389 research outputs found

    Inhibition of endothelial cell functions and of angiogenesis by the metastasis inhibitor NAMI-A

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    NAMI-A is a ruthenium-based compound with selective anti-metastasis activity in experimental models of solid tumours. We studied whether this activity was dependent on anti-angiogenic ability of NAMI-A. We thus investigated its in vitro effects on endothelial cell functions necessary for angiogenesis to develop, as well as its in vivo effects in the chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane model. Endothelial cell proliferation, chemotaxis, and secretion of the matrix-degrading enzyme metalloproteinase-2 were inhibited by NAMI-A in a dose-dependent manner, and without morphologic signs of cell apoptosis or necrosis. Lastly, NAMI-A displayed a dose-dependent in vivo anti-angiogenic activity in the chorioallantoic membrane model. These data suggest that the anti-angiogenic activity of NAMI-A can contribute to its anti-metastatic efficacy in mice bearing malignant solid tumours

    Magnetic stimulation for non-homogeneous biological structures

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    BACKGROUND: Magnetic stimulation has gained relatively wide application in studying nervous system structures. This technology has the advantage of reduced excitation of sensory nerve endings, and hence results in quasi-painless action. It has become clinically accepted modality for brain stimulation. However, theoretical and practical solutions for assessment of induced current distribution need more detailed and accurate consideration. Some possible analyses are proposed for distribution of the current induced from excitation current contours of different shape and disposition. Relatively non-difficult solutions are shown, applicable for two- and three-dimensional analysis. METHODS: The boundary conditions for field analysis by the internal Dirichlet problem are introduced, based on the vector potential field excited by external current coils. The feedback from the induced eddy currents is neglected. Finite element modeling is applied for obtaining the electromagnetic fields distribution in a non-homogeneous domain. RESULTS: The distributions were obtained in a non-homogeneous structure comprised of homogeneous layers. A tendency was found of the induced currents to follow paths in lower resistivity layers, deviating from the expected theoretical course for a homogeneous domain. Current density concentrations occur at the boundary between layers, suggesting the possibility for focusing on, or predicting of, a zone of stimulation. CONCLUSION: The theoretical basis and simplified approach for generation of 3D FEM networks for magnetic stimulation analysis are presented, applicable in non-homogeneous and non-linear media. The inconveniences of introducing external excitation currents are avoided. Thus, the possibilities are improved for analysis of distributions induced by time-varying currents from contours of various geometry and position with respect to the medium

    Search for particle–vibration coupling in 65Cu

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    The lifetime of the 9/2 + state of 65 Cu, at 2534 keV, has been measured by fast timing techniques, in order to establish wether such state arises from a weak coupling between a p3=2 proton and the 3 octupole vibration at 3.56 MeV in the 64 Ni core. The 65 Cu nucleus was populated by the reaction 7 Li + 64 Ni at 32 MeV, at the Horia Hu- lubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering (NIPNE) in Bucharest, and its -decay was detected by the ROSPHERE array. The measured lifetime coresponds to a B(E3) reduced transition probability to the ground state equal to 8.89 W.u., in agreement with theoretical predictions in the weak coupling limit

    The INFN-grid testbed

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    The Italian INFN-Grid Project is committed to set-up, run and manage an unprecedented nation-wide Grid infrastructure. The implementation and use of this INFN-Grid Testbed is presented and discussed. Particular care and attention are devoted to those activities, relevant for the management of the Testbed, carried out by the INFN within international Grid Projects

    Estimation of current density distribution under electrodes for external defibrillation

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    BACKGROUND: Transthoracic defibrillation is the most common life-saving technique for the restoration of the heart rhythm of cardiac arrest victims. The procedure requires adequate application of large electrodes on the patient chest, to ensure low-resistance electrical contact. The current density distribution under the electrodes is non-uniform, leading to muscle contraction and pain, or risks of burning. The recent introduction of automatic external defibrillators and even wearable defibrillators, presents new demanding requirements for the structure of electrodes. METHOD AND RESULTS: Using the pseudo-elliptic differential equation of Laplace type with appropriate boundary conditions and applying finite element method modeling, electrodes of various shapes and structure were studied. The non-uniformity of the current density distribution was shown to be moderately improved by adding a low resistivity layer between the metal and tissue and by a ring around the electrode perimeter. The inclusion of openings in long-term wearable electrodes additionally disturbs the current density profile. However, a number of small-size perforations may result in acceptable current density distribution. CONCLUSION: The current density distribution non-uniformity of circular electrodes is about 30% less than that of square-shaped electrodes. The use of an interface layer of intermediate resistivity, comparable to that of the underlying tissues, and a high-resistivity perimeter ring, can further improve the distribution. The inclusion of skin aeration openings disturbs the current paths, but an appropriate selection of number and size provides a reasonable compromise

    Organoiridium complexes : anticancer agents and catalysts

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    Iridium is a relatively rare precious heavy metal, only slightly less dense than osmium. Researchers have long recognized the catalytic properties of square-planar Ir(I) complexes, such as Crabtree's hydrogenation catalyst, an organometallic complex with cyclooctadiene, phosphane, and pyridine ligands. More recently, chemists have developed half-sandwich pseudo-octahedral pentamethylcyclopentadienyl Ir(III) complexes containing diamine ligands that efficiently catalyze transfer hydrogenation reactions of ketones and aldehydes in water using H2 or formate as the hydrogen source. Although sometimes assumed to be chemically inert, the reactivity of low-spin 5d(6) Ir(III) centers is highly dependent on the set of ligands. Cp* complexes with strong σ-donor C^C-chelating ligands can even stabilize Ir(IV) and catalyze the oxidation of water. In comparison with well developed Ir catalysts, Ir-based pharmaceuticals are still in their infancy. In this Account, we review recent developments in organoiridium complexes as both catalysts and anticancer agents. Initial studies of anticancer activity with organoiridium complexes focused on square-planar Ir(I) complexes because of their structural and electronic similarity to Pt(II) anticancer complexes such as cisplatin. Recently, researchers have studied half-sandwich Ir(III) anticancer complexes. These complexes with the formula [(Cp(x))Ir(L^L')Z](0/n+) (with Cp* or extended Cp* and L^L' = chelated C^N or N^N ligands) have a much greater potency (nanomolar) toward a range of cancer cells (especially leukemia, colon cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, and melanoma) than cisplatin. Their mechanism of action may involve both an attack on DNA and a perturbation of the redox status of cells. Some of these complexes can form Ir(III)-hydride complexes using coenzyme NAD(P)H as a source of hydride to catalyze the generation of H2 or the reduction of quinones to semiquinones. Intriguingly, relatively unreactive organoiridium complexes containing an imine as a monodentate ligand have prooxidant activity, which appears to involve catalytic hydride transfer to oxygen and the generation of hydrogen peroxide in cells. In addition, researchers have designed inert Ir(III) complexes as potent kinase inhibitors. Octahedral cyclometalated Ir(III) complexes not only serve as cell imaging agents, but can also inhibit tumor necrosis factor α, promote DNA oxidation, generate singlet oxygen when photoactivated, and exhibit good anticancer activity. Although relatively unexplored, organoiridium chemistry offers unique features that researchers can exploit to generate novel diagnostic agents and drugs with new mechanisms of action

    Effect of obesity on constant workrate exercise in hyperinflated men with COPD

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and a high body mass index (BMI) can both affect pulmonary volumes as well as exercise tolerance, but their combined effect on these outcomes is not well known. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of increased BMI during constant workrate cycle ergometry in patients with COPD.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Men with COPD and hyperinflation were divided according to World Health Organization BMI classification: 84 normal BMI (NBMI), 130 overweight (OW) and 64 obese (OB). Patients underwent spirometric and lung volumes assessment and an incremental cycling exercise test. This was followed by a constant workrate exercise test (CET) at 75% of peak capacity. Inspiratory capacity and Borg dyspnea scores were measured at baseline, during and at the end of CET.</p> <p>Results and discussion</p> <p>FEV<sub>1 </sub>% predicted was not different across BMI classes. Total lung capacity and functional residual capacity were significantly lower in OB and OW compared to NBMI patients. Peak VO<sub>2 </sub>in L·min<sup>-1 </sup>was significantly higher in OB and OW patients than in NBMI patients. CET time was not different across BMI classes (p = 0.11). Changes in lung volumes and dyspnea during CET were not different between BMI categories.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>OB and OW patients with COPD had a higher peak VO<sub>2 </sub>than their lean counterparts. Endurance time, dyspnea and changes in lung volumes during CET were similar between BMI categories.</p

    Analysis of reactor burnup simulation uncertainties for antineutrino spectrum prediction

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    Nuclear reactors are a source of electron antineutrinos due to the presence of unstable fission products that undergo β\beta^- decay. They will be exploited by the JUNO experiment to determine the neutrino mass ordering and to get very precise measurements of the neutrino oscillation parameters. This requires the reactor antineutrino spectrum to be characterized as precisely as possible both through high resolution measurements, as foreseen by the TAO experiment, and detailed simulation models. In this paper we present a benchmark analysis utilizing Serpent Monte Carlo simulations in comparison with real pressurized water reactor spent fuel data. Our objective is to study the accuracy of fission fraction predictions as a function of different reactor simulation approximations. Then, utilizing the BetaShape software, we construct fissile antineutrino spectra using the summation method, thereby assessing the influence of simulation uncertainties on reactor antineutrino spectrum

    Characterization of the binding sites of the anticancer ruthenium(III) complexes KP1019 and KP1339 on human serum albumin via competition studies

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    Indazolium trans-[tetrachloridobis(1H-indazole)ruthenate(III)] (KP1019) and its Na+ analogue (KP1339) are two of the most prominent non-platinum antitumor metal complexes currently undergoing clinical trials. After intravenous administration, they are known to bind to human serum albumin (HSA) in a noncovalent manner. To elucidate their HSA binding sites, displacement reactions with the established site markers warfarin and dansylglycine as well as bilirubin were monitored by spectrofluorimetry, ultrafiltration-UV-vis spectrophotometry, and/or capillary zone electrophoresis. Conditional stability constants for the binding of KP1019 and KP1339 to sites I and II of HSA were determined, indicating that both Ru(III) compounds bind to both sites with moderately strong affinity (log K (1)' = 5.3-5.8). No preference for either binding site was found, and similar results were obtained for both metal complexes, demonstrating low influence of the counter ion on the binding event

    Antiangiogenic properties of selected ruthenium(III) complexes that are nitric oxide scavengers

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    The nitric oxide synthase (NOS) pathway has been clearly demonstrated to regulate angiogenesis. Increased levels of NO correlate with tumour growth and spreading in different experimental and human cancers. Drugs interfering with the NOS pathway may be useful in angiogenesis-dependent tumours. The aim of this study was to pharmacologically characterise certain ruthenium-based compounds, namely NAMI-A, KP1339, and RuEDTA, as potential NO scavengers to be used as antiangiogenic/antitumour agents. NAMI-A, KP1339 and RuEDTA were able to bind tightly and inactivate free NO in solution. Formation of ruthenium-NO adducts was documented by electronic absorption, FT-IR spectroscopy and (1)H-NMR. Pretreatment of rabbit aorta rings with NAMI-A, KP1339 or RuEDTA reduced endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation elicited by acetylcholine. This effect was reversed by 8-Br-cGMP. The key steps of angiogenesis, endothelial cell proliferation and migration stimulated by vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) or NO donor drugs, were blocked by NAMI-A, KP1339 and RuEDTA, these compounds being devoid of any cytotoxic activity. When tested in vivo, NAMI-A inhibited angiogenesis induced by VEGF. It is likely that the antitumour properties previously observed for ruthenium-based NO scavengers, such as NAMI-A, are related to their NO-related antiangiogenic propertie