypogonadal men treated with testosterone and eugonadal men received a similar GH dose (p=0.97). Also OC, Ntx levels, lumbar and femoral BMD improved (p<0.001) in all patients. Nevertheless, a greater increase in lumbar BMD increase was observed in men than in women (8.0+/-2.1 vs 2.6+/-0.4%; p<0.05). No significant difference was revealed in bone parameters in women treated or untreated with estrogen replacement and in men treated or not with testosterone replacement for concomitant hypogonadism. At the multiple correlation analysis, gender was a stronger predictor for the required GH dose than the age (p<0.001 and p=0.02, respectively). In conclusion, a 2-yr GH replacement normalizes IGF-I levels, increases bone mass and improves bone turnover both in men and in women with GHD without any difference between the 2 groups, provided that the dose of GH was modulated on the basis of IGF-I levels. Women receiving oral estrogens should receive a GH dose approximately doubled, as compared to men and women not receiving oral estrogens, to achieve similar effects on bone density and turnover. In particular, GH replacement dose, to be successful on bone mass and turnover, depends on gender in hypopituitary patients aged below 50 yr

    mRNA Targeting, Transport and Local Translation in Eukaryotic Cells: From the Classical View to a Diversity of New Concepts

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