16 research outputs found

    Determination of point displacements in the geodetic network

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    This paper describes the procedure for testing the statistical significance of point displacements in the geodetic network as the intermediate stage between the adjustment of respective epochs measurements and an in-depth deformation analysis. The cumulative distribution function of the test statistic, presenting the relation between the displacement and the displacement accuracy, is determined by simulations. On the basis of this cumulative distribution function a critical value of the test statistic for a selected significance level is determined. In the null hypothesis it is assumed that the point is stable. A comparison of the critical value to the test statistic value is made and the actual risk level for rejecting the null hypothesis is estimated. Further on, a practical example of implementing the test in a simulated network is given. The test statistic proved to be simple and applicable: The points with significant displacements were identified successfully

    Determination of point displacements with deformation analysis methods

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    U radu su opisani postupci deformacijske analize, koji na osnovi geodetskih mjerenja i uz pomoć statističkih metoda određuju prostorne pomake promatranog objekta. Za testiranje je uzeta simulirana geodetska mreža i na njoj su primijenjeni hannoverski, Ašaninov i Mihailovićev postupak. Prikazani su rezultati primijenjenih postupaka deformacijske analize i usporedbe uspješnosti određivanja stabilnih točaka.This paper aims at presenting the implementation of different deformation analysis approaches for determining – on the basis of geodetic observations and with the use of statistical methods – the three-dimensional displacements of a given object. On the test example of a simulated network the analysis of the Hannover, Ašanin and Mihailović approaches has been carried out. Additionally, a comparison regarding the efficiency of stable point identification according to the deformation analysis approaches has been made

    Realisation of geodesy in geotechnics

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    This paper deals with surveying activities in order to define the displacement of the Earth's crust, local displacements of the Earth's surface, and the displacement and deformation of constructed buildings. The determinations of horizontal movements in the terrestrial network, in the terrestrial altitude network and in the GNSS network are dealt with at two levels of accuracy. Geotechnical surveying activities are explained in the paper and demonstrated in the table. The paper Geodesy in geotechnics, published in Geodetski vestnik 54(1), and this paper present an integral whole

    Geodesy in Geotechnics\ud

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    Geodetic methods are one of the possible means of determining the stability of geotechnical objects. The determination of the displacements of the geotechnical objects is specific due to the size and the expected displacements. The expected size of the displacement determines the necessary precision of the displacement determination, whereas the size of the object determines the method of the geodetic measurement. We choose either the terrestrical or the GNSS methods. There is no relevant legal framework for geotechnical measurements. For this reason, we present the characteristics of the single methods and suggest general recommendations regarding the implementation of the geodetic procedures when monitoring the displacements of the geotechnical objects. The recommendations are intended for geotechnical engineers planning the geotechnical objects and the operators of geodetic measurements and investors. The recommendations the facilitate supervision of the geotechnical projects

    Stabilnost nuklearne elektrane Krško

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    The Krško Nuclear Power Plant (NEK) is of strategic importance for the Republic of Slovenia, producing electricity for users in Slovenia and Croatia. It generates over five billion kWh of electrical energy per year, which represents approximately 40% of the total electricity produced in Slovenia and approximately 17% in Croatia. The high level of security in NEK is of high importance; therefore a comprehensive supervision of structures is carried out. A special attention is given to the security systems, including the measurements of vertical displacements of benchmarks and measurements of horizontal displacements of the dam on the Sava River. Periodic geodetic observations are carried out on important technological structures comprising the nuclear island, the Sava River dam and the nuclear waste storage. The article aims at representing the results of geodetic observations for determination of stability and operational security of this important structure.Nuklearna elektrana Krško (NEK) je za državu Sloveniju objekt od izuzetnog strateškog značaja, koji snabdijeva korisnike u Sloveniji i Hrvatskoj. Godišnja proizvodnja iznosi preko 5 milijardi kWh električne energije, što predstavlja približno 40% ukupne proizvodnje električne energije u Sloveniji i 17% u Hrvatskoj. U NEK se zahtjeva iznimno visok stupanj sigurnosti, stoga se izvodi cjelovit nadzor pojedinih objekata i postrojenja. Posebna pozornost je namijenjena sigurnosnim sustavima, među koje ubrajamo i mjerenja vertikalnih pomaka repera i horizontalnih pomaka brane na Savi. Periodična geodetska opažanja se izvode na objektima, koja po kategorizaciji spadaju u najviši sigurnosni razred koji obuhvaća nuklearni otok, branu na Savi i skladište radioaktivnih otpadaka. U radu želimo prikazati važnost geodetskih mjerenja za utvrđivanje stabilnosti i sigurnosti rada tog važnog objekta

    Geodetic activities at the new tide gauge station Koper

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    Under the auspices of the Environmental Agency of\ud the Republic of Slovenia a new state-of-the-art tide\ud gauge station was set up in Koper. The paper presents\ud the geodetic works that were performed in order to\ud determine the position of the tide gauge station in the\ud terrestrial reference system. All measurements were\ud carried out during the testing period of the tide gauge,\ud that is, from the end of 2005 until the begining of\ud 200

    Modified method of deformation analysis according to the Munich approach

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    Despite the technical progress monitoring the stability of engineering structures remains one of the most difficult tasks in engineering geodesy. This article presents the deformation analysis according to the Munich approach of W. M. Welsch. The method deals with the testing of the geodetic network's congruence, the affinity of selected triangles, and the testing of other kinematic parameters in 2D geodetic networks. Deformation analysis using the Munich approach can be performed using the X-method, which is based on the comparison of the coordinates of identical points in the geodetic network between two sets of measurements that depend on the geodetic datum, or using the L-method, which determines changes in the values of lengths and angles which are quantities independent of the geodetic datum. In the modified method, we propose to determine the congruence of all lengths and all angles in the network between two sets of measurements and to determine the congruence of all triangles between points in the network, not only selected ones, as it is common in the classical approach of deformation analysis based on the Munich approach. The proposed improvements are tested on the example of a known hexagon, and an analysis is made of the success of detecting stable points in the network using the classical Munich approach. In the present case, the results of the proposed method did not differ from the results of other deformation analysis methods

    Sledljivost informacijam v PLM okvirju

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    V prispevku predstavljamo okvir za razvoj sledljivosti inženirskim informacijam, ki temelji na implementaciji zapisov sledljivosti v inženirskem okolju. Pri razvoju proizvoda smo podrobneje preučevali štiri ključne procese (zahteve, spremembe, značilnosti in odločitve), ki predstavljajo osnovo za razvoj in implementacijo okvirja sledljivosti