12 research outputs found

    Examen de los factores que afectan los niveles de agresión de los fanáticos del fútbol: muestras en Turquía

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    [Abstract] Fan aggression is a societal problem that affects many sports clubs worldwide. It should be handled in all dimensions to prevent individual and social aggression in sports environments. The study aims to examine the factors affecting the aggression levels of football fans. The study sample consisted of 909 people, 474 males, and 435 females. In addition to the personal information form, the "Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire" and "Football Fanaticism Scale" were used as data collection tools. Pearson Product Moment Correlation Analysis was used to determine the relationships between variables, and Multiple Linear Regression Analysis was used to examine the predictive power of independent variables on aggression. In addition, the Independent Samples T-Test was conducted to compare aggression in terms of gender. The results show that aggression predicts fanaticism positively, team identity, age, and education level negatively. In addition, it was observed that males exhibited high levels of physical and verbal aggression, while the females had high team identities. As a result, it can be said that fanaticism, team identity, age, education level, and gender are the main predictors of aggression (40%).[Resumen] La agresión de los fanáticos es un problema social que afecta a muchos clubes deportivos en todo el mundo. Debe ser manejado en todas sus dimensiones para prevenir agresiones individuales y sociales en ambientes deportivos. El estudio tiene como objetivo examinar los factores que afectan los niveles de agresión de los aficionados al fútbol. La muestra del estudio estuvo compuesta por 909 personas, 474 hombres y 435 mujeres. Además del formulario de información personal, se utilizaron como herramientas de recolección de datos el "Cuestionario de agresión de Buss-Perry" y la "Escala de fanatismo por el fútbol". Se utilizó el análisis de correlación producto-momento de Pearson para determinar las relaciones entre las variables, y se utilizó el análisis de regresión lineal múltiple para examinar el poder predictivo de las variables independientes sobre la agresión. Además, se realizó la prueba T de muestras independientes para comparar la agresión en términos de género. Los resultados muestran que la agresión predice positivamente el fanatismo, negativamente la identidad del equipo, la edad y el nivel educativo. Además, se observó que los hombres exhibían altos niveles de agresión física y verbal, mientras que las mujeres tenían altas identidades de equipo. Como resultado, se puede decir que el fanatismo, la identidad del equipo, la edad, el nivel educativo y el género son los principales predictores de agresión (40%)

    Türkiye'de kurulan ilk pişmaniye imalathanesi ; İpek Pişmaniye

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    Ankara : İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent Üniversitesi İktisadi, İdari ve Sosyal Bilimler Fakültesi, Tarih Bölümü, 2013.This work is a student project of the The Department of History, Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences, İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University.by Ayşegül Avcı.Avcı, Ayşegül. HIST 200-19AVCI HIST 200-19/9 2012-1

    Aspergillus keratitis in a diabetic case

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    Katarakt ameliyatından iki buçuk ay sonra tekrarlayan kornea epitel defekti gelişen yetmiş sekiz yaşındaki bir hasta korneanın merkezinde plak tarzı infiltrasyon ve ön kamarada hipopyon ile başvurdu. Korneadan alınan sürüntü materyalinin boyama ve kültürü yapıldı ve topikal fortifiye antibiyotikleri başlandı. Sabouraud'nun dekstroz ağarı ve kanlı ağarda kadifcmsi görünümde gri-yeşil koloniler görüldü. İzole edilen organizmanın koloni özellikleri ve mikroskopik görünümleri Aspergillus cinsini düşündürdü ve tür Aspergillus fumigatus olarak tanımlandı. Amfoterisin B %0,15 topikal antibiyotik tedavisine eklendi. Yoğun tedaviye rağmen korneadaki infiltrasyon ve hipopyon ilerledi ve terapötik penetran keratoplasti uygulandı. Fungal keratitin tanısının erken konulduğu ve uygun tedavinin başlandığı durumlarda dahi hastanın durumu hızlı ilerleme gösterebilir. Bu durum özellikle diyabetli hastalarda bir problemdir.Two and a half months after cataract extraction, a 78-year-old diabetic male, who had had recurrent corneal epithelial defects, presented with a plaque-like infiltration of the central cornea and hypopyon in the anterior chamber. A corneal scraping was collected for staining and culture, and fortified topical antibiotics were started immediately. Velvety gray-green colonies grew on Sabouraud's dextrose agar and blood agar. The colony features and the microscopic appearance of the isolated organisms suggested Aspergillus spp., and the subtype was identified as Aspergillus fumigatus. Amphotericin B 0.15% was added to the topical antibacterial treatment. Corneal infiltration and hypopyon progressed despite aggressive treatment, and therapeutic penetrating keratoplasty was performed. Even when fungal keratitis is diagnosed early and appropriate treatment is administered, the patient's condition may progress rapidly. This is a particular problem in diabetic patients

    Our Results of Under Knee Percutaneous Balloon Angioplasty in Patients with Critical Leg Ischemia

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    Objective: Percutaneous endovascular interventions has become an effective treatment in supra popliteal atherosclerotic disease. However there is stil no gold standart treatment in infrapopliteal atherosclerotic disease with critical limb ischemia. In this study we aimed to present the outcomes of patients with critical limb ischemia underwent percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty. Material and Method: We included 67 patients (mean age 62.4, 82% male). Procedural success was defined as <20% residual vessel stenosis. Clinical success was defined as the relieve of rest pain, prevention of amputation and achievement of wound healing. Results: Procedural success was achieved in 92.5%. Clinical success was achieved in 92.5%, 89.5% and 85.0% in 1.3 and 12 months fol- low-up, respectively. There were no procedure related death, acute thrombosis, distal embolization or need for urgent surgical inter- vention. Conclusion: Our results show that percutaneous balon angioplasty procedure has with low complication and high success rates in pa- tients with critical limb ischemia

    The difference of mild cognitive impairment in Parkinson's disease from amnestic mild cognitive impairment: Deeper power decrement and no phase-locking in visual event-related responses

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    WOS: 000466619600006PubMed ID: 30851280Event-related oscillatory responses reflect the cognitive status in many neuropsychiatric conditions including mild cognitive impairment (MCI). In this study, a total of 30 patients with amnestic MCI (aMCI) and 25 patients with MCI of Parkinson's disease (PD-MCI) were compared with 28 aged-, gender-, education-matched healthy control (HC) participants using visual event-related delta, theta, alpha oscillatory responses by methods of event related spectral perturbation and inter-trial coherence. PD-MCI and aMCI groups commonly share a decreased theta power, but all electrophysiological deviations from the controls were more prominent in PD-MCI than aMCI in all frequency bands. Additionally, decreased phase-locking in all studied frequency bands was encountered only in PD-MCI group, but it was preserved in aMCI. These findings indicate that visual networks in PD-MCI are more severely affected than aMCI. Reduced phase-locking in PD-MCI may possibly relate to dysfunctioning subcortical modulating centers that take a role in the generation of event-related responses.Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey-TUBITAK [112S459]This study was supported by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey-TUBITAK (Project number: 112S459)